National color raw owl

Chapter 971 Official Business 1 Body

As the folk saying goes, collusion between officials and businessmen is not without reason.

The government and the business gentry walk together because for both parties, only by binding together can the interests of each other be guaranteed to the greatest extent. The business gentry need a series of powerful policies for them from the government so that they can obtain huge benefits from it. , and if the government wants to be stable in one place, it must be supported by the local gentry families. Whether it is economic and prestige, or even in the implementation of various orders, the local government needs the help of the gentry.

Chu Huan understood this truth.

He knew very well that no matter how good his martial arts and resourcefulness were, he would have no way to gain a foothold here without the support of the local gentry.

No matter how powerful a person is, no matter how powerful a person is, without the support of a huge force, it is like having only a head but no body, hands and feet, and nothing can be done at all.

The seven surnames from Xiguan came here on their own initiative tonight, and Chu Huan knew that they should come here as a gesture of favor to him. In fact, when they were in Beiwanglou, Chu Huan already felt something strange.

Now the real power is in the hands of Dongfangxin and Dong Shizhen. The chairman of the Yuezhou Chamber of Commerce is not any of the seven surnames of Xiguan, but a gentleman from Beishan. This is already a very abnormal thing, Chu Huan is very clear. , without the support of Dongfang Xinnagan people, Gao Lian would never have become the chairman of the Yuezhou Chamber of Commerce. It is said that not only Gao Lian, but also a large number of business gentry swept over from Beishan. These people have formed an external force , Chu Huan already felt that this foreign force had colluded with Dongfangxin, an official force.

The seven surnames in Xiguan are the local forces in Xiguan. During this turmoil, Zhu Lingyue's Tianshan faction can be called taking advantage of the fire to rob the officials in Xiguan. The official power in Xiguan is almost collapsed. Xia has already gone through a reshuffle, and in Xiguan, apart from the officialdom, the other is the local gentry forces headed by the seven surnames of Xiguan.

The power of the officialdom and the power of the gentry complement each other and coexist with each other. Once the power of the officialdom falls, the local gentry will be in a dangerous situation. However, Gao Lian, a foreign gentry force, looks for opportunities and enters Xiguan. Together, they worked hand in hand and suppressed the local gentry forces in Xiguan.

Chu Huan even felt that the local gentry in Xiguan were full of joy for his arrival.

There is no doubt that the local gentry forces in Xiguan, represented by the seven surnames of Xiguan, are at the most dangerous time. Their once overwhelming financial resources are beyond the reach of the other two gentry, but the Xiguan gentry, who suffered fatal injuries in the war, Now, in terms of financial resources, they cannot compare with the foreign gentry. Without the support of the government, the road ahead for the seven surnames in Xiguan will be extremely difficult, and they may even disappear among the gentry groups in the near future.

If they want to survive, they must have the support of the government, but the official forces represented by Dongfang Xin and Dong Shizhen regard them as enemies. In this case, Chu Huan, who was parachuted to Xiguan, is undoubtedly life-saving Straw, although Chu Huan himself is also an outsider, but because Chu Huan helped the Xiguan gentry before, in the eyes of the Xiguan gentry, Chu Huan has become their own person in their hearts, and they really need such a "self person" .

For them, Chu Huan is their last hope.

Conversely, for Chu Huan, since entering Shuoquan City, he has been rejected by the official and gentry group formed by Dongfang Xin and Gao Lian. The foreign group regards Chu Huan as an enemy. In this case, Chu Huan It can be regarded as a single-handedly. He really needs the support of the local gentry group, so whether it is Chu Huan himself or the local gentry represented by the seven surnames of Xiguan, they all understand their own interests and understand that the other party is that they must form an alliance. Therefore, the seven surnames in Xiguan came to show their friendship tonight, and opened their hearts, which in itself frankly expressed the meaning of forming an alliance.

The tea was already cold, but no one touched it. Chu Huan was still unclear about the situation in the Northwest, but now after talking with the seven surnames of Xiguan, the outline in his mind gradually became clear.

"Old Master, I still don't quite understand how Gao Lian became the chairman of the chamber of commerce?" Chu Huan asked the previous question again, "The selection of the chairman cannot be decided by the government, it needs the chamber of commerce Members jointly elected, the position of the chairman of the Yuezhou Chamber of Commerce naturally needs the approval of all members of the Yuezhou Chamber of Commerce...!" Glancing at the heads of the four major families present, "You guys are naturally undisputed members of the Chamber of Commerce... ...!" At this point, Chu Huan didn't ask any more questions, but the meaning was already obvious. Since the chairman of the Yuezhou Chamber of Commerce is being elected, the local business gentry of Yuezhou must participate. With your four major families as the leaders, the local Although the gentry is declining now, the power and connections are still there. As long as the four major families oppose it, it is impossible for a foreign gentry to ride on the head of a local business gentry.

