"Kirei?! What happened? Isn't Assassin dead? Why did he appear at the banquet?"

"This...students don't know..."

Looking at Kotomine Kirei with his head lowered and a confused look on his face, Tokiomi Tosaka also frowned slightly.

This time, what happened to Assassin was beyond his imagination. He reached out and touched the command spell on the back of his hand, and his whole body fell into thinking...

But soon Tosaka Tokiomi felt relieved.

The assassin went to attack the caster in the magic workshop. With that caster's weird methods, it was not surprising to encounter any situation.

Maybe this performance was directed and performed by Caster to test the strength of other servants.

"But since that's the case, I'm afraid we have to speed up and end the Holy Grail War as soon as possible..."


Time soon came to the fourth day of the Holy Grail War.

According to information obtained from Snow's secretly re-launched informant, in addition to Assassin, other heroic spirits died last night.

And the deceased is Lancer...

As for the cause of death...


The process of Lancer's suicide was also very simple. After Sora woke up, she found that Lancer was taking her back to the magic workshop. She was obsessed with sex. That night, she used "she was unable to protect herself because of the magic power supplied" as an excuse to directly persuade Ken. Nice changed the function.

Directly let Kenneth be responsible for supplying Lancer's magic power, and Kenneth, the boiling sheep, really accepted this statement.

Then naturally, Sora got the command spell, and then "eloped" with Lancer.

Although it is reasonable, it is quite outrageous...

Then that day, without Bluebeard as a check, Emiya Kiritsugu directly targeted Sora. After breaking her hand that stored the command spells in a sneak attack, he took her as a hostage. He directly threatened her and found out that something was wrong. Director Ken, who had reacquired the Command Seal from Kotomine Rizheng, directly asked Lancer to commit suicide.

Then the plot is basically the same as the original work...

There is nothing unreasonable about this. After all, Emiya Kiritsugu cannot transfer the magic of the Command Seal. Without the active operation of the Master of the Command Seal, and without Kenneth personally giving the order, he would not be able to do this.

Very reasonable, but quite outrageous...

According to Snow's original idea, he thought that this scene would be put on tomorrow, but he didn't expect that it was completed directly last night...

"What are you in such a hurry for?"

Inexplicably, Snow not only didn't feel bad about the inexplicable mastermind succeeding in the second goal, but actually felt like laughing.

If I were to use an Internet term from my previous life to express what Snow is thinking now, it would still be "He's anxious, he's anxious..."


When Snow saw Saber in the daytime, Snow saw that her face was not good-looking. Even the food could not arouse her interest. Although she was still eating, her whole body had completely lost the vitality she had before. , in an autistic state, which makes people feel distressed just looking at it.

However, Snow is not concerned about this issue now. He just took a deep look at his follower Saber, who came out together, to comfort the other person's clear Irisviel. He felt that the other person's aura was obviously different from before and confirmed some things. .

"Assassin and Lancer must be really dead, which caused Irisviel's condition to decline..."

Although Snow has no knowledge about how many heroic spirits the Little Holy Grail absorbs before it collapses, he can basically tell some clues just by looking at Irisviel's astral body.

In the original work, only when Bluebeard died, there was no obvious change in Irisviel...

Touching his chin, Snow recalled his previous guesses and thought about the next plan of the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Since Caster was taken over by Xiao Xue, Berserker should also have been replaced. These two will not be able to follow the original plot anyway."

"And Saber and Jin Shining didn't die in the end, so that means that guy only has one target to choose from..."

While thinking, Snow turned around and walked in one direction.Snow didn't forget to think as he walked.

"The fourth Holy Grail War in the original work ended when the evil in this world temporarily swallowed up Jin Shining and gave him a physical body, and Saber broke the Great Holy Grail."

"That is to say, that guy will most likely make the Holy Grail War follow such an outcome. So, should I let him get what he wants, or let him get dissatisfaction..."

After much deliberation, I still chose the latter.

The main thing is that if you want to summon the Holy Grail, you will definitely need enough followers to die to provide magic power.

Even if Jin Shining is more powerful, one can beat two or even three, then we must ensure that at least my king and Jin Shining are still alive before the Holy Grail appears and spreads the black mud.

