Yunshan Fucheng.

Daqin Sixteenth Road, Yunshan Mansion is located on Xishan Road, between Guanzhong and Guanxi, and belongs to the Guanzhong area, but it is not as prosperous as the interior of Guanzhong.

However, compared to the land of Kansai, Yunshan Mansion is a first-class prosperous place, with streets and alleys, and mansions like clouds. Even in the winter snow, the streets and alleys are still full of pedestrians. Compared with Qingliu The county seat is very prosperous.

I saw red buildings and painting pavilions, embroidered households with rich gates, carved chariots competing, and galloping horses.There are huge shops with high cabinets, full of strange goods and foreign things, teahouses and wine shops, but you can see the luxurious clothes and pearl shoes, which are really full of flowers, the flute and drums are noisy, the gold and emeralds are dazzling, and the clothes are fragrant.

In this bustling prefectural city, a snow scene seems to have embellished another grand scene for this prefectural city.

To the west of Yunshan Road is Xiguguan, and to the west of Xiguguan is the land of Guanxi, and Yunshan Road is the first way to enter Xiguguan, so it can be said that its strategic position is extremely important.

Chu Huan and Lin Lang waited on the other side of the county town until the wind and snow subsided, and finally came to Fucheng together. The road was covered with snow and it was difficult to travel, but it was delayed for a long time. When they arrived at Fucheng, it was almost dusk and the sky was very dark. However, all the red houses and vermilion households in Yunshan Fucheng have already lit their lamps. They ride black horses and follow the Linlang carriage, passing through the main streets of Fucheng. At dusk, there are still pedestrians coming and going. The literati in long gowns walked together, uttering plausible and elegant words from time to time, and the luxurious carriages rattled along surrounded by a group of entourages.

The doors of the shops on both sides are still open, and there is a lot of shouting. Occasionally, when passing by the brothel and Qufang, one can see the red nestling in the green at a glance, the singing of warblers and swallows, amidst the lively laughter, occasionally the sound of Xiaozhu, and even more The soft singing voice of a gentle woman.

This era is not as good as later generations, there are not many entertainment activities, the elegant people are just chatting with the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to relieve their fatigue, while a group of rich and talented people just linger in brothels, korfangs, theaters and restaurants.

After walking for a long time, turning to a long street, the sound of Yingge and Yanyu disappeared, and when it became quiet, Lin Lang had already lifted the curtain of the car, looking at Chu Huan, who was wearing a cloak and wearing a bamboo hat, walking beside her carriage , smiled and said: "Your family is on the street of this street, I will take you there first!"

The cloak and bamboo hat on Chu Huan was prepared by Linlang for him. The two came to Fucheng together, men and women were different, so naturally they couldn't ride in the same car. Lin Lang took the car and Chu Huan rode a horse, just to prevent it from snowing again, so Lin Lang made a reservation beforehand. I prepared my cloak and hat, worrying about the heavy snow on the road.

She guessed correctly, not long after leaving the county, it snowed again, so Chu Huan had no choice but to put on a cloak and a bamboo hat. Fortunately, not far from the capital, the snow had stopped.

"Is the mansion of Dadong's family on this street?" Chu Huan asked.

He naturally thought that Su Niang and the others were living in Linlang's mansion now. Although Lin Lang said that Su Niang and the others should stay in the mansion, Chu Huan didn't make up his mind, and only discussed it after seeing his family.

Lin Lang smiled without answering, the car drove forward for a while, and then stopped in front of a house.

Chu Huan stopped his horse, and saw that this house was not considered a mansion, but it was a high mansion with a wide gate, and it was quite grand, but it was also the residence of a wealthy family.

Chu Huan originally thought that Linlang was a rich man, and the Su family had a lot of seniority in the Yunshan Mansion, so the Su Mansion must be a wealthy family with a huge mansion, but the mansion in front of him was different from what he had imagined.

This house can only be regarded as the residence of a wealthy family, which does not match Lin Lang's status, but Chu Huan thinks that Lin Lang may be frugal and low-key, and does not care about ostentation.

Chu Huan got off his horse, but Lin Lang didn't mean to get off the car, but just smiled and said, "This is Nanfang, it's a little distance from Shifang, it's very clean and won't be disturbed." Lifting her snow-white hand, she walked towards the house. Pointing at the gate, there was a hint of slyness in his eyes: "Your family is inside, you go and see them first, lest they worry, I will send someone to invite you later!"

Chu Huan didn't know what Nanfang was for a while, but from Lin Lang's words, she obviously didn't live here, and was about to ask more questions, but Lin Lang had already put down the curtain of the car and said to the driver, "Let's go!"

The carriage immediately set off.

Chu Huan scratched his head, a little confused, hesitated for a while, and finally went to knock on the door. Not long after, he heard a voice from inside saying, "Who is it?"

When Chu Huan heard the voice, he became excited immediately, but he could tell right away that the voice was Su Niang.

"Sister Su, I'm Erlang!"

The door opened with a creak, and Su Niang was behind the door. When she saw Chu Huan, she immediately looked happy, and said, "Erlang, really came out?" For a moment, she was extremely happy.

Only then did Chu Huan feel relieved. Seeing that Su Niang was still wearing the blue padded jacket, he asked, "Sister Su, is mother here?"

"Inside." Su Niang opened the door, saw Chu Huan leading a black horse, and wondered: "Whose horse is this?"

