Silver Fox of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 353 Princess, Where Are You Going?

Gan Ting's battle did not result in any results, just like the historical Wei, Shu and Wu struggled for decades, but in the end it was nothing more than making wedding dresses for the Western Jin Dynasty.

The two sides did not settle things hastily, but were evenly matched, and no one could do anything to the other.

The battle lasted from noon to evening, and when the sun was approaching, both sides called for gold to withdraw their troops, and each collected the corpses and went back.

Cao Cao wants to cut off the grain road, which is his usual method.

But Fazheng Xu Shu and the others had already guessed that Zhang Fei and Ma Chao also fought against Cao Cao's cavalry in the Taiting area.

By mid-August, the battle between the two sides had become intense, because Cao Cao wanted to repel Liu Bei as soon as possible and enter Nanyang, so he was a little impatient.

On the other hand, although Liu Bei was also worried about Shen Chen's situation, he calmed down a lot. He waited too long for the victory of this battle. What kind of ending can be worthy of these 30 years of ups and downs?

In addition to proclaiming the emperor, maybe the only thing left is to defeat Cao Cao.

Therefore, in Cao Cao's several attacks, Liu Bei always strived to win steadily. Even if the front supply was stretched and he was at a disadvantage in logistics, he still handled it impeccably and did not lose his reputation.

In this kind of tug-of-war between the two sides, time was also slowly passing by. By August [-]th, Jingzhou in the south was already full of storms.

After more than ten days of transfer, most of the people in Xiangyang have migrated to Nanzhang.

Shen Chen also began to concentrate his main force to go south, summoning Zhao Yun's and Shamoke's troops, a total of 6 people, and went south to capture Jiangling. Sun Jiao's department.

There is a big gap between the numbers of the two sides. Lu Meng's Sun Jiao's department has a total of about 11, Sun Jiao's headquarters is [-], the Jingzhou aristocratic family who defected to Jiangdong sent [-] to nearly [-] troops, and Lu Meng's department has [-].

In late August, approaching late autumn, the weather became more and more gloomy. On August 24, the clouds were densely covered, and it began to rain moderately in Jiangling.

Standing on the top of Jiangling City, Lu Meng looked to the north, and to the north was Ji Nan Township. He ordered 5000 people to be stationed there, but four days ago, Jinan's camp was easily destroyed by Shen Chen, and the remnants retreated to Jiangling. The morning army has arrived outside Jiangling City.

To the south of Jiangling is the mighty Yangtze River, and to the east is the majestic Yunmeng Lake. The waterway network is extremely developed. There are twelve water gates in the city, and the wide moat connects the Yangtze River. It can be said that it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The rain was pattering on Lu Meng's bamboo hat. He raised his head and glanced at the cloudy sky. He was neither in a good mood nor a bad mood, but he was slightly puzzled by Shen Chenjun's actions.

Since Ji Nan's camp was broken four days ago, Shen Chen did not continue to attack. Even when the weather was a little better two days ago, he just continued to camp in the camp north of the city, without even taking the initiative to provoke. Return to calm.

The opponent is too quiet.

It's kind of disturbing anyway.

The camp in the distance was shrouded in mist and rain, and the silence was terrifying.

But then Lu Meng quickly put the doubts behind him, shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Xindao Shen Chen was under attack from both sides, and it was almost delusional for Liu Bei's main force to rush to help in Hanzhong in a short time, but it didn't have to be.

The rippling Yangtze River rolled up the rolling waves, and the once clear river water gradually turned yellow due to the rain in the upper reaches of the Three Gorges area.

When the ship sailed into the dock in the south of Jiangling City, Yu Fan came out from the cabin, and said to Zhou Shao, the son of the general Zhou Tai who was stationed at the dock, with a serious face, "Where is the governor now?"

Zhou Shao replied, "In the city."

"take me."

Yu Fan propped up a handful of bamboo mats, and the howling north wind hit him, making him feel chilly even though he was wearing a fox fur jacket.

Under the leadership of Zhou Shao, Yu Fan entered the city from the south gate of Jiangling all the way to the county government mansion.

Historically, the Jingzhou that Liu Bei got was incomplete Jingzhou, the north was taken by Wei State, and the southeast was taken by Wu State. He only got Nanjun and a part of Wuling County.

But at this time Liu Bei got the complete Jingzhou, the government was placed in Xiangyang, the defense in the north was in Nanyang, and the defense in the east was in Jiangxia and Xiling. Jiangling was not so important.

