Yusuo Lake.

Huang Tianyi watched his brother lead thousands of elite soldiers ashore, and saw with his own eyes that the Huang family's army joined forces with the ghost warriors and marched southward. Everything was smoother than he had imagined in advance.

After the warship transported the Huang family's army to the shore, the boatman immediately turned the bow and returned to Liyu Island. Although Huang Tianyi looked chubby, he was not stupid when he was left behind by Lord Anguo in Anyi. Of course, it is impossible to continue leaning on the shore. If the officers and soldiers suddenly rushed out to seize the ship, the consequences would be disastrous. Although this possibility is unlikely, we have to guard against it.

Ships gathered to the east of Liyu Island. Hundreds of large and small ships looked magnificent, with their masts towering upwards, and the lights on the island reflected like a forest of spears facing the sky.

Huang Tianyi knew that the plan had been fully launched, so he didn't delay at all. Seeing Huang Zhigui leading the troops towards Taiyuan City, he got off the watchtower and went back to the other courtyard on the island. out.

But after a while, Huang Tianyi heard from a subordinate. Although he looked short in stature, he looked very smart. When he entered the study and saw Huang Tianyi, Huang Tianyi raised his head and asked, "Where are you at the pigeon room?" Do you have any letters from home?"

The man immediately said: "Returning to the elder, after the letter from the day before yesterday, there has been no letter from several families."

Huang Tianyi nodded and said: "Here are four secret letters, you can let the pigeons take them out now, and use the best pigeons in the pigeon loft. Over the years, master, I have invested a lot of money in the pigeon loft. !"

The man respectfully said: "Don't worry, my lord. You told me that the five best pigeons should not be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary. Can I use them this time?"

"Just use those pigeons." Huang Tianyi nodded and said, "I'm afraid they've been waiting a long time ago." With a push, four small bamboo tubes appeared in front of the servant. The servant stepped forward, took it carefully, respectfully Said: "My lord, let me release the carrier pigeon!"

After the servants who tamed the pigeons retreated, Huang Tianyi walked to the door, looked up at the dark sky, but his face was filled with high spirits, and he muttered to himself: "Tianmen Dao wants to rob Taiyuan City with me, how can I do that?" Let them succeed? The Huang family has been in Anyi for many years, and there are many cliques. Although there must be people at both ends of the snake and mouse, the interests of some families are closely related to my Huang family." He seemed a little proud, touching himself white and fat chin, "The four groups of people came out together, and there are thousands of people in total. I want to see how Tianmen Dao competes with me."

The pigeon taming servant left the heavily guarded courtyard, and in the dark, he quickly came to a house not far to the south of the courtyard. There was only a simple courtyard here, but it was Huang Tianyi's information center.

The Huang family retreated to Yusuo Lake, of course it is impossible to become blind and deaf.

As early as many years ago, An Guo Gong Huang Ju ordered Huang Tianyi to build an intelligence network mainly based on carrier pigeons in Anyi, and the Huang family invested a lot of money for this.

Not all pigeons can be trained to become carrier pigeons. It is necessary to choose the best breed and undergo extremely careful and rigorous training. It often takes a lot of energy and money to train a carrier pigeon, and generally speaking, a carrier pigeon Often, you can only be responsible for one message channel. Two points have to be figured out. At least one carrier pigeon must be guaranteed on both sides, and this also carries a great risk. Sometimes the carrier pigeon has an accident in the middle, and a message channel is broken. Therefore, for safety For the sake of convenience, a message channel often costs four carrier pigeons.

The Huang family regards themselves as the emperor of Anyi, so they naturally have contact points in various roads in Anyi, and the most important contact point of the Pigeon House is the channel to communicate with the capital. They all use carrier pigeons to pass messages to each other.

After the Tongtian Temple incident, because of Beijing Central's suppression of An Guogong's party, two contact points with the three carrier pigeons in the capital have been broken, and only one remains.

The pigeon house on Liyu Island was not established after Huang Tianyi retreated, but many years ago, he had already cultivated a pigeon house on the side of Yusuo Lake. The family's external eyes and ears, obtaining information from the outside world, and communicating with party members outside of Yusuo Lake all depended on the pigeon house.

There are a total of four people in the pigeon house, not many of them, but each of them is a first-class expert in domesticating pigeons. The servant who was summoned by Huang Tianyi is called Chen Ge. It's not because of his real name, but because he changed his name later.

Chen Ge is the head of the carrier pigeon house. His father received the favor of the Huang family back then, so he is grateful to the Huang family. In Yusuo Lake, there are three types of people. The first category is the Huang family's domestic slaves, and the third category is Chen Ge, who has received the favor of the Huang family and is willing to actively serve the Huang family's servants.

In terms of loyalty, the third type of people is naturally the highest, so the Huang family attaches great importance to this type of people. Being able to entrust Chen Ge with the most confidential task of the pigeon house, which is related to the Huang family, also shows Huang Tianyi's trust in Chen Ge The so-called scholar died for his confidant, and was trusted and valued by Huang Tianyi. Chen Ge was grateful for his kindness, so he showed his strengths and devoted himself to doing errands for Huang Tianyi. When the Huang family retreated to Yusuo Lake, they ran a lot A doorkeeper and a house slave, but Chen Ge chose to share the troubles with the Huang family.

