american god of earth

Chapter 99 The Flag Universe

Chapter 99 The Flag Universe
Chapter 098

It is impossible for capitalism to step out of the planet and set foot in the whole universe.

Because they are destined to fight among themselves and devour each other constantly. After forming a monopoly, they will stagnate and lie on the credit book with satisfaction, exploiting everyone's basic necessities of life layer after layer.

This kind of exploitation may be mild, advanced, and urbane, but it will make the controllers of capitalism lose motivation.

The victors of the post-Cold War have made it all too clear what the ultimate form of capitalism can degenerate into.

Who has the motivation to invest in any space development program after losing the old enemy of the Cold War?

Are the countries of the earth not enough to feed themselves?

But after entering the universe, the hegemonic empire has returned to the mainstream of politics.

Although they are all called empires, there are still huge differences between the three major empires in the universe.

If you want to divide it carefully, the Xi'ar Empire is more similar to democratic centralism. After passing the votes of the members, a queen with perfect genes who is in charge of the country is elected, both in terms of intelligence and physical strength. able to lead the country further.

The Skrulls are more akin to a hive dictatorship.

Their racial division of labor is clear, the queen is in charge of the overall situation, the super Skrulls are the backbone of the army, the Skrulls are the middle class, and the ordinary Skrulls are like worker bees, usually working, worshiping and serving as the cornerstone of the bottom layer. exist.

But because of their special racial abilities, the Skrulls have their own special ability to transmit information, and the speed of information transmission is their combat effectiveness.

The Cree are even more extreme. To be precise, they belong to the intellectual brain. Everything they do is for expansion, and everyone is born for fighting. The military technology they possess is one of the most powerful in the entire universe. The most powerful of the.

There is only constant conquest and conquest in their minds.

It is precisely because of this that their territory was quickly brought together with the Skrulls, and the two empires launched a protracted, millennium-based war.

Because the Shia Empire is far away from the Cree people, it can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai instead, and often mediates from time to time to prevent one party from losing too much and being easily wiped out by the other party.

It is precisely because of the struggle between the two empires that the Shia Empire took advantage of it, and a large number of people and funds continued to pour into the star field of the Shia Empire.

Let the economy and culture of the Shia Empire expand rapidly like blowing bubbles.

It's almost like a replica of an empire.

It is precisely because they have the best economic conditions in the universe that they also have the arrogance of a certain country.

When all the Xi'ar people looked at other races, they raised their necks like a proud swan.

Of course it's not a comfortable way to get along, but who knows that the situation is better than people, since you want to rely on others, you must have the attitude of relying on others.

As the various races swallowed their anger, the Xi'ar people became more proud and arrogant.

Moreover, the Xi'ar people have unique communication technology in the universe, coupled with unparalleled economic and manufacturing capabilities in the universe.

They are even confident that in a war, they will use the drone army to destroy the enemy's army without dying.

Faced with this unrivaled manufacturing capability and technology, even Thanos didn't want to provoke Shia before he got the infinite gems-of course, if the Shia Empire had infinite gems, that would be another matter.

Wealth moves people's hearts.

So why is the Xi'a Empire unwilling to destroy Thanos?
First of all, Thanos has his own army and generals.

Whether it's the Chitauri or the five generals of Obsidian, or the armies of various planets gathered by Thanos who were forced to work for him after killing half of his tribe.

They are all forces that cannot be underestimated.

Coupled with the strength of Thanos itself, Thanos in this galaxy is equivalent to the country of the regional bully on the earth.

Can this kind of national power fight?sure.But be prepared to chip a few teeth.

So when the U.S. military destroyed a regional bully with 148 troops at the cost of 40 deaths.

The whole world was shocked, and everyone was trembling and silent under the imperialist power.

In fact, the positioning of Asgard is the same.

It's just that Asgard's army is indeed vulnerable to the cosmic people. Their main reason is that they have a god-king Odin who can toughen the gods.

Odin single-handedly swept the Nine Realms, brought these nine planets into his rule, and declared the status of the bully in his region with a rule of 5000 years.

Then he chose the best planet as his Asgard.

Li Ang found that these cosmic race forces were just like punks on the street.

If you don't have a reputation, they don't have any restraint to bully you.

as it is now.

When you are famous, for example, when you are on Saka, everyone saw him kill Thor in full view.

So one and two are obedient like quails. At least when he was on Saka, he never saw anyone who dared to speak loudly to his law enforcement team.

You say this person, this intelligent creature, is he just cheap?

Li Ang looked at these unmanned space fighters that were constantly resonating and sharing energy, with a smile on his face.

"Repeat, you have been arrested now, please surrender immediately and be arrested, otherwise, we will not guarantee your safety."

The radio waves were continuously transmitted to Li Ang's translator over and over again, and transferred to Li Ang's ears through the earplugs.

The Shia Empire is worthy of being the light of civilization in the universe, and it is more or less civilized.

It's okay, based on this alone, I won't kill you when I go down later.

The red light in Li Ang's eyes gradually became more intense. After the thermal sight is not blocked by air and atmospheric pressure, it is the strongest state in the universe.

Of course, he can directly choose to surrender, and then show his might after feigning surrender and entering Xi'a Star.

But that would be petty.

When did Superman surrender?

Li Ang is here today to directly destroy Xi'a star's cosmic military power, use the Xi'a Empire to establish its prestige, and tell the whole universe-he is coming!

"Without further ado, let's get started. I'm still in a hurry to get back to Saka for dinner."

Li Ang moved his hands and feet, and his thermal vision drew a red beam of light in the space, announcing the start of this war.

And this war is destined to make Li Ang's name shock the world.

What did Young and Dangerous say?

The most important thing to do when you come out to play is to plant the flag.

Only when your flag is erected will everyone know your majesty.

I dare not step on you casually.

In the world, they bully the good and fear the evil.

You planted the flag to tell everyone that you are the worst person. ,


PS: Damn, the leader is too awesome, thanks to the leader of "Badao Zhanshen", another pile of monthly tickets has been thrown down, and another 1200 monthly tickets will be added soon.

PS1: It was released on the 1st, and the 5th update was returned to the leader, and the 2th update was on the 5nd. There are so many debts, and now I need 1200 monthly tickets to add more updates. I can't save the manuscript, so I am so anxious. .

(End of this chapter)

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