Big octopus in the deep sea: I can evolve infinitely

Chapter 129 The Second Agreement Between God and Monster

Chapter 129 The Second Agreement Between God and Monster
What is free will?

Freedom is self-domination, the will to act by one's own will and be responsible for one's actions, unrestricted and hindered.

Under free will, human beings can say what they want and do what they want, laissez-faire and self-responsibility.

People who are polluted by the madness of monsters are not free, because their will has been distorted by monsters, and they become polluted people who crazily worship monsters.

Originally, Prometheus thought that these human beings got rid of madness and pollution, and gained free will. However, when he came into contact with the so-called holy light, he understood that these human beings did not break free from madness. These humans just fell into another kind of madness.

The so-called Holy Light.

The essence is the same as the madness of monsters, it is a kind of pollution.

The difference is that the pollution of monsters is to pollute people into monsters, while the pollution of holy light is to pollute people into believers who believe in the Lord.

These seemingly human beings are actually a group of... another monster in human skin.


"We meet again."


When this voice sounded, when the all-knowing and omnipotent Lord appeared, the things that were ignored by the monster were finally remembered by the monster.

The god who created the mythical world of Egypt has no name, so whether it is Ra, Lahalakti, Atum, or Amon...these are all names imposed on this god by human beings. The name given to him is the name of the god who has no name.

Since there is no name.

Why can't He be Yahweh.

From the beginning, the all-knowing and all-powerful Lord has appeared, but I have never been aware of it.

"So your real name is Yawei." The monster asked tentatively.

He remembered that the real name of a god cannot be known by any other person, monster, or god. Once known, other existences may manipulate this powerful god... If this god is Yahweh, can monsters manipulate it? him?
God smiled, "'God's real name cannot be known by other people, monsters, or gods, once it is known, it will be manipulated', this is the limitation of an omnipotent god, but god is dead, he It has already been digested. Shouldn’t you be the clearest about this? The power produced after digesting the gods will transform your whole body, and even make you have the idea of ​​falling asleep... You are the clearest. "

"So, what are you?"

the monster asked.

"I am God." God's voice was unhurried and calm, "God made a promise with you to bet his life and the world He created, but He lost because He is not omniscient and omniscient. No, so he lost to the monster and was digested by you."

"But death is meaningless to God. God can create himself for the first time, and he can create himself for the second time..."

As he spoke, God opened his arms, and said in a low voice that imitated the big boss in a certain movie plot, "And this time, I will, be omnipotent!!!"

The monster looked down at the seemingly insignificant god under him. Although from its perspective, the god seemed very small at this time, and the combination of his tone and posture was even a little funny, but he looked so humble, small, and mighty A god like a bug, but a monster is very afraid.

Because the monster felt an indescribable power in this god.

If the power of a person is one person, then the power of Odin and Zeus before them is the vast sea and the huge planet, while the power of monsters is the vast universe and the deep space of immeasurable breadth... At this time At this moment, the power of this god is beyond imagination.

Whether it is a person, the sea, or the planet, or the universe, they are all in the imagination and can be imagined by human beings, but this god, this god who has never shown any power, is above all imaginations, People, the sea, the planet, the universe, everything is meaningless in front of it.

Although I don't understand why a god who is not omniscient and omnipotent can create an omniscient and omnipotent god, the monster has no fear of it.

Because monsters don't need to be afraid of this emotion.

"What do you want?"

the monster asked coldly.

"How about making another bet with me? If you win, then you can devour me and the world I am about to create, but if you lose, then you will become my creation, in front of my divine throne, for the I drive."

God proposed a second covenant.

But the monster didn't feel any emotion.

Very simple logic, if you bet with the omnipotent God, what is the probability of you winning?The answer is zero.

Because God is omnipotent, no matter what you do, it is actually meaningless. The ending has already been doomed from the very beginning. You can sing for a while, but can you sing for a lifetime, or even forever?

Therefore, the monster will not agree to a game that is destined to lose, no matter how tempting the chips placed by God in this game are.

But the monster didn't say the refusal directly, but asked, "Since you are omniscient and omnipotent, then tell me, should I agree or not?"

The monster is making a small test.

If the god says he agrees, then he will change his words and say no, and if the god says he does not agree, then he will change his words and say yes.

He is testing, testing whether God is really omniscient and omnipotent.

Is it really omniscient or omnipotent, or is its omniscience and omnipotence still limited to the limit of thinking and cannot transcend thinking, that is to say, its omniscience and omnipotence has a limit, and it can only do everything and everything.

However, facing the monster's temptation, God just smiled softly, "I know what you are about to say, and even what you are thinking, but do you really want me to tell you the answer?"

The monster looked at God, but shook his head and said, "Forget it."

It is afraid that God will say that it does not agree, and then it will say yes, and then God will drag itself into the game, say "you were fooled", and then laugh out loud.

Although such behavior is undoubtedly a very unreasonable thing for God.

But God is a God who can do whatever he wants, and do whatever he wants.

It's no wonder he does anything.

God is not surprised to hear the answer. For God, the answer is something he has known for a long time. It is no surprise. Will you join the bet?"

Don't you end up?

The figure of God was reflected in the monster's icy pupils.

"But I still refuse."

The idea of ​​the monster is very simple. Since God is omniscient and omnipotent, even if it does not quit, the probability of winning is still zero, because it will know countless ways to win without quitting, or know countless ways to win. Ways to let yourself lose without getting out.

This gamble.

I still have to lose.

It's a losing game, it never takes part.

"I just knew... Knowing everything is really a boring thing, then monster, I promise you again, I will not end, and after you agree to the game, I will no longer be omnipotent." God for the second time Made a promise.

"I agree."

The monster readily agreed, as long as you are not omnipotent, then the victory must belong to me.

As the sound fell, the monster slowly closed its eyes.

It will complete its metamorphosis after this deep sleep.

When it wakes up again, it will grow stronger.

But the god looked at the sleeping monster and smiled, but did not do anything immediately, but stood there and waited. In just a moment, an extremely huge man with the head of an eagle and a huge sun on his head The god appeared before this god.

"You shouldn't have promised it," said the god.

He is also God.

But He is the God of the past, monsters swallowed His present, His future, but did not swallow His past, God still lives in the past, and for a God who created himself like Him, even though He is not omniscient and omnipotent , but it is actually not very difficult to travel to the future and talk to yourself.

"I know what you are going to say, but ah, the me in the past, I am the same as you, winning or not means nothing to me, it doesn't matter whether I win or lose, I just want to gamble." Open your mouth and say.

The god did not speak, but just glanced at him, and his figure slowly dissipated.

And watching the god disappear, the god also didn't leave immediately, but stood still and thought, what kind of gamble should he create?
If it was the previous one, it would naturally know what kind of gamble to create to win against that monster.

If it is eager to win, even if it is not omniscient at this moment, it can still defeat the monster by relying on what it knew during the previous period.

But just like what it said to itself before, winning or not is meaningless to it, and winning or losing is even more meaningless to it. What it wants is the game itself, a gamble , is to turn the boring world into an interesting, unknown, and expectant world.

and so……

"Create any world you want."

 Let me tell you a sad news, relatives have not left, and we still have to play mahjong at night.

(End of this chapter)

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