american god of earth

Chapter 157 New Battlesuit

Chapter 157 New Battlesuit

Chapter 155 New battle suit
A woman's appreciation for a man cannot be concealed.

If a woman is interested in you, she will look at you with electricity in her eyes.

Just like Hella is now.

Thor and Loki could clearly see Hela's interest in Li Ang.

The two of them couldn't help feeling tense.

If Li Ang and Hela got together, Sol's position in Asgard would be even more precarious.

And although the two of them haven't fought Thanos before, they saw the previous battle between Thanos and Li Ang.

In terms of courage, Thor is definitely not afraid of the battle with Thanos.

But in terms of strength, Thor can still confirm that he can't compete with Li Ang and Thanos before he gets a new weapon.

As for the level of Hela who was able to fight Thanos before that, there is no need to say more.

And once Hela and Leon unite, then Asgard's change of ownership is a matter of course.

By then, Thor and Rocky will become homeless bums!

The two of them came up licking their faces. Sol scratched his head, looked at Thanos whose head had been beheaded, and introduced himself to his sister: "Hello, I am the new king of Asgard, Thor .”

"I am Loki, the god of trickery."

The two of them introduced themselves to Hela.

The two sides put on a friendly gesture first, but under Li Ang's suppression, they couldn't fight for a while.

"It seems that the old man has already told you about these things before he died." Hela squinted at her brothers, showing a sneer expression.

She was very disdainful.

After Odin abandoned her, she gave birth to two more children.

They are nothing more than Odin's new experiments.

And Hella thought she was the most correct one.

"My name is Li Ang. Nice to meet you." Li Ang stretched out his hand to Hela, which finally eased the atmosphere.

With Li Ang at the front, the guilty Asgard finally had some courage.

I'm afraid I won't be afraid.

But the fact that their father Odin suppressed his sister for thousands of years is indeed unreasonable.

This kind of dishonesty made them feel guilty.

Haila stretched out her small but strong hand, shook hands with Li Ang, and focused all her attention on Li Ang.

"I didn't expect that I was suppressed by Odin for thousands of years, and the number one powerhouse like you appeared in the Nine Realms." She hardly concealed her admiration, "How about it, are you interested in finding a job in Asgard? ?”

Looking for a job in Asgard, I'm afraid I won't be your husband directly.

Loki murmured inwardly.

This matter is absolutely impossible, otherwise he and his brother would have no chance of winning.

While Loki was calculating this matter, Li Ang had already helped him reject Hela's invitation in advance: "No."

He smiled freely: "You may have been sealed for too long, and you don't quite understand the current distribution of power in the universe. In fact, I am already on an equal footing with Asgard."

Hela let go of his hand and didn't talk back, but said in a strange way: "Could it be that after Odin's death, Asgard can't even suppress the Nine Realms?"

But Li Ang wants to say something fair: "That's not true. Odin even went off to fight me in person, but he lost. Naturally, the loser can't keep the earth."

Li Ang's words surprised Hela a little.

You must know that she has not exerted her true strength now, and she can only have full strength after returning to Asgard.

Odin is theoretically the same as her, but Odin's power range is much, much greater.

The entire Nine Realms are within the scope of Odin's intake.

In other words, as long as he is in the Nine Realms, Odin has his own powerful strength, and he can even mobilize the power in Asgard's power pool like cheating.

She also has this ability and authority.

It's just that the power is not as strong as Odin, and the authority is not as high as Odin.

It's just that she is not afraid of Odin, because the age gap between the two parties is too great, and Odin has already lived the lifespan of the Asgardians for more than 5000 years.

And she's still going strong.

She believed that when she returned to Asgard, Odin would not be able to stop her.

But if the battlefield is only in Midgard, Odin, who has Asgard's divine power pool, is still a bit daunting.

Unexpectedly, the old Odin, who had a pool of divine power, was defeated by Li Ang.

It seems that she is not Li Ang's opponent at all now.

She raised her eyebrows, admiring Li Ang even more.

"How about it? Do you want to join hands with me to do a big business in the entire universe?"

She couldn't help throwing an olive branch to Li Ang again.

When Li Ang is so strong, even if he feeds a tiger with his body, handing over himself as a bargaining chip is actually not an unacceptable thing.

"I'm very interested in the whole universe, but I'm not interested in conquering the whole universe." Li Ang said something that made Hela inexplicable.

Her thinking has lagged behind the times and versions, and her understanding of conquest is still at the level of thousands of years ago, just like Thanos.

In fact, the civilizations of the universe have evolved to a very high level, and they can reach a whole new level with just a little push behind them.

Li Ang's strength and level are already very high, and he is starting a game of "Civilization 6" at the cosmic level.

"Maybe you can observe and observe together by my side, it will be very interesting." Li Ang looked at Hai La with his deep eyes and interested eyes.

"I promise."

Li Ang's words greatly increased Hela's interest, but all of this will have to wait—"I will come to you after I get Asgard back."

Hella's words made Sol and Loki nervous all of a sudden.

"There is no need to worry about this matter." Li Ang smiled and calmed her down.

"You can come with us first to see how we cast Thor's new artifact."

Li Ang's words made Sol and Loki's faces change drastically. In their view, Li Ang betrayed them and revealed their information to Hela.

Although each of them is conceited and has their own little abacus.But in fact, Li Ang is the one who dominates here.

After Li Ang opened his mouth and brought Hela in.

As long as they don't fight, Li Ang can use the imperial mind to balance the power balance between them.

Even if Thor is now reborn, so what if he looks like a real king?
Even Hela, once the supreme commander of the Asgard army, shed all the shackles on her body after returning to Asgard, so what if her strength improved?
Does it make any difference for Leon?

"I also need the dwarves to help me build a new battle suit."

(End of this chapter)

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