Big octopus in the deep sea: I can evolve infinitely

Chapter 112 Chaos Apocalypse God Appears

Chapter 112 Chaos Apocalypse God Appears


In the dark deep sea, a huge monster closed its eyes tightly, and several tentacles, as if they had lost their vitality, were attached to the ground of the seabed, turning into seven seabed mountains, lying quietly, and the monster's abdomen It bulged high, and wave after wave of strong movements hit the sleeping monster.

The monster is full.

Even though this monster is already a giant, in the several worlds it has experienced, there are only a few monsters that can surpass it in size, and it feels that it can eat no matter how much food it has.

But it is still full.

Because it can hold more food than its limit, its stomach begins to be unable to accommodate, begins to digest with difficulty, and begins to protest against it.

However, the discomfort brought about by the overeating is meaningless to this monster. To it, only hunger can torture it, and it doesn't care about everything else.

In this way, the monster closed its eyes and fell asleep, constantly digesting what it ate, everything in another universe and the whole earth.

Over time, as digestion progresses, monsters begin a new round of evolution.

Its body began to grow, and the temple originally built in its shape by the "infected Norse people" was directly exploded during this growth process, but the monster didn't feel it at all, and it continued to grow, I don't know how long it took, its huge body crossed the deep sea, entered the shallow sea layer, and then exposed the sea surface...


A long time ago, Blue Star was a crowded planet, and more than [-] billion people crowded into this small planet.

These human beings are divided into hundreds of countries. They both cooperate and confront each other. There are no big frictions, but small frictions. They regard this planet as the only place to live in the universe, and they regard all resources produced on this planet as the same. own life, but things turned around in 2055.

Because at this point in time, the 'warp drive' technology achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1, and interstellar voyages began to be possible.

The dawn of hope appeared, the yearning of human beings for the stars and the sea was completely ignited, and the voices for colonizing the universe were louder and louder. Against this background, countries began to cooperate with each other and established an association called "United Human Development Association", referred to as The organization of the "People's Federation" began to explore this universe that is infinitely strange to human beings.

At the beginning, human beings explored the universe with bumps and bumps, and the progress was extremely slow. However, with the advancement of science and technology, human beings explored the universe deeper and deeper, and one after another planets floating in the universe ushered in human probes. until one day, humans discovered a habitable planet...

Thus, the wave of interstellar immigrants appeared.

The blue star, an extremely crowded planet, ushered in the burden reduction for the first time, and then more livable planets and resource planets were discovered, and more and more people moved to other planets. In order to better manage those planets, many countries The resource planet was even moved to an alien planet as a whole.

Under such circumstances, Blue Star, the origin star of civilization and the planet that gave birth to brilliant civilization, declined.

Those works that were once regarded as the masterpieces of human industry were submerged in weeds without maintenance, and the thick greenness submerged Blue Star Mother.

But just like the declining countryside in a certain country, no matter how prosperous the big city is, no matter how dilapidated the countryside, there will always be some nostalgic people living in the place that many regard as poor and remote, guarding their homeland, quietly Life, although this kind of life is not comfortable, it is also inconvenient, and similarly, such a place does not lack tourists from afar.

"This is Blue Star? The planet that gave birth to our brilliant civilization?"

In a very sci-fi spaceship like that in a sci-fi movie, a few tourists stood in front of the window and chatted enthusiastically, looking at the blue planet that was getting closer and closer to them. A young man said casually, "It looks like It's very common, there are many planets like this in the universe, why is it the only one that gave birth to a great civilization like ours, while other planets have no trace of civilization at all?"

"I remember scientists said that the birth of civilization is actually accompanied by many accidents. Not every livable planet can give birth to life. In fact, a livable planet is only a prerequisite for the birth of life, and it is one of the necessary conditions. Not the only condition."

Another middle-aged tourist said, "Speaking of which, in fact, it is mostly luck that human beings can develop to this point. Hundreds of years ago, hundreds of countries were crowded in this small planet, and the largest one The two forces have built a large number of nuclear bombs, and have set up a dead hand system. If anyone drops a nuclear bomb on his head, the system will automatically launch a nuclear bomb to fight back, giving the whole world a round... Tsk tsk, if these two forces If we drop a nuclear bomb on the opponent, we will probably be gone.”

"In that case, I would like to thank human beings for not killing them hundreds of years ago." The young tourist laughed jokingly.


