National color raw owl

Chapter 8 Blood armor, no nameplate!

When Chu Huan returned to the bow deck, the bow was already overcrowded. All the passengers in the cabin had been driven to the bow, crowded in the center of the bow deck, and more than a dozen gangsters surrounded the surrounding area with big knives. It was silent at the moment.

When they arrived on the boat, two gangsters immediately tied up Chu Huan with a rope and pushed them into the crowd, but the gray package that Chu Huan had been carrying was snatched by one of the gangsters.

When Chu Huan arrived in the crowd, he saw Su Linlang, master and servant, at a glance. Except for a glimpse on the road before boarding the boat, this was the first time Chu Huan saw Su Linlang on the boat.

The maid was standing beside Su Linlang, her pretty face was already pale, and the old man called "Old Su" was also standing beside Su Linlang, and Su Linlang was still wearing a bamboo hat on her head, and the hanging black veil was still Her face was covered, and her face could not be seen clearly, but her graceful and plump figure stood out from the crowd and stood out from the crowd.

Chu Huan glanced across the crowd, and saw that Xue Laoliu and others who had just entered the water were also lying on the deck at this time, all tied up, and several people were unconscious with blood stains on their bodies, and they didn't know whether they were dead or alive. Beside this group of people, Chu Huan saw Wei Tianqing with his hands tied behind his back and a big knife around his neck. Huan, with their eyes facing each other, Wei Tianqing nodded slightly. Although his expression was serious, there was still a hint of admiration in his eyes.

The female bandit leader jumped onto the deck from the side of the ship, tore off a piece of cloth from somewhere on her body, and covered her face again. After boarding the boat, she saw that Chu Huan was tied up behind her back, sneered, and caught a glimpse of one of the bandit hands. He was carrying the package that Chu Huan was carrying just now, stepped forward and said coldly, "Open it!"

At this time, she was sure that Chu Huan's background was not simple, and she suffered a big loss in Jiangzhong just now, so she wanted to see what was in the package.

The bandits squatted down, put the package on the deck, and opened it very neatly.

The masked man also came over, and many people looked into the package, only to see a dark brown in the eyes, the gangsters reached out to pick up the things inside, there was a "Kerala" sound, and when it opened, it opened. A piece of broken armor, one can tell it is the armor worn by soldiers on the upper body, but this armor is already dilapidated, with many holes, and it is covered with blood, which has already turned black.

There was a hint of surprise in the female bandit leader's eyes, apparently she didn't expect that the package contained a piece of blood-stained armor. Seeing that there seemed to be something else in the package, she bent down and took the thing in her hand, but It was a wooden plaque, and upon closer inspection under the moonlight, it turned out to be a memorial tablet for the deceased.

The female bandit leader's eyes were full of surprise, she looked at both sides of the spirit card, but there was not a single word, and she didn't know who it was used for.

Chu Huan had no expression on his face, and looked at the female bandit leader indifferently. His hands tied behind his back had slowly clenched into fists, and for the first time a serious chill appeared in those eyes.

The masked man also felt a little strange, but saw the female bandit leader's wet clothes clinging to her body, outlining the bumps and ups and downs of the enchanting figure, especially the two plump breasts that were pulled because of the corset, so she proudly Standing upright, the wet clothes cling to it. Although the snow-white and delicate spring light inside cannot be seen, the shape of the two mountain peaks is clearly visible. The waves are really like anger and the peaks are like clusters. This mask can't be seen under the cover of the mask. His expression was clear, but those eyes were full of hot flames, he approached slightly, and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

The female bandit leader ignored him, but walked up to Chu Huan, raised the knife to Chu Huan's throat, raised her other hand, glanced at the nameless spirit card, and said coldly: "What are these? Are you A soldier?"

Chu Huan said lightly: "No!"

"Isn't this piercing armor yours?" The female bandit leader slowly withdrew her knife, "Whose is this spirit card?"

Chu Huan's expression became weird, he frowned, pondered for a moment, and then said lightly: "This is my brother's battle armor. He died in battle. I couldn't bring back his body. I can only bring back the armor he wore when he was alive. Return to hometown for burial!" He looked at the unknown spirit card in the hands of the female bandit leader, his expression was very sad, and his voice was indescribably calm: "The place where he died is far away from his hometown, Shangao Road, I'm afraid he won't find it. On the way home, take this spirit card with you, he... won't get lost!"

The female bandit leader's eyes showed surprise, and Wei Tianqing was also terrified when he heard Chu Huan's words.

"Why did you die in battle?" The female bandit leader asked again: "Isn't he killed because he oppressed the people? The lackeys of the imperial court can't do anything good at all?"

A serious expression suddenly appeared on Chu Huan's face, his bound hands clenched into fists, his veins protruding, and his voice was unspeakably cruel: "Shut up! If you slander me again, you will surely die!"

His sudden cold shout surprised everyone at the bow of the ship. At this time, the bandits were like maggots, and Chu Huan was like a fish. At such a time, he dared to coldly shout at the female bandit leader like this. Everyone felt that Chu Huan really didn't know how to live or die. If the gangsters were enraged at this time, as long as someone swung their swords, Chu Huan might lose his head.