"From now on, it will belong to our family." Chu Huan laughed, led the horse in, took off the bamboo hat, and saw that there was a courtyard behind the door, which was not big, but it was not too small. There was even a big tree in the yard The locust tree, Chu Huan used to tie the black horse under the locust tree, but Su Niang had already closed the door and came over. She looked at the black horse a few times, her eyes showed suspicion, obviously she did not believe that the horse belonged to Chu Huan.

Chu Huan looked up, and saw a grand main room in the middle of the courtyard, the door was open, and Su Niang said: "Uncle is playing chess inside, and mother is a little tired, resting in the inner room." Followed Chu Huan went to the main room, and asked softly, "Erlang, is the trial over? Mr. Su said you were wronged, and you will be able to come out in two days. He really expected it."

Chu Huan knew that if he explained it to Su Niang in detail, it would only get more and more complicated, so he simply said: "Well, I have been tried over there, I was wronged!"

Then Su Niang patted her high and plump breasts lightly, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's all right, it made me worry for two days." As soon as the words came out, her face sank, and she said, "It's all about you I am so brave and ruthless, this time the county magistrate is fair and honest, if something happens again next time, will he spare you? You can't do anything foolish yourself in the future."

Chu Huan knew that Su Niang was really worried for the past two days, so he stopped, and Su Niang followed behind him. Unexpectedly, he stopped and followed closely. Her chest bumped against Chu Huan's back, and Su Niang had already heard "Ouch", stepped back, frowned and said, "You're walking well, what are you doing when you stop...!"

Chu Huan was a little embarrassed, scratched his head, and said with a smile: "I was not careful." Seeing that Su Niang's pretty face was pale and red, she was quite charming, and said softly: "It's me who worried you for the past two days. It’s my fault, I won’t let you worry about it in the future.”

However, Su Niang seemed a little uncomfortable with Chu Huan's gentleness. For some reason, her face flushed slightly, and she said angrily, "I'm not worried about you. I'm not worried even if you broke the sky. I'm just worried about you, mother." Just worrying about you."

Chu Huan chuckled, Su Niang was so inconsistent, but she made him smile.

Entering the house, I saw that the main hall was not small, with all the tables and chairs, and the lights had been lit. The room was very bright, but Su Niang was still full of curiosity, and asked in a low voice, "Erlang, whose house is this? Su Mister said that you asked him to take us over and live here for a few days, is this Mr. Su's house?"

Chu Huan also leaned closer to her ear, and whispered, "Do you like this place?" He was very close to Su Niang at this time, and the woman's body scent on Su Niang was actually very pleasant.

Su Niang didn't answer, she just pointed to a side room next to her: "Mr. Su and Uncle are in there, I'll go see if Mother is awake, Mother still can't figure out what's going on...!" Turning around, twisting her waist and swinging her plump buttocks.

Only then did Chu Huan put the bamboo hat in his hand on the table next to him, and walked lightly into the side room, only to see that the room was brightly lit, the light was soft, and there was a warm stove, making it very comfortable.

On a small table next to it, there is a set of Go, black and white, with hundreds of pieces already placed, one player is Uncle Li Master, and the other is Su Bo whom I have seen many times.

There was the sound of wind and snow outside the house, and the two old men were obviously deeply involved in the chess game. It seemed that their chess skills were evenly matched, and they were absorbed in it, but they didn't notice Chu Huan coming in.Seeing such a scene, Chu Huan felt relieved for a while, and walked over lightly. Su Bo finally noticed the strangeness, turned his head, saw Chu Huan, looked happy, and immediately got up and said, "Brother Chu, you are back!"

Master Li was studying the chess game, when he heard the sound, he turned his head to look, also showing joy, and said with a smile: "What Mr. Su said is indeed true, you can tell that Erlang will come out in two days, as expected!"

Chu Huan stepped forward to salute, Master Li immediately asked about the situation, and Chu Huan said in a measured manner, because Su Bo was here, Chu Huan couldn't say that it was the governor who wanted to punish Hu Wei, but that everything was wrong Drum, Fucheng sent people there, and finally investigated and dealt with Hu Wei.

Everyone was very happy at the moment, Su Bo had already smiled and said: "Brother Chu, do you think this house is satisfactory?"

Chu Huan only felt that there was something in the words, and hurriedly said: "Is this Mr. Su's house? Chu Huan's family has been taken care of by Chu Huan in the past two days, and Chu Huan is here to thank you!" After finishing speaking, he bowed deeply.

Su Bo shook his head, stroking his beard and said with a smile: "Brother Chu is wrong, this house does not belong to the old man!" He took out a few documents from his sleeve, handed them to Chu Huan, and said, "This is the land deed and house deed. This house belongs to Brother Chu!"

Chu Huan was startled, and even Master Li beside him was a little surprised.

"Su Bo, this...this is not a joke." Chu Huan hurriedly said: "Chu Huan has no merit, how dare he accept your house!"

Su Bo shook his head and said, "This house does not belong to the old man. Brother Chu, to tell you the truth, this house belongs to the big boss's family. After the big boss's confession, after seeing you, this house will belong to you. You are in Heshengquan When you were in distress, you stepped forward, Da Dong is grateful to you!"

"It's too precious." Chu Huan said seriously, "Chu Huan would never accept it."

Li Fuzi also said beside him: "Mr. Su, even if Erlang is loyal, but this house's gift of thanks is too heavy to accept!"

Su Bo frowned and said, "Brother Chu, you have to know that you almost lost your life because of Shengquan. Compared with your life, this house is a world apart." In his hand, he said: "The old man is just under the orders of the big boss. If you have other ideas, go to the big boss. Don't make it difficult for the old man!"

Chu Huan was very embarrassed for a while holding the deed of the house.

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