Yuan Chongshang was merciless with this knife. Chu Huan wanted to stop it, but it was too late. The light of the knife flashed, and the third lady was cut with a deep cut from forehead to chest.

Yuan Chongshang was originally a brave and brave general, his swords were ruthless, but the eyes of the third lady who were originally like autumn water were now dimmed, but there was no look of panic on her face.

"Tianmen... Taoist disciples of Tianmen, can... enjoy eternal life...!" The third lady staggered, and finally fell to the ground.

Yuan Chongshang panted heavily, looking at the third lady who was motionless in the pool of blood, a complex look flashed across his eyes, he slowly retracted his knife, turned his head, saw Chu Huan looking at him, and said in a deep voice: " Lord Chu, you saved my life again today!"

Chu Huan shook his head and said, "Your Excellency, of course, wouldn't think of Sanfu... Well, I didn't expect her to have murderous intentions at this time, after all, you...!" After all, he didn't continue.

Husband and wife for one day, one hundred days of grace, although the third wife is a disciple of the Heavenly Gate, she has served Yuan Chongshang for several years after all, and Yuan Chongshang loves her very much. At this time, Chu Huan can understand Yuan Chongshang's mood when he personally kills the third wife .

Yuan Chongshang was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Master Chu, you have finally come out, the current situation of Anyi, you...!"

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Xuanyuan Shengcai has already said something."

"Huang Zhigui has died in the Lihua Valley." Yuan Chongshang said: "Huang Tianyi has also been arrested in Taiyuan, and I have already been placed under custody, waiting for Master Chu to come out to deal with it. It's just...!"


"The one who caught Huang Tianyi was Linghu Zhong from the Yangwei Martial Arts Hall." Yuan Chongshang frowned and said, "Master Chu, you told me before that there will be strange soldiers appearing in Yusuo Lake, and the ghost party is of course all the way. This Linghu Zhong Could it be the same way?"

Chu Huan smiled and said: "Your Excellency, don't blame me. Linghuzhong is a big brother of three religions and nine schools in Taiyuan City. If I explain to you in advance, I'm afraid you don't trust them."

Yuan Chongshang sighed: "Your Majesty Chu really dares not to do anything, this group of people...you dare to use it!"

"Actually, there is no one in this world who cannot be used." Chu Huan said: "As long as you give him enough benefits, you can always make him do something. Linghu Zhong's background is not good, but this person is interested in power." It is very serious, and he really has a lot of desperadoes under him. I have already promised that as long as Linghu Zhong makes a contribution, he can ask the court to give him an official position as a reward. Even if his gang of people survive, 300 taels of silver per person, 500 taels of compensation for those who died in battle...!"

Yuan Chongshang nodded and said: "Yesterday, Linghuzhong came to the governor's mansion to look for Mr. Chu. The governor met him. This time, Linghuzhong brought a total of 140 people to burn the Huang family's fleet and kill him on Liyu Island. As he said, more than 40 people died, and he has handed over the rosters of these people to me, but I don't know much about this in advance, so I have to wait for Master Chu to come back to deal with it."

Chu Huan said: "To capture Yusuo Lake in one fell swoop and capture Huang Tianyi this time, Linghu Zhong and his gang have made great contributions."

Yuan Chongshang nodded and said: "Actually, the rewards and pensions are only 6 to [-] taels of silver, which is not a large amount...!" With a cold smile, he said: "Maybe Huang Tianyi didn't think that Mr. Chu is just It took tens of thousands of taels of silver to arrest him." After a pause, he said, "If what Linghu Zhong said is true, the Department of Housekeeping can still get the tens of thousands of taels of silver."

Chu Huan shook his head and smiled, "That's not necessary. I will draw up a memorial right away, and I will ask the imperial court for specific matters. The tens of thousands of taels of silver will be raised from the captured Huang family's spoils at that time."

Yuan Chongshang nodded, then frowned and said, "Master Chu, the matter in Linghu is not difficult to deal with, but... the ghosts seem to be difficult to deal with."


"After the Guifang people encircled and suppressed the Huang family's army, they have already retreated to Daqimeng Mountain. After all, they have military exploits, so the Department of Household Affairs has sent them some food and grass." Yuan Chongshang said thoughtfully: "But according to what the governor said I know, their request doesn't seem to be simple...!"

Chu Huan said: "I want to report this matter to the Ming court, but the governor should also be clear that the Guifang people can help the government suppress the Huang family's rebellion, and naturally it is for their own survival. They did not collude with the Huang family. It is commendable, and it can also help the court to wipe out the Huang family, which is not to say that the credit is not great!"

Yuan Chongshang sighed: "This matter is naturally clear to the governor." After a pause, he suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "By the way, Lord Chu, the ghost master of Guifang is now in Taiyuan City, and I have arranged for them At the posthouse, the ghost master claimed to see Master Chu, but Master Chu has not been seen in the past few days, so he did not give any news to the other side...!"

"I'll go see him when I turn back." Chu Huan knew that the ghost master must be sent back by Luo Duo, and when he thought that Luo Duo kept the agreement and protected the ghost master Zhou Quan, Chu Huan felt warm in his heart, "Listen to Xiao Xiang Xie over there...?"

"It has been confiscated, and all the people inside have been imprisoned." Yuan Chongshang's expression turned serious, "That Wu Wa'er has also been imprisoned on death row. Xuanwu Qianhu personally interrogated him, but it seems that there is no result of the interrogation. According to Xuanwu Qianhu's intention, Huang Tianyi, Wu Wa'er and others will all be brought back to the capital, and the Holy Majesty will deal with them!"

Chu Huan thought for a while, and then said: "The people who listen to Champs are mostly innocent...!" Wei Yi pondered, "My lord governor, many of them are women from good families who have been forced to help themselves. If there is no problem, I think It is better to give each of them a sum of money and let them go home."

