Big octopus in the deep sea: I can evolve infinitely

Chapter 107 Gathering the power of the entire universe

Chapter 107 Gathering the power of the entire universe
As the lightning illuminates the universe, as the supreme king of gods summons all things in this universe in the name of the master of the universe to resist the alien gods who invaded their world, all things in the entire universe begin to respond to Zeus' call.

The first to respond were the monsters of the land.

These thousands of monsters bred by Typhon, the ancestor of demons, and Ekadna, the mother of monsters, all raised their heads when the thunder sounded, roared angrily, and then took roaring steps to form a mighty force. The mighty army of monsters rushed towards the Outer God.

These monsters bred by Typhon and Echidna are inherently cruel and violent, and they are difficult to train. Even their father and mother cannot gain their loyalty. In their eyes, other than themselves and their spouses, Other people, gods, monsters, or anything else are food, the difference is that one is edible food, and the other is temporarily unedible food.

However, such a cruel monster gave up the idea of ​​eating other food at this time, responded to Zeus' signs, and united to attack the foreign gods.

Immediately afterwards, a dark door connecting the earth and the underworld suddenly appeared on the ground, and the door opened immediately. A person was burning with ghostly flames, with three heads, and each head had a pair of cold and fierce eyes.

Cerberus, the three-headed dog of hell, the gatekeeper of the underworld, the hound guarding hell, this monster named by humans as the "demon in the dark" greedily watches every soul that tries to come out of the underworld, in its eyes , all the dead trying to return to the earth are its most delicious food, the food promised to it by Hades, and it can be enjoyed to its heart's content.

But now, the vicious dog guarding the gate of the underworld took the initiative to open the gate of the underworld at this time, opening the passage between the earth and the gate of the underworld.

With the opening of the passage, countless dead began to return to the earth.

These dead who had been dead for an unknown amount of time swarmed out from behind the pitch-black gate, turning into a black ocean and spreading. Wherever they went, the terrifying ghostly air rolled and spread, and all the plants and land withered and died. ,

But this is not over yet. On the earth, humans began to put on armor and go into battle. On the holy mountain of Olympus, the gods and their servants even put on all the artifacts that can enhance their strength, and looked at the approaching monsters in the distance.

Monsters, the dead, humans, fairies, spirits, gods...all the fighting beings in this universe responded to the call of the god king and joined the lineup against the outer gods.

But can these existences of different strengths and weaknesses really defeat the Outer God?
Zeus didn't know, so when everyone gathered together to prepare for the ultimate decisive battle in the universe, this powerful god king left the holy mountain of Olympus and came to the place under the earth, which is closer to chaos than the underworld. The Abyss of Tartarus.

The Tartarus Abyss is an infinite downward abyss, a dark and strange place wrapped in darkness. It not only imprisoned the Titans who helped Cronus and Zeus and other new gods to fight against them, but also imprisoned the gods since the birth of the universe. Since then, all gods or enemies of gods who have rebelled against the god-kings of all ages.

These ancient beings were tortured by confinement in the darkness, they had eyes but were covered by the darkness, they had ears but they couldn’t hear a sound, they had noses but they couldn’t smell anything, they had mouths but they couldn’t get any food in , Even though they have stomachs, they are tortured by endless hunger... Here, the immortality of the gods has brought them eternal torture.

Therefore, Zeus came with endless thunder, and when the white light of lightning illuminated a large area of ​​darkness in the abyss, all the imprisoned beings looked at the man who came in thunder.

"Who? Who are you? But no matter who you are, take me out, as long as you take me out, I will give you whatever you want."

"Do you want endless gold? Do you want endless beauties? Do you want endless power? If you want it, let me out. I am the Titan god who is in charge of wishes. No matter what wishes you make, I will will help you achieve it.”

"Let me out, mighty God, I am willing to surrender to you and treat you as my master. As long as you let me out, I can do whatever you want me to do, even if you want me to."


Looking at this man, all the detained beings shouted happily. They were like travelers who hadn't drank a sip of water in the desert for decades but suddenly saw a water merchant, longing for the merchant to give them a bottle of water. , even if the sky-high price is called out, it is still eager to follow.

However, Zeus, who wore no thunder, ignored them.