That also requires enough heroic spirits to sacrifice to heaven.

Naturally, Snow's Xiaoxue is also included.This was not what Snow wanted to see.My own Mao Qi allows others to bully me.

As if sensing Snow's decision, Xiao Xue, who transformed into a teacup cat on Snow's shoulder, licked Snow's face and responded with a "meow" sound.

Snow also touched Xiao Xue's head and thought about his next move.

"Here, the one who is most bullied among the three parties is Rider. After all, Webb is still too immature now, and Rider was beaten to death by me."

"But he's easy to bully and hard to kill. Webb has always been taken by Rider, so he can't snatch the Command Seal. After all, I still lack the most destructive weapons, so I can't eliminate tens of thousands of troops at once."

"As for my king, Emiya Kiritsugu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. And on Jin Shining's side, if the first attempt failed, that guy should be wary there. I'm afraid the success rate will be lower if I try again. not tall."

"After thinking about it, I didn't expect that one person could take action well. It's really..."

Shaking his head helplessly, Snow raised his feet and walked in the direction of Rider. Although this guy was difficult to kill, he was still a soft persimmon, so it was better to pinch him first.

But just as he raised his feet, Snow's brow suddenly frowned.Because he suddenly found that he had lost the vision of the animals used to monitor the rider group.

"This is?!"

"It's a bit outrageous. I don't even want to avoid people anymore."

He reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. In his mind's eye, those animals should still be alive, but Shi Snow just couldn't connect with them. It was as if something had separated the obvious connection between them. .

Do you still need to ask about this kind of thing?It was obviously the work of the mysterious mastermind behind the scenes.

To be honest, if that guy Xiao Yiren had no reason to lie to him, and he was guaranteed to be frank and honest, it was definitely not his fault, and he had never revealed any information about his power to others, Snow would have doubted that guy. Do you just want to play tricks on him and bring someone in to cause trouble for him?

After all, if Snow were asked to do this kind of thing, Snow would not be able to do it... "Forget it, no matter what that guy is going to do, he will eventually face me head-on in the end."

Now that the other party had cut off his career, Snow also knew that it was probably impossible for him to find Rider's whereabouts, so he simply turned around and left.The really good, really good show starts at night.

With the urgency shown by the mastermind behind the scenes, the other party should not wait until the seventh day to take action directly.

It is estimated that the other party will make a big move tonight.It seems likely that Berserker and Rider will be the first to be caught.

If the other party wants to reveal the plot, then tonight is the time for Snow and the other party to confront each other head-on.

When he didn't know the other party's identity, personality, and purpose, Snow didn't want to bring the other party in front of Sakura, so he needed to create a new magic workshop, a new position...

Snow raised his hand and looked at the time. There were still nearly ten hours until night, so the time should be enough...

"Then without further ado, let's start from now on..."


Time soon came to night.Looking up at the setting sun, Snow took a deep breath, his eyes connected with the informants in the city, inspecting everything happening in the city, waiting for the war to begin.

But at a certain moment, Snow suddenly found that all the eyeliners connected to him had disappeared without a trace, and even the spirituality connected to the solid body was directly erased, as if there was a huge eraser, erasing all the traces in the city. Traces of disharmony.

However, Snow did not panic about this. This was something he expected. Since the other party could isolate him once, he could naturally isolate himself from other fields of vision.

Therefore, Snow, who has almost no gaps, is directly connected to the quantum elves left around the city before Schrödinger's cat.

However, in less than a minute during the handover of the business, Snow was aware of the changes that had occurred in the entire city.

First, in the direction of the Einzbern family, a golden light rose into the sky. It was the oath of victory struck by Saber.

And almost at the same time, Snow also suddenly discovered that a small low-dimensional world was stuck to the surface of the world like dog skin plaster. It was the inherent barrier of Rider.

But there was something that Snow couldn't understand. Since Rider was fighting with someone and even used the inherent nodules, it must be Jin Shining. So who was Saber fighting? ! Berserker? !

Suddenly Snow felt that he was a little hasty.Things seemed to be more complicated than he thought.

