Big octopus in the deep sea: I can evolve infinitely

Chapter 114 The Promise Between Gods and Monsters

Chapter 114 The Promise Between Gods and Monsters

"What is this."

Seeing a thing like a 'giant python' suddenly popping out of the sea, and biting down on him, Shu, who turned into an atmosphere and separated the sky from the earth, and Nut, the goddess of the sky who rose to a high place, were amazed , In this dark and empty world, besides the creation of the creator and the heirs of the creation of the creator, there are other things hidden in it.

But immediately their astonishment was forgotten, because they discovered that the target of this 'giant python' was actually themselves.

It wants to swallow itself!

For the first time, Shu felt what anger was. It roared and turned into a boundless gust of wind, blowing on the body of the 'giant python'. However, the powerful gust of wind blowing on the body of the 'giant python' only made the The speed of the "giant python" pounced a little slower, and the "giant python" was still swallowing them.

Seeing this scene, Shu was a little horrified. With his own power, he could even separate the lingering heaven and earth, but this kind of power actually only hindered the 'Giant Python' a little bit, slowing down the speed of this 'Giant Python'. Some?
What the hell is this monster?

Seeing that Shu's block was unsuccessful, Nut, the goddess of the sky, also made a move. In the sky, thunder rolled, and an extremely thick thunder and lightning bombarded out, landing on the body of the 'giant python'. However, this symbolized the mother goddess The angry thunder and lightning hit the tentacles as if they had no effect at all, and there was no response.

The 'giant python' opened its bloody mouth and came to the sky and the earth. The endless abyss appeared in front of the gods and human beings, intending to bite down the whole world.

Seeing this scene, a god rushed out.

"Stop it, you world-eating monster."

This jackal-headed god with oblong ears and protruding protruding mouth somehow found a golden armor to wear on his body, and then rushed out from the shelter of heaven and earth, blocking the He stood in front of the monster, stretched out his hands towards the monster, and respectively held the lower and upper jaws of the huge mouth of the abyss.


A deep roar exploded in the dark void, and the 'giant python' that Lian Shu had only hindered was stopped by the god's hands.

"This child, what a powerful force." Seeing this scene, Shu exclaimed.

He has been to other worlds, and in those worlds, there are few who surpass him in terms of pure strength, and this 'giant python' can only slightly block him, but this child can rely on his own strength, Stop this 'giant python', let this 'giant python' devouring the world stop, this seems to be a word of admiration in other worlds...

Shu thought for a while, and found the answer in his own brain, "This child has the talent of a god king."

As the thoughts in his heart turned, a ripple appeared in the world formed by the combined forces of the sky and the earth, but it disappeared quickly, as if the ripple had never appeared before.

Seth, who was admired by Shu, blushed at this time, and his huge hands trembled.

As the god of drought and war, he surpassed his brothers and sisters in strength, and even his parents were inferior to him in strength, so when he saw this 'giant python' trying to swallow his parents When he tried to block it directly, but what made him uncomfortable was that the power of this 'giant python' was too strong, and the huge power made it difficult for him to fight against it.

As a god of a newborn world, although he has the pride of a warrior, he doesn't have much pride. Therefore, when he felt that it was difficult to support him, Seth immediately called for help.

"The power of this monster is too strong, I can't hold it anymore, please help me quickly."

Hearing his call, three gods rushed out of the world immediately.

As the god of fertility, Osiris stood beside his younger brother, imitating his younger brother, using his own hands to hold the snake's lower and upper jaws, and working together with Seth to fight against the 'giant python'.

But Isis bypassed Osiris and Seth, came to the "Monacle", stretched out his hand, and used his nails to cut the skin of the "Monacle", trying to take out the blood of the "Monacle", and then The powerful magic that he was born with turned the blood of the python into a powerful curse, using its own power to deal with itself.

However, after the goddess of magic cut the skin of the 'giant python', what she saw was not blood, but white tentacles spewing out.

As soon as these white tentacles appeared, they immediately entangled Isis, the Goddess of Magic, who was dazed because "I never thought that there would be monsters with tentacles instead of blood under the skin in this world". Nephthys, the guardian goddess of the dead, looked at it. , immediately went up to help his sister, but the next moment, more tentacles emerged from the wound opened by Isis, entangled Nephthys.

At the same time, Seth and Osiris, who supported the 'giant python' with both hands, showed twisted changes. Mushrooms grew on the body of Seth with a jackal head and Osiris with a human appearance.

These mushrooms are colorful, brown, white, red, and blue with spots. The roots of the mushrooms are deeply rooted in the flesh and blood of the two gods, and they are integrated with the flesh and blood of the gods.

Seeing this scene, Shu immediately yelled to remind him, "This monster is poisonous, so don't touch him."

However, in the next moment, palm-sized mushrooms grew on his body, with shriveled handles, fresh umbrellas, and dense brown spots dotted on them.

These mushrooms were few at the beginning, far less than those of Seth and Osiris.

But the mushrooms spread extremely fast, and in just a few breaths, they covered the body of this god incarnated in the atmosphere.

"how could this be."

Shu was stunned.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw mushrooms growing in the world behind him. The sky, the earth, the humans living on the earth, and the sea surrounding the world all grew mushrooms...

What you see is pollution!

Shu thought of this sentence, and then became terrified, such an enemy, we created gods, can really defeat it?
And at this moment, the god who had never made a move and was watching quietly by the side finally stopped watching, but instead of making a move, he asked, "That monster that came from afar, what do you want?" Swallow this tiny world I just created? If so, I thought maybe we could talk?"

