american god of earth

Chapter 134 God, Will Blood Really Bleed?

Chapter 134 God, Will Blood Really Bleed?
Chapter 132 God, Will Blood Really Bleed?
Li Ang thought that Odin's gun would strike like Zeus' lightning.

The speed is fast, but it is just a lightning energy attack.

This kind of physical energy attack is not at all painful to Superman's standpoint.

But he didn't expect that when he was hit, he discovered that Odin's gun was actually a physical attack? !
meteor? !
lightning? !
Or both?
Li Ang didn't know, but he was beaten very high.

At this time, Odin had already arrived at Li Ang's side with the Destroyer suit.

His speed is extremely fast, almost like thunder, ordinary people can't react at all.

But Li Ang had already been ready for battle.

He only saw that Odin had just appeared, and before he could react, Li Ang's heavy punch had already hit him in the face.

As we all know, the Destroyer suit does not seal the face.

Only Odin's bearded face was directly deformed, and the whole face was instantly deformed.

As fast as Li Ang was sent flying by him just now, he was sent flying by Li Ang just now.

Li Ang stopped his body steadily through the force field, how could he be directly sent flying by Odin's Gungnir with the force field.

All this is just a trick to lure Odin.

Who would have thought that Odin would be fooled directly? Is this guy really the Nordic God of War Odin who has galloped in the God Realm for hundreds of years?
Combat experience is no different from Thor.

While confused, Li Ang counter-accelerated, caught up with Odin, and fired two heavy cannonballs with both hands.

He was very familiar with the physical fitness of the Asgardians, especially Thor, who had been beaten by him countless times, so he tried his best to output every punch, and even added a force field.

But I have to say that Jiang is still old and spicy, and the lazy boat still has three catties of nails. Even if Odin is old and looks like this ghost, he is still the violent god of war in Asgard.

All the stripes of the Destroyer's armor were seen to be opened. Li Ang's power hit the Destroyer's armor without passing through Odin's body at all. The power was directly spread by the Destroyer's armor from the stripes in the gap.

This reaction force can even play a role in helping Odin stabilize his body in midair.

Li Ang frowned, the feeling was really not right.

It seems that it actually hit Odin, but in fact it should not have caused too much damage to Odin, and it feels very uncomfortable.

What was even more uncomfortable was that with the help of the Destroyer armor, Odin regained his balance in mid-air, and hit Li Ang on the cheek with a backhand.

Li Ang was instantly dizzy from the beating.

The strength of this old man is also stronger than Sol.

This is probably also the increase of the Destroyer armor.

Li Ang thought very fast. While thinking, Odin stabbed him twice with the sharp gun Gungnir.

At this time, Odin already knew that his attack could not break through Li Ang's defense.

Li Ang's defense is divided into three layers.

The first layer is Li Ang's skin, the second layer is the Zhenjin battle suit, and the third layer is the force field.

The magic of the force field is purely single-minded, and it depends entirely on personal applications and personal computing capabilities.

Perhaps Li Ang is not capable enough in terms of creativity, but in terms of computing power, it has far surpassed all of Tony Stark's computers, reaching a field beyond the reach of humans.

This is Kryptonian.

Kryptonians are more than hundreds of years ahead of humans in terms of genetics, so they can develop their cells to the point where they can absorb the energy of the sun. Similarly, they can also develop themselves to the point where they can use force fields in terms of brain waves.

Odin frowned deeply.

This is literally endless!

The battle he thought, even if it was a fight, was better than it was like now, two people were fighting a bad battle, you punched me, and I stabbed you with a spear.

But it is very helpless that when their level reaches this point, the gap between them will become smaller and smaller, and eventually return to the point of beating each other with fists.

Einstein said that the third world war of mankind is a war of stones and sticks.

Gu Long also said that the strongest weapon of human beings is the fist.

Therefore, when the energy level rises to a certain level, their battles will also return to purity.

Just like Superman's heat vision is purely to clean up the soldiers, Superman's real power to defeat the strong is his fist.

When Li Ang's fist is covered with a force field, his fist is no longer a fist.

Every blow he strikes is like the impact of a star, but the strength is not leaked at all, leaked to the earth.

On the contrary, it was the Destroyer suit. In order to filter out the strength of Li Ang's attack, the firepower was fully fired, the front was not exposed at all, and all the gaps on the back were opened, trying their best to help Odin remove Li Ang's power.

But even the force it filters out is enough to cause a huge shake in the earth.

The first to suffer was the land chosen by Li Ang and Tony.

When Tony hugged his manager and tried his best to leave the battlefield, the piece of land behind them that Tony and Li Ang were optimistic about was wiped out in an instant.

Two seconds after the huge power smoothed out the slopes and hills, it was directly leaked out.

The wind blows directly behind Tony Stark, as if a nuclear explosion without explosion flames is exploding behind him.

Tony hugged the manager, and was suddenly blown off balance by the gust of wind. It seemed that a hundred times the propeller behind his whole body was pushing his hand and body, and the two of them began to fly forward crazily.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa did the manager have never seen this kind of battle before, and he didn't have any armor to wrap and protect him, so he screamed crazily.

But soon a gust of cold wind poured into his throat, making him cough crazily.

How could mortals be able to intervene in such a battlefield?

Even if it's just the aftermath of the battlefield, they can't bear it at all.

Even Iron Man can only protect himself in the aftermath.

What monsters are these!Tony Stark tried his best to adjust the flying posture of the armor to ensure that he could continue to fly forward without falling, while watching the situation on the battlefield through the sensor on the back, the whole person had never been so busy .

This battle quickly attracted everyone's attention, including Carol who hadn't left yet, the mage Ancient One, the Scarlet Witch Wanda, and more demon gods from the multiverse.

They watched all this in silence, waiting for a result.

An outcome that they expected and that was more favorable to them.

God, does it really bleed?
If he bleeds, he's just another Odin.


PS: My head is still hurting, not the sharp pain like yesterday, but a dull pain, but I can persevere, and I will work hard for three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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