The old man stroked his beard and sighed: "There are a large number of gentry from Beishan. Before that, they thought about renting out grain and taking out grain to occupy our land in the name of renting land. Later, this plan failed. They It changed the way, instead of attacking our seven surnames in Xiguan, it started with other people... There are not a few small landlords in Xiguan. When these people fled, they couldn't take the land with them, they could only take the title deed...Gao Lian and his gang People, took the opportunity to buy a lot of land at a very low price...!"

Qian Boyi also smiled wryly: "Eating was a problem at that time, and even though we were reluctant to exchange the land for food, there was no other way. Therefore, many gentry in Beishan bought a lot of land in Yuezhou and planted it. Crops, now they claim to be Xiguan people, and the land is in their hands, which is irrefutable."

"When the chamber of commerce was held, we all went." Hong Shengtao continued: "Not long ago, the chamber of commerce was held. Since Dong Shizhen and Dongfangxin also participated in it, and the pretense was to protect the chamber of commerce. The meeting was held smoothly, soldiers and horses surrounded the guild hall... There were several elections in a row, the first two were Mrs. Su's election, Gao Lian's group shouted that it was unfair, and Dongfangxin refused to let the meeting be dissolved... The meeting was deadlocked for a day and a night Everyone can see that if Gao Lian is not elected, no one will be able to get out of the guild hall, and in the end...!" Having said this, there was a bit of indignation in his eyes.

Chu Huan understood that he dared to use such a despicable and shameless method to become the chairman of the president.

At this moment, Sun Zikong's voice was suddenly heard outside: "Master, someone is asking to see you!"

Chu Huan frowned and said, "Who is it?"

"He claims to be a member of the Department of Criminal Justice." Sun Tzukong said, "He said he has something urgent to see."

Chu Huan thought for a while, and said, "Tell him to come here." He stood up and said, "Seniors, sit down for a while, I'll take a look, and come over immediately." After going out, outside the courtyard, he saw that Sun Zikong had already brought a person with him come over.

Seeing Chu Huan, the man hurried forward, cupped his hands and said, "Master Governor, Mr. Ai sent a villain to report to Your Excellency that at three o'clock tomorrow, the felon will be beheaded in Dongshi. At that time, the Governor-General will be invited to watch the execution." !"

Chu Huan was expressionless, and asked with his hands behind his back: "Are you busy, Master Ai? Why didn't he come to report it himself?"

"Tomorrow, the felon will be beheaded, and the principal will make arrangements overnight. There are many things to do, so he sent the villain here." The man looked up at Chu Huan, "I wonder if the governor will be there tomorrow?"

Chu Huan said lightly: "Tell Ai Zong that not only the governor will be there, but other officials will also be there to watch the execution!"

"Don't worry, Governor, Lord Zhizhou, General Dongfang, and officials of all departments will be present." The man immediately said: "Master Ai said that the people who were beheaded were all important criminals of the imperial court, and the execution in public was also to make an example to others!"

"It's good to kill one to warn others." Chu Huan said expressionlessly, "Go down, the governor will be there at noon tomorrow."

When the man retreated, Chu Huan returned to the side hall and told everyone about it. Fu Yusheng had already clenched his fist and said, "My lord, Ai Zong is really brave. He should come and report such things to your lord in person. But to send a small official, this is deliberately humiliating the adults... and asking the adults to observe the sentence, that is also a bad intention."

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Actually, I really want to see what the hell they are up to." Touching his chin, thoughtful, then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "I'm afraid they will regret inviting me to invite you." The supervisor will participate in the execution." No longer talking about this matter, he looked at the old man Su and asked, "Old man, do you know about the plague in Xiguan?"

The old man nodded immediately and said: "I know that the situation is actually very bad. It is said that many people have died because of the plague... In Shuoquan City, Dongfangxin sent people to patrol around. Those infected with the plague will be taken to a temporary camp thirty miles outside the northern city, and all gates of Shuoquan City will be strictly inspected to prevent plague-infected people from entering the city...!"

Chu Huan frowned and said, "Dongfangxin and the others can think of a way to deal with the plague?"

"I didn't hear that they came up with any good solutions." The old man also frowned, "I just heard that Dong Shizhen ordered all prefectures and counties in Yuezhou to strictly investigate the sick, and searched for plague-infected people in all prefectures, counties and villages. , once found, immediately put into a temporary shelter camp...!"

Qian Boyi hurriedly said: "I just heard that many people die in the camp every day, and after they die, their bodies will be burned immediately...!" He frowned and said: "Just doing this will not help at all. More and more people are infected with the plague... If the government doesn't come up with other methods, just put the patients they found into the camps, this is treating the symptoms but not the root cause, and it can't stop the spread of the plague...!"

The old lady looked at Chu Huan with a solemn expression and said, "My lord, the most urgent task is not elsewhere, but the plague. If the plague cannot be stopped this time, it will be very bad for my lord...!"

Chu Huan nodded slightly, knowing what the old man meant, but he was thinking that Pei Ji was stepping up to develop the formula, but he didn't know when Pei Ji would come over.

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