Therefore, there are not many residents in the city. The original county magistrate fled after the Jiangdong army took over. Now, including Jiangling City and the western camp, all are occupied by Lu Meng's army.

When Yu Fan entered the county office, Lv Meng had just returned from his tour of the city. As soon as he met Yu Fan, he said, "Governor, the Zhijiang River has been breached. Shen Chen's attempt to break through the attack was to pretend to attack Jiangling, but in fact he first took the way of barbarians."


Lu Meng's expression didn't change at all, he seemed to have expected this a long time ago, he walked down the corridor with his hands behind his back, pondered for a while, and said, "Let Ding Feng take 8000 people to take a look and go by boat."

"Go by boat?"

Yu Fan said: "Now the river is raining heavily, the waves are rolling, and there is a north wind. If you go against the current, the boat may be in danger of capsizing."

Lu Meng shook his head and said, "There is no way. If he attacks Yidao, he can only let Sun Jiao hold the camp firmly. Shen Chen is used to using the strategy of attacking Yidao, but what if he pretends to attack Yidao and tricks us into coming to rescue us?" , in fact, it is not good to attack Jiangling."

"It's possible."

Yu Fan thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "Just follow what the governor wants."

After noon, the rain became much lighter, and Ding Feng was ordered to lead 8000 people north to Yidao to help Sun Jiao.

Yidao guards the Three Gorges and is the entrance of the Yangtze River into Jingzhou. If it is facing the enemy of Yizhou, it can be described as easy to defend and difficult to attack. Liu Biao once repelled Liu Zhang's troops here. Later, the battle of Yiling also took place in history. here.

But the only thing behind him is Pingchuan, which is Zhijiang County, Hubei for future generations. It is easy to guard the enemy from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, but it is difficult to guard against the enemy behind him, so Sun Jiao's defense is quite difficult.

The main reason is that his troops are relatively scattered. Zhijiang, Yiling, Yidao, and Xiaoting all have soldiers and horses stationed there, and nearly two-fifths of them are troops from aristocratic families. The main force of Shen Chen's army is basically defeated in one blow.

So after the fall of Zhijiang, the Yiling, Yidao, Xiaoting and other places behind were also threatened by Shen Chen's army.

The only good news is that Sun Jiao's main force is stationed on Yidao on the opposite bank. Shen Chen's army probably has no ships and cannot cross the river to attack. Be careful.

And just as the continuous autumn rains gradually began to fall in Jingzhou, and it was late August, when the war was about to kick off, Bajun in Yizhou and Jiangzhou, where Liu Bei was ruled by King Hanzhong, also began to rain lightly.

The gloomy weather turned the world into a monotonous dark gray, the rainwater flowed down the uneven streets, and the bluestone slabs all over the city shone brightly under the washing of the raindrops.

The residence of the King of Han.

After the clapper rang during the morning meal, the stewardess of Princess Han's courtyard walked out of the courtyard with a bamboo mat.

Recently, due to the feud between Marquis Wu and the King of Han, Princess Sun of the Han Dynasty is in a bad situation and has been imprisoned. This female steward is the female Lingshi who was originally assigned by the King of Han to take care of the princess. Now she has become a spy on the Han Dynasty The Princess' Yongxiang Order.

Normally, Princess Han is not allowed to go out, and there are guards outside the door. The female guards brought by the princess were also taken away and replaced by some female officials, who were responsible for taking care of Sun's daily life and eating arrangements.

The logistics procurement of the palace is also carried out separately. Every day, the stewardess has to go out to buy some things. After all, Mrs. Sun can't go out by herself, so she needs to buy some daily necessities.

"Li Lingshi, go shopping again."

There are many residences of high-ranking officials and nobles near the palace, and the back door is directly facing Prime Minister Zuo's mansion, and there happens to be a steward who goes out of the mansion, because he often sees him but is acquainted.

Li Lingshi is over forty years old. It is said that she was originally a maid of Chang'an Palace. She escaped from Chang'an to Shu County and was transferred from Chengdu. She said with a smile: "Yes, Manager Zheng also knows that the princess has a bad temper. I always drop things, and I have to buy them when I drop them, there is no way.”

"Then Ling Shi should be more careful in serving you." The steward Zheng thought of Princess Sun, and couldn't help but look at Ling Shi with pity. That person is really not a good person. It is said that if the King of Han hadn't forcibly captured her maid and taken her away The swordsmen are afraid that they will kill people.

