Chapter 127 Exodus
Angels, countless angels are charging.

The number of these angels is too many, tens of billions, hundreds of billions, trillions or even more?So much so that this kind of angel, which is extremely small in the eyes of monsters, actually gathers into an ocean of light covering the galaxy.

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us sin, just as we have forgiven the sins of others. Don’t let us meet temptation, but save us from evil, because the kingdom, power, and glory are all yours, forever, Amen.”

These angels shaking their wings and shining like radiance sang loud hymns while holding scriptures and sharp swords, knocked on the gates of time and space, worlds, and universes one after another, and then rushed forward.

And when the angels left, the worlds of time, space, worlds, and universes that were once infinitely prosperous were left in ruins.

In the ruins, gods died, monsters died, giants died, and all life died.

And when new life sprouts in the world.

All myths, all epics, all heroic legends, at last became,
"Praise be to the Almighty Lord!"

Before the monster could think about what the scene in front of him meant, it heard a loud voice saying, "Satan, the angels have encountered obstacles in the world of Jiuge Myth, go and eat all those eastern gods."


The monster froze for a moment, turned its head, and saw an indescribable thing sitting on the supreme throne, which seemed light but not light, seemed dark and not dark, could not see any shape or substance, and could not even say what it was is talking to himself.


The monster lowered its head and saw that it didn't know when it would return to its adult form, and 36 pairs of wings burning with hot flames grew out of its body.


boom! ! !
On the planet shrouded in greenery, the deep and roaring sound of thunder suddenly exploded, spreading throughout the entire planet. At the same time, amidst the roaring explosion, the monster that even the sea could not fully contain it opened its mouth. He closed his eyes, and his stone-gray one-eyed turned slightly, and wherever he looked, there were clouds formed by fanatical voices.

Since the appearance of monsters, this planet known as the mother of human civilization has become more and more weird. Not only humans and animals, but also all kinds of weather, sea, and even the planet itself have become weird.

But the monster didn't care about these grotesque phenomena.

At this moment, it is still recalling the dream just now.

"That was a dream..."

"Or a sign?"

The monster was thinking with some doubts. As a monster who often "sleepwalks" and often spyes on other worlds through dreams, it is no stranger to dreams, but those dreams are generated by it on its own initiative and are completely controlled. This dream is produced spontaneously and is passive.

Moreover, for some reason, it vaguely feels that this dream belongs to the future, a dream that will, but will definitely come.



The monster's eyes turned cold, must it come?It's funny, fate is determined by the sky, destiny is born by myself, how can my future be doomed?
But if this dream is really the future, it means that the omniscient and omnipotent Lord has arrived.

But where is He?

The monster pondered, and summoned the prophet Prometheus, and then told the dream he had, and simply introduced the omniscient and omnipotent lord to this true wise man from the world of Greek mythology.

"Omniscient and omnipotent... Is there really omniscience and omnipotence in this world?"

Prometheus asked curiously.

"I do not know either."

The monster shook its head, and with a huge movement, it whipped up a strong wind, and blew away the gathered clouds that made frantic noises.

When it was a human, it thought that omniscience and omnipotence did not exist in this world, because omnipotence surpassed its imagination.

It can imagine someone covering the sky with one hand and grasping the universe with one hand. It can also imagine someone creating infinite multiverses with a single thought, and it can also imagine someone destroying infinite multiverses with one breath.

In delusion, anything can happen, no matter how rare and unbelievable it is.

In delusion, all seemingly grand descriptions are actually just stacking boxes and piles of data. No matter how grand, they can be imagined.

However, omniscience and omnipotence are different.

You can imagine the picture of the stars falling on the earth and shaking the world, but can you imagine the picture of someone lifting a stone that he cannot lift?

You can't imagine.

Because 'lifting a stone that one cannot lift' is contradictory to logic.

Imagination is subject to logic.

So in theory, a real, omniscient, omnipotent God should not exist.

