american god of earth

Chapter 165 Doctor Strange's Move

Chapter 165 Doctor Strange's Move
Chapter 163 Doctor Strange's Move

Just in this sentence, I don't know who said "nothing happened" the next second.

The whole of Asgard shook.

"What did you do?" In the shock, Sol couldn't even stand on his feet. He barely bent his knees so that he wouldn't fall, and shouted at Li Ang loudly.

"I don't know." Li Ang responded calmly.

His gaze seemed to travel through multiple universes, tracing the source of the entire vibration.

The result was not what he expected.

The center of the vibration is the earth.

And the cause of the shock was no surprise—a bastard named Strange.

It can be said that among the various major events in Marvel, the troubles caused by the three people Iron Man, Strange and Mr. Fantastic Reed are [-]-[-].

No one needs to laugh at anyone, half a catty is right.

After Li Ang rejected Ancient One, Kamateki still needed a supreme mage after all.

Ancient One is already tired of this kind of work.

Therefore, Strange returned to the original track logically and became a mage.

Because the Master's operations are very secretive.

In addition, Li Ang was not at home during this time, and he didn't know what kind of progress Doctor Strange had reached.

But that doesn't mean Doctor Strange is dead.

After experiencing the plot of Doctor Strange 1 and the death of the Ancient One, Doctor Strange grew up quickly and began to stand alone.

Most of the time, like other mages, he pays more attention to the attacks from the multidimensional universe.

Be more vigilant against multidimensional demon gods.

As for the villains between City and Interstellar, he doesn't really care much.

This kind of physical level is not under the control of the mages-until Li Ang disappeared on the earth again and again, and the enemy invaded the earth again and again.

At this time, the spacecraft from the depths of the universe put enough pressure on the people on earth, including Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange had to stand up when no one else stood up.

It's not just him.

S.H.I.E.L.D., Iron Man, Dr. Pym have all tried to stand up.

Compared with the means of science and technology, the means of magic are undoubtedly more efficient, convenient, and unpredictable.

For a price, you can use magic far beyond your own power.

In desperation, Doctor Strange took out something called the Book of Darkness.

And this caused the power in a certain woman's body to run wild.

As we all know, apart from Miss America America Chavez, the second thing that can pass through the multidimensional universe is the Dark God Book.

In the original comics, Doctor Strange used the Dark Book to directly erase the entire vampire race and even the concept.

But in the movie universe, the dark god book is appointed by a girl named Wanda.

Every time the dark book is used, it will arouse the evil thoughts in Wanda's heart.

When the original book has a strong obsession.

Wanda was easily corrupted by the dark book.

He almost became the apostle of the old god Sann.

But she still caused a lot of trouble for Doctor Strange and Miss America after she turned black and ran away.

And now Doctor Strange took out the Book of Darkness once again, causing Wanda, who had awakened once, to completely lose control.

No one knew how powerful Wanda was before.

She has been hiding it all the time, and she doesn't work hard on weekdays, which is really normal.

But this time the entire multiverse was shaken by her overflowing power.

The earth is at the heart of the whole vibration.

So the people on earth went through a very magical roller coaster ride.

Scarlet magic covers planets and planes again and again.

One second, people were still working as office workers in the reinforced concrete urban forest, and the next second they were already wearing animal skins and becoming hunters waiting to hunt mammoths.

Before they had time to react, the roar of the mammoth had already resounded through the clouds.

In the next second, scarlet magic once again covered the entire planet.

They have become Homo sapiens who are migrating and are being hunted down by dinosaur groups.

In the next second, scarlet magic once again covered the entire planet.

This kind of thing keeps happening over and over again.

The pirated Book of Darkness in the hands of Doctor Strange and Wanda's power are constantly resonating and conveying, making Wanda's power finally exceed the limit that a single universe can bear.

There was only a click, and the sound of broken glass was heard in everyone's ears.

The whole world has never been the same since.

The walls of the multiverse shattered.

It's just that ordinary people still don't know what happened.

But as the person with the deepest understanding of the quantum realm, Dr. Pym Hank understood what was happening almost in a second.

"It's the multiverse, and the multiverse is broken. Unpredictable changes in the quantum realm."

He abandoned Tony Stark and Dr. Bruce Banner who were in the meeting room almost without hesitation.

As if going crazy, he rushed to his laboratory.

He is now going to make observations in the quantum realm.This is what really cares about his vital interests.

As for things like saving the earth, let's wait until he finishes observing the quantum realm.

"What is this?" Tony Stark looked at his armor with an ugly face.

In the previous environmental changes in the multiverse, his armor became a long skirt, and he even directly became a woman.

This discovery made his face very ugly, and the whole person fell into deep confusion and self-doubt.

Dr. Bruce Banner's face was also very gloomy.

What did he just see?
I'm afraid only he himself knows.

No one likes the changes in the multiverse, but no one can resist his power.

"What did you do? What did you do!" Doctor Strange and Tony Stark asked at the same time.

It's just that the object of Doctor Strange's questioning is himself.

The object of Tony Stark's questioning was the woman who had just woken up from a coma.

His face is projected on Wanda's watch.

Ordinary people don't know what the magic is just now, doesn't Tony Stark know?

He couldn't be more familiar with that red light.

He immediately came to Wanda's watch and asked Wanda what she had done.

Wanda's face was also very gloomy, she shook her head: "I didn't do it, it was that stupid mage who used the forbidden power."

"Damn it," she murmured to herself, looking up at the sky.

Where ordinary people can't see it.

The cracks in the multiverse are getting bigger and bigger.

Countless figures appeared on the edge of the crack, spying towards this side.

Thank you so much, Doctor Strange!

(End of this chapter)

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