american god of earth

Chapter 163 Stress Response

Chapter 163 Stress Response

Chapter 161 Stress Response

Tony Stark's intention to weaponize the Iron Suit has already been foreshadowed.

Not just after the Transformers invaded Earth.

but earlier.

For example, when Thor and the Loki brothers invaded the earth.

Or the Skrulls in S.H.I.E.L.D.

When he finds that he knows nothing about the world, he will naturally look for something that can give him a sense of security.

So after the first crisis, he left a set of Mark 3 steel suits called War Machine with his good friend, the colonel of the military, Rhodes.

This set of steel suits based on the Mark 3 is full of American flavor, with heavy armor, heavy weapons, and heavy firepower, but it lacks mobility, elegance, and speed.

From the perspective of engineering aesthetics, this set of steel suits called war machines is a failure.

But from the perspective of weapons, Colonel Rhodes, who has obtained the steel suit, is already a certainty in the future.

Tony hated that piece of War Machine.

Like when he came back from Afghanistan and hated the weapons he made.

But violence is the basis for the survival of human civilization.

If the United States is still the country with invincible force on the earth, then it can naturally go to the southeast, store its knives and guns in storage, and make its own clean energy with peace of mind.

But when aliens continue to invade the earth, then of course this kind of business cannot continue.

Countries around the world are more nervous about their national defense and security than the United States.

After all, America has Leon.

What do they have?

They have launched a relatively crazy arms race in places that cannot be seen in the world. According to financial budget disclosures, in some countries with relatively good finances, military expenditures have accounted for about 10-20% of their fiscal budgets.

Even in some crazy countries, such as the third brother who compares himself to the country, military expenditure even accounts for 30% of the fiscal budget.

Perhaps people in recent years have not felt this.

But for meat eaters like Tony and the others in this world, they are very clear about the changes in this world.

The U.S. government spent trillions of dollars on military spending, and the related surrounding companies are full of platinum.

A dying company like Osborne is suddenly revived and revived.

Tony doesn't really care how much money he can earn, because the money he earns can't be spent in several lifetimes.

But their planet, their country is indeed threatened by the enemy.

Given the circumstances, it's no surprise that Tony Stark is planning to restart the suit production line.

Tony himself is a smart person, so he naturally understands that no matter how much money he has, it is nothing but nothing if his safety cannot be guaranteed.

It's just that they have just taken over S.H.I.E.L.D. and are planning to start building a base to protect the earth.

The enemy came to the earth again.

Perhaps this is the price of stepping into the interstellar era.

Just like the law of the dark forest says.

You can't make a sound in the dark forest, when you make a sound, the enemy will also see you.

When the earth cries of deer because of Leon.

People in the entire universe will also discover the existence of the earth.

I just don't know if the aliens who came this time are hostile.

Even if they are hostile, there is nothing the earth can do now.

Even Tony Stark has not yet developed a suit that can fight in space.

What does it take to fight in space?What is needed is energy, what is needed is electricity, and what is needed is a steady stream of high-power radioactive laser weapons or electromagnetic pulse weapons.

Does Tony have it?He has, but it doesn't have enough power.

This creates another problem.

Even if his battle suit could soar in space, he couldn't penetrate the opponent's armor.

A single body suit can only deal with a single enemy.

In the final analysis, the imaginary enemies created by the Iron Man suit, other than the gangsters with guns in the streets and alleys of the New Testament, are only terrorists with large-caliber weapons.

The theory is that Tony Stark is bullying other people with a weapon that spans generations.

But when the difference in weapon generations between the two sides is no longer that big, and even one level higher than Tony Stark.

Tony Stark's individual suit is useless.

Upgrade, upgrade, or only upgrade!
But in addition to upgrading, do you want to spread your battle suits and improve the combat effectiveness of all mankind?
Tony Stark still can't make up his mind about this.

This incident caused Captain America III Civil War in the original book.

Although the cause was that in Avengers 1, the battle between them and Ultron caused the largest casualties among the people of Kosovo.

There is a huge difference in opinion between Captain America and Tony Stark.

The Kosovia Agreement is an agreement issued by governments around the world that requires superheroes to abide by laws and regulations.

Captain America doesn't trust S.H.I.E.L.D., which has been infiltrated by Hydra. He believes that governments around the world also have a large number of leaders who have been infiltrated by Hydra.

So he chose not to sign.

And because of creating Ultron, Tony Stark, who caused a lot of casualties, was full of guilt.

He chose to sign and obey the law.

But in fact, as a capitalist and a meat eater, Tony Stark, who controls the means of production, does not actually mean to abide by the agreement.

This is actually very similar to Leon.

I don't care what agreement you want to sign, I can sign it.

But if you dare to touch my interests, then I'm sorry.

Isn't it just an agreement?

For people with high positions in this world, as Americans, the agreement is not a piece of waste paper.

When I'm in a good mood, I can sign whenever I want, and I'll just give you a placebo.

When I'm in a bad mood, when my interests are damaged, I tear up the paper, have I seen this thing?
Captain America 3, after all, everyone got into a dead end.

Plus the catalyst of the brainwashed Winter Soldier.

Captain America, the spiritual leader, and Tony Stark, the actual investor, caused a split among the major shareholders of the company called the Avengers.

And now Iron Man is undoubtedly stimulated again.

A thought storm called Iron Man Stress is sweeping through Tony Stark's brain.

But it's not just Tony Stark, in fact, people on the whole earth are stimulated by this overwhelming huge battleship.

They drove such a big battleship, blocked the sun, and then told you that we are here for tourism.

Do you believe it?
Fear is spreading across the planet.

But General Black Yao was a little puzzled: "Are we going to land?"

Black Dwarf asked.

"This is the planet of that lord. Before we get the order from that lord, we should not make any unnecessary moves." Ebony Throat was still mature and prudent, and his words made everyone nod.

So both sides fell into an extremely weird silent confrontation.

(End of this chapter)

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