"Berserker, who had been lurking for so long, jumped out now? Could it be that the assassination of Shiki during the period when I wasn't observing forced Rin to come out?"

"It can't be the mastermind who took away Rin's Command Seal, right?"

As soon as he searched here, Snow felt that something was wrong.In an instant, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and stood up.

"No! What makes me think that Berserker's wish will be Rin?! Is it because of the rationality of the reasoning? Or have I seen it with my own eyes?!"

"No! Matou Kariya told me about this!"

"When would I trust a person's words so much?! Or the words of a guy who basically has no strength after removing the marking bug?!"

Although Matou Kariya himself has some magic talent, because he has resisted learning in this area since he was a child, this guy's strength as a magician is infinitely close to zero.

After a year of engraving and remodeling by Lao Zhongzi, it was barely getting better, but only a little.

After the treatment for Snow was completed, it was even more true that he had no fighting ability at all.

It is not easy for a magician to hypnotize such a guy.But for this guy, Snow and I had no doubts before and believed in him unswervingly!This is abnormal and very abnormal. Even if the fact that Xiao Lin becomes a master is not unrealistic, it is very abnormal!
Almost instantly, Snow was broken into a cold sweat.

Snow originally thought that the mastermind behind the scenes first targeted him because of his performance on the first night of the Sad Night, but now it seems that it seems to be much earlier.

And the other party's hypnosis started earlier than Snow imagined...

After thinking everything through, Snow just bit his nails and muttered to himself.

"Since this is the case, it makes sense. The mastermind behind this is Berserker's master, or perhaps Berserker simply used his suppression power to eliminate his 'singularity'."

"That's not right. With so many opportunities, why doesn't the other party take action? Since even I can be confused, why not just take action? That won't be the end of the world."

In a flash, Snow answered the question in his mind.

"Either he doesn't want to or he can't do it."

In this regard, Snow prefers the latter.After all, if there is a chance to put the enemy to death, Snow will never refuse.After all, it is better to do less than to do more.

"So are there any restrictions? It should be that I can't take action easily, I can only intervene and guide secretly. Or let my followers take action..."

While thinking about it, Snow had no intention of leaving. After all, the magic workshop had been successfully built, but a Berserker and Rider died.There are only four servants, and if you want to summon the Great Holy Grail, this alone is not enough.

Whether it's Jin Shining, Saber, or the mastermind behind the scenes, it's better to stay in your own magic studio than to be forced into an encounter...

Snow's idea is very good, and there is no problem in logically deriving it from the intelligence point of view that Snow possesses.

However, although Snow realized that the development of the situation seemed to be a bit beyond his control, he did not clearly realize that the development of the situation was far more serious than Snow expected.



An inexplicable pressure suddenly enveloped Snow's heart, causing his straight spine to bend for a moment.

It was a will that was twisted to the extreme. It was dirty, dirty, violent, and corrosive.Anyway, all the words used to describe ugliness and filth in the world are used to describe this thing, and they are all extremely appropriate.

Snow had never felt this consciousness before, but the moment the other party arrived, Snow understood what it was.

"how come?!"

"Are you kidding! There are only four servants?! Then the Great Holy Grail will come directly!"

Yes, what suddenly arrived was the legendary machine that could realize any wish. The Great Holy Grail was of course a polluted version. The current Holy Grail should be a mobile world polluter.

"Damn it, I'm still fighting the four heavenly kings! What's the big deal when you, the big demon kings who don't give shit to you, jump out one after another?!"

With almost no hesitation, Snow simply abandoned the so-called magic workshop. Just kidding, the Holy Grail War is over and the Great Holy Grail has been released. Why do we need a magic workshop? ! !
Without any pause, Snow rushed towards the center of the malicious outbreak without stopping.

Snow's footsteps were very fast, and the place where the evil broke out was not far from Snow's magic workshop. Snow soon arrived here.

When Snow came here, he saw the black mud all over the floor, Saber who was at a loss in front of the black mud, the small world of consciousness hidden in the cracks of the world, and the struggling Emiya Kiritsugu in the small world of consciousness.


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