Big octopus in the deep sea: I can evolve infinitely

Chapter 101 The Second Great War Between the Gods and Typhon

Chapter 101 The Second War Between the Gods and Typhon

"Are we really going down?"

Looking at the split, infinitely downward, and completely shrouded in darkness of the grand canyon in front of him, the big lion Nemea became a little frightened.

As a big lion favored by Zeus, it thinks that it has a heart as strong as its mighty and majestic appearance. Timid, especially this canyon is the lair of Typhon, the ancestor of demons. There are not only Typhon and Ekadna in it, but also thousands of offspring bred by these two monsters.

Thinking of the pairs of eyes suddenly popping up in the darkness after he went down, staring at him firmly, Nemea felt terrified.

"Or, Hercules, you can kill me here. As long as you kill me, you can harvest a fur that is soft, warm and has super defense. You can wrap it around your body, absolutely It won't hurt."

Nemea suggested as she shook her body, showing off her lush, beautiful hair.

The reason why it follows Hercules all the way is to let the great hero kill himself to complete the task of Zeus, so that his soul can ascend to heaven and become a god in the sky.

However, Hercules ignored the uninvited big lion that had been following him all the time. He looked at the Scoudas Grand Canyon, which was named after darkness by humans, and jumped into it. In the boundless darkness.

Seeing this scene, Nemea immediately became entangled.

Do you want to jump down?
Below is Typhon's lair, which is the source of all monsters in the whole world. After jumping down, a large number of monsters may emerge to dismember him in minutes. Island, when he challenged Typhon, the god servant on the holy mountain of Olympus began to record this heroic epic story. If he didn't go down, it would not be long before all the people and gods in the whole world knew Zeus's pet , Nemea the lion is a cowardly lion who dare not jump off.

Thinking of this possibility, Nemea closed his eyes and jumped down from above.

A man and a lion kept falling in the darkness. The boundless, impenetrable darkness without a ray of light enveloped each man and beast. In the darkness, they quickly lost their sense of direction and sense of the outside world. In a small black room that keeps falling downwards, fear strikes one after another.

I don't know how long it took to fall, but suddenly, a huge impact spread rapidly upwards from their body parts that touched the ground, and the sound of 'bang' was transmitted in the darkness.

For Hercules, this was enough to send the impact of human shattering on him, only to make him slightly uncomfortable.

He stood up quickly, looking around vigilantly with a pair of eyes.

Although in this endless darkness, his vision was quickly swallowed by the darkness, but he still felt strong and deadly dangers coming from all directions, as if in the darkness, there were all dangers that could kill him, but The big lion Nemea on the side saw this scene and looked at Hercules suspiciously, "What's the matter, do you feel anything?"

However, Hercules ignored it, and only held the handles of the two knives tightly with a pair of strong hands. The muscles of his whole body tensed up, and his attention was raised to the extreme.

"Is there anything around here?"

Nemea became puzzled. Its eyes, which were the size of copper bells, looked into the distance.

But it was too dark around, there was no light at all, and it looked at it at a glance, it was all pitch black and bottomless darkness.

Just at this time,
The 'ground' suddenly shook, and countless wind sounds came from all directions, and Hercules flew up immediately.

Immediately afterwards, a ferocious dragon head rushed out from the darkness.


Nemea was shocked in an instant, and was almost scared to death on the spot.

It quickly jumped up, ready to catch up to Hercules, but it didn't use its limbs, and the ground collapsed like a quagmire, and then the quagmire-like 'ground' closed again, directly clamping its limbs inside .

"Hercules, save me."

Nemea yelled.

However, Hercules, who heard the voice, didn't seem to care about the big lion who followed him all the way. He stabbed it with a sharp blade into the rock wall of the canyon. Straight across Nemea's head, the hoarse voice passed on, "Typhon, your opponent is me."

The sharp blade pierced into Typhon's head, but failed to stop the ancestor of the demon, but the sound that followed made the ancestor of the demon stop.

In the darkness, terrifying heads woke up one after another from their slumber.

One pair after another opened from the darkness, looking at Hercules above his head in unison, the cold gaze made people shudder,

"My opponent is you? A tiny bug dares to call himself my opponent, don't you think you are ridiculous?"

A deep, cold voice sounded in the darkness.

The ground that bound Nemea began to separate automatically. Seeing hope, Nemea, who was deeply trapped in it, immediately jumped up and jumped onto the rock wall of the canyon, following the sound like an old sow climbing a tree climbed to the side of Hercules.

After arriving at the side of this great hero, the soul of this big lion was about to be scared out of his body before he calmed down.

It lowered its head and looked down, the darkness covering everything dissipated at some point, revealing a terrifying giant.

This huge monster completely occupied the bottom of the entire canyon, occupying all the space without a single gap, and the ground it thought was actually the scalp of this monster, no, it should not be said to be the scalp, more An accurate description is the neck.

On this neck, the heads of giant dragons like mountains were lifted up, and the chilling sight fell on it, making it feel like an ant, and the feet of 'humans' could be touched at any time. Step on it, and crush yourself, an ant, to death.

"No wonder some gods would run away when Typhon made troubles on the holy mountain of Olympus, they would jump into the river, they would burrow into the ground, they would commit themselves to Typhon's heirs, and only asked it to protect themselves... so horrible Can such a monster really be defeated by a god?"

Nemea swallowed and murmured.

It was just a carefree little lion living on the prairie. It was Zeus who changed into a male lion and fell in love with its mother. It was taken to the holy mountain of Olympus together with his mother and became Zeus. An addition to the garden, a pet.

