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Chapter 940 Mr. Black

Both Baixiazi and Langwazi suffered flesh and blood injuries, and they treated the wounds inside the cave, while Chu Huan and Qiu Ruxue guarded the entrance of the cave, not daring to take it lightly.

"My lord, this is a good place." Qiu Ruxue looked at it, "This waterfall is like a natural protection, even bows and arrows can't penetrate it, people broke in, raised their hands and took their lives. Although there are many of them, here we don’t have to worry about being outnumbered.”

The wolf boy was helping the white blind man to re-treat the wound. Hearing it from behind, he said, "My lord, they can't get in, but we can't get out either. Are we going to stay here forever?"

"Of course not." Qiu Ruxue had already said: "Over there in Qingtang County, if you don't go back after a long time, you will naturally send someone to look for it...!" Xiang Chuhuan said: "My lord, does that General Xuanyuan know Are we coming to Yan Pingshan?"

Chu Huan nodded slightly, and his expression didn't look very relaxed, "If we haven't returned, Xuanyuan Sheng will naturally bring someone to look for it, but according to the time estimate, if we go back and forth, even if it goes well, we will not be able to return until dawn." In Qingtang County, if we haven't returned by dawn, Xuanyuan Shengcai will wait for a while until he feels that something is wrong and sends troops to help. According to my estimation, it will take noon to arrive at the earliest... In other words, we are here , at least four or five more hours."

"Four or five hours?" The blind man said, "My lord, do you think we can last four or five hours in this cave?"

Qiu Ruxue sneered and said, "Why not, don't worry, I'm guarding the entrance of this cave alone, and none of them can break in... My lord, you guys should rest for a while and recover your strength, although those guys They are all desperadoes, but they know they will surely die if they come here, so they will not come here to die in vain...!"

Chu Huan nodded slightly, his eyebrows tightened suddenly, and a finger was raised to his lips, signaling for everyone not to speak.

Qiu Ruxue immediately became alert, but saw Chu Huan making a gesture. Qiu Ruxue nodded. The middle-cold light burst out, and the man had already leaned out half of his body, and the big knife in his hand slashed towards the stone wall outside the cave like lightning.

Qiu Ruxue also shot at almost the same time, the blade slashed, and there was a scream outside immediately, but it was the assassin who bypassed the waterfall and crawled silently towards the entrance of the cave by sticking to the stone wall.

Originally, they thought the waterfall was very loud. Chu Huan and the others in the cave would only pay attention to the waterfall, and would never pay attention to the stone walls on both sides outside the cave entrance. If they approached through the stone wall, even if there was a slight noise, it could be covered by the sound of the waterfall. , but they did not expect that Chu Huan saw through what they thought was a very clever sneak attack. The two assassins closest to the entrance of the cave were hacked to death and fell into the pool below. .

After the assassins retreated, Chu Huan and Qiu Ruxue put away their knives and smiled at each other.

Outside the waterfall, on the edge of the pool, dozens of assassins gathered together in a dark manner, forming a half-moon shape to surround the pool. Compared with the assassins who besieged Chu Huan and Langwazi before, there were more than a dozen assassins on the edge of the pool. There were as many as four or fifty people in total. The dozens of corpses by the pool had already been lifted and thrown aside. The sky was already dimly lit. Although there was a group of assassins in the dark, it was obvious that there was a In the gap, there were a large number of people on one side, 50 people, but only a dozen people on the other side. When the assassins on both sides met, there was a chill in their eyes, and there was even a look of guard in the depths of their pupils.

The assassin who wanted to touch the stone wall behind the waterfall to sneak attack, but fled back in embarrassment, one of the assassins said coldly: "Why, they saw it?"

"Yes, they... they have been on guard for a long time...!"

"Idiot!" The assassin who scolded was not tall, but he looked quite imposing. Although he was dressed like other assassins, he wore leather wristbands on his wrists.

"Good scolding." Someone on the side with only a dozen assassins answered, "It's just a bunch of idiots... they can only stay in the pig trough and wait to die. They shouldn't come out to be ashamed and conspicuous!"

As soon as the words fell, the people on the wrist guard immediately slashed at them, and someone shouted sharply: "Grandma, what kind of shit are you doing?" The other party also refused to give in, turned their weapons and faced this side. It seemed to be a group of people, but suddenly their blades faced each other.

The eyes of the assassin wearing the wrist guard were as cold as ice, and he stared coldly at a person in the other party's crowd.

"What do you mean by that?" the wristband asked coldly.

