Chu Huan was surprised, but Rulian's clear and beautiful face was also surprised. Before Chu Huan could speak, Rulian asked, "Brother, you know Sanskrit?"

"Sanskrit?" Chu Huan asked curiously, "Little sister, you mean that what I said just now is in Sanskrit?"

"Wrong, wrong." Rulian said with some embarrassment: "That's not Sanskrit, it's Sanskrit!" Her eyes were round and round, and she couldn't believe it, "Brother, so you know Sanskrit."

Chu Huan hurriedly sat down, shook his head and said, "I don't understand Sanskrit."

Ru Lian was stunned, and said softly: "Then... that's what I heard wrong... I heard what you said, it seems to be in Sanskrit, so it's not...!" [

Chu Huan said: "You're right, I don't understand Sanskrit, but the sentence I just said is very likely to be in Sanskrit. Sister, did you translate what I said just now?"

Ru Lian nodded, and said: "If the elder brother speaks Sanskrit, translate it like that. If the elder brother speaks not Sanskrit. Then...then I don't know how to translate it into Chinese."

"It's not Sanskrit?" Chu Huan was startled, then smiled and said, "No, no, you can understand the meaning right away, and you can translate it, so it must be Sanskrit."

In fact, he also felt a little queasy in his heart. When he was in Anyi, he always thought that the scriptures were ghost dialects, but at this moment Rulian translated them into Chinese in Sanskrit. Chu Huan felt a little confused for a moment, and really didn't know what the truth Is it the ghost dialect or Sanskrit, thinking in my heart, is it possible that the ghost dialect is actually related to Sanskrit?

But Rulian said solemnly: "Brother, when my master taught me Sanskrit, he also said that although Sanskrit came from Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom, Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom does not only have Sanskrit and Sanskrit. Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom is a vast land with rich resources. Their wealth is not much worse than that of the Central Plains. They have dozens of languages. Sanskrit is only one of them, and it is mainly used by Buddhists. The saints passed on from the west to the east, and passed on to dozens of countries on the way. , there are tens of millions of believers...!" After a pause, after thinking for a while, he said cautiously: "The master said that there are many countries inspired by Buddhism, and the whole country believes in Buddhism, even Sanskrit is the national language. People rarely speak Sanskrit, but there are many countries along the way, but they communicate in Sanskrit...!"

Chu Huan knew in his heart that the spread of Buddhism to the East must be a great move. This time and space is not the historical time and space he is familiar with. The change of historical trajectory has also affected the changes of many things. Chu Huan does not know when Buddhism was spread to the Central Plains. However, I also know that it was a long, long time ago. Nowadays, Buddhism in the Central Plains has withered, and not many people even know Sanskrit, but Sanskrit was once prosperous on the road of Buddhism spreading eastward.

It suddenly occurred to him that the ancestors of the Guifang people came from the Western Regions, and the Buddhism spread to the east. In all likelihood, they passed through the homeland of the Guifang people. Buddhism, so Sanskrit was once used as the national language. If this is the case, it can explain why the old ghost in Guifang can also interpret Sanskrit.

"Little sister, do you mean that the Linga master once said that Sanskrit is used in many countries in the West?"

"Yes." Rulian nodded, "Brother, where did you hear this sentence? I don't know if my translation is correct. The master also told me that although Sanskrit is used in many countries, there are many countries that use Sanskrit. With the passage of time, the pronunciation of Sanskrit used by various countries may not be as pure as it used to be. Even if the pronunciation is the same, the meaning may not be the same in different countries... The Sanskrit taught by my master may not be the same as the Sanskrit of the Western Regions. The language is the same...!" There was a hint of apology on her face, as if she felt a little guilty for not being sure that her translation was correct.

Chu Huan did not expect that Sanskrit could be so complicated. He thought that this is the mantra handed down by the ghost master. Who knows where the ghost master came from? The evolved Sanskrit of the countries in the Western Regions?

After being silent for a while, Chu Huan finally said: "Little sister, help me see how to translate this sentence." Then he read out the first sentence of the Mantra of Suppressing Demons softly. After saying one sentence, Gui Lao was very abnormal, he would rather cut off his finger than translate a word.

Ru Lian listened carefully, thought for a while, and finally said: "Brother, this sentence...!" She seemed a little hesitant, her eyes flickered, as if she had something to say, but she held back.

"Don't you understand?" Chu Huan thought that Rulian didn't know how to translate, and said softly with a smile, "It's all right, I'm just asking casually, Sanskrit is extensive and profound, so it doesn't matter if you don't know."

Rulian shook her head lightly and said, "No, if this is translated in Sanskrit, I can... I can also translate, but...!" She hesitated for a moment, looked into Chu Huan's eyes, and asked solemnly: "Brother, you... Is this sentence very important to you?"

