Not knowing why, Janice asked curiously, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

With a pretty face, Brancy said with a smile, "Don't worry, he's going to stay here for a few days, and you'll see him." Janice felt more and more strange, wondering what Brancy was selling in her gourd. medicine".

Brancy was thinking about Janice's lifelong affairs, but Chu Huan had already arrived in Su Niang's yard. The morning light shone down, and the yard was very quiet. Chu Huan walked lightly to the front of the house, and the door opened He entered, but the door was not closed. When he got inside, he saw Su Niang sleeping with her clothes on. He hadn't woken up yet. He didn't know that Su Niang had been waiting for almost the whole night last night, waiting anxiously. He didn't know if Chu Huan would come back. , Just fell asleep in a daze not long ago.

Chu Huan was afraid of waking up Su Niang, so he walked out lightly, and when he reached the courtyard, he took a few deep breaths, thinking that the emperor probably didn't sleep all night last night, and he might have to rest and refresh himself during the day, even though the emperor looked back I want to summon myself, but I will not be summoned in a while, and I am about to go back to my room to rest for a while, when I suddenly see another house in the yard that seems to be still lit, I am startled at first, but then suddenly Thinking about it, it was the place where the little nun Rulian lived.

Although Chu Huan and Su Niang have the name of husband and wife, they are actually husband and wife. After Su Niang came to the capital, she did not live in the same room with Chu Huan. On the contrary, Xiao Rulian and Su Niang lived in the same courtyard. [

This little nun is usually taciturn. Chu Huan returned to Beijing for a long time, but still did not see her. He couldn't help but walked to Rulian's gate. Knocked on the door, and after a while, the door opened a gap, and one eye looked out, seeing Chu Huan, the door opened immediately, and Ru Lian said happily, "Chu... Brother Chu, you are back ?”

Chu Huan nodded and smiled, and asked, "Little sister, did you just get up?"

Ru Lian nodded, Chu Huan suddenly came over, she seemed very happy, but under the excitement, she didn't know what to say, Chu Huan already smiled and said: "Don't stay in the house all day, go out and walk around every now and then, but Don't get bored."

Rulian nodded obediently, and finally said softly: "I... I was chanting sutras, so I got up early, Brother Chu, would you like to come in and sit?"

Chu Huan thought about it, it seemed a little inappropriate to run into the girl's room early in the morning, but considering that the girl was usually taciturn and not good at interacting with people, since he came here, it would be okay to have a few words with the little girl, smiled After entering the house, when we got to the house, we could smell a scent of sandalwood.

Although Rulian's blue hair has grown well, she has black hair, she looks like a beautiful and beautiful girl, but she has always regarded herself as a disciple of Buddhism, even though the Lingjia master has passed away, Rulian is still there. Under special circumstances, adhere to the previous rules, do morning classes and evening classes, chant scriptures and worship Buddha.

Compared with the scent of fat and powder in Su Niang's house, the inside of Rulian's house is much more elegant. There is a small copper incense burner in the middle of the table, but it is burning sandalwood. The incense wafted out from inside, floating in every corner of the house, except for the copper censer, there was also a scripture book on the table, the scripture book was opened, Ru Lian was obviously just reciting, beside the scripture book, It is a string of small beads.

Chu Huan thought that she always thought that Rulian would be uncomfortable if she stayed in the room every day, but there is a good saying, Zi Feiyu An knows the joy of fish, he is not Rulian, he may not be able to understand Rulian's state of mind, Rulian recites sutras and worships Buddha every day, and her mind is as calm as water. For her, it may not be a way of life.

"Huh?" Chu Huan sat down at the table, casually glanced at the scriptures, and frowned, only to see the characters on the scriptures, which were so special that they didn't seem to be written in the Central Plains.

He couldn't help getting closer. Sure enough, this scripture looked very thin, only about twenty pages, but the scriptures on it were extremely weird. Chu Huan had never seen such a script before. The scriptures on it, He couldn't understand a single word.

"Little sister, what kind of scripture is this?" Chu Huan wondered, "The text on it...why can't I understand it?"

Rulian didn't seem to think that Chu Huan would be interested in a scripture, so she hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Brother, this is... this is [My Xiangjing]!"

