() Yi Gusi thought that the Huang family brothers would not agree to his conditions, his face darkened, and he was even ready to turn around and leave, but Huang Zhigui had already got up, saying: "Cave master, please be safe and don't be impatient."

But Huang Tianyi also got up, and said with a smile: "Cave master, please wait a moment!" He was fat and leaned on the pillow next to him, and turned to the back with his bare feet, Yi Gu thought he was wondering, and in a moment, he saw Huang Tianyi He had already come back, but saw Huang Tianyi holding a stack of silver notes in his left hand, and a gold box in his right hand, he stepped forward and put the gold box on the table beside Yi Gusi, the silver notes had been stuffed into Yi Gusi In his hand, he said softly, "Cave master, this is 5 taels of silver, and three thousand soldiers will be dispatched. Let them share the 5 taels of silver, and don't let the brothers be wronged." On the box, "There are sixteen small beads inside. The cave masters are the masters. Give one to each of the sixteen cave masters as a token of affection."

Yi Gusi was a little surprised and said, "What are you?"

"Cave master, don't be surprised." Huang Tianyi said surongly: "These 5 taels of silver are just for sending troops, and they can be used by the brothers before they set off. As long as they capture Taiyuan City, Tianyi will give another 10 taels of silver. For the deceased, 100 taels of silver for beard strokes, ten taels of silver for removing a human head, is the Cave Master satisfied?"

Huang Tianyi knew people's thoughts, the ghost people didn't ask for much, if he added more, the ghost people would be grateful, and would fight to the death. He knew that although the ghost people were isolated from the world, they were a bit rough, but speaking from the heart, The Ghost Fangren were brave, Huang Tianyi really thought that the Ghost Fangren would be used by him in the future, so having such a power in his hand was naturally something he could not have wished for.

Yi Gusi frowned, thoughtful, Huang Tianyi saw that he was staring blankly at the bank note, and immediately said: "Don't worry, Cave Master, this bank note is valid throughout the country, and all four major banks in the empire can get cash in cash."

Yi Gusi shook his head and said, "That's not what I mean." After thinking for a while, he finally said: "We, the people of Guifang, keep our word. Since we have agreed to ten taels of silver per person, we will not change it. We can mobilize more than 3000 taels of silver at most. We can’t do anything if there are too many people, we can only accept 3 taels of silver, and we won’t accept any excess.” He counted some silver notes, left 1 taels of silver notes, and returned the remaining 4 taels Huang Tianyi said solemnly: "I'll take 1 taels first, and after we send out troops, the remaining 2 taels will be transferred to the Elder Master!"

The Huang brothers glanced at each other, they were all amazed, this man from Guifang is really weird, with such a huge sum of money, it would have been put in his pocket long ago by someone else, this Yi Gusi is unusual.

"Elder Master, Seventh Master, the ugly words come first." Yi Gusi put the 1 taels of silver bills into his arms with a solemn expression, "The ghost party will send troops as agreed, but... what you promised, when the time comes, must be Fulfillment, we ghosts respect our promises, if you can't fulfill your promises by then, we will have to fight each other."

His eyes were sharp and determined.

Huang Zhigui smiled and said, "Cave Master Yi, don't worry, we will never go back on our word."

Yi Gusi nodded, and finally asked: "Then when shall we send troops?"

Huang Tianyi looked at Huang Zhigui, but Huang Zhigui was pondering, Yi Gusi had already said: "Don't you two know when to send troops?"

Huang Zhigui shook his head with a smile and said: "To attack Taiyuan, we must first break out of the encirclement of officers and soldiers...!" He smiled strangely and asked, "What good strategy does Cave Master Yi have?"

Yi Gu thought: "Why bother to think so hard. The troops on the east side of Yusuo Lake are the least, and I can see that there are only about a thousand people. If you agree, we, the ghosts, will fight for the first battle."

Huang Tianyi became interested, "What does the Cave Master mean?"

"Isn't it just more than 1000 horses?" Yi Gusi showed disdain, "Their attention is all in the lake. Let's set a time. If you send troops from the lake to the east, they will definitely think that you are going to break out. I have three thousand The ghost warriors are hiding behind them, and when we attack from behind, I think they must be vulnerable!"

