Zhu Lingyue was well-known in the Northwest. When Yu Buqu was still there, Zhu Lingyue was the second in command in the Northwest. After Yu Buqu passed away, Zhu Lingyue was undoubtedly the leader in the Northwest.

Although the Tianshan Road has the smallest territory in the Northwest Three Roads, Zhu Lingyue stepped forward to fight against Xiliang's aggression, and the imperial guards under his command faced up to the difficulties. Left an excellent reputation.

Compared with Zhu Lingyue, the performance of Xiguan and Beishan is really not satisfactory. The officials of Xiguan Dao, including Governor Lu Xuan, not only did not organize resistance when they were in danger, but abandoned the city and fled. The court even killed them , A major cleansing of the officials in Xiguan, four or five out of ten will end miserably.

Although Chu Huan didn't know Beishan Road's performance during the war, but he had rarely heard Xiao Huanzhang's name before, which meant that Xiao Huanzhang hadn't done anything convincing.

After the fall, the court will naturally show no mercy to those cowardly and cowardly people. Although Xiao Huanzhang was not convicted, the power and power in the northwest are comparable to Zhu Lingyue's natural law. Chu Huan understands that in the most difficult time in the northwest, the court even For a time, the military and political power of the Northwest Three Provinces was handed over to Zhu Lingyue, so Xiao Huanzhang was naturally under Zhu Lingyue's control for a period of time. [

As Xiao Huanzhang himself said, when Zhu Lingyue impeached Beishan officials, many of Xiao Huanzhang's officials were implicated. During the war, Xiao Huanzhang might be able to swallow his anger, but now that the Northwest is being rebuilt and the power is reorganized, Xiao Huanzhang is naturally very grateful to Zhu Lingyue for extending his hands and feet into Beishan Road. Dissatisfied, but with his current power and prestige, he himself knew that he could not compete with Zhu Lingyue. Now that Chu Huan came to the Northwest to take up his post, Xiao Huanzhang naturally saw the opportunity and condescended to come to this small county. They met Chu Huan and formed an alliance. In this way, after the reorganization of power in the Northwest after the war, Xiguan and Beishan joined forces, and Zhu Lingyue could not cover the world with one hand.

The key to this is that Chu Huan can figure it out with a slight twist of his mind.

Seeing the slight smile on Chu Huan's face, Xiao Huanzhang was noncommittal. He couldn't see through Chu Huan's mind for a while, so he kept his composure, sighed softly, and said, "Brother Chu, the reconstruction of Xiguan has a long way to go. To say something that shouldn't be said, if you can't follow orders from above, it is not easy to govern the Xiguan side."

Chu Huan let out an "oh" and asked softly, "Why did Master Xiao say that?"

"It's not that I'm stirring up trouble behind my back." Xiao Huanzhang said softly, "Brother Chu doesn't know something. When Zhu Lingyue impeached officials from the imperial court, there was another memorial for his recommendation. Those on this list are said to have contributed to the fight against Xiliang. Ministers and talented people in the Northwest... More than half of these people have been approved by the Ministry of Officials to take up positions in various places in the Northwest. I have arranged some in Beishan, but you have arranged more in Xiguan. I am just worried about the officials that Brother Chu will face in the future. , and cannot be ordered upwards or downwards.”

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Master Xiao is saying that most of the officials in Xiguan are appointed by Governor Zhu. When the Governor takes office, these officials will not obey the Governor's orders?"

Xiao Huanzhang thought for a while, and then said: "There are some things I shouldn't have said, but... since I came to meet Brother Chu, I came here with a sincere heart. If I don't explain the situation in the northwest to Brother Chu clearly I'm afraid Brother Chu will be restrained everywhere. Although Brother Chu is young and promising, he is not from the Northwest Clan after all. Xiao, who was born and raised in the Northwest, must be restrained in many ways. Brother Chu is an outsider, even if Zhu Lingyue is not behind his back. It may not be possible to make the officials of the Northwest Clan follow orders...!"

Chu Huan sighed: "Lord Xiao's words are heartfelt. In fact, I have heard that the Northwest is a fortress of iron and steel, and the officials in the Northwest have their own hearts. It is difficult for foreign officials to integrate into it."

"That's why I said that Brother Chu's situation is not optimistic." Xiao Huanzhang said solemnly: "Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the Fourth Battalion of the Pingxi Army outside Shuoquan City in Yuezhou was commanded by Dongfangxin, who was Zhu Lingyue's imperial guard beforehand. That's Zhu Lingyue's confidant, just think about it, can this Dongfangxin easily obey your orders? Dongfangxin is in the northwest, and he is also a very famous guy, not a kind person."

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Thank you Master Xiao for your advice, I should be careful." After a pause, he asked, "By the way, since Master Xiao regards my younger brother as his own, I really have one thing to ask my elder brother for help! "

"You say it, but it doesn't matter!"

"The first thing to do in the reconstruction of Xiguan is to resume production." Chu Huan said seriously: "But my brother also knows that today's Xiguan is poor and empty, and there is nothing. The imperial court is planning to allocate a batch of grain seeds for autumn planting. It should be very easy." It will come soon, and besides, the imperial court has also agreed to requisition cattle and agricultural tools from the pass to enter Xiguan, but my younger brother has calculated that there must be insufficient farming tools, so...!"

"I understand what Brother Chu means." Xiao Huanzhang said: "After I returned to Beishan, I immediately recruited cattle and farm tools to help Brother Chu overcome this difficulty as much as possible."

