american god of earth

Chapter 159 Infinity Battlesuit

Chapter 159 Infinity Battlesuit
Chapter 157 Infinity Battlesuit

The ax that the dwarf king threw to Sol was so casual that Sol took it without even a slight reaction.

In the original book, there is only one dwarf king Sorin who has no hands left among the dwarves. With his hands useless, as long as Sol can open the star, he can easily forge an ax for Sol.

This is outrageous.

Could it be that as long as there is stellar firepower and Uru metal, the dwarves just make things like Thor's Hammer casually?

Li Ang was a little surprised for a moment.

But what he assigned to the dwarves was the real challenge.

What he wants to do is something that no one in this universe has ever tried.

That is to use the three most powerful metals in this universe: Uru Metal, Vibranium and Titan Metal to cast his armor.

The dwarves just took some samples. Their work was very tedious and troublesome. The first thing they had to do was to mix these three metals and experiment with their properties.

These three metals have different emphasis. If they cannot be fused, then Li Ang can only make a single metal suit.

After passing this process test, they can consider the style and style of the armor.

Of course, this kind of process test is very troublesome, and the dwarves will not have time to take care of Li Ang and the others for a while.

Soon, Li Ang and the others became a little impatient.

Thor is okay, he happened to be playing with his new Storm Axe, and the others were a little bored.

"Let the dwarves finish these things in a month."

Li Ang ordered Heimdall impatiently.

"Let's go back to Thanos' flagship to take a rest."

Li Ang ordered.

Heimdall nodded, activated the Rainbow Bridge, and brought Li Ang and the others back to Thanos' flagship.

Seeing Li Ang's return, Black Dwarf and Ebony Throat immediately put down their work and bowed to him.

Li Ang waved his hand and asked, "What's the name of this flagship?"

"The Throne of Titans, my master." Ebony Maw floated to Li Ang's side and bowed and asked, "Do you need to change your name?"

"No need." Li Ang shook his head, he was not so narrow-minded.

"Tell me about its capabilities."

Li Ang floated up, and stretched out his hand to Haila: "Want to go shopping together?"

Hela happily took Li Ang's hand.

She doesn't have the ability to fly and levitate, so Li Ang can only stretch out his ape arm to stop her waist, and slowly move forward with her in the spaceship that was almost destroyed by himself and her.

Fortunately, the damage control capabilities of warships in the space age far surpassed those in the ocean age. Even though the battleship was almost pierced by Li Ang and Hella, the internal repair procedures of the battleship began to work soon.

First comes sealing and loss management, then repairs and finally remanufacturing again.

These processes will be completed within a few minutes, half an hour to half a month.

Ebony Throat carefully introduced the situation of this battleship to Li Ang in detail.

Li Ang also had a satisfied expression on his face.

"Then what is the biggest weapon on this battleship?"

"My lord, it is a powerful energy pulse attack called [Rainstorm Salvo]. There are a total of 360 pulse cannons, which can guarantee the safety of this Titan Throne in all directions and [-] degrees without dead ends."

"A single salvo can destroy even a planet."

Ebony Throat introduced it responsibly.

"Interesting." Li Ang nodded.

As the flagship of the Tianjian Bureau, its combat effectiveness looks pretty good.

Li Ang remembered that in Avengers 4, Thanos was almost torn apart by Wanda the Scarlet Witch. As a result, a burst of firepower poured down, and the Avengers Alliance, which had gradually become clear in the battle, was blown up, and both sides would have died together. By the way, the two sides are still fighting.

"How big is this thing?" Li Ang continued to ask.

"About fifty square kilometers." Ebony Throat's words surprised Li Ang.

Good guy, it's equivalent to two second lines.

He nodded slightly, such a fortress is enough for everything.

"Heimdall, can this thing be teleported to the other side of the earth?"

Li Ang suddenly turned around and asked Heimdall who was walking with them.

Heimdall shook his head: "This thing is too huge, far beyond the power of the Rainbow Bridge."

Rainbow Bridge corresponds to individual special operations similar to airborne troops.

And this thing is an out-and-out space war weapon.

Asking Rainbow Bridge to remove this thing is no different from airdropping an aircraft carrier.

Li Ang pondered, how should this thing be driven back?
"In fact, this battleship has the most advanced wormhole transition technology in the universe. You can definitely drive this battleship back." Ebony Throat interrupted Li Ang's meditation, and he suggested elegantly.

"Not bad, very good." Li Ang glanced at him and praised.

Ebony Throat's ugly face suddenly burst into a flower-like smile.

He bowed again: "It is my honor to serve you."

Li Ang finally understood why Thanos seemed so arrogant.

Under this kind of flattering praise, it's hard not to feel inflated.

"Very good, Heimdall, give him the coordinates of the earth, and you can drive back slowly."

"Are we going to Asgard?" Li Ang turned his head and looked at Hela, the Goddess of Death, who was wrapped around his waist by him, and her face was almost close to his. Li Ang asked with a smile.

Hela's eyes lit up immediately.

Thor and Loki quit.

But the first to speak was Heimdall, who controlled the Rainbow Bridge.

"We have to ask the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, before we agree." Heimdall was extremely grateful that they had a Frigga standing on top of them.

Otherwise, they really don't even have the slightest excuse now.

Hella raised her eyebrows.

I go back to my own home, I have to make a report?

She was obviously angry, but Li Ang's arms were like steel, embracing her who wanted to be angry, and also prevented her from showing her temper.

"Isn't my reputation enough to bring her back to Asgard?" Li Ang looked directly at Heimdall.

Now the most elite power of Asgard is here, once it is killed, the whole Asgard will no longer be that Asgard.

They owned the Rainbow Bridge, which should have taken the initiative, but Li Ang's strength and momentum reached their peak after killing Thanos, and they immediately frightened everyone in Asgard, including Hela.

After introducing Helya as competition and balance.

Originally, the battle for the throne of Asgard was nothing more than two parties fighting for hegemony.

Now it has become a tripartite confrontation.

This is by no means a good thing for Asgard and Thor.

Heimdall's face slowly darkened.

"Let's go. Heimal." Sol stood up and laughed.

"Since Li Ang can guarantee it, what are you afraid of?"

(End of this chapter)

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