Hearing that Rulian said that it could be translated, Chu Huan suddenly regained his energy. The Mantra of Suppressing Demons was a great mystery in his heart. If he couldn’t understand it for a day, there always seemed to be a stone in his heart. He smiled and said: “Actually, I don’t know. Whether it is very important to me, but I have been looking for someone to translate the meaning of this sentence... It's just that few people are proficient in Sanskrit, so I have never been able to find someone to translate."

Ru Lian's eyes became firmer, as if she had made great determination, and finally said: "Brother, don't worry, as long as I understand, I will translate it for you." Her expression became solemn, and she said softly: "This sentence The words, when translated, mean 'Buddha said that Phinaka Zun got the curse, the law, the six realms, the magic and the solitude'!"

Chu Huan was confused and asked, "What does this mean?"

Rulian thought for a while before explaining very seriously: "It means that the Buddha warned that only Naga can possess this scripture. Fall into the six hells and never be reborn!"

Chu Huan opened his mouth, but did not say a word. At this moment, he finally understood why Gui Lao would rather cut off his fingers than reveal a word. [

Undoubtedly, the old ghost can indeed translate the mantra of suppressing demons, but this first sentence makes the old man retreat. The scriptures are very clear, except for Naga, no one can have the mantra of suppressing demons, even as long as If you touch it a little, you will fall into the six hells, and you will never be reincarnated, and this is what the Buddha warned.

Chu Huan came from time travel, he is not a Buddhist, and naturally he doesn't care about Buddhist admonitions, but he can understand Guilao and Rulian's state of mind.

For Buddhists, the words of the Buddha are the decree of the law. True devout Buddhists respect and respect the Buddha, and of course they will not violate the decree of the Buddha.

Gui Lao knows the meaning of this sentence, he can't violate the law, so he can only break his promise to Chu Huan, and Buddhism prohibits lying, not to mention that Chu Huan is Gui Fang's benefactor. For breaking his promise, he was naturally ashamed, so he could only cut off his own finger, give Chu Huan an explanation, and give himself an explanation.

Chu Huan now also understands why Rulian hesitated after hearing the scriptures she uttered. Rulian is also a Buddhist, so she naturally cares about the decree very much. Only now did he understand that the little nun must have passed jle The psychological struggle, between the decree and herself, the little nun finally chose herself.

Chu Huan knew that this was a very painful thing for Ru Lian, and he was very grateful. Although he didn't care about the decree, but for Ru Lian, it was a matter of falling into the six hells and sacrificing herself. Translating scriptures for herself, looking at Rulian's clear and beautiful face, Chu Huan even wanted to touch it lightly, but she didn't reach out after all, but Rulian looked at Chu Huan, as if waiting for Chu Huan to write, and asked: "Brother, What about the rest? Tell me the rest of the scriptures, and I will translate them for you!"

Chu Huan shook his head, and said with a smile: "Actually, I only know this sentence, and I really don't know the rest."

Ru Lian didn't believe it, she shook her head and said, "There must be more, you...Brother, you asked me to help you!"

Chu Huan smiled. He really wanted to know the content of the following scriptures, but for Rulian, every translation of a scripture was a kind of torture. Chu Huan was not selfish enough to ignore Rulian's feelings, and although he knew The Mantra of Suppressing Demons is a treasure, but at the moment he doesn’t think the Mantra of Suppressing Demons will help him much. He got up and said softly: “Little sister, I came back yesterday and entered the palace last night. I haven’t slept until now. It's tight, I'll go to sleep first to replenish my energy!"

Seeing Chu Huan like this, Ru Lian blinked her eyes and finally nodded. Chu Huan smiled gently and suddenly asked, "By the way, what does Naga mean?"

Chu Huan has never known why the ghost master accepted himself as a disciple, let alone why the ghost master gave him the dharma name "Naga". Why do you care? When he was in Chaowufeng, Gui Lao once asked his name, but he just told him his real name. At that time, he really didn't think that he still had the name of "Naga".

In fact, even if he really remembered it at the time, he would not have said it out easily. Chu Huan had always kept the secret of what happened with the Ghost Master to the depths and would not reveal it easily. old.

After hearing Chu Huan's question, Ru Lian immediately said, "Naga means dragon!"


"Yes!" Rulian nodded slightly, "Naga is the Dharma Protector Dragon King!"

Chu Huan nodded slightly, thoughtfully: "So that's the case." He didn't say much, but just smiled at Rulian gently, turned around and went out, only then did he realize that it was true that the ghost master made himself a Buddhist protector. There is a great mystery, the name of "Naga" is the meaning of Dharma Protector Dragon King. It seems that Master Gui really chose himself to be the Dharma protector of Buddhism, but Chu Huan thought in his heart that as a Dharma protector of Buddhism, he really wanted to protect the Dharma protector. A Buddha who is illusory to himself?

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