Chapter 122 Curse
No one knows that there was a giant from another world who once said something to Seth, and no one knows what the giant said, what agreement he made with Seth... After Isis left, everyone Both gods and gods saw Seth, who killed his brother and declared his victory, led the desert humans to attack the oasis country.

The war begins, but the war ends again.

Just like what was written by the oasis humans who were unwilling to fail at this point, the evil god Seth killed his brother Osiris the Fertile with conspiracy and tricks, and then broke through the oasis kingdom in just one night, turning the oasis The people of the oasis were enslaved into slaves, bringing endless suffering and hardship to the people of the oasis.

And after getting a large number of oasis people as slaves, the desert people began to command their slaves to plant, hunt, and build manors for themselves, and in order to distinguish themselves from slaves and desert people without slaves, they gave themselves this kind of People took a name called Nemuhu, which means high-level human beings, and called the desert people without slaves Nejes, meaning low-level human beings. As for slaves...slaves also deserve the title?

After dividing the human beings in the kingdom into three classes, the Niemu Tigers on the top class began to walk around each other frequently. They followed Seth's example and entertained other guests in their newly built manor, intentionally or unintentionally. Show off your luxurious and huge manor as well as your clothes and decorations.

In order to be stronger than other Niemu Tigers, Niemu Tigers began to order slaves to go to the desert and oasis to dig gold to make jewelry, capture precious prey, and use their fur as clothing. , it does not matter how many slaves died.

Anyway, there are plenty of slaves.

In order to make the slaves work harder instead of being lazy, the Niemu Tigers selected overseers from among the slaves and let them be responsible for supervising the work of the slaves. Then the first to suffer is the supervisor.

Under such circumstances, the overseers began to change from slaves to the dogs of the Niemu Tigers, staring at the slaves frantically, and immediately reported any slaves who were lazy, and even some overseers prepared their own whips. A whip whipped over.

At the bottom, the oppressed slaves struggled to survive like ants stealing their lives, while cursing the overseer, the Niemu Tigers, and the war god Sai who killed Osiris and turned them into slaves. special.

They hated the god who led the army to break through their own country and turned themselves into slaves from ordinary human beings with enough food and clothing. They cursed the god of Seth in their hearts, and cursed the god of Seth for retribution. However, after the hatred, they despaired again, because Seth is a god, Isis is his sister, Nephthys is his sister, Geb is his father, Nut is his mother, how could these powerful gods kill Own child/brother/brother?

In desperation, some people heard a legend.

According to legend, at the beginning of the birth of the world, there was a dark and chaotic snake, Apophis, who tried to devour the world, but in the end, the dark and chaotic snake was repelled by the gods. However, this dark and chaotic god did not stop there. Let it go, but still covet this world, trying to swallow this world together with the gods.

Legend has it that when people turn to darkness and worship chaos, the "big snake" will swallow the world together with the gods.

"Die, instead of enslaving others with your children and grandchildren in this desperate world, it is better to drag this world to be buried with the gods."

With such thoughts in mind, dark beliefs began to sprout.


And just when the dark faith began to take root, sprout, and grow, Isis was seeking a way to bring Osiris back from death.

As a god, he knows very well that death is a domain that gods like himself cannot touch. Whether it is a mortal, an animal, or a god himself, death is death and will never come back, even if it is an ancestor god. There is no way to bring a dead being back from death.

However, the created god can't bring back the existence of death, so what about the god who created the god?

Can the self-born, the Creator, the Creator, who created himself and created the gods and the world, by his power, bring a god back from death?

Isis didn't know, but he felt that the Creator must be able to do it.

Therefore, He went out of the world.

Although God has an agreement with monsters and cannot intervene in the affairs of the world, it does not mean that God has no influence on this world. In this sunless world, God Himself acts as the sun and revolves around this world.

He rises from one side of the world every morning, and then falls from the other side, bringing endless light and heat to the earth.

Therefore, it is not difficult to find traces of God.

However, after finding the traces of God, Isis did not go directly to ask God for help. For Gods like them, humans are life like ants, but for the Creator, they are created Why isn't the god of God an ant?

When an ant came to ask him for help, he would not even answer him. He believed that God would never help him.

What's more, gods and monsters have an agreement, no matter who they are, they will not interfere with the affairs of the world...


"No matter what the cost, I will resurrect you, Osiris!"

Isis gritted his teeth, chasing the traces of God's movement, collecting the breath and power that God had not dissipated after passing by.

As the goddess of magic, Isis knows all the magic in this world, and curse is a kind of magic.

He intends to collect the breath and power of God, and use God himself to curse this God.

Of course, the curse is not an end, but a means. His real purpose is to get God's real name from God's mouth.

God's real name is extremely important, and it cannot be revealed. Once it is revealed, it will be manipulated by others... This is the rule that God set at the beginning of creating this world. He does not know whether this rule is effective for God, but for Osiris, He Determined to give it a try.

But what Isis didn't know was that all his actions were seen by God and another monster.

"The god you created betrayed you for love and planned to cast a curse on you. Don't you plan to punish him?"

outside the world,
The monster is secretly communicating with God. Although there is an agreement with God not to interfere in the affairs of the world, the monster still pays attention to this world. There is no other reason. In the memory of the monster, when the power of the oath cannot restrain God, God is often dishonest.

For example, in the world of Nordic mythology, Tyr, the god of war who is in charge of the contract, as the guardian of the oath, used the trust of the wolf Fenrir to make an agreement with the wolf, and then reneged on the oath, tearing up the oath on the spot.

It felt that this god might see that the overall situation was irreversible. In order to avoid being eaten together with the world, it sneaked in and delayed the time when the world was swallowed by itself.

Although it is said that where there is life, there is death, and the demise of the world is inevitable, no matter how the god saves it, it will not change the final outcome, and this god is destined to be eaten by the monster together with the world from the moment he made an agreement with the monster .


The monster doesn't want to face the omniscient, omnipotent being, whether he really is omniscient or not.

"If I punish Isis, don't I violate the agreement with you?"

God was not fooled by the monster, and after finishing speaking, God murmured, "However, lust is indeed a weakness for gods. If gods didn't have lust, they wouldn't be so quick. I was hooked by your servants to kill each other... The next time I create a creature, I will not create a god with lust again."

No, there is no next time for you.

The monster looked at the god, did not speak, but continued to pay attention to the world, and to the creation that was about to curse the god.

"Is there no next time?"

God smiled, and with the dazzling sun, he moved on the track of this world, constantly bringing light to the world.

until a certain day.

A powerful curse force suddenly turned into a black snake and bit the god.

 Push the book: "Changing the World from Hogwarts"

  The book says not to compete with ordinary people for profit.

  The books say that wizards can play tricks on mortals at will.


  If the life of a wizard has always been comfortable, why are there schools where there are groups to keep warm?
  If wizards really have the upper hand as their history books say, why the secrecy laws?
  Who exactly does the secrecy law protect?

  Why does Ilvermorny's school song of telling truth and creating confrontation exist?
  Why are wizards homogenizing, forever waving wands and chanting spells?

  After going through all that, Connor found that the world was not as beautiful as he imagined.

  The school is fighting on its own, using indiscriminate methods in the name of competition.

  The wizards are not united, playing with stupid blood and status.

  Denying history, whitewashing cruelty, and exaggerating peace.

  "Magic world, sick."

  This is the story of a little badger who gradually develops a desire to change the whole world.

  "We need a new order."

(End of this chapter)

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