"[My Sutra]?" Chu Huan was taken aback. He had never heard of this scripture, thinking that he was not a disciple of Buddhism after all. There are thousands of volumes of Buddhist scriptures, and he had never heard of it, which is reasonable. matter.

Ru Lian nodded slightly, sat down beside her, and asked, "Brother, haven't you heard of it?"

Chu Huan shook his head.

"[My Phrases] is the second scripture that the Buddha showed in the world after he became enlightened, and it is the first scripture that the Buddha taught

Ru Lian nodded and said: "Yes. This is the scripture that the master left for me before he left."

"Little sister, do you mean that you also know Sanskrit?" Chu Huan's eyes lit up.

Ru Lian blushed slightly, thought for a while, and then said: "Master said that Sanskrit is profound and profound, and it is not easy to learn Sanskrit well. From as long as I can remember, I have followed Master and served the Buddha. He took me to chant scriptures and recite Buddhist scriptures every day, and when I was five years old, my master brought me ancient Sanskrit books and taught me Sanskrit...!"

"The Linga master is too good at Sanskrit?"

Rulian nodded and said: "Yes. Master has a deep knowledge of Sanskrit. Brother, in fact, in the temples and nuns in the Central Plains, there are not many monks or nuns who know Sanskrit. The master is very good. After I remember, I followed the master in five years. There are six nunnery listings. These nunneries also have Sanskrit texts handed down earlier, but none of the bhikkhunis in the nunnery understand them. Seeing Chu Huan staring at her, Ru Lian was a little embarrassed, and lowered her head, Chu Huan seemed to feel that she was losing her composure, so she laughed and said, "Little sister, I'm fascinated by listening, don't worry about it." Strange." Asked: "You said you placed orders in many nunneries?"

Ru Lian raised her head, smiled shyly, and nodded slightly: "In the early years, we were not in Yunshan Mansion. We went to Jinling Road and Hebei Road, and then moved to Yunshan Mansion on Xishan Road. Master took me , I have placed orders in five or six nunneries, most of them can live for a year or two, and the few are only a few months. Later, we went to Yunshan Mansion and settled in Jingci Nunnery. We stayed there for many years, but later The master said that it was not clean there, and he was ready to find another place to stay, but...but before we left, the master suddenly fell ill...!" Speaking of this, it seems that thinking of the difficult situation at the beginning, he groaned a little , Eye circles are even a little red.

Although she is a monk, and monks pay attention to all things are empty, but she is young, although she is in awe of the Buddha, but at a young age, how can she see through the world of mortals, throw away the seven emotions and six desires, although she recites in her mouth that everything is empty, but in her heart But there are many things, at least Linga master is too hard to forget in her heart.

Chu Huan's expression was a little sad, Rulian seemed to blame herself for affecting Chu Huan's mood, forced a smile, changed the subject and said: "We are in the nunnery where we are staying, and the master will take me to the scripture library to read scriptures. The scriptures were thrown aside and ignored, but the master only looked for those Sanskrit texts, and after finding the Sanskrit texts, he would secretly teach me to learn Sanskrit... The master and I never talked nonsense in the nunnery, and other nuns did not. I don't care about us, so the master taught me Sanskrit, and others never knew about it, and the master also warned me not to "show" the ability to understand Sanskrit in front of others...!" Lowered his head slightly, and said softly: "But if the master... ...If you are still there, you won't care if I tell you...!"

Chu Huan sighed softly: "It turns out that the Lingjia master has such great knowledge. Little sister, did the Lingjia master tell you how she understands Sanskrit?"

Rulian shook her head and said softly: "Master didn't say that, but I never asked. Master treats me well, and what she asks me to do is for my own good, so I will learn what she tells me to learn." It's just that my knowledge is not deep, and Sanskrit is very difficult to learn, I am too stupid, and I can't always learn it well...!"

Chu Huan looked at the scriptures in the [Wo Xiang Jing] in front of him, twisted and twisted, not to mention learning, he felt dizzy looking at it, and praised: "Little sister, don't belittle yourself, you are smart and smart, you started when you were five years old. Learning Sanskrit, I am only fifteen or sixteen years old now, and I have been wandering in the middle, learning intermittently, but I can already understand this scripture, it is really remarkable, if it were me, I am afraid that I would never learn it in my life."

Rulian blinked her eyes, her eyelashes flickered, and asked, "Brother, you want to learn Sanskrit?"

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