Therefore, it has never really seen Typhon. Its understanding of Typhon comes from the divine genealogy written by the fairies on the holy mountain of Olympus and the stories passed down among humans.

In the theogony, Typhon is powerful and unmatched by gods. As soon as it was born, it shook the world, shook the mountains and rivers, and stirred up huge waves in the sea.This kind of powerful sound, even Hades the Hades and the Titans who were deeply imprisoned underground also changed their colors.Only Zeus jumped down, and with the help of the gods, he fought against the ancestor of the demon for countless years.

In the end, the exhausted parties agreed to continue this unfinished battle 1000 years later.

The story of human beings is similar to that of the gods, except that there are some dark histories that the gods fled without fighting after seeing Typhon.

Originally, when seeing the human version of Typhon, Nemea was a little disdainful, just kidding, would an immortal god flee without a fight?It feels that this is human beings slandering the great gods.

But now, it believes.

"Terrifying Typhon." Hercules gripped the handle of the knife tightly.

The moment he saw Typhon's true face, he realized that this monster was extremely terrifying. His perceptual premonition... all these told him that he could not win, and he would never win against Typhon. In front of this terrifying monster, I don't have the slightest chance of winning.


"If you can't win, you have to win."

With a pull of Hercules' arm, he pulled out his weapon named the Blade of Chaos by Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmen, from the cliff. Pierce the blade of chaos on the top of the head, then pick up the weapon, and stab it in.

The sharp blade pierced into Typhon's head, opening a long opening, and Hercules took the opportunity to jump in.

"This guy……"

Although Typhon regarded the Zeus child who came to challenge him as a bug, but when the bug jumped into his head, Typhon's eyes turned cold.

The head that had been penetrated by the bug shook vigorously, intending to shake the person inside out in this way.

But after trying for a few minutes, I found that not only did this not shake out the inside, but after bursts of tingling pain came from inside my head, Typhon struck out with another head, bit this head, and crushed it into pieces with one bite. On the small side, the brain inside and Hercules standing on the brain and stabbing the knife were exposed.

Seeing the appearance of Hercules, several heads immediately rushed up and smashed heavily on this head, intending to use their own terrifying power to penetrate the head and shock Hercules to death inside.

Knowing the terror of Typhon's power, Hercules jumped out from the head.

And the other heads who had been waiting for a long time immediately opened their bloody mouths and rushed straight towards Hercules.

Because of the experience of being drilled into the brain, this head chose to hit it, and directly hit the bug to death with its incomparably terrifying power.

However, Hercules is different from those gods who are born gods. He was trained by Ares, the god of war, to fight against monsters and enemies. Dodging and looking for opportunities to attack is the best solution to defeating the enemy.

Therefore, with a flick of his hand, he threw the Blade of Chaos in his hand, and he himself changed his direction with the help of the force generated by the throw, avoiding Typhon's head, and landed on the other side of the rock wall. Hercules on the rock wall did not stop, but stared at his feet, and jumped to the other rock wall again like a sharp arrow off the string.

And just a few seconds after he jumped out.

A huge head slammed into the rock wall he had just left.


The entire Scoudas Grand Canyon trembled, and a deep pit even bigger than Typhon's head appeared directly on the extremely hard rock wall under the impact of Typhon's head. Dense cracks spread from the surrounding of the deep pit to all directions. Another huge stone fell from above and hit Typhon's neck.

But Typhon doesn't have many other things, that is, he has a lot of heads.

When one head hit the rock wall, its other head had already struck, hitting Hercules, who saw this scene and hurriedly jumped to escape.

The roar of the head colliding with the rock wall resounded throughout the canyon again, but in the next second, a new head rushed up, without giving Hercules any time to react, and directly crashed into the rock wall together with the people.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the gods of earth, sea, underworld, and sky all constricted outside the Scoudas Grand Canyon.

This hero of heroes, the great hero of mankind, the child whom Zeus placed high hopes on,


In the underworld under the earth, Hades, the king of Hades, looked at Hercules who was hit by Typhon head-on, and frowned on his cold face.

Is this the hero Zeus chose to challenge Typhon?
This kind of performance is really... weak.

"Zeus, what are you thinking?"

Hades held the scepter in his hand, and his mind turned.

Wait, no.

Hades stood up abruptly from his seat.

If Hercules was really dead, his soul should have fallen into the underworld at this time, but he didn't realize that the underworld had just absorbed Hercules' soul.

That is to say...

Under the gaze of the god, the rock walls of the canyon trembled slightly, and the stones on it kept falling down.

When the gods who were watching the battle saw this scene, an idea vaguely appeared in their minds, and their eyes instantly became surprised.

Under their surprised gazes, Typhon's head that had smashed into the rock wall receded little by little, and as Typhon's head left, the figure of Hercules appeared in front of the gods.

At this moment, the muscles of Hera's Glory bulged, and the veins on his arms and forehead were strangled, and his face was congested and red with the strength of sucking milk. Typhon's head was on the spot. Little by little, his thick hands were pushed away.

"This guy can actually wrestle with Typhon."

The gods were dumbfounded.

Under their dumbfounded gazes, Hercules let out a loud shout, and the strength of his whole body exploded, pushing Typhon's head to the other rock wall of the canyon.

boom! ! !
The huge head hit the rock wall heavily and let out a huge roar.

Seeing his son's prowess, Zeus on the holy mountain of Olympus could no longer bear the attack signal.


Huge lightning flashed across the earth, sea, underworld, and sky, and countless gods began to join the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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