() Luo Duo shook his head and said, "Although the 36th family is Zhang Jiao's designated successor, the 36th family is only a participant in this Tianmen Rebellion, and they are not the real initiators."

Chu Huan was taken aback, and wondered, "Could it be that there are Taoists of Taiping who are above the 36 families?"

Luo Duo chuckled, and said: "There are so many strange people and strange things between heaven and earth, why not use the influence of the Taiping Dao to develop the Tianmen Dao? As long as their goals are the same and the timing is right, they can naturally walk together."

"Brother, what do you mean is that it is not the 36 family that really dominates the Tianmen Dao, but someone else?" Chu Huan became more suspicious, "In other words, the 36 family is only following the orders of others?"

"Although many of the 36 families have participated, not all of them have been involved." Luo Duo said slowly: "The 36 families have been hidden for hundreds of years. If there is no absolute time, they will naturally not show up easily. Half of them are not involved. They are naturally waiting for the opportunity. If the power of Tianmen Dao becomes stronger and stronger, then in the end, it is very likely that all 36 families will be involved. As for the Six Dao of Tianmen, it is not only the children of 36 families who can Enter, although the direct disciples of Tianmen Dao are strictly selected, there are three types of people who are Tianmen Dao's favorite disciples."

"Which three types of people are you talking about?"

"The first category is naturally the children of the 36 families." Luo Duo said: "The 36 families hold the 36 Fang Tokens, and they are true Taiping disciples. Their loyalty to the Taoist sect is by no means comparable to ordinary people, so as long as they have the 36 Fang Tokens in hand , it is easy to enter the Six Paths of Tianmen."

"The second type of people?"

"Remains of the old country!"

"The legacy of the old country?"

"The state of Qin stood up on top of numerous corpses." Luo Duo smiled strangely, "After the Hua Dynasty, the world was divided into regimes, known as the Eighteen Kingdoms of the Central Plains. Speaking of which, the real regime power can be far away. There are not only eighteen kingdoms. In troubled times, those who occupy the mountains are kings, and those who go down to the lake are extremely kingdoms. The eighteen kingdoms are only the strongest among them, and they all call themselves kings. Back then, among the eighteen kingdoms, he was not the strongest. You didn’t witness the conflicts in the world back then, so naturally you don’t know the cruelty of those years. Yingyuan destroyed countless countries, but also killed countless people. A country's capital will inevitably bring about a great deal of murder...!"

Chu Huan frowned and said, "My little brother really didn't witness the battle for the founding of the country back then. It's just... If you have to kill every city you attack, this... It doesn't seem like a good idea. When you attack other cities, With the lessons learned from the past, wouldn't the defenders of other cities resist to the death? The emperor should not be so confused."

Luo Duo laughed and said, "The so-called killing spree doesn't refer to the soldiers and civilians in the city!"

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"Yingyuan is a person who is good at buying people's hearts." Luo Duo said slowly: "He really wants to capture a city, but he won't kill the defenders and the people who surrendered. Instead, he will issue a ban to harass the people. The military regulations are quite strict...!" Speaking of this, there was a look of sarcasm in his eyes, "If you want to conquer the world and sit on that chair, Yingyuan is not too stupid. The so-called massacre is against those monarchs. !"

Chu Huan understood that Yingyuan led the Great Qin Iron Cavalry to conquer the north and south, and destroyed countless countries. Although the army was strict, in order to make a statement, he did not commit any crimes to the people, but this did not mean that he was kind. The monarchs, ministers and generals of the country do not have the same treatment as ordinary people or even surrendered soldiers.

"Yingyuan is afraid that those kings who have subjugated the country will rise again, so every time a country is destroyed, all the royal families of the countries will be killed by various means." Luo Duo said slowly: "Of course it is impossible for him to count all the royal families of the eighteen countries. Execution, the royal family who survived the catastrophe will naturally regard Ying Yuan as a sworn enemy, but these royal families have a certain influence to gather the survivors of the subjugated country, so Tianmen Dao is also trying its best to win over such a group of people, Tianmen Among the Six Paths, there are many survivors of the Eighteen Kingdoms."

Chu Huan suddenly remembered that when he was in the capital, he had killed an assassin with the Cloud Swallowing Sword in his hand, and later learned that that person was Liu Yao, the exiled prince of Tianshu Kingdom.

Who was Liu Yao ordered to assassinate him? I haven't figured it out until now, but after hearing what Luo Duo said today, Chu Huan suddenly thought, could it be that Liu Yao is also a disciple of Tianmen Dao?If he was a disciple of Tianmen Dao, who ordered him to lie in ambush in the well and wait for an opportunity to assassinate him.

"What kind of people do you mean by the third type of people that Big Brother mentioned?"

"Strange visitors from the rivers and lakes." Luo Duodao said: "Tianmen Dao is mainly dominated by the 36 families and survivors of the subjugated country, but it also tries its best to buy strange people and strangers in the rivers and lakes. The 36 families entered Tianmen Dao to fulfill the family's anti-Zhangjiao. The promise, or in other words, for the ideal, the subjugated ministers are to overthrow the Qin State, revenge and restore the country, and the strange people in the rivers and lakes, that is to enter the Tianmen Dao for profit, they are naturally because the Tianmen Dao has offered generous conditions. Will join, these people have special skills, Tianmen Dao can use it, but compared to the previous two forces, Tianmen Dao is both useful and defensive against this group of strange people gathered in the rivers and lakes."

