Dongfang Xin looked embarrassed, and said slightly sullenly: "The last general is a warrior, and his writing is superficial, so I can't see why." After a pause, he said lightly: "It's just that the last general is very strange. The Governor’s Mansion can be said to have been dug three feet deep, and the General led people to search it several times at that time, and there should be nothing missing, but after Mr. Chu moved in, he found these letters immediately.”

"In fact, the Governor is also very strange." Chu Huan sighed: "Governor Zhu led the troops to search the Governor's Mansion, he should go all out, and the Governor can't figure out why there is such a huge mistake... It seems At that time, many people were confused by joy, and there was a huge mistake...!"

Dongfang Xin sneered and said: "The last general doesn't think there is any mistake, I'm afraid there is something hidden!"

Dong Shizhen heard it from the side, realized something, and kept winking at Dongfang Messenger, but Dongfang Xin didn't seem to see it. Chu Huan already asked with a smile: "I don't know what the secret of Dongfang Messenger's mouth is?"

Dongfang Xin stared at Chu Huan's eyes and said, "Master Chu really doesn't understand?" [

"The governor really doesn't understand." Chu Huan said leisurely.

Dongfang Xin sneered and said: "Master Chu suddenly had these secret letters, and a large group of officials were involved. The general felt very strange. Could it be that all the officials in the Northwest were thinking of joining Xiliang people?" ? Isn't this too ridiculous?"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "As General Dongfang said, Gongsun Chu, who once made great achievements in Xiguan, suddenly colluded with the enemy and betrayed the country, and the evidence of treason is a few letters. This governor also thinks it is absurd."

Dongfang Xin shook his head and said, "Gongsun Chu treacherously defected to the enemy. Not only did he have letters, but many people witnessed it with his own eyes. Xiao Tian asked him to live in Zhizhou Prefecture and treat him well. If Gongsun Chu hadn't defected to the enemy, how could he be treated like that?"

Chu Huan stared into Dongfang Xin's eyes and asked, "What does General Dongfang mean?"

Dongfang Xin clenched his fists and said unceremoniously: "The general thought that the letters found by Mr. Chu were really fabricated by someone, not real...!"

Ai Zong also regained his composure at this time. Hearing what Dongfang Xin said, he immediately said: "That's right, it's exactly...!" He shook the letter in his hand, "This is a fake, someone forged it...!"

Chu Huan looked indifferent, and asked back: "The governor also said before that the governor does not believe these are true... The governor also believes that these letters are forged by people from Xiliang...!"

"The fake is true, but it may not be from Xiliang." Dongfang Xin sneered.

The corners of Dong Shizhen's eyebrows twitched, and she gave Dongfang Xin a few winks again and again, but Dongfang Xin didn't even look at him, and confronted Chu Huan tit for tat, as if he was about to fight Chu Huan.

Chu Huan kept his expression calm all the time, even with a faint smile, he asked, "General Dongfang said that he may not be from Xiliang. Could it be that these letters were forged by someone else? But I don't know who General Dongfang suspects?"

Ai Zong seemed to be relieved at this time. He was panicked before, but now he thought of Dongfangxin's support, and suddenly he became more confident, and said: "My lord governor, no matter who forged it, this letter must be fake. Although I seem to be It is the handwriting of the lower official, but the lower official believes that it must have been written by someone imitating the lower official's handwriting, and it is intentional to frame the lower official."

At this moment, the sound of drums was heard, and the third drum began to sound above the execution ground. The soldiers had already escorted Gongsun Chu and other officials to the beheading platform in front, and pressed their heads into the beheading platform. The executioner had already stepped forward to clean the Ghost Head Knife in the bucket.

Chu Huan glanced at Xuanyuan Sheng before Xuanyuan Sheng strode to the edge of the execution platform, pulled out his saber, and waved it twice in mid-air. Soon he heard the sound of armor rubbing, and a group of guards soldiers had already left The crowd quickly passed through. Although there were only three or forty people, they were as imposing as hundreds of people. When they reached the edge of the execution platform, the soldiers guarding around the execution platform wanted to stop them, but the guards shouted one after another. : "Get out of the way, who dares to stop, kill and forgive!"

The guards are well equipped and imposing like a tiger. The guards, who are as tall as a wolf and a tiger, did not dare to stop them for a while. Seeing this group of people rushing to the execution platform, they guarded the group of prisoners When they got up, the people around the observation platform were stunned, not knowing what happened.

Seeing the situation over there, Dongfangxin's expression changed drastically, and he said sharply: "My lord governor, what are you doing? Are you trying to rob the execution ground?"

"General Dongfang, some hats can't be put on." Chu Huan said calmly, "The robbery of the court? As a governor, I feel that there are some mistakes in this case. It should be investigated again. This should be within the scope of the governor's authority. Inside?"

The corners of Dongfang Xin's eyes twitched, but he still said sharply: "The case of Gongsun Chu has been handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for a final decision, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice has already issued an approval document. How can the court's laws be changed overnight?"

"Knowing that there is a problem, but still persevering?" Chu Huan's voice turned cold, "Could it be that General Dongfang thinks that Mr. Dong and others should be sent to the execution platform today for execution?"