Huang Tianyi laughed and said: "The warriors from the ghost side are naturally invincible."

Huang Zhigui was thoughtful and asked, "Even if we repel the officers and soldiers on the east bank, they still have a lot of troops, and they will definitely rush to help!"

Yi Gusi frowned and said: "You have 3000 to 6000 people here, plus our Gui Fang, there are also [-] to [-] people, and the officers and soldiers do not have an advantage in numbers!" After a pause, he said with a bit of doubt: "Didn't you two say that there are several other troops going out together? Our troops will probably be no less than them!"

Huang Tianyi said: "Although that is the case, those groups of people still have their own missions. Our goal is to take down the entire Anyi, and the cities of other states must also be taken down. This Taiyuan City needs to be fought by ourselves." See Yi Gu Si changed slightly, and immediately said: "However, there are still our people in Taiyuan City, as long as we attack the city and take down Taiyuan, it will be a matter of time!"

Yi Gusi frowned and said, "In this way, only five or six thousand of us are the only ones attacking Taiyuan City?"

Huang Tianyi said with a smile: "Actually, there are still a lot of people and horses, but Master Yi, think about it, this Taiyuan city is a Taoist city in Anyi, with high walls and thick walls, and tight defenses. Attacking this city is not because of the large number of people, but because of surprise. Several groups of people are moving to Taiyuan City. As long as the government sees the slightest movement, they will definitely tighten up the city defense. Just in case, they will put the whole city under martial law. At that time, we should not be able to act in the city. It will be very difficult to attack Taiyuan City."

Huang Zhigui continued next to him: "So to attack Taiyuan City, we can only do so by surprise. Cave Master Yi's plan just now is also a clever strategy. If we attack from the east and turn south, the officers and soldiers may think that we are breaking out of the siege. As we fled, we headed straight for Taiyuan City. As soon as we got to Taiyuan City, the officers and soldiers in the city must be caught off guard. We should cooperate with the people in the city, and Taiyuan City can be taken down in one fell swoop." Speaking of this, the smile on his face became stronger: " As long as we take Taiyuan City, capture the officials big and small in the city, and raise the flag on the top of the city, then there will be as many people responding."

Yi Gu thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, then do this?"

Huang Zhigui's smile suddenly subsided, and he sighed: "But there is a loophole in this, if this loophole is not filled, I'm afraid something will happen."

Yi Gusi sat down slowly and asked, "What loophole?"

"Reinforcement." Huang Zhigui sighed: "When we send troops to attack the east, the officers and soldiers of other places must know that many of the officers and soldiers are equipped with horses. We are also hundreds of miles away from Taiyuan City. Zhigui is worried that we have not arrived yet. Under the city, the reinforcements from the officers and soldiers from other places will catch up with us, if we are entangled by them, even if we can defeat them with our strength, but with such a delay, Taiyuan City may also get news...!"

Yi Gusi understood, and said: "Master Seven, you want to stop the reinforcements, but also drive quickly to the city of Taiyuan?"

Huang Zhigui nodded, gave a thumbs up and said, "Master Yi is really good at tactics."

Yi Gusi waved his hand and said: "I'm just talking nonsense, I don't know any tactics." After a pause, he said: "We Guifang people have lived in the mountains for many years, and we have to hunt for a living from time to time. They will not touch head-on, but set traps."

Huang Tianyi said "Oh", only to hear Yi Gusi continue: "I really remember that year in the mountains, I met a cave inhabited by Xiong Xiazi. Xiong Xiazi was very strong, with rough skin and thick flesh, so it was difficult to capture Now we dug a trap not far from the bear cave, and then sent a tribesman with agility and speed to provoke the bear cave. The blind bear chased him, and the tribe led him to the trap. The blind bear Actually fell into a trap and was hunted down by us."

Huang Zhigui rolled his eyes, seemed to understand something, and asked, "Cave Master Yi said that he set up an ambush for the officers and soldiers?"