However, can human logic really be applied to the Lord?
The monster doesn't know either.

"Prometheus, I want you to prophesy and see what will happen in the future."

The monster looked down at the giant.

After hearing the words, the giant closed his eyes and began to predict the future.

With the beginning of the prophecy, inexplicable blurred pictures appeared in the eyes of the giant. The prophet stared at the pictures, trying to see those blurred and unclear pictures clearly.

With its efforts, blood began to flow from the giant's eyes.

The blood was only a drop or two at the beginning, but the more it went to the back, the more blood flowed out, and in the end it even turned into a surging stream, and a small pool of blood flowed out under the giant's feet.

Looking at the appearance of the giant, a strange color flashed in the monster's stone-gray pupils.

Prometheus is a giant of wisdom, a prophet who is born to predict the future, and his name of prophet comes from this.

For this giant, predicting the future and spying on the past is as simple as eating and drinking, but now, the giant has been watching for so long, even his eyes are bleeding, and it is still not over...

Is it really the all-knowing and all-powerful Lord?

The monster had a guess in his mind.

While the monster was guessing, the giant saw more and more clearly, and finally saw the future clearly.

But at this moment,
A faint sigh appeared in the ears of the giant and the monster,

"There should be no such thing as fate."

in a moment,
The fate that shrouded the past, present, and future dispersed like smoke.

"How is it possible." Prometheus, who was about to see the future clearly, changed his face when he saw the future with nothing. Destiny was still there just now, but now it disappeared, and he could no longer perceive it.

Reminiscent of the sighing sound just now, a terrible guess appeared in Prometheus's mind.

The owner of that voice erased fate in one thought.

"Is the all-knowing and all-powerful Lord?"

Prometheus murmured, then looked at the monster and lowered his head, "Fate was erased by the Lord in a single thought, but I saw a picture before fate was erased."

"What picture?"

"Someone got out of your stomach."

My stomach, Egypt, Exodus... As the thought turned, the monster had a guess in his heart, "Prometheus, go and see inside my stomach."

Saying so, the monster opened its mouth and swallowed the giant in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, the monster closed its eyes and began to digest the world in its stomach with all its strength.

The omniscient and omnipotent Lord has appeared, and he has to digest God as soon as possible to complete his transformation.


That future might actually come to pass.


The monster hesitated for a moment. Destiny has been obliterated by the "all-knowing and omnipotent Lord". Will the established future really come?


Inside the world of Egyptian mythology.

The world is still being digested.

The sky turned into a red wall of flesh and blood, and the ground under the feet became a solid ground of flesh and blood. Countless people sang and laughed in this weird world. This is an extremely weird world, and everyone here is abnormal.

However, in this grotesque world, at some point there appeared a group of people who wore tattered clothes and were still obsessed with leaving this world even though they were in hell.

"I saw the world go crazy, I heard the roaring and screaming of countless people, the air was filled with the smell of blood, the plague was raging, death was singing, the devil was laughing in hell, the world was collapsing amidst the laughter , But, those who are not reconciled to this depravity, death is not your destination, come, join me, leave this world, and seek the land of Canaan that the Lord promised us!"

These men and women sang songs that symbolized hope in despair, and faint holy lights emanated from them wherever they passed.

Even in hell, they yearn for heaven.

And those dark believers rushed up full of anger as if they heard some angry voices when they heard these songs, but when he approached, the anger that had been surging up disappeared without a trace. The idea of ​​coming up to kill these people who are diametrically opposed to him and cannot be accommodated by him dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

Under the radiance of the holy light, the tentacles on this twisted dark believer's body were broken one by one, and the flesh and blood were peeled off little by little.

After a moment.

Among the group of men and women walking in a certain direction, there was one more of the same kind.

"Is this the person whose destiny revealed that he will leave the monster's belly?"

 There are relatives at home, and I want to play mahjong with me, and I will make an update tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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