There was a strange look in Wei Tianqing's eyes, and it seemed that he did not expect that Chu Huan would have such courage. However, Su Linlang, who had been standing in the crowd like a daffodil, turned her head slightly. Under the black veil, a pair of eyes He looked at Chu Huan.


Chu Huan yelled, but there was no anger in the eyes of the female bandit leader, but the eyes of the masked man immediately showed anger, and shouted: "Come on, chop this kid up for me, and see if it's the knife or his bones." hard!"

A gangster next to him raised his knife and was about to chop, the passengers immediately turned their heads away, not daring to look any further, but the female bandit leader said coldly: "Stop!" .

The masked man hurriedly said: "This kid is full of nonsense. It's not a good thing. It's a disaster to keep it. It should be removed sooner!"

The female bandit leader sneered, "Should you give the orders, or should I listen to them?"

Hearing this, the masked man had nothing to say, and gave Chu Huan a bitter look.

"Are you going to take all these people away?" The female bandit leader swept away the surrounded crowd, and on her face, Captain Pan was waiting for a boatman. There were more than 30 people, all crowded together on the bow of the boat.

The masked man laughed and said: "Of course not." He raised his hand and pointed at six or seven people in a row, "You all stand up!" Su Linlang was also among the people being pointed out.

The few people he pointed to were all dressed in brocade clothes, and they looked like wealthy people, but none of the attendants pointed them out.

The crowd didn't move for a while, and some gangsters shouted sharply: "Everyone who is called stand aside, if anyone plays tricks, I will cut off his head with a knife!"

Everyone didn't dare to resist, several people hurried out of the crowd and stood aside, Su Linlang moved to go, the maid hurriedly grabbed her arm, her face was full of horror, tremblingly said: "Miss...!"

Su Linlang raised her hand and patted the maidservant's hand lightly. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, her posture was graceful, and she seemed to be unafraid and calm. She just said softly, "Take care of Suber!" Her voice was very soft, but But it also gives people a very cool feeling.

"Old Su" opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in front of the enemy, what can he do as an old man over fifty years old?And knowing that even arguing with these gangsters would be useless, and that it would cause even more trouble, he could only watch Su Linlang gracefully walk aside.

The masked man waved his hand and said, "Take them back to the boat, and I'll tie them up... Hehe, these aren't people, they're white money." He got on a sampan, and then drove Su Linlang and other six or seven people onto the bandit boat, and the masked man walked up to Wei Tianqing, and glanced at the pale and pale beautiful woman beside Wei Tianqing , glanced over the beautiful woman's bulging chest, and said with a sneer: "Wei Tianqing, this time I condescend to you, my lord, to take a walk with us. If you are lucky, you may still have a chance to live!" , and asked people to push Wei Tianqing and the beautiful woman onto the bandit boat, but Erhu and Heizi, who were lying unconscious on the ground, didn't care.

A bandit next to him approached and asked, "What about these people?"

The masked man whispered a few words, and the man immediately found a wooden bucket, fetched a bucket of water from the river, and then brought it over, and asked someone to find a wooden ladle, stirred it in the bucket, and then scooped it up. Taking a ladle of water, he walked up to a passenger, handed the wooden ladle over, and said harshly, "Take a sip!"

The man took the wooden ladle tremblingly, saw the turbid river water in the wooden ladle, and said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty, why... why do you drink the river water?" On the side of his neck, he said coldly: "Where are there so many nonsense, whether you want to drink the river water or lose your head, it's up to you to choose!"

The man had no choice but to take a sip of the river water from the wooden ladle, and then he wanted to pass it back to the bandits. The bandits pouted and said, "pass it on, and everyone has to take a sip. If you don't want to drink the river water, just stay." The head is fine!"

Everyone was helpless, except for those whose hands and feet were bound, they all drank, and then the gangsters took wooden ladles and poured water into the mouths of the bound boatmen, and finally came to Chu Huan, and they also poured water into Chu Huan's mouth , but heard the female bandit leader already said: "Don't give it to him, take him away too!"

The masked man hurriedly said: "This man is of no use. Either kill him or leave him behind. Why do you want to take him away? Don't cause any trouble!"

The female bandit leader glanced at him coldly, went straight to the bandit ship, and said coldly: "Take him away!" On the deck, she turned her head and said flatly, "Wrap his package and take him away together! "Back to the bandit ship.

Two bandits stepped forward and pushed Chu Huan onto the bandit boat. Chu Huan had just arrived at the bow of the bandit boat when he suddenly heard a "bang bang" sound from behind him. He turned around and saw those who had drunk The passengers in Jiangshui fell on the deck one by one.

Chu Huan's face turned cold, and he said coldly, "Is there poison in the water?"

A bandit pushed him hard and said: "We rob the rich and give to the poor. They are obedient, so naturally they won't kill them. But we can't let him report the news so quickly. The water has been poured with sweat medicine. Before tomorrow noon, we won't kill them." No one can wake up!" Then he laughed, very proud——

ps: Collection, red ticket, red ticket, collection! ! ! !

Received a radio interview on May 28th, there is a special question post on the top post, please support me!

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