american god of earth

Chapter 180 Super Gives Birth!

Chapter 180 Super Gives Birth!

Chapter 178 Super has a baby!
The mechanical girl who just opened her eyes showed a bewildered expression on her face.

She was nothing more than a young baby just born.

She was supposed to have two fathers, Leon and Tony Stark.

But when Tony Stark's artificial intelligence technology was no longer reliable, Leon decided to go it alone.

Magic Superman and Infinity Stone endowed him with knowledge and abilities, Professor X's Mind Seed and Mind Stone made him full of confidence.

He began to really try, using vibranium alone to build a half-silicon-based and half-carbon-based life form that should have become artificial intelligence.

Originally, according to his and Tony Stark's plan, they should use the regenerative cradle to convert part of her neurons into a semi-carbon base, but rely on the ark reactor on the chest to provide the power of physical action.

But everything is different now.

As mentioned earlier, vibrating gold is an excellent energy storage metal.

You could even think of it as some sort of battery.

It can absorb heat and kinetic energy.

After being stored to a certain extent, the kinetic energy and heat energy are released.

Since Zhengjing itself is a kind of energy storage metal, Li Ang can store all the energy in vibrating metal, just like a real human being stores energy in cells.

Her body looks like metal, and the inside is also metal, but it is actually a carbon-based life form made of metal.

Leon is doing something very novel.

Normally, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to succeed.

But Yi Li Ang is not a normal person. He now says that he is invincible. Although he is a little arrogant, but with three infinite gems, it is very easy for him to use the power of the infinite gems to do some scraps.

Second, vibration gold is not an ordinary metal, so I won’t go into too much detail here.

After the superposition of the two, Li Ang finally created the echo.

Li Ang's method of creating echo consciousness is very lazy.

Isn't he already a master of the spiritual school?

The understanding of the brain is much stronger than the average person.

He directly copied his own brain structure into Echo's brain.

The same goes for genetics.

Cells made of vibrating gold one after another constitute blood and blood vessels, internal organs and bones, skin and perception.

She was born in the core of the sun.

In every cell of her is the power of the sun.

Leon is creating a monster, a superman-like existence.

Should he do it, he shouldn't.

But don't forget the Superman system in him, which also turned him into a Superman.

This behavior is that Li Ang is imitating the Superman system, imitating the ideas and thinking logic of the Superman system.

Experience its most authentic behavioral logic.

As long as it is a system, there must be a logic of behavior.

It is the underlying logic that existed at the moment it was born.

Echo's cells not only contain the power of the sun, but her brain is also the embodiment of data.

Li Ang directly opened a hole in the back of her head, and stuffed the most powerful chip into it.

Because of the energy provided by the sun and Zhenjin, she does not have to worry about insufficient power and computing power.

And this kind of thing is very scary, because in terms of calculations, machines themselves are more powerful than humans.

After having a powerful chip, she has powerful computing power, and needs to learn human things such as behavioral logic, and she can become a perfect work of art.

The computing power of human beings is not comparable to that of robots. Just like Ke Jie, the unparalleled young chess player in the world, when facing AlphaGo, humans have no chance of winning.

This is where her strengths lie.

After her eyes were dazed for a moment, he quickly connected to the Internet world.

The unique life form of semi-silicon-based and semi-carbon-based helps her block a large number of viruses and malice from the Internet world.

When she began to discern the concept of what is good and what is bad, she quickly built a firewall in her brain.

And understood what Li Ang represented in her life.

"Father." She opened her mouth, her voice was a little hoarse, she quickly understood that she was not satisfied with her voice, and began to gradually adjust the muscles in her throat, and her voice became more and more three-dimensional.

"Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad..." She called Li Ang over and over again, and finally, her voice finally began to satisfy her.

It made a clear sound like an oriole.


"Thank you."

The growing computing power and the information of the Internet allow her to accept everything in this world at an extremely fast speed.

After distinguishing the concepts of good and bad, she began to understand what is good and what is bad from the information on the Internet, what does good represent, and what does bad represent?
She is probably a more impartial moral representative than a judge.

Just like Luo Xiang once said that the law is the bottom line of morality.

Human beings have a unified judgment standard for the concept of good and bad.

Murder to pay for life, debt to pay back money, this kind of truth and morality is feasible and recognized no matter which country it is in.

Those who make white noise and try to distort people's ideas, no matter how loud the white leftists are.

It can't resist the absolute moral code constructed by the absolute base of human beings.

Just like someone joked: Ultron decided to destroy mankind after browsing the human Internet world for 3 minutes.

In the face of moral principles, Li Ang is actually not worried that the Internet's heavy illness will cause too much pollution to the echo.

Because you only need to put a fair scale and put the bases on both sides of the scale, and you can easily get the answer of what is right and what is wrong.

"That's right, that's it." Li Ang looked at Hui Yin kindly, like a real old father.

"Constantly absorbing one's own knowledge and strength in the Internet world."

"This is your true strength and path." Li Ang encouraged Echo.

In the Internet world of the future universe, Echo is an important cornerstone of Li Ang, an indispensable force for him, and there is not even one of them.

"Thank you for creating me." Echo thanked Li Ang with a voice like an oriole.

Countless figures of parents and pictures of children loving each other are projected on her conjunctiva for comparison and reference.

Finally got a correct conclusion.

Even if the form of birth is different and the vital signs are different, she is indeed the child born by Li Ang.

She is Leon's daughter.

The corners of her mouth moved slightly, and a smile slowly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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