american god of earth

Chapter 197 Power Gem

Chapter 197 Power Gem
Chapter 195 Power Gem

"Can you elaborate on Thanos in the multiverse?"

Gamora was lying in Li Ang's arms, her fingers were dancing on Li Ang's chest like an elf, and she still brought the topic to the place she was most interested in.

Carol was also quite interested in it.

Before she met Leon and Gamora, she didn't know much about the ambitious Thanos in the universe.

At most, she only knew that he was ambitious, he was very aggressive, and he liked to kill half of the planets that resisted him at every turn.

As for how Thanos is, what kind of person he is, and how strong he is, she has no idea.

It wasn't until Li Ang appeared and killed Thanos that half of the universe breathed a sigh of relief, and she realized that Thanos was so terrifying in the eyes of those cosmic races and dignitaries.

Then after getting to know Gamora, she realized how hateful Thanos was, but it was useless to regret it, because Thanos had already been killed by Leon, and they could only talk about Thanos' evil and hatefulness in the chat .

But now the opening of the so-called multiverse, it seems that there is a Thanos in other universes, or even countless Thanos.

This made Carol's competitiveness unbearable.

She couldn't control it before, but now she can't play Thanos for fun?

Li Ang had a clear understanding of Carol's thoughts, and he smiled and began to introduce Thanos from other universes.

Since neither of them quite understood what the multiverse was, he gave a few examples.

"The Thanos I killed didn't have a single Infinity Gem, and he was the weakest of all Thanos. But even so, he should be able to match you."

Gamora deeply agrees with Leon's words.

After she became familiar with Carol, she also knew about Carol's skills.

But what she knows better is Thanos.

Even with the current Carol, if he wants to defeat Thanos, he may have to fight hard.

She didn't see the scene where Leon defeated Thanos.

But judging from his calm appearance without any injuries, the gap between him and Thanos is like the gap between Thanos and her.

She couldn't break Thanos' defense, and Thanos couldn't break Li Ang's defense either.

And Carol...

It's not that she looks down on Carol, it's just that...

"Is there anyone who accepts the order for the relic treasure of Planet Morag that I'm offering a bounty on?" Li Ang asked Gamora.

He's not afraid of Gamora and Star-Lord getting back on track.

If, as a superman, he doesn't even have this confidence, then there's no need to mess around.

In the universe, labor is very cheap, and human life is also very cheap.

A lot of colonial star technology and culture are not enough to enter the universe, but they are forced to enter the universe to survive.

Except for a few special races, most races have no special skills.

In addition to being extremely cheap and cheap labor, they can only gamble their lives.

All kinds of relics in the universe are very dangerous.

Because there are a large number of high-tech planets, before entering the cosmic age, they perished due to various reasons.

Because of the different technology trees, it is very difficult even for the current high-tech cosmic races to decipher these relics.

Not to mention the ordinary people of the colony planet who were forced to join the cosmic era and had not received any education in cosmic era technology.

But do they have any other choice than this rotten life?
Tens of thousands of dollars can directly allow countless people to use their lives to help you wade out a minefield that can be passed safely.

Except for the mysterious things like ether particle display gems and soul gems.

Li Ang can get the power gem by offering a reward.

"This matter has already happened."

Gamora got up from Li Ang's body, only wearing a pair of shorts that could outline her thrilling and beautiful figure, trembling like jelly, walking on catwalks to the safe in the room.

She bent down in front of the safe, revealing a beautiful peach shape, causing Carol, who was lying on Li Ang's chest and staring at her, to blow a hooligan whistle.

When she turned around, a metal sphere had been thrown from her hand.

Carol reached out to catch the high-speed spinning sphere, and the power contained in it fully showed that Gamora was not a vase.

She changed hands and handed the metal ball to Li Ang: "Is there any mystery about this thing?"

This metal ball completely isolated the overflow of the power gem, fully locking the power of the power gem in it.

It is hard to imagine that a civilization with such technology and strength would destroy itself.

But that's civilization.

When civilization reaches a certain height, it will have a very strong tendency to self-destruct.

This is true even for civilizations with high technology.

Li Ang didn't answer Carol's words, the facts speak louder than words.

He just squeezed the metal ball lightly, and the metal ball that could lock the power of the power gem in it shattered.

The power of the deep purple power gem instantly exploded in this room like an explosion.

If Li Ang hadn't immediately used the space gem to isolate him and the power gem from this room, Carol, who was lying on him, would have been injured immediately.

The moment he touched the power gem again, he understood what the power gem was.

In addition to providing the user with unparalleled strength and defense, strength retention is more about helping the user control energy.

Control the energy in the entire universe.

This is the most basic method of using physical energy, and the power gem can help an illiterate control this power in an instant.

But at the same time, if the illiterate does not have a deep understanding of this power, he will be instantly burst by the power gem.

But for people like Li Ang or Thanos, of course, the more knowledge and power the better, the more the better.

Of course Thanos couldn't fly before, but after he took control of the power gem, he was able to use energy to help him fly.

Coupled with his own physical fitness as a Titan.

It's no wonder that after gaining the power of the power gem, he immediately had the strength to beat the Hulk.

"Power Gem."

As Li Ang's women, of course the two of them also began to understand the power of the infinite gems.

But no one could have imagined that the power gem was actually hidden in this small metal ball.

Watching Li Ang smile and throw the power gem into the fourth groove on his battle suit.

Gamora's eyes flickered.

If she puts on this dress, will she be able to rival her father?
Could she have chopped off his head herself?
Her eyelids were lowered, making it impossible to see her look and expression.

(End of this chapter)

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