"You don't understand that?" The tall man sneered and said, "We have already drawn out the range around this waterfall in advance. Whoever enters the ambush circle will get the prey. If you don't fight or snatch it... the surname Chu entered. Your ambush circle, you have a large group of people, but you can't even hold two people... Are you saying that you are not worthless or something?"

The wristband sneered and said: "You don't seem to be much better than us. Chu has two tricks. It's understandable that we couldn't hold it for a while. You dealt with those two little guys, but you didn't take any of them. That's even It’s not as good as food.”

The tall man sneered and said, "Who is the idiot, why don't we make gestures?"

There was a cooked copper stick in the wrist guard, he raised it suddenly, and said: "Anyone who doesn't compare is a coward... Come on, do it...!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sinister voice came from behind and said, "Could it be that the two of you have forgotten what to do today?"

The wrist guard turned his head, and among the crowd behind him, there was a man standing with his hands behind his back, without a weapon in his hand, looking calm and calm, but the eyes under the hood were very serious.

It seemed that he was quite jealous of this person, and the wristband said coldly: "Mr. Hei, this time, you shouldn't have looked for them...!"

The tall man was about to speak to retort, but the man called Mr. Hei had already interrupted lightly: "Do you think there is still a lot of time? If there is no news from Qingtang County, do you think they Will you still stand still?"

The wrist guard raised his finger and pointed at the waterfall: "But they are now huddled inside, can we kill them?"

"You have a choice." Mr. Hei's voice was extremely calm, "Put away your weapons and leave here in embarrassment...or give it a go and find a way to kill all the people inside. Choose the former, according to our prior plan. It is agreed that not only will you not receive generous rewards, but you will also return all the gold we paid in advance...!"

Immediately, someone sneered and said, "We have lost so many people, do you still want the gold back?"

"An agreement is an agreement." Mr. Hei stood among the crowd, looking extremely calm, "Games have rules, and no one can violate the rules of the game, otherwise... at least I don't think you can bear the consequences." His eyes were sharp. , staring straight at the man wearing the wristband, his tone was not too harsh, but there was an undeniable aura in his words.

The wrist guard hesitated for a while, and finally said to the tall man: "If you want to compete, you will have a chance later. Now let's take the head of the person surnamed Chu first!"

The tall man had no objection, but only asked: "They hide inside and cannot come out. Even if they shoot with bows and arrows, they may not be able to pass through the waterfall... Did your people kill them, or mine?"

Bracers frowned.

According to the agreement in advance, in addition to the basic reward, if the head is won, there will be a generous reward. Naturally, neither of the two factions is willing to be inferior, but at this time rushing over, it is obvious that waiting for such a death is in vain, although for the reward of the queen He didn't care about the casualties of his subordinates, but he was obviously reluctant to send them to death without return.

"Could it be that you have nothing to do by hiding behind the waterfall?" Mr. Hei said flatly, "The waterfall blocked your bows and arrows. If there were no waterfalls, wouldn't it be impossible to block your bows and arrows?"

"No waterfall?"

Mr. Hei sighed, and said: "There are so many of you waiting here, and you won't wait for them to come out." He raised his finger and pointed at the waterfall, and said: "In this case, why didn't you think about breaking the waterfall?"

"Broken the waterfall?" The eyes of the wristband flickered, as if they understood something, the eyes suddenly flashed, and said in a deep voice: "Those with bows and arrows stand up and count them, how many are archers?"

At that moment, the archers on both sides stood up, but there were eight archers in total. There were five archers on the side of the wrist guard, and three on the tall man's side. Come out, no matter who it is, shoot and kill immediately." Pointing to the height of the waterfall, he said: "Everyone else will go up and cut off the flow of the waterfall from above. As long as the upper reaches are cut off, the waterfall here will disappear... Once the flow of the waterfall stops Come down, and the archer immediately shoots an arrow into the hole."

Only then did Mr. Hei slightly nod his head, with approval in his eyes, he waved his wristband and was about to lead someone upstream to cut off the water flow, but the tall man said, "Wait a minute!"

The wrist guard frowned and said, "How?"

"Cut off the water flow is naturally a good idea, but once the water flow is cut off, it may not be a good idea to shoot immediately." The tall man said slowly: "If random arrows shoot in, Chu Huan and the others will definitely die, but when the time comes Who should take the credit?" Looking at Mr. Hei, he asked, "Mr. Hei, you have already settled on the price, and there are some things that need to be clarified."

"There's nothing to argue about." The wristband said impatiently: "Just look at the arrows in the corpses, there are marks on my arrows, as long as our arrows kill them, it will be our credit. "

The tall man said slowly: "But what if there are not only your arrows but also my arrows on the same corpse, so what?"

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