Du Fugong's eyes were sharp and deep, and Chu Huan had a feeling of being seen through by the other party, so he could only laugh: "Mr. Du, does it mean that the land is not a royal subject?"

Duke Fu stroked his beard and said: "If the whole world is the emperor's subjects, then why would there be a rebellion by Duke Anguo? Why did Duke Anguo have a party and only follow the King of Han instead of the emperor?"

Chu Huan was taken aback for a moment, and was immediately at a loss for words.

Du Fugong laughed, and said: "Human nature is unpredictable. Since ancient times, every emperor has his own temperament, and also has his own wrist." After a pause, he said slowly: "Does your lord know that snakes shed their scales?"

"Snake shedding scales?" Chu Huan didn't understand for a moment.

"Snakes will hibernate." Du Fu said fairly: "After hibernation, the snake will shed the outermost layer of skin, which binds it and makes it very uncomfortable... When the scales of the snake fall off, the snake will wait for it. a new life."

Chu Huan frowned and said, "What does Mr. Du mean?"

Du Fugong said inscrutably: "In fact, people are the same. Sometimes, if you change people, you will feel that you can control them better. It's like the emperor's courtiers. Many of them enjoy the glory, wealth and power by following him to conquer the world. These people are inevitable. Be more arrogant, the emperor...!" He didn't continue, but said with a smile: "Anyway, in Du's opinion, if your lord is transferred to the northwest, no matter whether it is the crown prince who intends to break off King Qi's arm, For adults, it’s a blessing in disguise...!"

Chu Huan was thoughtful, but did not speak.

"Sun Zikong just said that the conditions in the Northwest are bad." Du Fugong's eyes were bright, "Actually, what he said is correct, not to mention that the environment in the Northwest has always been very bad now, even in the past. The people in the Northwest are tough, and the gentry are powerful. Anyone can survive there. But because of this, the lambs that are being devoured by others will soon be torn to pieces by the pack of wolves. Only real tigers and wolves can survive on that land... …Master, ask yourself, are you a lamb, or a tiger wolf? Or, do you want to lead a group of lambs to be devoured by others, or do you want to lead a pack of tigers and wolves?"

Chu Huan just smiled and said, "I like tigers and wolves!"

"So my lord went to a good place." Du Fugong said with a smile: "Actually, my lord is going to the northwest at this time, and the timing is just right!"

"Mr. Du, you are joking." Chu Huan said with a wry smile, "There are refugees everywhere in the northwest, bandits are infested, and even the army is now a mess...Lack of money and food, I really don't know what the timing is benefit!"

Du Fugong was calm and composed, pointing to a wall and said: "My lord, if this is a wall of iron and steel, can you knock it down with one kick?"

Chu Huan laughed uncontrollably and said, "Don't say it's an iron wall, even the current stone wall, I can't kick it down." Feeling that there was something in Du Fu's words, he asked, "Mr. Du, what do you mean by that?"

Du Fugong didn't explain, but continued to ask: "Then Du, I'll ask again, if the wall is broken, it's already in ruins, and if adults want to kick it down, will it be much easier?"

Chu Huan immediately understood, laughed and said, "Understood, Mr. Du... really humorous."

Du Fugong said solemnly: "Actually, what Du said is not humorous. The so-called time makes heroes. If there is no current chaos in the northwest, your lord may not have the opportunity to be transferred to the northwest. Even if you are transferred to the northwest, your lord is an outsider. Think It is not easy to gain a foothold in the Northwest. Northwest Three Roads, Governor of Tianshan Zhu Lingyue, Governor of Beishan Xiao Huanzhang, including the former Governor of Xiguan Road Lu Xuan, these people are all natives of the Northwest. Except for the three governors, the following Most of the officials here are locals from the Northwest, that is, Feng Hanxiao, the powerful general who protected the country at that time. He is also from the Northwest. Think about it, my lord. You are a Taoist from the West Mountain. If the Northwest is monolithic, you want to gain a foothold in the Northwest. How difficult will it be?"

The more Chu Huan listened, the more surprised he became. He knew that Du Fugong was not an ordinary person with profound knowledge, but he never thought that this person knew everything about the situation in the Northwest.

He already had some respect for Duke Fu, but now he was even more respectful.

"Mr. Du, there are mixed forces in the Northwest. As far as I know, the gentry in Beishan Road and Xiguan Road are deeply conflicted. Do you think this is an opportunity we can take advantage of?"

"The battle between Xiguan and Beishan has a long history. At that time, the five major vassal states in the Northwest conquered each other, so there were many factions in the Northwest, and the battle was fierce." Du Fugong said slowly: "The seven surnames in Xiguan were even more prosperous back then. Xiliang invaded, and the seven surnames in Xiguan suffered heavy losses. It is unknown whether they can make a comeback. However, when you go to the northwest and sit on Xiguan Road, you have to deal with these seven surnames. If you can build a good relationship with them and get their support , then there should be no problem for my lord to gain a foothold in Xiguan."

