National color raw owl

Chapter 977 Deadly 1 Strike

After the six people wrote down the answers on the paper, Dongfangxin ordered the six people to stand side by side. With an order, the six people were ordered to show the answers on the paper. Those who can read and write are just pushing forward at this time, it seems that the paintings on the paper are all peerless fairylands, and they can prolong their lives just by looking at them.

Not only the people watching the execution, but also the officials on the execution platform came together and looked at the papers. Dongfangxin's expression changed after seeing the answers written by the six people.

At this moment, Chu Huan came over with his hands behind his back, and when he saw the answers on the six pieces of paper, he raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was relieved, but his expression was calm, and no one could see what he was thinking.

"General Dongfang, my lords, have you all seen clearly?" Chu Huan said slowly: "The answers of the six people are almost the same, the longest time is about eight months, and the shortest time is about six months ...!" Glancing at everyone, "In other words, Gongsun Chu's incriminating evidence was written between the first six to eight months...!"

Dong Shizhen didn't squeeze over to look at it, he seemed to already know the answer, the corners of his eyes twitched, he sat on the chair, looked at Dongfang Xin, and muttered something in his mouth, but at this moment almost everyone's attention was focused on Chu Huan , no one went to Dong Shizhen, and no one cared about Dong Shizhen's current expression.

After all, Ai Zong is not a stupid person, otherwise it would not be his turn to take the position of the head of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. Just now because of the incident involving himself, he was flustered and confused, but now he has understood that today seems to have been taken by Chu Huan. He made a hard calculation.

"Master Ai, I think you won't have any doubts about such a result." Chu Huan looked at Ai Zong, "These elders have just judged that the letter framing Mr. Ai is fake, so now it is concluded that the letters from Gongsun Chu are fake. The letter was written between the first six months and eight months, so there must be no doubts." Before Ai Zong could speak, he stared at Dongfang Channel: "General Dongfang, among the six people, two of them are you. Pick it out, now that the answer has come out, the six people have judged that this letter has been inked for no more than eight months, I wonder if you still have questions?"

Dongfang Xin clenched his fists, he already understood something, but he still asked: "So what?"

"It seems that General Dongfang is really confused." Chu Huan sighed: "Shuoquan City was breached by Xiliang people two years ago. If these criminal evidences are true, then at least Gongsun Chu had a relationship with Xiao before the city was destroyed." Tianwen has secretly communicated, but now these letters are only eight months old. Eight months ago, these letters did not exist at all... Bendu is very strange. Half a year ago, it was the time when Xiliang soldiers and horses withdrew. These letters appeared at that time. Could it be that Gongsun Chu started to communicate with Xiao Tianwen when he was in the Xiliang military carriage? Even so, the content in his heart was wrong. Donate Shuoquan City, begging the people of Xiliang to give them glory and wealth...but Shuoquan City was captured two years ago, and eight months ago, Gongsun Chu was still a prisoner of Xiliang people, so why come to the county to say?"

Chu Huan's voice gradually turned cold, and Dongfang Xin opened his mouth. He was not a person who could speak eloquently, but at this moment, he also knew that what Chu Huan said was like a knife, and the facts were all there, and it was impossible to refute.

Ai Zong was also sweating profusely at this time. He finally understood that Chu Huan's real purpose today was not to attack officials like Dong Shizhen. He claimed to have found some secret letters last night. The letter deals with Dong Shizhen and others, but its ultimate purpose is to prove that Gongsun Chu's criminal evidence is also false through forged letters.

Dongfangxin didn't know how to defend himself at this time, but at this moment he remembered that there should be Dong Shizhen who was eloquent on his side, so he hurriedly looked over at Dong Shizhen, but when he saw Dong Shizhen sitting on a chair, he turned his face away. He doesn't seem to care about what's going on here.

Chu Huan already said with a smile: "Dong Zhizhou!"

Dong Shizhen's body trembled, she got up instantly, came over hurriedly, cupped her hands and said with a smile, "What's your order, Governor?"

"The letter that was verified just now was obtained by Director Ai from the Criminal Department in person, so there shouldn't be any problems." Chu Huan said with a smile: "Now, it has been verified that these letters were written eight months ago at the earliest, and six months at the latest. Now, from this point of view, the so-called criminal evidence of Gongsun Chu and others does not seem to be tenable... As the saying goes, to convict a person, physical evidence is needed. Now the physical evidence is not established, but I don’t know how Mr. Dong thinks this matter should be handled ?”

Dong Shizhen forced a smile and said, "If this is the case, these criminal evidences are of course false."

Chu Huan nodded and said: "It seems that the people of Xiliang are indeed very sinister. Master Dong, when did Gongsun Chu and the others be arrested and sent to prison?"

"The soldiers and horses of Xiliang had withdrawn from Xiguan half a year ago, and Governor Zhu led his troops to recover Shuoquan City." Dong Shizhen could only explain: "The soldiers and horses searched inside and outside Shuoquan, and found many people who were captured by Xiliang people at the beginning. Officials, Gongsun Chu and others were among them... This Gongsun Chu lived in Zhizhou Mansion at that time. Governor Zhu's subordinates found these letters in the Governor's Mansion, and sent people to arrest Gongsun Chu and others. Hand it over to the Department of Criminal Justice...!"

Chu Huan sighed: "In other words, before Governor Zhu sent people to search the Governor's Mansion, the Xiliang people just forged these letters. Just like what happened to the Governor, these letters that the Governor found in the Governor's Mansion , I am afraid that Xiliang's secret work has just been forged and hidden in the Governor's Mansion, which was acquired by the Governor... The reason is that they want us to scatter internally and make each other enemies...!"