The voice of the god fell, but the monster did not respond. The huge force repelled the two tiny gods who were standing in front of him. Swallow the sky and the earth together.

Seeing this scene, God stretched out his finger, and drew a circle between the 'Giant Python' and the world.

The 'giant python' plunged into the circle, and then plunged into the dark void where there was nothing.

The 'giant python' reacted quickly, it shrank back from the circle, then bypassed the circle, and rushed towards the world from another direction, trying to swallow this small, newly born world in one gulp.

But it failed.

Because circles also appeared on the road in that direction.

'Giant Python' changed direction, but failed again. After going around a few times, he found that no matter which direction he approached, there would be a circle in front of him, and behind the circle was a dark void with nothing.

"Monster who came from afar, your power is very powerful, even if my creation and the descendants of the creation are combined, they are not as good as you. What is even more frightening is that you carry unspeakable madness on your body, whether it is human, god or Once anything else is contaminated with mind and body, you will be alienated. Besides, I can still feel your power that has not been revealed in you, that deep, dark and chaotic power... I am with you The sum of my creations may not necessarily be able to defeat you or drive you out of this dark void."

God made no secret of the fact that he was inferior to this monster.

Because Shu, Seth, Osiris, Isis, these gods saw a 'giant python', but what he saw was the powerful gods behind this giant python, whose essence was full of madness, and those gods. Lurking, dark chaos like the shadow of the universe.

"But as you can see, I can't defeat you, I can't drive you away, I can't throw you out of this dark void, but I can make you get nothing, so that you can't get what you want. "

"So let's talk."

As God's voice fell, the 'Giant Python' stopped, as if he understood that he could not eat this world without the permission of the creator of this world, so he stopped doing meaningless actions.

And as the "Giant Python" stopped moving, Seth and Osiris stopped wrestling with the "Giant Python" and went up to rescue Isis and Nephthys from the tentacles.

The four gods returned to the back of the god, looked at this 'giant python' vigilantly, and were terrified in their hearts. They never imagined that there would be such a terrifying monster in the dark void. The gods created by the gods themselves were completely No match for this monster.

A moment later, in the sea, a giant rose up.

As soon as the giant rose up, he came before the god, bowed slightly to show his respect, "Salute to you, the creator of another world."

After a pause, the giant asked, "What would you like to talk to my lord about?"

"Your master's purpose." God looked at the giant and asked unhurriedly.

"Eat the world."

The giant gave the answer.

There is no point in concealing, because the previous performance has completely exposed the intention.

God nodded, "Your master wants to eat this world, so when this world is going to perish, how about letting your master eat this world? I won't do anything to stop it then!"

Because he is tired of these quiet years, he wants to create a new and infinitely wonderful world that is completely different from the quiet, boring dark void, so for him, as long as this world is prosperous and wonderful, it is fine. He doesn't care about the doomsday and destruction after the world's prosperity reaches its extreme.

Because where there is life, there is death, and where there is a beginning, there is an end. From the time he created the world, he knew that the world was destined to be destroyed. He would not try to stop the destruction, nor would he try to make the world a An eternal kingdom because He knew it was impossible.

Nothing lasts forever, neither can the world, nor can He, the God who created the world.

And after God finished speaking, Shu and Tefnut beside Him didn’t react much, because in their hearts, they were created by God, and one day God doesn’t want them anymore, so it’s normal to take them back Things, this will not cause emotions such as sadness, anger, and resentment in their hearts, but the heirs born of Shu and Tefnut and the heirs of the heirs were shocked after God finished speaking, and God actually promised the world For this 'giant python', what should they do?Do you want to be eaten by the "giant python" along with the world?
They wanted to stop it, but because of the majesty of God, they dared not speak.

"The creator of another world, can you tell me how long it will take for this world to perish? Maybe you also know that some worlds, like mayflies, live and die overnight, but some universes are extremely long, even in the past Tens of billions of years, it will not decline, and my lord can't wait for the destruction of this world." The wise giant asked.

"I don't know when this world will end, because I am not an omniscient god, but I can make an agreement with your master, when this world created by me is going to chaos, everyone yearns for darkness, When you worship Chaos, your master can eat the world."

God spoke.

Hearing this, the giant closed his eyes, and with his master, who was called a monster by the gods of one or two worlds, the giant opened his eyes after a while, "My lord can promise you, but my lord has one condition." .”

"What conditions?"

"When the world is swallowed by our lord, you, the creator of this world, will also be swallowed by our lord together with this world."


God agreed immediately.

For this god who created himself, life and death are actually meaningless.

After agreeing, God solemnly said, "Since your lord has made a covenant with me, then I will name your lord Apophis as the God of Darkness and Chaos. In time, this world and I will be swallowed by Apophis."

A sacred agreement.

The power of fate descended.

In the distant future, when this world is shattered, God and the world will be swallowed by Apophis, the God of Darkness and Chaos.

And in another world, the monster who made an agreement with God is content.

For monsters, this new world is too small, and the gods in the world are pitifully weak. Even if they swallowed them all, it probably wouldn't be able to satisfy their hunger for food, but adding this god would not be enough. It's the same, as the god who created the world, monsters can feel the energy in him that is so huge that even monsters are shocked.

Even if this god can't beat it, it is still very easy to escape and hide in the dark void where there is nothing.

It is still worthwhile for monsters to spend some time swallowing this god into their stomachs.

However, the name Apophis...


The opposite world is the world of Egyptian mythology?

 There is only one update. There are some small bugs that cannot be justified in this volume of outline, and it is being reorganized.

(End of this chapter)

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