"The case of Gongsun Chu has come to a conclusion." Dongfang Xin insisted: "As for Master Dong's case, as long as someone checks the secret letter, they will be able to tell the truth from the fake. If the secret letter is true, no one can tell the truth." You can’t cover up Dong Zhizhou and the others, if it’s fake, then Dong Zhizhou and the others are naturally guilty... The governor still needs to investigate who is deliberately framing it.”

"Check the authenticity of the secret letter?" Chu Huan laughed, and suddenly stood up, "Okay, General Dongfang, the governor is waiting for your words, and now find someone to check the authenticity of the secret letter, not only These secret letters discovered by the Governor, and the secret letters discovered by Governor Zhu at the beginning, must be checked one by one... Whether it is true or not, we will test it in front of the people!"

Dong Shizhen frowned, and Dongfangxin said angrily, "Those secret letters from Gongsun Chu have already been concluded, so why re-examine them?"

"There is a conclusion?" Chu Huan laughed, "Whether it is the secret letter of Gongsun Chu or the secret letter of Dong Zhizhou, they were all found from the Governor's Mansion and came from the same place. Is it necessary to distinguish between them? Or General Dongfang thinks that as long as Dong Zhizhou's secret letters are found to be fake, then Gongsun Chu's secret letters are also fake?"

Dongfangxin clenched his hands into fists, not knowing how to answer for a while.

At this time, Chu Huan had already walked to the edge of the execution platform, holding the secret letter written by Gongsun Chu to Xiao Tianwen in his hand, raised it above his head, and shouted to the people watching the execution: "Fathers, folks, this The letter is said to be a secret letter written by Gongsun Chu to the King of the South Academy of Xiliang back then, and you must be aware that this is the evidence that Gongsun Chu has bought in collusion with the enemy...!" After beckoning, Xuanyuan Sheng comprehended and wrapped the oil paper again Send it over, and Chu Huan held it in his hand, "This is the criminal evidence that the governor just found, and it comes from the same place as Gongsun Chu's criminal evidence. , in my Xiguan, there is a large group of officials who secretly surrendered to the people of Xiliang... Tell me, do you want to investigate this matter carefully?"

The people in the audience had already shouted in unison at this time: "Check, check, find out all those traitors who defected to the enemy, and not one of them will be let go...!"

Then Chu Huan said loudly: "Is there any expert who knows calligraphy and painting to stand up and verify the authenticity of the secret letter?"

After the words fell behind, people looked at each other in blank dismay, and for a while people agreed, Chu Huan had already said loudly: "As long as you stand up and verify the authenticity of the secret letter, the governor promises that you will be rewarded with ten stones of food...!" Then the voice changed, and he said solemnly: "However, if you want to come up to verify it, you'd better have some ability. The governor has always been very disgusted with people who don't understand and pretend to understand."

Ten stones of grain is naturally not a small number. For the current Xiguan, gold and silver are far less attractive than grain.

Soon, a few people stood out from the crowd. Chu Huan glanced at them, nodded to four of them, and said, "You four, please come up!" They are scholars, so they naturally have a good understanding of calligraphy and painting, and Chu Huan understands that these old scholars will not dare to play with mysteries if they verify it in public. If they are not careful, their reputation will be ruined.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Dong Shizhen's eyes twitched, and she glanced at Dongfang Xin. Seeing Dongfang Xin staring at Chu Huan with a hint of annoyance, a disdainful sneer crossed the corner of Dong Shizhen's mouth. Contempt for Dongfang Xin.

The four scholars stepped onto the execution platform. Under the watchful eyes of all the officials and common people, Chu Huan took out several letters from the oil-paper bag, handed each of them one, and then ordered: "You are all scholars. Please take a good look at these letters. Are there any problems? If there is no problem, or if there is no problem, the Governor will not blame you, and will give you five taels of silver, but you can’t just talk about it. But if someone can see the problem, and there are reasons, then the governor will reward ten shi of grain!"

The four of them all claimed that they were, so they opened the letter, took out the letter inside, and examined it attentively under the watchful eyes of everyone.

All around were holding their breath at this time, and Gongsun Chu, who was already indifferent, raised his head at this time and looked towards the execution platform. He was already disheartened, but he never expected that today Such a scene would happen suddenly, and he didn't know what Chu Huan's intention was at this time, so he frowned slightly, and the other officials waiting for punishment were also surprised.

Ai Zong saw the four old men carefully checking the letter, and couldn't help but said: "You guys have to check it out, the matter is very important, if there is a mistake, you can't afford it...!"

Chu Huan reprimanded him, but said with a smile: "Look slowly, don't worry, Mr. Ai is right, the matter is important, don't make any mistakes...!"

Just for a moment, one of them frowned, but saw him stretch out a finger, dip it on the letter paper, put his finger on the tip of his nose and sniff it, then moved closer to the letter paper and smelled it, only for a moment , there was a look of surprise on his face, he turned his head and glanced at his companion, only to see that the old man beside him seemed to have smelled the letter, closed his eyes and pondered for a while, as if he understood something, he was about to open his mouth, and the next Apparently afraid of being snatched first, the old man was the first to speak: "My lord, there is a problem with the letterhead!"

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