Dong Shizhen cupped his hands and said, "My lord is wise."

"Since Gongsun Chu's criminal evidence is all false, that is to say, the conclusion that Gongsun Chu surrendered to the enemy and treason is not established." Chu Huan sighed: "On the contrary, the Xiliang people deliberately forged these letters, which just proved the innocence of Gongsun Chu and others. , if Gongsun Chu and the others really took refuge in Xiliang, Xiao Tianwen would try his best to keep them. Wouldn’t it be better to use them as Xiliang’s internal support? Since Xiliang people want us to convict Gongsun Chu and use these Forged criminal evidence, which means that no one in Xiliang has any evidence of Gongsun Chu collaborating with the enemy... Well, it seems that Gongsun Chu and the others have been wronged!"

Dongfangxin's eyes were wide open, and he still wanted to argue. Dong Shizhen did not wait for Dongfangxin to speak this time, and said: "Your Excellency is wise, so it seems that Gongsun Chu and the others were indeed wronged...!"

"Since he was wronged, today's criminal law cannot be enforced." Chu Huan said with a smile, "Master Dong, what do you think we should do next?"

"Everything is up to the adults." Dong Shizhen said respectfully, but still made a suggestion, "However, I think that since the imperial court has approved the criminal document for this case, we still need to ask the imperial court for instructions... …, Gongsun Chu and the others went back to the big prison first, and the lord and the subordinate officials submitted the papers to the court to explain the matter, and waited for the approval of the Ministry of Punishment to issue Gongsun Chu and the others. I don’t know what the lord will do ?”

Chu Huan nodded and said: "Master Dong is right. Of course, this matter should be reported to the court. Since the Ministry of Punishment has made a mess, this matter must be resolved by the Ministry of Punishment." He shook his head lightly and sighed: "Qiu, the Ministry of Punishment If Shang Shu knew that such a mistake had occurred, his face would be really dull...!" His eyes sharpened suddenly, his hands were behind his back, and his voice became cold: "Ai Zong, are you guilty?"

Ai Zong's body froze, Chu Huan's voice was like ice, and Ai Zong's body was even colder, but he still tremblingly said: "Master..., what crime does the villain commit?"

"You don't know what crime you have committed?" Chu Huan laughed, "Ai Zong, you are the one to try Gongsun Chu's case?"

"That...!" Ai Zong couldn't deny it, so he could only bite the bullet and say, "Yes... the lower officials accept it!"

"The result of the trial was naturally written by you and submitted to the Ministry of Criminal Justice?" Chu Huan squinted at Ai Zong.

Ai Zong felt chills all over his body, "'s the case written by the lower official."

"The governor knows that you, Ai Zong, have not been in office for long." Chu Huan said calmly: "The prefectures and counties of Xiguan Road have been affected by Xiliang, and there have been many vacancies in each yamen. Military and political affairs are all handled by Governor Zhu. Governor Zhu has a lot of opportunities to manage every day. To govern the four states of Xiguan, it is natural to fill up all the official vacancies in the prefectures and counties. It is unusual and unusual, and Governor Zhu cannot be carefully selected. , so among the officials of the prefectures and counties, it is inevitable that there are good and bad...!"

It was very quiet in the surrounding area at this time. Although Chu Huan's voice was not loud, he was full of energy. People who were near the execution platform could clearly hear Chu Huan's words.

"The governor is now in office, and the government affairs that Governor Zhu failed to complete, the governor will naturally continue to complete." Chu Huan turned to look at Ai Zong, "The reconstruction of Xiguan requires the concerted efforts of the government and the people. At this time, Xiguan needs to be more capable. Therefore, this governor will never allow good and bad situations to arise. Those who are capable will be reused by this governor, and those who are incompetent will pack their bags for this governor as soon as possible... Ai Zong, as the head of the Ministry of Punishments, You are in charge of the criminal prison along Xiguan, where the war is fierce and turbulent, and there are many cases, if you can't be fair and just, it will only make the situation worse, but what have you done yourself?"

Ai Zong faintly felt that Chu Huan had raised a knife, which was about to cut off the top of his head, and wanted to argue, but Chu Huan had already said: "Gongsun Chu is the former governor of Yuezhou, an important minister of the court, Once he fought against Shuoquan in a bloody battle and made great achievements in battle. If he colluded with the enemy, everyone would be punished if he was innocent. Be careful, check carefully, and don't wrong the good man...!" Pointing to the letters in the hands of those scholars, he sneered and said, "These forged letters are easy to identify, and this governor is very strange. Are you a gang of criminals? , These forged evidences are actually regarded as ironclad evidence by you, Ai Zong, tell me, did you deliberately frame Gongsun Chu, or are you so incompetent that you can easily deceive you with such forged evidences?"

Ai Zong only felt that his body was weak and dizzy. He only felt that it was difficult to breathe. Chu Huan's eyes were like ice, staring at his eyes. Ai Zong was short of breath, and reluctantly said: "This... It's the negligence of the errands below...!"

"Neglect?" Chu Huan sneered and said, "Gongsun Chu is the magistrate of Yuezhou. Doesn't his case make you be careful, and such a big case can make his subordinates be negligent? The governor is very suspicious. Such a big case, you You can be negligent, so how will you treat other cases? The Ministry of Criminal Justice is the chief criminal and prison department, and it is about human life. Your negligence is human life...!" Pointing to the execution platform, "Look over there, Fourteen officials of the imperial court were all loyal to the country, but because of your negligence, they were labeled traitors who defected to the enemy and treasoned the country, and they are going to be executed right here, Ai Zong, don’t you know your crime?”

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