When Chu Huan heard the "seven surnames in Xiguan", he couldn't help but laugh in his heart. He only felt that the trajectory of his life seemed to be full of many coincidences.

He never thought that one day he would work in the Northwest. When he was in Yunshan Mansion, he met the down-and-out Su family. Chu Huan only gave advice to the Su family because of Lin Lang. However, the two parties have already formed a relationship. He never thought that what he did unintentionally at the beginning actually left a path for himself. The Su family got his help and went to the northwest by themselves. They may not be able to help.

"What are you laughing at, Your Excellency?" Du Fugong couldn't help being startled when he saw a smile on the corner of Chu Huan's mouth.

Chu Huan did not hide it at the moment, and told Du Fugong that he had helped the Su family. Of course, he did not say that he was looking at Linlang's face. A good deed has planted a great cause of goodness, and with this relationship, Du believes that my lord will be much smoother in Xiguan."

Chu Huan straightened his clothes, got up, cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Du, Chu Huan's trip to the northwest is uncertain, and the future is unknown. It is my great fortune that you can follow me!"

Du Fugong also got up hurriedly, and bowed his hands to return the salute: "Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it. My lord saved me in a cage and treated me with courtesy all the time, without any contempt for me. Although Du is not talented, he also knows that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring." , if my lord is useful in the future, Du Fugong dare not obey!"

Chu Huan and Du Fugong looked at each other and suddenly burst into laughter.

After Du Fugong left, Chu Huan thought that there was still one person in the mansion who needed to be notified.

Lin Dai'er and her daughter lived in the mansion disguised as men, and she didn't come out to walk around. It was rare for Chu Huan to see her, and she was thinking about how to settle Lin Dai'er. If Lin Daier agreed to go to the northwest together, Chu Huan would naturally be happy, but this The woman has a strong personality, and it was Chu Huan who persuaded her to stay in the mansion because of her good words.

Chu Huan is not a fool. In fact, he sometimes suspects in his heart that Lin Daier's stubborn character, it is not easy to listen to his persuasion and live in the mansion.

The enmity between Lin Daier and the emperor cannot be solved in this life. Chu Huan knew that the driving force for Lin Daier's survival is probably to kill the emperor. She can live in the mansion, of course she has a safe place to hide However, Chu Huan's greatest suspicion was that Lin Dai'er was probably waiting for an opportunity.

Chu Huan went out of the living room and went to Lin Dai'er's yard. Suddenly, he heard a voice from the side, but it was a voice from behind a rockery, and he clearly heard Su Niang's voice: "...The master has decided to leave the capital ?"

Sun Tzu's voice came and said: "Yes, ma'am, the master has already ordered the little one to tell you to prepare to pack your things. Maybe you will leave Beijing for the northwest in a few days."

"Zikong, isn't the northwest far away?"

"It's very far away." Sun Tzukong said: "The last time I came back, I walked all the way for more than half a month. Madam, it's a bit scary over there. It can't compare to the prosperity and stability of the capital."

"Then why does your master still agree?" Su Niang said anxiously: "We have settled down in the capital for less than a year, and we have put so much thought into it. If we leave, what will happen to our house and shop? These things I can't take it away."

"The master said, take away what you can use, and find someone to sell what you can't use." Sun Tzukong said: "The road is high and the road is long, so you can't take too many things."

"Hey, if it's useful, is there anything in the house that I don't need?" Chu Huan put his hands behind his back and poked his head slightly. Su Niang was talking to her grandson by the side of a pool not far behind the rockery. Su Niang looked quite reluctant, and was looking around with nostalgia, "Zikong, do you think we can sell this house?"

Sun Tzukong rubbed his head and said with a smile: "Ma'am, this house was given to the master by the imperial court, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it can't be sold...!"

Su Niang was immediately disappointed, "Such a big house...isn't it ours?"

"Master, don't worry, master will go to the northwest to be the governor, and then the house will be bigger than this." Sun Zikong laughed and said: "Master is in the capital, and he has to listen to other people's words. When he arrives in the northwest, the master is the emperor of the earth, and no one cares." Without him...!"

Chu Huan frowned, but Su Niang asked worriedly, "Didn't you just say that your master was transferred to the Northwest, and someone was behind your back to kill your master?"

"Actually, I don't know for sure." Sun Tzukong rubbed his head and said, "It stands to reason that the master has been promoted from the servant of the household department to the governor, but this Beijing official should be more popular than the local officials. And the capital is prosperous. , where it is as lifeless as the Northwest... But having said that, Master is still under control in the capital, but he is much more free in the Northwest, hey, ma'am, I don't know what is better...!"

But Su Niang said: "Zikong, I can't always be by your master's side, but you are always by his side, you must protect him with your heart, but don't let him be hurt." Full of worry, Chu Huan saw it in his eyes, heard it in his ears, and thought to himself, to protect himself, I am afraid that ten more grandchildren may not be useful, but this handsome little daughter-in-law's concern for him is beyond words, It also made Chu Huan feel warm.

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