() "Bad news?"

"Exactly." Li Wangsun explained: "Someone suddenly sent a letter to the lower official's mansion that day. The letter was delivered, and the man left quickly. At that time, the lower official was still very curious. When he opened the letter, he found that it was Claiming that the little girl has been kidnapped, and that she sent a personal jade pendant to her, I can't help but not believe it. The lower official sent people to Jinling to inquire and found out that the little girl really didn't arrive in Jinling, so it was confirmed that something happened. The matter has been hidden from everyone in the mansion, but it can't be concealed from the humble, until now, only the subordinate officials and the humble know about the disappearance of the little girl."

"Does the commander know who kidnapped Ling Ai?"

"I didn't know it at the beginning. Just when the official was so anxious and sent people around to inquire about the whereabouts, a letter suddenly appeared on the official's desk that day." Li Wangsun said with a wry smile: "It is clearly stated in it, the life and death of the little girl. , everything is in my own hands, if the subordinates cooperate with them, everything will be fine, otherwise...!" With a long sigh, the corners of his eyes twitched.

Chu Huan frowned, "Is it the way of heaven?"

Li Wangsun nodded slightly: "It is indeed a letter sent by the demon of Tianmen, and the little girl is in their hands." After a pause, he said: "The official has been investigating the movements of Tianmen Dao these years. Although he doesn't know much, God The doorway also knew that I was looking for their troubles behind their backs. The most important thing is that, shortly before the little girl was kidnapped, the lower official was assassinated once and almost died!"

"Oh?" Chu Huan frowned.

Li Wangsun explained: "At that time, the official was going to Huanzhou to inspect the guardhouse. On the way, he encountered a group of assassins. Four of the guards accompanying the official died on the spot. Fortunately, there were not many of them. , Xiaguan led people to repel them, and captured a wounded assassin. After capturing the assassin, Xiaguan did not continue to Huanzhou, but took the remaining guards and escorted the assassin back to Taiyuan."

Chu Huan just looked at Li Wangsun and didn't speak.

Li Wangsun looked solemn, "At that time, there was still a long way to go to Taiyuan, and I knew that although the Tianmen monster was repelled, he would not let it go. On the way, I personally interrogated the assassin... a man of Tianmen Dao , the mouth is still stubborn, and it was hard for the lower official to pry a few words out of his mouth. Although he was captured, he was very arrogant, claiming that Anyi would soon be reduced to the world of Tianmen Dao, and persuaded the lower official to join Tianmen Dao...!" A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Before he knew it, he had revealed that Tianmen Dao was going to make trouble in Anyi Dao, and finally, under pressure, he confessed eight words...!"

"It will be at the Gongmen, Laojun will break in the evening!" Chu Huan said slowly.

Li Wangsun nodded and said: "That's right, it's these eight words. The lower official was very puzzled at the time, so he continued to press, but that guy didn't say a word, but he still has some backbone."

Chu Huan stroked his chin and asked, "Where is the assassin now?"

"It's already dead on the way." Li Wangsun sighed: "Tianmen Dao is really not reconciled. On our way back, they attacked again, and I injured several people under my command. It's just the purpose of their attack this time. It's not completely aimed at the subordinates, but to rescue the assassin. Naturally, the subordinates will not let them succeed, they can't rescue them, and in the end they will kill the captured assassin."

Chu Huan narrowed his eyes.

"Before the assassin died, he was full of resentment towards his companion who shot him, and he suddenly realized that he is just a chess piece that can be discarded at any time." Li Wangsun's eyes were sharp, "The heavenly way, the evil way, and the evil way are not evil." Treating people as human beings, before the man died, he finally uttered the word 'General Mu', but unfortunately he was seriously injured, and the only thing the lower officials learned from him was the news of General Mu."

Chu Huan nodded slightly: "Did the commander investigate General Mu?"

Li Wangsun nodded and said: "The assassin mentioned General Mu before he died, and I know that this General Mu is not a trivial matter. When I got in touch with what he said about generals in Gongmen, I finally understood that the so-called Generals in Gongmen, It is very likely that General Mu is in the government." With suspicion in his eyes, he looked at Chu Huan and asked, "How did Lord Chu know that General Mu exists?"

Chu Huan sighed: "Actually, a friend told me that the Tianmen Dao generals are seven heroes, and this general Mu is ranked fourth, and he is now in Anyi Dao."

"Seven Generals?" Li Wangsun didn't seem to have heard of the title "Seven Generals", he wondered, "What seven generals?"

Chu Huan asked: "Does Commander Li know the Six Paths of Heaven?"

Li Wangsun nodded and said: "I have heard a little bit about it." Suddenly he understood, "The seven generals... Yes, there seems to be generals in Tianmen Dao."

"Six generals of the Tianmen, the generals are the first." Chu Huan said slowly: "The so-called seven heroes of the generals are the seven people who belong to the generals of the Tianmen. Among the generals, there are only seven!"

"So that's how it is." Li Wangsun asked hurriedly, "Master Chu, did your friend mention who General Mu is?"

Chu Huan shook his head and said: "Actually, his knowledge is limited. I am very grateful for being able to tell me about the seven generals. However, I am very sure about one thing. The supreme leader of Yi Dao, this person is now in the government...!"

Li Wangsun opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

"What does the commander want to say?"

