american god of earth

Chapter 129 The Life of the Daddy Who Came Suddenly

Chapter 129 The Life of the Daddy Who Came Suddenly

Chapter 127 The Life of the Daddy Who Came Suddenly
Suing the U.S. government is an old practice.

In terms of being inappropriate, the American government seems to be inappropriate.

As a result, after the files of various victims were unsealed, various litigators found them almost without hesitation, in order to find excess profits from them.

Although they take almost 95% of the compensation from the victim, without them, the victim gets nothing.

Therefore, litigants will use all their skills and skills to try to get the most compensation.

But in front of the Stark chaebol, the Walter consortium, and the Apple Syndicate, the status of these lawyers is much humbler.

Many people often say that the United States is ruled by lawyers and judges, and PCs are just their tentacles and thugs.

But in fact, anyone who understands understands who the real ruler of the United States is.

Whoever controls the means of production controls the productive forces.

Lawyers are just dogs raised by consortiums.

Before hunting, there is good wine and good meat. Once there is a need, they need to rush forward and bite the prey desperately.

These prey may be romantic debts caused by the poor management of the chaebol's shareholders.

These prey may be up-and-coming small businesses that may pose a threat to the chaebol.

It could also be a new bill that threatens businesses.

This is the most common case that corporate lawyers do.

It is precisely because of the diversity of cases that there may not always be cases that require lawyers to guard all the time, so most of the companies cooperate with relatively well-known law firms-how much I will give you a month, and when you encounter a lawsuit Then, calculate the price.

Many law firm partners, as long as they become famous, even if they don't do anything, the company will give them money every year.

This is one of the reasons why lawyers are paid so much.

But this time, since what Li Ang wants is the best lawyer, I'm sorry, you'd better get one or even a few recognized best lawyers from the law firm, and then join the best lawyers from other law firms I've found. , form the most luxurious and best lawyers, and fight this century lawsuit well.

That's right.

The lawsuit of the century.

After Li Ang's live broadcast, voting, and participation by the whole people, this matter has become a focus event of great concern in the United States.

In this matter, Li Ang had already stood on the side of justice first, and no one questioned it.

And there is no doubt that the American government played the evil side in this incident.

The research materials packaged by S.H.I.E.L.D. will be sent to the lawyers. Of course, technical things will be copied by S.H.I.E.L.D. in advance, and the rest will become "evidence" for the lawyers.

They will sort out the evidence, and then prove the direct subordinate relationship between the Pentagon and the Stryker Research Center, so that the Pentagon and the US government can lose a lot of money.

So they need the best lawyers in the country to do it.

And the best lawyers in the country are more than happy to come to serve.

Money or not is the second priority. There is no shortage of money to do things for the consortium. The most important thing is that the social influence of this matter is very huge, so huge that it can even be remembered in history.

Go out before and maybe no one knows who you are.

But as long as you finish this case, when you introduce yourself in the future, you will say something reserved: "I am one of the principals in the case of Superman Leon suing the United States."

Others will definitely look in awe when they look at him.

That's how people's names are typed.

When Li Ang took the children back to the top floor of Walter's company, he was surprised to find that his guest room was not enough at all.

In fact, the roof of Walter Company has considered the issue of parties, so there are ten rooms for guests to stay overnight.

However, many American-style mansions that cost tens of millions of dollars are only for the two couples wholeheartedly. Apart from the two children's rooms, most of the rooms will only be used as audio-visual rooms, entertainment rooms, bars, and sauna rooms. Class party room.

After all, many luxury house contractors, builders and dealers can't imagine that you own a luxury house with hundreds of millions of dollars but can't afford to open a hotel for people to live in.

But those rooms like Li Ang's had already taken into account the training and cultivating relationship with other superheroes at the beginning, so ten guest rooms were specially built.

But even so, there is still no way to meet the needs of the children today: there are 23 rescued children alone, including Polaris and X-13.

Even if the two of them shared a room, Gwen and Jessica would have to move out.

It's just that they were caught by Li Ang to work as coolies before they could move away.

None of the top eight of BIG7 escaped, like Clint, who was called by Li Ang to bathe the five boys.

For the remaining eight girls, Polaris was able to bathe herself, and took a girl to wash and brush together. The remaining six girls, Gwen and Jessica, took a bath one by one.

Kuaiyin was assigned by Li Ang to buy diapers, milk powder, rice cereal, and other things for the children.

Don't look at these children who may look five, six, seven or eight years old, but it is very likely that they don't know anything, they don't understand anything, and they hold a terrible killing power in their hands, but they use it unconsciously. First, the first step It is to wash away their wariness of adults.

Li Ang and Hawkeye Clint, each wearing a pair of swimming trunks, washed the hair of five mischievous boys in the big bathroom. The whole bathroom was full of children's laughter.

They may also take a bath and eat when they are in the research room, but here they experience something they have never experienced before - freedom.

They started a water fight in the big tub, like a swimming pool.

One of the blond-haired little boys suddenly screamed, and the entire steaming bathtub was completely frozen.

Clint was taken aback, but before the little boy was frozen, Leon grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted him and another boy out of the bathtub.

Then the heat vision turned the bathtub that was about to freeze into a pot of boiling hot water.

Li Ang put the two children down, although he didn't know who did it, anyway, the boys hit first, and Li Ang hit a chestnut on the heads of both of them, and then the watch on his wrist rang stand up.

"We've summoned the best lawyers in America, do you want to meet them?" Pepper's voice came from the watch.

"I'll come, which floor are you on?"

Li Ang asked.


"Clint, take care of these little guys, and go eat after bathing them." Li Ang turned his head and said to Hawkeye.

"Damn it, come back quickly, I can't deal with these superpower kids." Clint, who is already a father, said loudly.

"You can do it, come on." Li Ang gave Clint a thumbs up and drifted away.


PS: It's 171, and there are still 29 more to add. Is there a monthly pass?any left?
(End of this chapter)

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