Yuan Chongshang immediately said: "It's all up to Lord Chu to decide." He glanced at the third lady lying in the pool of blood, his eyes twitched slightly, and finally asked: "Master Chu, do you think...she is really General Chunmu?"

Chu Huan had already put away the blood-drinking knife, took a look at the corpse, and said, "We still don't fully understand what is going on in Tianmen Dao... and if she is General Chunmu...!" He smiled lightly and said: "Maybe it's true, maybe it's fake, maybe it's just to disturb the governor's mind, that's why he said that."

"Disturbing my mind?"

Chu Huan said thoughtfully: "She used the medicinal properties contained in the almond tea to perform illusions on the governor before, so it can be seen that her illusions are not necessarily very good. Today she wants to perform illusions on you, Maybe she is not very sure, so first she made up a lie that General Mu still exists to deceive the Lord, so as to disturb the mind of the Lord... Only when the mind is disturbed, can she have greater confidence in performing illusions on the Lord."

Yuan Chongshang frowned and said: "Tianmen Dao is really a group of monsters, Li Wangsun is good at dead wood art, and she uses illusion...!" Looking at Chu Huan, "Master Chu, this governor can be regarded as someone who has seen the world, but he has never seen it before. I have seen such a witchcraft, but I don't know if you have seen it?"

Chu Huan shook his head and said, "I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it before." Asking Yuan Chongshang: "My lord governor, do you still remember how you felt when she performed the illusion?"

"The governor remembers that her eyes seem to have magic power, and I can't move them away." Yuan Chongshang said slowly: "It's like being in a dream, knowing what happened, but the body can't be controlled by myself...!"

Chu Huan narrowed his eyes.

There is no doubt that the strange people and strange men that Princess Gusa told her at the beginning really do exist, at least the third lady can really use her will to control others.

But the third lady's illusion is obviously not very powerful.

She wants to perform illusions on Yuan Chongshang, but she still needs the cooperation of drugs. It can be seen that although she has incredible skills, she can't control anyone as she wants.

At the Zhongyi Villa back then, Chu Huan used distorted sounds to break the psychedelic song of Mr. Blue Shirt. Today he did the same, hoping to use the distorted noises to disrupt the third wife's control over Yuan Chongshang.

Chu Huan just gave it a go, but he didn't expect it to be so smooth, and it turned out to be so easy to break his illusion.

It only needs to use noise to break the illusion of the third lady. From this, it can be seen that there are actually many weaknesses in the stunt of the third lady.

"My lord, since she is a member of the Heavenly Clan, I don't know if she has any important letters or other tokens?" Chu Huan suddenly thought of the small stones he got from Xiao Chen and others. If he is an extremely important person, then he must also have that kind of stone on his body.

This is a woman after all, and Chu Huan still wanted to know if she had a "卍" tattoo on her chest, but it was inconvenient after all, so she could only use Yuan Chongshang to see if there was anything on the third lady.

Yuan Chongshang hesitated for a while, and finally went forward, searched carefully, found a few sundries, put them on the ground, checked them again, shook his head and said: "There is no letter."

Chu Huan was quite disappointed.

Chu Huan didn't know if the third lady was not qualified to own that kind of stone, or if she didn't carry the stone with her.

Yuan Chongshang was not in a good mood. He didn't let too many people know about the third wife, but kept him under house arrest secretly. Now that the third wife was killed by himself, he still wanted to dispose of the body in secret.

The dignified governor, the woman beside him turned out to be a spy of Tianmen Dao. If this matter is really spread, it will of course be a huge blow to Yuan Chongshang's prestige.

The two went out and came to the courtyard. The weather was still extremely cold. Chu Huan stood in the courtyard, glanced at Yuan Chongshang, and finally said, "Governor Yuan, are you convicted?"

Yuan Chongshang was not surprised, but said with a wry smile: "Master Chu, I know that I have committed a serious crime. The heads of two hundred households of Shenyiwei were sent to the Yamen that day. Report to the Holy One... To tell you the truth, Master Chu, I have thought about the report for a whole night, and I wanted to report it according to the facts, but...!" Sighed, "If I report to the Holy One, the hundred households in Shenyi will be there. Before I was killed, I met me secretly, my lord...how can my lord forgive me?"

"Your Majesty has a lot of trust in you, but your actions have failed His Majesty's trust." Chu Huan said slowly: "My lord governor, how should I write this memorial?"

Yuan Chongshang smiled wryly and said, "Your Majesty Chu can't be affected by this matter. It's no longer possible to make the same mistakes again and again. Fortunately, General Mu was eliminated, Tianmen Dao was severely damaged in Anyi, and Huang Tianyi has also been arrested... What should the governor do?" The matter has been done, I will go to write a memorial now, and tell the whole story to the Holy Majesty, and I only ask the Holy Majesty to forgive me!"

Chu Huan sighed, and said: "Governor Yuan, although you are at fault, how can I ignore your loyalty to the Holy Majesty?" After thinking for a while, he finally said: "The memorial still has to be submitted I will go up, but I will try my best to excuse the governor, conquer Yusuo Lake and discover General Mu's conspiracy. I will credit these credits to you, hoping to atone for your sins, and let the emperor lightly punish you! "

Yuan Chongshang was taken aback.

Just for a moment, his eyes showed gratitude, and the corners of his eyes twitched. He grabbed Chu Huan's arm and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something. After all, he sighed and said, "Master Chu, in the officialdom, there are many intrigues. I am afraid that my credit will be taken away by others, Master Chu, you...!" said with emotion: "Master Chu, no matter whether the Holy Majesty forgives you or not, I, Mr. Yuan, owe you my life!"


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