Chu Huan didn't care what other schemes Xiao Huanzhang had against him, but since the other party agreed to recruit cattle and farm tools, it really helped him, so he thanked him immediately.

"Besides, I will also help Brother Chu to send back the people in your territory." Xiao Huanzhang said with a smile: "Now in my Beishan Road, there are still many refugees from your Xiguan. The reconstruction of Xiguan requires manpower. We I will dispatch my subordinates as soon as possible to send the refugees from Xiguan back to their hometowns, so Brother Chu will not have to worry about people being available."

Chu Huan nodded with a smile. The people are manpower, and manpower represents productivity at this time. In Xiguan, there are piles of ruins and barren fields.

After Xiao Huanzhang finished what he had to say, he knew that Chu Huan was still on business, but he didn't continue to disturb him. Chu Huan also knew that Xiao Huanzhang didn't want to stay in such a small county for a long time, so he personally sent Xiao Huanzhang away.

After Xiao Huanzhang left, Chu Huan immediately called a group of officials from Qingtang County, including the county prime minister, Bo. Intending to rebel, and now he has absconded, the position of Qingtang county magistrate is naturally vacant.

All the officials were shocked when they heard Zhou Renkang's rebellion. Chu Huan looked at the faces of these people and could see that these officials were really surprised. This group of officials immediately condemned Zhou Renkang's law-breaking behavior with heartache, and Chu Huan was not interested in listening to it, and said directly: "The county magistrate is the second in command in the county. It will continue, from now on, Qingtang County Magistrate will succeed as Qingtang County Magistrate, and continue to carry out the previous affairs.”[

The Qingtang county magistrate was overjoyed, he was really worried that the governor would implicate himself because of Zhou Renkang's rebellion in a fit of anger, but who knew it would be a blessing in disguise, so naturally he kowtowed to thank him.

Since Chu Huan is a governor, he naturally wouldn't stay in Qingtang County to handle a county's affairs. After explaining to him, Xuanyuan Shengcai's side had also finished preparations, and immediately set off for Beiyuan County.

Although it was a day later, Su Niang looked much more haggard, and the disease hadn't completely broken out for a while. Although Chu Huan was worried, there was nothing she could do for a while.

The doctor, Sun Boliu, packed up properly and went on the road with Chu Huan's team. During the journey, he often checked Su Niang's symptoms and informed Chu Huan of Su Niang's condition at all times.

Lin Dai'er, who was disguised as Mr. Lin, was mysterious. Knowing that she was going to leave, she got into the carriage early, and Chu Huan didn't even see when she got into the carriage.

Beiyuan County is not far from Qingtang County, but it is only a two-day journey, but the family members are together, and the walking is not fast. Chu Huan is worried that the epidemic will spread soon, and he must implement his own isolation measures to various parts of Xiguan Road as soon as possible. Walking slowly, you will have to delay a lot of time. I called Xuanyuan Shengcai and asked him to lead the team to follow his family slowly, but he brought thirty guards and Bai Xiazi and other personal followers, and headed to Beiyuan in advance. Go to the county seat.

Xuanyuan Shengcai also knew that the disaster was worse than the fire, so Chu Huan was in a hurry to go to Beiyuan, so it was reasonable.

When Chu Huan arrived in Beiyuan County, it was before noon. He was no stranger to Beiyuan County, and he knew where the Beiyuan County Government Office was. The street went to the county government office, and suddenly heard a chaotic sound coming from the front, and saw a long street in the distance, surrounded by a large group of people, feeling strange, got off the horse, led the horse and walked over.

Before he got close, he heard the screams of "Ouch" and "Ouch", and he was even more puzzled. He wanted to understand clearly, so he handed over the horse to the white blind man, and squeezed himself into the crowd, to the front, I saw an open space in front of me. Several wolf-like guards were holding down a middle-aged man in brocade clothes. The middle-aged man was pressed to the ground, and a guard was swinging a stick at the middle-aged man's ass. The middle-aged man screamed again and again, not far away, a middle-aged man in an official robe was sitting on a chair, holding a cup of tea in his hand, pointing at the middle-aged man and said: I really thought Beiyuan County didn’t have Wang Fa, so I’ll let you taste what Wang Fa is like.”

The clothes of the middle-aged man who was beaten on the ground were torn, even bloodstained, he just screamed and couldn't speak, the people around him pointed and pointed, but they didn't dare to speak loudly, they only dared to discuss in a low voice.

Chu Huan felt strange, and asked a commoner beside him: "Old man, what's going on? Why are you beating people in the street in broad daylight while working as an errand?"

The man glanced at Chu Huan. Chu Huan was wearing an official uniform. He was dressed in ordinary brocade clothes. He lowered his voice and said, "You don't know yet? The person who was beaten was the shopkeeper Lin of the oil shop. He owed taxes, and today he was approached by an official. Here it is... Zhao Jingcheng came out to find him himself...!"

"Taxation?" Chu Huan frowned, and was about to ask a question, when he heard a loud voice saying, "Stop beating, the king's law is the king's law, but it's not like this abuse, if you keep beating like this, you will die , I think you are Fatian!"

Everyone was taken aback, but they saw a man in his early thirties standing out from the crowd, wearing coarse clothes and looking a little thick, his face was flushed at this time, and he didn't know whether it was nervousness or fear.

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