National color raw owl

Chapter 795 The King of All Poisons

() Gugou County to the south of Taiyuan City is one of the many counties in Anyi Road, under the direct jurisdiction of Taiyuan City, and Jiming Village is one of the villages under the jurisdiction of Gugou County.

Gugou County is a relatively poor area in Anyi Road, and Jiming Village is a poor village in a poor county.

What happened in the village recently caused panic among the whole village. There are [-] households in Jiming Village, and there are nearly [-] people, old and young.

Just ten days ago, a very strange thing happened in the village first. The chickens and ducks raised by the villagers all died suddenly without warning.

All the poultry were killed almost overnight, and their bodies were as stiff as stones.

The villagers hadn't recovered from the shock, and what happened next made everyone panic. Seven or eight strong men who were usually strong and strong suddenly lost their souls and became The walking dead.

The old people in the village, headed by the village chief, got together for a small meeting, and then asked the villagers to send all the soulless strong men to a house at the entrance of the village.

The family members of these strong men naturally disagree, but the whole village is afraid that these people will implicate the whole village. Village Zheng and others put great pressure on the family members. I couldn't bear the pain and sent people there.

Before these strange things happened in Jiming Village, there were actually many strange news from other places.

Everyone knows that these strange things have happened in many places in Anyi recently, and they even know that it is Yin ghosts who have entered the underworld to cause disaster. People are always full of great fear for those ghosts in the underworld.

Muramasa and the others have already made it clear from the strange news in other places that once someone loses his soul, he is entangled by a ghost, and no matter what method he uses, he cannot be rescued. More people were victimized.

There is only one way to be possessed by a ghost, and that is to wait for the impermanent ghost to come and take the ghost away. As long as Wuchang takes the ghost away, the village will be free from any harm.

These people have lived in the village for generations, and no one is willing to leave their homes and move to other places. After these strange things happened in Jiming Village, the village chief and the old antiques in the village immediately made a decision that they could only sacrifice those few strong people. Han, to ensure the safety of the entire village.

The room at the entrance of the village was vacated, and the seven strong men were sent in after their family members bathed them and put on brand new clothes.

They couldn't resist the pressure of the whole village. Although they knew that their loved ones were sent in, it would be very dangerous, but they couldn't resist at all.

According to news from other places, once you enter the nightmare, it will be three days earlier or five days later. The impermanent ghost will definitely come to seduce the soul and take away the possessed ghost. For these people, this kind of ghost thing Naturally, it is impossible to report to the government. The affairs of the gods and ghosts among the people have always been resolved by the people themselves, and they have never been willing to let the government participate in these matters.

According to the instructions of the village, in order to ensure the absolute safety of the village, from the third day onwards, as soon as it gets dark, every household must close the gate and turn off the lights. No matter what kind of weird things happen outside, no one is allowed to go out, so as not to increase More injuries, the whole village must survive for five days before returning to normal life.

It snowed again today. Although it had already rested at dusk, the snow had not yet melted, and a layer of white snow had accumulated on the ground. Even at night, the white ground could be vaguely seen.

It's been an hour and a half, and the whole village is very quiet, deathly quiet. It's freezing cold in winter, and the atmosphere in the village makes anyone who walks into the village feel dizzy. cold.

When Chu Huan entered the village in the middle of the night, he also felt a little cold.

More than a dozen miles away from the village, Chu Huan and his party let go of their mounts and walked to the village in the dark. Everything was deadly silent, and the three of them had enough time to inquire about the situation in the village. This house is the only place that is lit.

It seems to be to let the impermanent ghost know where the target is. Although the lights of every household in the village have been turned off, the lights in the houses at the entrance of the village are on.

The villagers didn't know if they could guide the so-called ghost of impermanence, but they obviously didn't expect to show Chu Huan the way.

Chu Huan felt a lot more relaxed when it was confirmed that the strong men who had fallen into a nightmare in the village were placed in the house at the entrance of the village.

The three of them did not enter through the main entrance, but entered the house through the window. This room has a main hall and a room on the left and right. The wooden bed, Chu Huan and the others entered the house, and there was nothing in the main hall except for two dilapidated wooden beds, and on the wooden beds lay two men in coarse clothes, the clothes were newly made The two strong men were lying on the bed, as if they were dead, motionless. When Chu Huan and the other three entered the room, the three of them did not move at all. Even when Chu Huan came to them, they did not respond at all.

Ma Zheng and Liu Suifeng followed Chu Huan on one left and one on the right. The three of them did not bring a dagger with them on this trip, but they carried a dagger on their body. The two followed Chu Huan and did not dare to take it lightly. He was going to follow the vines and go deep into the tiger's mouth. For the sake of secrecy, he only brought these two camel-born subordinates with him.