"It's true that you have to worry about it, but I'm used to serving the nobles in the palace before, especially those who lose their power. Just dodge if you lose your temper." Li Lingshi explained: "Besides, this Princess Sun rarely wins. People vent their anger."

"That's good, that's good." Zheng Guanshi responded, and the two of them exchanged a few more words of greeting, and then took their leave.

Walking down the hill to the north along the path paved with bluestone slabs for a few streets, Li Lingshi bought some supplies as usual, and finally walked into a spice shop on North Street.

During the Han Dynasty, spices were produced in Jiaozhi and Yongchang areas, that is, Southeast Asia in later generations. Since the "Shushen Poison Road" on the Southern Silk Road in the Western Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty has traded with Southeast Asia, India and even Luzon Island.

Since the starting point and end point of the "Shu Body Poison Road" were in the land of Bashu, there were a lot of spices in Bashu at that time. During the Han Dynasty, because the Silk Road in the northern part of the Western Regions was cut off, the spices of the rich and powerful often came from the land of Shu.

Li Lingshi entered the spice shop. Due to the recent rain, there were very few people on the street and no one in the shop. Spices? These are new arrivals."

"They're cheap."

Li Lingshi scooped up the spices in the container with his hands, smelled them and asked, "What about the ones that the princess likes?"

"In the backyard, it has been prepared for the princess."

The proprietress stretched out her hand and said, "Ling Shi please."

Li Lingshi nodded and stepped into the backyard.

The backyard was quite wide, and these men lived in the back room. They heard footsteps and took out knives one after another, and opened a gap in the window.

The proprietress shouted: "Master, Li Lingshi is here and wants to see the spices."

One of the men said to everyone: "It's the answer we bought at the palace at a high price, don't be nervous, you wait here first, let me tell my wife the plan."

"it is good."

The others put down their swords.

The man went out and gave the proprietress a wink, the proprietress immediately nodded and went out to watch the store.

Li Lingshi followed the boss into a side hall next to her. As soon as she entered the door, she said, "Madam has been furious these days, and Wu Hou did it before she left, which made her feel that Wu Hou didn't think about her safety at all." , now that the King of Han has imprisoned her, what should I do?"

The boss said: "Marquis Wu also has no choice. Wars are based on waiting for the time. How could it be possible to send a message from Yangzhou a month or two in advance? If Madam left at that time, wouldn't it arouse Liu Bei's suspicion?"

"Then what should we do now?"

Ling Shi asked: "Liu Bei is still in Guanzhong, but I heard that the daily correspondence between Guanzhong and Jiangzhou often condemned Marquis Wu, and the guards of the mansion became more and more rude to the princess. The day before yesterday, he actually pushed the princess."

"Forcibly breaking out is definitely not acceptable, but Wu Hou's letter has been delivered, and he asked us to find a way to rescue the princess from the mansion."

The boss said in a deep voice: "We have a map of the palace for a long time. You take the princess to the outside of the backyard wall of the mansion at three o'clock tonight, and we use a ladder to enter from the outside. After the princess comes out, we will take a small boat and go straight to Yiling. General Sun Jiao took over."

"Why do you need three quarters in Pingdan?"

Ling Shi was puzzled and said, "Is it possible when the rooster crows in the middle of the night?"

The boss replied: "No, there are guards patrolling outside the palace. We checked and found that people are the most tired after the third quarter of Pingdan. At that time, the night watch guards would sometimes be lazy and not patrolling. It has been raining for several days. I didn’t patrol the back door of the palace anymore.”

"it is good."

Li Lingshi nodded and said, "Then do as you wish."

At three o'clock in the morning, around eight o'clock in the morning, in the backyard where the Sun family of the palace was confined, Sun Shangxiang, whose face was as cold as frost, was walking back and forth in her room.

She has wielded knives and guns since she was a child. She has a slender figure and is quite heroic.

In the past few years, for the sake of her brother's career, when Liu Bei was in Jiangzhou, she had to pretend to be a virtuous wife of Xiaoniao Yiren every day, to make Liu Bei happy, in order to gain trust in exchange for information.

After several years of hard work undercover, Sun Shangxiang has indeed gradually gained power. Liu Bei will not avoid her even when he is reading official documents, so he has obtained a lot of important information, such as the deployment of Liu Bei Group's troops, various frontline battle reports, and local governance, etc. Wait for the inside story.

If it weren't for this information, Sun Quan would not have won Jingnan so quickly, and united with many aristocratic families in Jingzhou who were dissatisfied with Liu Bei, causing such a big storm.

