american god of earth

Chapter 161 Thor VS Reaper

Chapter 161 Thor VS Reaper
Chapter 159 Thor VS Reaper
Thor is trying to test how powerful his Storm Ax is, and Hela is trying to test how much power he has recovered.

The two sides hit it off. After Li Ang proposed it, and after teasing the pet he hadn't seen for thousands of years, Hela finally fought with Sol.

What surprised Li Ang was that Hela didn't have the ability to fly.

It's no wonder that she could only enter Asgard by taking the Rainbow Bridge in the original plot.

If you count carefully, Odin has not shown his ability to fly.

Being able to fly in the battle with Leon seems to be entirely thanks to the Destroyer suit.

As for Loki, he doesn't even have any ability to fly.

Thor's ability to fly is entirely dependent on his own hammer or storm axe.

None of the Asgardians themselves have shown the ability to fly.

It's no wonder that Hella can't fly anymore.

Just when Thor, the god of thunder, took the storm battle ax and laughed at his sister Hela in the sky of Asgard for not being able to fly.

Haina quickly learned how to use props to fly.

For example, throw your weapon out like Thor, and then fly with the weapon.

Hela's weapon is a sword.

So she looks like Yu Jian is flying.

At the very beginning, her flying posture was a bit unsightly, and she didn't have the leisurely and contented look like Li Ang.

But being able to fly and fight Thor is enough.

So the posture in the air is not very good-looking, but he is the god of thunder and lightning, and he quickly discovered the relationship between electromagnetic force and levitation.

Thor, who has gradually understood everything, can fight with his sister in the air with ease.

He who can fly freely in the air is much more relaxed than his sister.

Hela soon found out that going on like this would not work.

She began to pour out her own death sword endlessly in her hand.

She began to actively force Sol to go to a certain area.

Saul noticed this.

But he didn't know what Hela was going to do.

And this is a genuine conspiracy. Even if Thor knows and found Thor, he will still be forced to fly in a certain direction by these sharp death swords.

In the end, a very huge sword of death flew out from between Hela's chest.

It looks like it's going to penetrate Thor.

But this is already Thor in the third stage. I only saw him holding up his storm battle ax to pull the thunder and lightning, roaring, and smashing Huashan with one move.

After condescendingly smashing the entire big sword into pieces at once.

Thor, panting, came to his sister Hela on the Rainbow Bridge.

After he took two big breaths, sweating all over, he laughed and looked at his sister.

Apparently he thought he had won this battle.

Hela sneered at Thor, who was a bit imaginary, and the whole of Asgard trembled slightly.

"Okay, let's end this battle."

Li Ang's big hand was placed on Hela's shoulder, which surprised Hela.

She was concentrating on the battle with Thor just now. In this case, it is almost impossible for someone to attack the experienced her.

But when Li Ang appeared behind her, he almost merged with the whole environment, and she didn't even notice him.

If Li Ang's strength is scary, then his current ability is even more surprising.

How on earth did he manage to be so powerful and at the same time have such strong psychic abilities?

This kind of power of both magic and martial arts is frightening.

More importantly, he can fly.

Just now Hela discovered how important flying is.

In fact, in the comics, almost everyone can fly, but after returning to the movie universe, very few people can fly.

For example, in the early days of the Avengers, only Iron Man and Thor could fly. In the later period of Women's Federation 4, apart from the battle suits related to Iron Man, only the ones who could fly by their own strength Scarlet Witch and Carol.

Needless to say, what level of characters are Wanda and Carol?

It can be said that flying in the movie universe is a privilege.

Essentially different from others.

Li Ang's face fruit really works well against the backdrop of his strength.

Forcibly suppressed the big move that Hela was about to unleash.

Asgard is a beautiful city.

Li Ang didn't want Hella to accidentally break it.

He had seen Hella's power in the movie.

Hela, who went all out, was indeed able to defeat the current Thor.

After all, it is a planet, even the power of the Nine Realms, and it is easy to destroy the current city.

Thor seems to have noticed that the shock in Asgard was originally related to Hela.

He looked at Hela with some doubts, but behind him came the sound of his mother Frigga stepping on the Rainbow Bridge with high heels.

"Hi, Frigg."

Frigg is obviously not Hela's biological mother.

Hela just greeted her casually, as if she knew her very well.

"Oh, Hela." Frigga understood everything after seeing Hela. After all, she was the number one magician in the entire Nine Realms.

Without her help, how could Odin design this set of rules?
The person who helped Odin seal Hela back then must have Frigga.

Now meeting again after many years, both parties feel very embarrassed.

"Are you going to have dinner?" Sol accepted it as soon as he saw it, and asked his sister Hela with a big laugh.

The two parties completed this dinner in a weird and strange atmosphere.

Fortunately, soon, Heimdall gave Sol and the others an opportunity to break this weird and weird dinner.

"There comes Thorin, King of the Dwarves."

Heimdall brought the dwarf king Sorin to Leon, and both of them lowered the proud heads of the Asgardians at the same time to salute Leon.

"You can come here, does it mean that my armor is ready?"

Li Ang was eating a ham, and when he saw the two people coming, he asked with a happy expression on his face.

His dining etiquette is much better than Sol's. If it weren't for Sol, who is now a god king, and began to pay attention to his manners, Li Ang would have become the ugliest person in the entire fairy palace.

But it doesn't matter.

After reaching his level of strength, no matter what he does, he just "does it rashly" rather than "doesn't know etiquette".

People will automatically help the strong to discern his disrespectful behavior.

"Yes, respected Thanos Slayer," the dwarf king was full of respect for the man who solved the scourge of genocide on his own planet.

Even more respectful than the new God King.

"We have successfully found a way to fuse the three strongest metals in the universe. All that remains is for you to decide on the style of your own armor."


PS: After careful calculation, the trough period of these few days is around the 20th, when the man's uncle arrives.

(End of this chapter)

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