The two of them also knew that this trip was a great risk, and they had already made up their minds that no matter what happened, they would swear to the death to ensure Chu Huan's safety.

With the help of the dim light, Chu Huan could clearly see that the eyes of the two strong men who had fallen into a nightmare were all open. At first glance, they looked very scary and strange, but the pupils of the two were dim and very distracted.

"My lord, why do you look at the two of them like this?" Ma Zheng asked in a low voice: "They really look like they are haunted by ghosts...!"

Ma Zheng and Liu Suifeng only felt that the room was dark and gloomy, but when they looked at the two corpse-like men lying on the bed, they felt a little creepy in their hearts.

They are different from Chu Huan. Chu Huan does not believe in things like gods and ghosts, but Ma Zheng and Liu Suifeng naturally do not. The ancients are still very superstitious about ghosts and gods. Even at this moment, Ma Zheng and Liu Suifeng Feng also didn't feel that he completely denied that it was the work of ghosts and gods.

Chu Huan didn't speak immediately. He looked at the other two rooms one after another. There were two beds in each, and almost all of them were lying on the beds. However, in the left room, there was a person sitting on the bed like a stone. .

Chu Huan returned to the main hall and said in a low voice: "Ma Zheng, you should first stare at the window and pay attention to the movement outside."

Ma Zheng agreed and walked over, and Chu Huan instructed Liu Suifeng again: "Suifeng, roll up this man's arms and sleeves...!" Liu Suifeng didn't know what Chu Huan was going to do, but he still followed According to his order, a strong man's arm was pulled out from the shabby bedding, and then his sleeves were rolled up, exposing his arm.

Then Chu Huan carefully took out a small jade box from his arms. Liu Suifeng was puzzled, but saw that Chu Huan had already opened the small jade box, and then carefully put the small jade box close to the strong man's arm. Then he was surprised to find that from the jade box, two small worms all over in green crawled out. Under the dim light, the color of the worms was very conspicuous, and they began to crawl on the arms of the strong man. .

Liu Suifeng opened his mouth, he didn't know why, naturally he didn't know that these two green bugs were a gift from Empress Gusa to Chu Huan, and they were rare wonders in the world.

The icy heart worm is not only a poison, it can release extremely poisonous to the human body, but at the same time it is the king of all poisons, it can restrain many poisonous properties, the most important thing is that this icy core worm has a unique skill, those poisonous properties that people cannot know for sure , Xinglin Miaoshou may not be able to detect it, but Bingxinworm has the ability to detect it.

These strong men lost their souls one by one, as if their souls had been taken away. In Chu Huan's eyes, the so-called ghost possession is of course nonsense, but the symptoms of these strong men are quite strange, so he was naturally the first to think of it. It is these people who may have been poisoned.

Liu Suifeng opened his eyes wide, two ice worms were moving up and down the strong man's arms, Chu Huan held the jade box in his hand, and remained motionless, time passed, Liu Suifeng finally whispered: "Master, there is a change...!"

Chu Huan nodded slightly. He had already seen that the color of the two ice worms, which were originally all blue, had changed slightly. In the blue, they turned slightly red.

Chu Huan approached the jade box. This jade box is naturally unusual. The box given to him by the Empress Gusa has a strange fragrance. Temptation, the two ice worms quickly climbed into the box, Chu Huan held the jade box to look carefully, saw the two ice worms entered the box, and then remained motionless, at this time he could clearly see the ice worms The color of the back is already more conspicuous, reddish in blue.

Chu Huan felt a little worried. He knew that the two ice worms were very valuable, but at the moment they were motionless, and they would never be hurt by the poison in the strong man's body.

At this time, he was sure that the so-called nightmare of the strong man was nonsense, he was definitely poisoned, and he was even more sure that what happened in the village had nothing to do with ghosts and ghosts, it was just human work.

But he couldn't be sure what kind of poison the strong man was poisoned by, and he didn't know how powerful the poison was, and whether the ice core worm would cause huge damage, but this worry disappeared in just a moment, and the two ice core worms The color of the body quickly changed again, the blood red color began to dissipate slowly, and after a while, the blue color returned, and the two ice core worms moved again.

Chu Huan heaved a sigh of relief, closed the box, and put it away, knowing that although the ice worm was invaded by the poison in the strong man's body just now, the ice worm melted away the poison within a short period of time.

"They've been poisoned!" Chu Huan whispered, "I'll have to wait and see now, if it's not a nightmare, then is impermanence impermanence?"

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