However, after Sun Quan succeeded in attacking Jingzhou successfully, he almost forgot about her.

This made Sun Shangxiang, who was imprisoned and imprisoned because of Sun Quan's affairs, completely lost power. She thought that her brother had abandoned her, and lost her temper all day in the room, throwing things, and the house was in a mess.

Under the exposed nature, the original bronze mirror and dressing table are now broken into pieces, and there is almost no complete furniture except the bed.


At this moment, Li Lingshi poked his head in from outside the door.

Sun Shangxiang stood in a pile of sundries with a livid face, and said to her angrily: "What did you buy again? I'll spend as much as you have, let you ask them what they can do, and when did it work for you? "

Li Lingshi said with a smile on his face: "Ma'am, I finally have a solution this time. Marquis Wu is also helpless. The war is based on the right timing. Yangzhou is far away from Yizhou. It takes two months for a ship to come. How come?" Maybe he can notify Madam in advance? But he has already sent people to sneak into Jiangzhou, and he will take Madam to leave tonight."

Zhou Lin once told Shen Chen that it usually takes half a month to travel from Jiangdong to Jiangling by boat, and unless the weather is bad, it can be reached within a month.

But from Jiangdong to Bazhou by boat, the shortest time is two or three months, and the longest time is a year and a half.

Because the water flow in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is not very fast, and the river is wide, and the southeast wind blows in spring and summer, the speed of the boat will be faster.

From Jingzhou to Bashu, you have to go through the Three Gorges.The river channel in the Three Gorges area is very narrow, and the water flow is very fast. There are often heavy rains in the upper reaches, and there are many shipwrecks and deaths when going upstream. Therefore, the news from Jingzhou to Yizhou is very slow.

Sun Quan launched an attack in June, unless he had informed Sun Shangxiang in advance in March and April that he would be dispatched in June, otherwise, Sun Shangxiang could not have gotten the news in advance and escaped.

However, many military operations were decided on a temporary basis, and Sun Quan only prepared secretly in May, so it was regarded as a disaster for Sun Shangxiang.

But when Li Lingshi said that Sun Quan had sent someone to meet him, Sun Shangxiang finally had a good face and said, "What are they going to do?"

"They will meet you at the back door of the palace at three quarters of the day."

Li Lingshi replied: "A small boat has been arranged by the river, and we will take the boat to Yiling directly before dawn. It is expected that we will arrive at night."

Going upstream from Jiangdong to Yizhou is a slow speed, so going from Yizhou to Jingzhou is super fast. After all, one goes upstream and the other goes down the river.

Sun Shangxiang nodded with satisfaction: "Okay."

With this news, Sun Shangxiang was very happy today. He ate and drank well. He didn't rush the guards outside the door as usual. He didn't smash things or yell. Instead, he was much quieter.

After noon, other maids in the Palace who monitored Sun Shangxiang reported the information to Zhuge Liang. In Xiangguo's mansion, Zhuge Liang just said "Oh" and continued to deal with the daily heavy official documents without seeming to think about anything else.

The sky gradually darkened, and in the evening, the heavy rain had lightened a lot.Rainwater gathers into streams, flows down Jiangzhou City with different heights, and finally flows into the Yangtze River.

In the middle of the night, the original torrential rain turned into light rain. The attendants who were patrolling the palace tonight were really lazy again. After Pingdan's stick was knocked on, they were nowhere to be seen. It was quiet outside the back door of the mansion, and there was no sound at all. .

In the dark night, only the occasional full moon that emerged from behind the dark clouds shone with silver light. Many Sun Quan spies who were hiding in the nearby alleys watched the time and the guards remained silent. Even the watchmen went back to rest, so Deciding to act according to the opportunity, he carried the ladder to the back door of the mansion.

Sun Shangxiang naturally didn't fall asleep at this time, she was full of energy, listening to the sound of the shift outside the government office.As soon as Pingdan passed, she and Li Lingshi passed through the back garden and quietly came to the porch.

Their luck today is really good. Usually, not only there are inspections outside the palace, but there are three steps, one post and five steps and one sentry inside. But today, I don’t know if the guards are lazy or relaxed their vigilance. They only met two teams along the way, and they were basically Dozing off on the porch, completely unaware of people passing by them.

The two passed through the back garden smoothly, and by the moonlight, they saw a ladder stretching out from behind the wall, and a figure emerged from the top of the wall, waving at them.


After they came out of the wall, the leader of the internal response hurriedly cupped his hands at her and said, "It's too late."