Li Wangsun hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "Your Excellency seems to...doubt that the lower official is that General Mu?"

Chu Huan shook his head and said with a smile: "There is no need for the commander to misunderstand you. I did suspect you, but to test you tonight is not to confirm that you are General Mu. On the contrary, I want to confirm that you are not General Mu."

Li Wangsun nodded and said: "Your Excellency, be careful, and I understand. Forgive me, when I first came, I doubted whether I was able to take on the big responsibility, so when I was in the Lu Mansion, I tested it...!"

Chu Huan smiled and said: "The commander said that he has eyes but no pearls, like a stick in the throat?"

Li Wangsun was startled, but finally smiled and said: "Your Excellency understands."

Chu Huan sighed: "I will tell you the truth about the Commander. In fact, the night you were poisoned, I sneaked in and wanted to meet the Commander secretly, but it happened that the Commander was poisoned...!"

Li Wangsun suddenly realized that Chu Huan actually came to Li's mansion that night.

"Your Excellency, don't mind being a low-ranking official to make a fuss." Li Wangsun said with a wry smile: "Knowing that General Mu is in the official residence, I don't dare to be careless in my actions, and I don't dare to take it lightly when I see everyone. Tianmendao may know The officials knew about their activities, so they took action against the little girl. First, they kidnapped the little girl, and then sent several letters in succession, all of which were warnings to the subordinate officials not to act rashly. These letters appeared in some strange places in Xiaguan's mansion, Xiaguan's desk, the vanity box in the cheap... They wanted to tell Xiaguan that they were by Xiaguan's side, pervasive, and that they would be careful with every move of Xiaguan. Extraordinarily clear."

Chu Huan nodded slightly, and finally understood why Li Wangsun was always so cautious.

"All the officials are present at the night banquet of the Lu Mansion, and I believe that General Mu is probably among them." Li Wangsun's eyes sharpened, "But that night is also the only chance for the subordinate to see Lord Chu, so the subordinate... can only When I made a fuss about Bayu, I thought at the time that if adults can't see it, then they are not smart, and the officials should not involve adults in it, so as not to put adults in danger, but if adults can see through the mystery, then it means Your lord is very wise, and Anyi is in danger, since your lord is an imperial envoy, you have the responsibility to take on the heavy responsibility of attacking the Heavenly Gate."

Chu Huan didn't speak, but nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

"To make a fuss about perch, the lower officials are also on the spur of the moment, taking a great risk." Li Wangsun said with a wry smile: "The lower officials are dull, and I really can't think of other ways. If my lord can see it, others will Maybe you can't see it." He got up, walked slowly to the bed, took out a letter from the bedside, walked to Chu Huan, and handed the letter to Chu Huan, "Master Chu, this is the letter received by the lower official after being poisoned." letter."

Seeing that the letter had been opened, Chu Huan opened it and looked at it. The handwriting inside was scribbled, but he could roughly understand the meaning. The other party claimed that Li Wangsun used fish to send messages at the dinner table, which broke the rules of the game, and the poisoning was just a small punishment. Now that he is alive, then Li Wangsun is lucky, but next time Tianmen Dao will not do anything to Li Wangsun, as long as he finds that Li Wangsun is still playing tricks behind him, then he will send Li Wangsun's daughter to the mansion. It can only be a corpse.

Chu Huan frowned, but Li Wangsun had already sneered and said, "Every word is threatening, and the lower officials use fish to send messages. Not only the adults can see it, but the general Mu who is hiding at the banquet may also see it. He looked at Chu Huan, and said word by word: "Master Chu, if the subordinate guessed correctly, that General Mu will be at our banquet that night!"

Chu Huan thought for a while, and said slowly: "There were quite a few people on the wine table that night. The six departments of the office, except for the chief of the Ministry of War at Yusuo Lake, the other five chiefs were all present, and the imperial guards were in charge. Fang Shihao, the head of the Lu family, Lu Shixun, and the governor are also on the table, that is to say, everyone may be General Mu!"

Li Wangsun clenched his fists, "General Mu saw through Xiaguan's use of fish to send messages, so he bought the cooks in Xiaguan's mansion. They must have given Liu Laoliu great benefits. Xiaguan read every night. When I was young, I didn't pay attention to it." Diet, so the stomach cannot withstand hunger, and they have to eat something at night. This has become the habit of the lower officials. They are very familiar with the habit of the lower officials, and they take the opportunity to poison... If it is not for the fate, the lower officials are not there now. This is an opportunity to sit here and talk to adults."

Chu Huan looked at Li Wangsun, pondered for a moment, and finally asked: "Commander Li, I took the liberty to come here tonight. If someone from the Tianmen Tao knew about it, wouldn't it be a harm to Lingmei?"

Li Wangsun closed his eyes, and after a while, his face showed determination, and he said slowly: "I have seen troubled times before, the country was destroyed and the family was destroyed, the people were in dire straits, bones were like mountains, and blood flowed like rivers to make peace. No matter what happened to the Great Qin Empire, I believe it is always better than troubled times. The Heavenly Gate wants to disrupt the empire, and they are cruel to their own people, let alone the common people?" He leaned back on the chair, his eyes twitching slightly, "I can lose a daughter, but... the world can no longer Enter the troubled times!" He grabbed the chair handle with one hand, the veins on the back of his hand were bulging, "This wooden general must be caught!"

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