Chu Huan suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Brother, this Qianlong Cave is the place where Tianmen Dao uses to forge weapons. As far as I know, whether it is iron smelting or forging weapons, it is not something ordinary people can do. These craftsmen , could it be that they are all strange people and strangers collected by Tianmen Dao in the rivers and lakes?"

Luo Duo nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, as I said just now, there are six ways of Tianmen, soldiers, arts, ghosts, gold, darkness, and generals. Among them, the way of gold and the way of generals are the two most core ways of Tianmen. There are only 36 families and subjugated ministers who can enter these two realms."

Chu Huan suddenly realized that the information revealed by Luo Duo today was far beyond what Chu Huan thought. Originally, he knew nothing about Tianmen Dao, but after what Luo Duo said, he already knew a general idea of ​​Tianmen Dao, and he firmly believed that , Not too many people know about the situation he has learned. The more so, he also feels that Luo Duo is really unfathomable.

This man's martial arts are superb, completely beyond Chu Huan's understanding of martial arts, and Luo Duo's deep understanding of Tianmen Dao also makes Chu Huan feel incredible.

Chu Huan believes that there may be people who know the existence of the Six Paths of the Heavenly Gate, but certainly not many people know the existence of the 36 schools holding the 36 Orders, and not many people know the composition of the Six Paths of the Heavenly Gate. People, it is reasonable to know this, but Luo Duo claims that he is not a Taoist of Tianmen.

Chu Huan also felt that Luo Duo should not be a Taoist of Tianmen. Tianmen Taoism and the court are sworn enemies. If Luo Duo was a Taoist of Tianmen, it would be impossible for him to disclose so much information to himself, a court official.

Chu Huan could feel that Luo Duo did not have any hostility towards him, and fortunately this person was a friend rather than an enemy, otherwise it would be easy for the other party to take his life, but when he learned about many heavenly things from Luo Duo, On the contrary, he was even more curious about Luo Duo's identity. I remember that the first time I saw this person was in Lin Lang's wine shop. After that, he suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly went to Yunshan Prefecture to find him teaching the "Dragon Elephant Sutra" , and then disappeared for a long time. There are too many secrets shrouded in this person. Chu Huan knew that since the other party did not take the initiative to tell, even if he asked, he would not know any information from Luo Duo.

"Brother must have seen it too, they don't treat people as human beings at all." Chu Huan looked sternly, "Beside here, there is that corpse pit, and there are no less than hundreds of corpses in the corpse pit. I don’t know how long this Qianlong Cave has existed, but just that one corpse pit is filled with hundreds of corpses. I can’t imagine that the way of heaven is all over Daqin. How many people have they killed in secret under the banner of saving lives?"

Luo Duo laughed and said, "Don't the people of the Central Plains often say that if one master succeeds, ten thousand bones will die?"

Chu Huan nodded and said: "There is nothing wrong with this statement. Differences in ideas and the existence of contradictions will lead to conflicts in the world. Confrontation on the battlefield, floating corpses for thousands of miles, is a battle for killing. The people are dissatisfied with the court. If they want to rebel, let them do it." That is, after all, they are fighting for themselves. It is the imperial court's job to put them down. It is their own courage to rise up. However, Tianmen Dao uses demons and sorcery to confuse the people, and at the same time claims to save the people from fire and water Among them, on the one hand, they don’t treat the people as human beings at all, they are all flesh and blood. In the eyes of Tianmen Dao, the people are just tools for them to realize their sinister goals. I have absolutely no right to stand up for the people. If they want chaos, I will kill them.” His eyes sharpened, “No matter what ideal of peace, no matter what revenge and restoration of the country, all I see is a group of people who don’t treat the people as human beings. The world can be in chaos, but it cannot be caused by these people, if they want to make waves, then I will not let them make waves, as long as I have a sword in my hand, my sword will definitely swing towards them!"

Luo Duo stared at Chu Huan, pondered for a while, and finally asked: "You want to kill Tianmen?"

Chu Huan did not hesitate, stared into Luo Duo's eyes, and said slowly: "I know that the world is in chaos. I don't know where the world is going. Just like what I said, the people in the world are dissatisfied with the imperial court and want to find The new way of life, they dare to stand up, my younger brother will admire their courage, but although my younger brother is weak, I can't let those evil sects take advantage of the situation to make trouble, I have a murder sword, and I will kill the Tianmen!"

Luo Duo laughed and said, "Tianmen Dao is powerful, but it's not easy to deal with. Brother Chu, it's not easy for you to kill Tianmen Dao... As you said yourself, you are weak and weak, and you are not an opponent of Tianmen Dao. If you really have the ambition to kill Tianmen, you must really have a murderous sword, and if you want to refine a murderous sword, you must first have a murderous heart that despises heaven and earth, do you... have it?"

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