"Without further ado."

Sun Shangxiang inherited his father's and brother's swiftness, waved and said, "Let's go now, hurry up!"


A group of more than ten people immediately took advantage of the cover of night and began to descend the mountain.

At this time, it was more than four o'clock in the morning, but Jiangzhou was built on the mountain and went down the stairs. By the time it reached the riverside, it was already the early sunrise, and the sky was gradually brightening.

The place they chose was not a large pier in the east of the city, but a small pier on the Jialing River in the north.

There are dense bamboo shadows around the pier, covered by trees, and a small and medium-sized passenger ship similar to a protruding one is docked on the shore, equipped with sculls and paddle wheels. These more than a dozen people are paddling and stepping on the wheels in the boat, and the speed is extremely fast. , you can reach Yiling at night.

Seeing the boat, the leader waved happily and said, "Ma'am, we're here, you'll be safe once you board the boat."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Sun Shangxiang was overjoyed, turned his head and glanced at the overlapping Jiangzhou city hidden in the mountains and forests, and said with a light smile, "Farewell, I can't stay in this ghostly place for a day."

Turning his head, he walked towards the passenger ship without hesitation.

at this time.

A mellow voice sounded.

"Princess, where are you going?"

In the bamboo forest on both sides, countless figures appeared in an instant.

Zhuge Liang got out of the boat and looked at her with a smile.

"Zhuge Liang!"

In an instant, Sun Shangxiang almost squeezed these three words out between his teeth.

"Protect Madam."

More than a dozen internal spies drew their knives immediately.

But hundreds of guards around rushed forward and quickly killed them all.

Li Lingshi was trembling with fright, not understanding what was going on at all.

"How did you know."

Sun Shangxiang turned her head to look at Li Lingshi, picked up a knife on the ground, and said, "It's you!"

"Not me, not me"

Li Lingshi quickly denied it, and took a few steps back, trying to escape.

But Sun Shangxiang was already very angry, and stabbed her with a knife, killing her, and then he was held around the neck by several halberds.

Zhuge Liang just watched quietly. Li Lingshi was not from the Sun family in the first place, but she received a lot of bribes from the Sun family to help the Sun family as an internal agent to convey information, and she would not regret dying.

Only Sun Shangxiang, after all, is the concubine of Han Wang who is being married by Ming Media, so she still has to be dealt with by Han Wang.

"Princess, go back."

Zhuge Liang said softly: "The princess has passed a lot of false news to Marquis Wu for us these years, so the King of Han will not kill the princess."


Sun Shangxiang opened his eyes wide and said in shock, "The news is fake?"


Zhuge Liangliang nodded, pointed the feather fan in his hand to the north, and said, "Wangfei, look over there."

At three quarters of sunrise, the sky is bright.

The surface of the river was gray, but under the smog and rain, countless boats, rippling in the river water, sailed towards the north.

"What is that?" Sun Shangxiang shouted, "What is that?"

"It's the king of Han's ambush."

Zhuge Liang waved his hands and said loudly: "Thanks to the princess, for making Marquis Wu mistakenly think that our Lord's soldiers and horses are all in the north, but he doesn't know that the army has long been hiding in Bodao. It was the princess who told Sun Quan and made him believe it. , I don’t think there will be any reinforcements in Jingzhou. But the day after tomorrow will be when Marquis Wu’s troops will be wiped out!”

Sun Shangxiang only felt that his heart was suddenly strangled, and his whole body was sucked away. His originally beautiful face lost its color in an instant, and he collapsed to the ground.


It’s over.

I went on a blind date in the morning. Today is only one chapter, but there are still more than 6000 words. Rest assured, the feature film has begun.In addition, some friends said that the protagonist with 20 plus Huang Zhong's 5 against the 20-odd coalition army is unreal, but don't forget that in history, Guan Yu relied on 3000 to 10 people to fight against the Sun-Cao coalition's 50-odd, and he won first and then lost. What is foresight is what the second master relies on, which is much stronger than the protagonist.As for those who say that Zhao Yun's charge is outrageous, let's not say that Zhang Liao is more outrageous than Zhao Yun, but that Li Shimin's 5 men rushed to Dou Jiande's [-] people, and captured Dou Jiande alive. Isn't that outrageous compared to Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao?So we write books with logic. I personally still don’t like people saying that my writing is exaggerated. In the official history, there are still [-] people fighting against [-] people to capture the enemy’s head alive. I dare not ask.

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