I am the savior of China Entertainment

Chapter 113 Golden Melody Awards Nominations Announced

Chapter 113 Golden Melody Awards Nominations Announced

At the end of the chorus, Li He came out of the inner recording studio and greeted Da Mi Mi Reba: "Are you here? Take a break first, and treat you to dinner later."

"Okay, we want to eat authentic Shanghai dishes." Da Mimi said.

"No problem..." Li Hyuk agreed casually, put on headphones, and listened to the effect of his own singing.

"The processing of the transliteration part is still not good enough, and it needs to be re-recorded." After listening to it, Li Hyuk was a little dissatisfied, and there were still flaws.

"Isn't that right, boss? Still coming?" Lu Wen was about to collapse.

Li He smiled: "Thanks to Sister Mi and Reba today, we will record tomorrow. You should go back first and take a shower. How long has it been since you took a shower?"

Lu Wenru was pardoned, fearing that Li He would repent, so he quickly took the clothes he had saved for a few days and ran away like flying.

Looking at the fast Lu Wen, Da Mimi laughed and laughed: "Look at how you tortured him, a black-hearted boss."

"I paid a lot of overtime pay, okay, let's go, I invite you to dinner." Li He packed up his things, greeted Cheng Lixiang, and took the two girls to a restaurant with excellent local dishes in Shanghai. Dining room.

He is also a regular customer of this restaurant. Since Li He became famous, this restaurant has become a place for him to entertain friends who come to the studio as guests. The last time Ode to Joy Wumei came to this restaurant.

The owner of the restaurant is in his thirties, but he is still a fan of Li He's fans. He has reserved a box for Li He for a long time, so that he can come at any time.

In return, Lee Hyuk fulfilled the fan's little request by sending five autographed albums and taking a group photo.

Shang Haicai is sweet, and it pays attention to thick oily red sauce and bright color.

Li He ordered braised pork. Shang Haicai’s braised pork is made of selected pork belly that is three parts lean and two parts fat. A little soy sauce.

As a result, the meat made has a bright red color of agate, and the biggest difference in taste from other places is that it is sweeter.

There is also Babao Duck, which uses bone-in duck to open the back and fill it with ingredients, including glutinous rice, diced bamboo shoots, diced chestnuts, diced mushrooms, diced meat, diced ham, lotus seeds, dried shrimp, and diced chicken gizzards.

Then buckle it in a large bowl, seal it with cellophane, and steam it in a cage. The shape of the duck is plump and plump, and the original juice is prominent. Strong and fragrant.

This dish was an imperial dish during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and it was also a representative of Shanghai cuisine.

There are other local specialties such as boiled chicken, deep-fried shrimp, crystal shrimp, etc. Li He ordered them one by one.

Da Mi Mi is very restrained in maintaining her figure, she ate a little and stopped eating, chatting with Li He.

Reba couldn't control his mouth, and kept eating. After eating, he looked at his waist in distress, and went back to worry about how to lose weight.

"Li He, what's your relationship with Yang Zi? I think the media has been hyping up your relationship." Da Mi Mi asked a very personal question, and Reba pricked up her ears to listen, she also wanted to know.

Although Da Mi Mi is very gossip, but there is nothing to hide about this matter, Li He replied: "Yang Zi and I are good friends, we are very right-tempered."

"Oh, then don't you think about getting closer to Yangzi?" Da Mimi continued to ask.

I was a bit curious about what Da Mimi cared about, but Li He still explained: "Where does this kind of thinking come from, I'm too familiar with Yang Zi, I don't have that feeling, I'm used to watching it on TV since I was a child."

Da Mimi was relieved, and said with regret, "I think the little girl is not bad, but your eyes are not right. If you have any problems, you should solve them quickly. You can't delay the matter between men and women."

"Okay, I got it." Li He promised this, but actually complained in his heart, you and Liu Kai haven't settled that shit, are you free to care about me?

Da Mi Mi and Reba are finishing their meal, because the crew still has a role to play, so they will go back to Hengdian in the evening.

Li Hyuk also took the evening flight to Changsha to attend the Singer Summit.

This summit meeting is the competition between the six singers in the final round of last season and the six singers in the final round of this season.

It is said to be a competition, but in fact it is almost the same nature as a concert. It is almost the same for everyone to participate in a platter concert.

Before the recording of the King of Songs Summit, No.20 announced the nomination list for the [-]th Taiwan Golden Melody Awards, and Li Hyuk won [-] nominations.

Although the influence of the Golden Melody Awards has been declining in recent years because of ZZ's correctness, this award is still the most authoritative award for Chinese music.

Some people may not recognize the best male singer in other awards, but most people will recognize the best male singer in the Golden Melody Awards.

Although he received a lot of nominations, given his performance in the Golden Melody Awards in recent years, some netizens are worried that because the so-called ZZ is correct, Lee Hyuk may not even get a single award.

This worry is not unreasonable, it depends on whether the Golden Melody Awards need credibility or ZZ is correct.

In order to be credible, Li Hyuk's masterpiece "Jay" is an unavoidable hurdle no matter what.

If ZZ is correct, there is nothing to say, everyone will go halfway to the sky, and Li Hyuk will never go to the Golden Melody Awards to seek humiliation.

The media reports also showed various strange appearances. Some media on Taiwan’s side lashed out at the host of the Golden Melody Awards, all kinds of inaccuracies, this matter can’t be talked about, and it’s not up to Li He, a little singer, to take care of it.

The professional and authoritative music magazine gave a pertinent evaluation, thinking that Li Hyuk deserves nominations for so many awards.

Most of the media in the mainland is just bragging, and some media have even put the name of Little Heavenly King on Li He.

However, it has not been recognized by the majority of netizens. Netizens think that Li Hyuk will have to release at least two or three high-quality albums before he is eligible to talk about Tianwang.

A small number of media were worried that Li Hyuk would win nothing at the Golden Melody Awards, and some media even gave advice to Li Hyuk, suggesting that Li Hyuk should not go, because if he did not win an award, it would be a blatant humiliation.

Li Hyuk laughed when he read these reports, since he dared to nominate himself for the Golden Melody Awards, and there were still eleven, how could he give one or two awards?

Because of the nomination of the Golden Melody Awards, the media was full of hype, but what Li He didn't expect was that Reba actually supported Li He when he was interviewed by the media.

"I think he's OK. I've been to his music studio in Shang Hai. Li Hyuk is really serious and hardworking. If Li Hyuk isn't awarded a single Golden Melody Award, I really doubt the credibility of the Golden Melody Awards."

It's also fortunate that Reba is in the film and television industry. If she was in the music industry, she would have been blacklisted by the Golden Melody Awards just for this statement.

The reporter then asked Reba and Li He how they made friends, and Reba replied frankly: "Miss Mi said that Li He is not easy, so let me make friends more and more. After chatting with Li He, I found out that Li He is a very, very good person. Man, I love listening to his songs."

Da Mimi looked at Reba who was being interviewed, and covered her face aside, this girl, can you stop being so straightforward.

When Yang Zi saw the news that Reba supported Li Hyuk, her blood pressure went up immediately, and she felt a little threat, so she stood up on Weibo to express her support for Li Hyuk's award.

Zhang Yishan had no choice but to stand up and support Li He with Yang Zi due to Yang Zi's remaining prestige.

Then this wave couldn't be stopped, and then Xu Song, Deng Ziqi, Han Hong, Cui Jian, Li Jian, Zhang Jingying and other well-known actors and singers in the mainland.

All celebrities who know Li Hyuk and have a good relationship with him stand for Li Hyuk, and support Li Hyuk's success in the Golden Melody Awards both openly and secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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