From time to time, the "cuckoo" sound of pigeons can be heard from the pigeon house. Carp Island has a large area, and there are many buildings on the island. If Huang Tianyi's other courtyard is heavily guarded and is a restricted area, then the pigeon house is also where no one else is allowed to approach. .

Chen Ge returned to the courtyard of the carrier pigeon house, saw the darkness around him, and frowned. It seemed that the people under his command had already fallen asleep, and they couldn't even turn on the lights in time. He didn't care about it for the time being, and went back to his house. There are five pigeons he personally trained. They are first-class and extremely sharp. These five pigeons not only have strong endurance, but also fly faster than other pigeons. Winner, Huang Tianyi was reluctant to use it lightly before, the situation was urgent tonight, so Chen Ge was ordered to use it.

Chen Ge entered the house, first lit the lamp, and was about to carry the lamp to the pigeon house in the inner room, suddenly felt that something was wrong, when the light was turned on, he suddenly saw a person appearing on the opposite side of the table, that person Sitting on the edge of the table, wearing a bamboo hat, the hat is drooping, looking very eerie and strange.

"You are... who are you?" Chen Ge's expression changed, suddenly there was another person in the room, and it was obviously not his subordinate, how could he not be surprised.

Huang Tianyi had issued an order that the idlers in the carrier pigeon room were not allowed to approach, let alone enter the room.

The man raised his right hand and took off the bamboo hat on his head, revealing a face full of blue beard and loose hair, Chen Ge frowned, looked at the man's appearance and didn't know him, only saw that the man was wearing a The one-eyed mask was obviously blind in one eye. Under the lights, it looked very strange and unattractive, but the remaining eye was very sharp. What surprised Chen Ge even more was that the man's loose hair It was a little wet, as if he had just washed his hair, and after looking carefully, he suddenly found that this person's clothes seemed to be wet too. Seeing such a person, Chen Ge was shocked, if it wasn't for that person's eyes were still very vivid Chen Ge almost mistakenly thought it was a water ghost.

"Are you in charge here?" the one-eyed man said straight to the point: "I'll ask you a few questions, as long as you answer them honestly, everything will be fine, otherwise...!"

Chen Ge is not a coward, since the other party dared to come in, he must have been prepared, so he calmed down and sneered, "Otherwise what?"

The one-eyed man didn't speak, but just clapped his hands lightly, but saw a person slowly coming out of the dark place, the person was dressed in black and black pants, and the clothes were also wet, but he was holding a bird cage in his left hand, Chen Ge looked When he got to the bird cage, his heart sank. In that cage was one of the five pigeons he raised.

The man in black put the cage on the ground, with the blade pointing towards the bird cage, as if he was going to chop it down at any moment.

"The pigeon dies, you die!" the one-eyed man said lightly.

Before Chen Ge could react, he just felt a chill on his neck, and there was an extra person behind him, holding a dagger in his hand, and the dagger was now lying across Chen Ge's throat, as long as he pulled it lightly, Chen Ge The pigeon's throat must be cut.

"Who the hell are you?" Chen Ge asked in a deep voice without showing any fear on his face.

The one-eyed man didn't answer and asked instead: "Huang Tianyi is outside of Yusuo Lake, of course he still has contacts. Since he dared to rebel, it is impossible for him to be the only one in Yusuo Lake. You are in charge of the pigeon news, of course you know who Huang Tianyi is in contact with! "

"The news we exchange is all secret letters. Of course, my little pigeon trainer is not qualified to open the secret letters." Chen Ge said calmly: "You guys can't ask anything useful at all with me. It's just futile. I I advise you not to waste your efforts."

"It's a man!" The one-eyed man stood up, with his right hand behind his back, and Chen Ge realized at this moment that this man was not only blind in one eye, but also disabled in his left arm. He was a blind one-armed man.

The one-eyed man walked slowly in front of Chen Ge, and that scary-looking face approached Chen Ge's face, and said in a low voice, "I don't want you to tell me the content, you come and tell me, who has Huang Tianyi had the most letters with recently?" ? Although you don’t know the content of the letter, you certainly know where these pigeons came from and where they are going!”

"I don't know!" Chen Ge said coldly.

The one-eyed man flashed admiration, but quickly said in a deep voice, "Search him!"

"You dare!"

"We are not even afraid of going to the island, but are we afraid of being searched?" The one-eyed man laughed softly, "Huang Tianyi is in great trouble, I can assure you that by the time of dawn, he will already be a prisoner... I see you are a man, He also has the ability to train pigeons, so why bother to be buried with that kind of person!"

The man behind Chen Ge had already reached into Chen Ge's arms, Chen Ge's complexion changed drastically, and he said angrily: "You...!" Before he finished speaking, the one-eyed man had already winked at his companion. Without saying a word, the man took away the left hand holding the dagger, turned the dagger around, and the handle of the dagger hit Chen Ge hard on the back of the head. Chen Ge felt dizzy all of a sudden, and the one-eyed man in front of him was already blurred.

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