Yi Gusi showed a rare smile, "If you two can be trusted, we will leave the matter of dealing with the reinforcements to our ghost warriors."

Huang Zhigui asked with great interest: "What is the Cave Master going to do?"

"At that time, both of you can take people to Taiyuan." Yi Gusi said: "Let's stay here, I will send a thousand warriors to wait for the reinforcements to catch up, and the remaining two thousand warriors will lay in an ambush beforehand, and when they come, the one thousand warriors will retreat immediately. Let the officers and soldiers think that we are invincible, lead them into the trap we set, and then attack back and forth, the officers and soldiers will inevitably be in chaos. If you can win a big victory, then you will have an inexhaustible supply of heads." Speaking of this, Yi Gusi's eyes showed a fierce light, and the expression on his face was quite ferocious. He was originally very ugly, but now Sometimes it looked like a beast that had already smelled blood.

"Good strategy!" Huang Tianyi clapped his hands and laughed, "Cave Master is indeed a good planner, let's treat the officers and soldiers as blind bears and set up traps, and wait for this blind bear to come in!"

Yi Gusi immediately asked: "Then when can we do it?" He was gearing up with anticipation, as if he was looking forward to the war coming sooner.

Huang Tianyi said: "Don't worry, Cave Master has worked hard all the way, take a break first, Zhigui will discuss the specific matters with you in detail." Xiang Huang Zhigui said: "Zhigui, you take Cave Master to rest first, you must make good arrangements. "

Huang Zhigui came and bowed his hands to say yes, Yi Gusi knew it was getting late, Huang Tianyi was slightly tired, so he clasped his hands together and bowed, Huang Zhigui led him back, and when they left, Huang Tianyi leaned on the pillow, closed his eyes and meditated, after a long time , Huang Zhigui came back again, Huang Tianyi immediately sat up and asked, "Are you ready?"

Huang Zhigui smiled and said: "This man may not be very greedy for money, but he is quite seductive. My younger brother arranged for two women to take a bath for him. This guy saw that no one was there, and he had already got up with those two women. I'm afraid it's not right at this time. Say."

Huang Tianyi nodded and said with a smile: "It's good if there are shortcomings." Pointing to the chair Yi Gusi sat on, "Zhigui, send someone to burn this chair later, there is already a stench in this hall."

Huang Zhigui laughed and said: "It's just a vulgar man, brother, don't worry, we can still use it now. Although this Guifang man doesn't know etiquette and has a simple mind, but if he really wants to fight, he is very fierce."

Huang Tianyi stroked his chin and asked, "Zhigui, do you think people from Guifang can be trusted?"

Huang Zhigui asked back: "Brother, do you think there is something wrong with Yi Gusi?"

"That's not true." Huang Tianyi shook his head, "It's just that the people in Guifang are all rough, if they can really be used by me, everyone will be happy, I'm afraid this group of people will be self-righteous and won't listen to the schedule...! "

Huang Zhigui shook his head and smiled, "Brother, there are only a few thousand people in Guifang. After a few battles, most of them will be lost. A group of unruly savages can't make a big deal. After we take Taiyuan City, we can quickly recruit troops and buy horses. If the Guifang people really dare to make trouble at that time, let’s see if their knives are tougher or our knives.” Picking up the teacup, he took a sip, “Aren’t we going to use them to fight Taiyuan now? With these thousands of people, It’s really a big help right now.”

Huang Tianyi sighed: "It's true that people's hearts are not old. At the beginning, there were as many people as attached to our Huang family, but now we have to rely on a bunch of savages to do things. Those gangsters want to get their own benefits, but they have nothing to do with their mothers...! "

Huang Zhigui persuaded: "Human nature is like this, big brother actually doesn't need to take it to heart. As long as we take down Taiyuan, those scumbags will eventually fall under our feet."

"Taiyuan City...!" Huang Tianyi reached out and picked up a jade ruyi next to him, and stroked it gently, "Our Huang family is about to start a great cause from Taiyuan City, and the blood debt of the Huang family must be repaid from the Hunjun...!" Showing sternness: "This Taiyuan City...can't let others take the lead...!"

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