These gods or enemies of gods imprisoned in the abyss of Tartarus are indeed unusually powerful, but what he wants now is not extraordinary strength, but power that surpasses all gods. Therefore, He continued to go deep into the abyss of Tartarus, going deeper, looking for the ruler who once overcame the entire universe.

Seeing hope coming and hope leaving, the imprisoned prisoners became anxious, some shouted angrily, trying to attract the attention of this god, some angrily cursed this god, and cursed him for bringing him Hope deprived hope from themselves again, and some began to explode with their own strength, trying to drag this god into the abyss.

However, all their actions only resulted in waves of thunder.

The flashing electric light erupted from Zeus's body, and wherever it passed, all the prisoners were shocked and howled.

After Zeus glanced at the imprisoned prisoners, he didn't look at them again, but continued to search deeper into the abyss.

The passage of time cannot be felt in the abyss, even God does not know how many minutes, seconds, and hours have passed, so I don't know how long it has passed, and Zeus finally saw the person he wanted to see on this trip, a person who was imprisoned A rising Titan god, a child favored by the earth mother Gaia, a giant who claims to be absolutely invincible as long as he is on the earth, a... the master of the universe from the previous era.

"Are you ok?"

Looking at the giant who was completely swallowed by the abyss, Zeus greeted gently, "My father."

As the voice of Zeus fell, in the deepest part of the abyss, Cronus, the god-king who ruled the universe in the previous era, slowly raised his head, staring at himself, the youngest child, with cold eyes, without any trace of affection in his eyes It can be said that, for him, Zeus is not his child, but his enemy, the enemy he wished to eat his flesh and blood, wished to turn him back into a prostitute state, and then shoot him into the sea.

But He endured it after all. The pain of confinement, unable to speak, hear, eat, or see, had long since wiped out the violence of this god-king, and let the god-king of the previous generation know what patience is. , "My child, it seems that you have encountered an enemy that you cannot solve."

"Yes, my father, I made a promise to that enemy because of his tricks and tricks, and I can't fight it, and even if the other gods are added together, they may not be its opponent, so I came to find You, my father, was once the giant Cronus who would never be defeated as long as he stood on the ground."

Listening to his father's words in his ear, Zeus also made no secret of his own predicament, because these are not secrets in the universe, as long as his father comes out of the abyss, he will know all about it.

"Then you came to me because you want me to help you destroy the enemy!"

In the deep voice, there was unconcealable joy, not only because Zeus, his most rebellious child, was in trouble, but also because Zeus' words made him see the hope of leaving the abyss of Tartarus.

A god who has never been imprisoned will never know what kind of torture it is to be locked in a dark abyss.

He doesn't want to stay here any longer.

Facing Cronus' words, Zeus just said calmly, "Yes, my father, so are you willing to come out and help me defeat my enemies?"

"Of course, my child, even if you once betrayed me and bewitched my other brothers and sisters to rebel against me with my children and my wife, overthrow my rule, and sit on the seat I used to sit on alone Supreme God, but you are still my child, if you encounter difficulties, how can I just sit idly by."

Kronos' voice is full of tolerance for his rebellious child, whether it is words or tone, it perfectly reflects the tolerance of a father who loves his child to his child who betrayed him, but only those eyes, That pair of icy pupils staring at Zeus was filled with unspeakable resentment.

"In this case, let's swear, let's swear to this universe together, I will release you, and you will defeat my enemies for me."

"of course can."

Cronus agreed, "I swear to the entire universe, as long as my child Zeus releases me from the Tartarus abyss, I will definitely help him defeat the enemy that makes him unable to do so."

"I, Zeus, swear to the entire universe that as long as my father Cronus helps me defeat that alien god, I will release him from the abyss of Tartarus."

The oaths of the old and new generations of god kings were issued almost simultaneously. The sky, the earth, the sea, the underworld, and even the abyss of Tartarus shook. These ancient gods who made up the world witnessed the oath of the two god kings.

However, whether it is Cronus or Zeus, their oaths only mentioned this matter, and they did not mention what to do after the matter is over...


And just as the two god kings swore, the dark coalition army composed of the dead, monsters, humans, fairies and gods finally came before the god of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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