As they talked, the spaceship began to enter the planet's atmosphere, and then passed through the atmosphere, across the blue sea, and flew towards a continent, which was the destination of their trip.

Perhaps in order to allow the people in the ship to see the scenery of the home planet, the spacecraft slowed down significantly while driving, and entered a low-speed voyage.

As a result, an endless, calm blue sea appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"Hey, what is that?"

At this moment, everyone saw a strange sight.

In the bottom of the sea, there emerged a large amount of black mist that seemed to be composed of materialized darkness.

The black mist quickly spread over the sea, engulfing the sea bit by bit, forming thick black clouds.

"what is this?"

"Is it industrial pollution?"

"How is it possible, who would build industries on the seabed?"


The tourists in the spaceship were very curious when they saw this scene, which was the first time they had ever seen in their lives, and there were many discussions. Some people even used their mobile phones to record these into videos and uploaded them to the star network.

"Wait, the black mist seems to be spreading towards our spaceship."

While they were talking, a cloud of black mist overtook the ship.

The black mist drilled into the curvature engine of the spaceship, and the engine that powered the spaceship immediately made a crackling sound as if it had been hit by a thunderbolt, and then shut down.

Immediately afterwards, the black mist drilled into the spaceship along the pipeline, engulfing everyone.

The spaceship system, the safety system created by human beings, discovered the abnormality at the first time.

"I found that the passengers had abnormal reactions, and began to detect the spaceship...No abnormalities were found...Exclude the possibility that the passengers were abnormal due to the failure of the spaceship, and determined that the interstellar navigation company was not responsible, and started video recording...Activate the humanitarian rescue mode..."

Inside the spaceship, the security system issued an order for the fully automatic medical robot to rescue the passengers.

But soon, the system began to report an error,

The security system worked a few times, then crashed completely.

And the black mist that engulfed the spacecraft did not stop, but spread in all directions.

Endless, materialized darkness engulfed the sea, the earth, and the sky, enveloping the planet, forming a layer of black clouds several kilometers thick on the surface of the stars.

All humans living on this planet were engulfed in darkness before they had time to react.

But the engulfed humans did not die.

No monsters appeared in the darkness to attack them like in the movies. The darkness seemed to be pure darkness, exactly the same as the night that engulfed the entire hemisphere at night, no different.

"How is this going?"

Everyone is at a loss.

I don't understand where these black fogs come from, why they spread so widely, and the whole planet is covered by these black fogs. Some people with scientific research spirit are even more curious about what these black fogs are, and why they have no mass at all. Could it be that these black fogs are actually darkness?But why does the darkness turn into black mist?

On the star network, the news that the mother star of human civilization was engulfed by black mist spread at the speed of light, and quickly reached the top of the headlines of major news websites, attracting the attention of countless people.

And in the depths of the sea, the wise giant was talking with the eldest son of the Outer God,

"What's going on outside?"

Because he was worried that the monster would be exposed to those indescribable horrors after losing the cover of the sea, Galia, the eldest son of God, set off boundless darkness and engulfed the entire planet, intending to cover his father's whereabouts.

Hearing the giant's voice, the shapeless piece of meat in front of the giant squirmed a few times, revealing a huge eye embedded in the top of the piece of meat, and at the same time, messages flowed from the bottom of the giant's heart. Pass.

'No! '

"do not have it?"

The wise man pondered for a moment, then closed his eyes.

He is a giant of wisdom and a prophet, and the reason why he is prophetic is that he can peek into fate, peek into the past, and predict the future.

Right now, he wants to predict the indescribable terror in the monster's memory.

With the eyes closed, many pictures appeared in the eyes of this wisdom giant.

After a while, the giant opened his eyes, and there was a smile in his warm and calm eyes, "There is no need to hide it anymore."

The eyes on top of the chunk of meat rolled slightly.

"Because your father is the greatest terror."

next moment.

The darkness covering the entire planet dissipated.

In the darkness, a huge monster that could not be completely covered even by the sea appeared on the blue star and in front of those who followed the planet through the star network.

Oh God……

The moment they saw this monster, all human beings couldn't help but began to worship this monster. Among them, the craziest admirer wrote the worshiper's Bible on his skin with his hands,

Apocalypse of Chaos

and wrote on the first page,

"God is now!"

 This chapter fills in the pits at the beginning of the book, and the next volume is a mix of Egyptian mythology + Hebrew mythology

(End of this chapter)

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