Big octopus in the deep sea: I can evolve infinitely

Chapter 134 Let's Leave the Garden of Eden

Chapter 134 Let's Leave the Garden of Eden
The paradise created by God is the same as before, with eternal happiness, flowers, plants and trees, all happy. However, Eve, the mother of all living beings, is not as carefree, carefree, and happy as before. Standing on the grassland and beside the river, I fell into thinking from time to time, and my ignorant and sincere eyes were filled with confusion.

Seeing his companion like this, Adam, who was still carefree, was also confused. He didn't know why his companion Eve was like this. He tried to ask Eve, but got nothing, so he found the angel Enoch .

In this paradise where everything that people think and imagine can come true, Adam wants to find Enoch, and Enoch will appear in front of him.

"Angel, why is Eve like this?"

Adam looked at Enoch, the king of angels, and asked.

"Eve was thinking about leaving the Garden of Eden."

Enoch said softly.

The Garden of Eden was a paradise created by God, and nothing that happened here could be hidden from Enoch, the angel who guarded the Garden of Eden.

But he didn't stop them.

Because whether Eve refuses or accepts, these are all manifestations of free will.

Enoch would not interfere with Eve's own will.


Enoch thought of God.

Everything that happened in the Garden of Eden could not be hidden from him, and naturally it could not be hidden from God.

He was merciful to Eve, so he would not prevent Eve from making her own choice, so what about God?Why didn't he come out to stop it?Is it because Eden and Eve and Adam were created for this moment?If so, God, this guy has a really bad personality.

Inexplicably, Enoch realized that he was not Enoch, but Odin's brother Loki.

The leader of the Aesir clan was uncannily similar to this god.

They are the same, like to play tricks on others.

"Leaving the Garden of Eden?"

Adam was at a loss, and his eyes were full of confusion. A free man in this paradise created by God didn't understand why Eve left the Garden of Eden?
Although Adam didn't know what was outside the Garden of Eden, the outside world must not be as beautiful as the Garden of Eden.


Enoch said.

"Is the outside world nice?"

"No, the outside world is barren and dangerous. You have to do everything you think and think by yourself, instead of the world being delivered to you. Besides, there are birth, old age, sickness, death and joys and sorrows in the outside world. The Garden of Eden, where there is no trouble, no sorrow, no poverty, no pain, no birth, old age, sickness and death, no joys and sorrows, is much worse than the outside world.”

"Then why did Eve still think about whether to leave the Garden of Eden?"

"Because of freedom!"


When Adam heard the word, he was even more confused as he could instantly understand what the word meant, "Is there no freedom in the Garden of Eden?"

"Yes, there was no freedom in the Garden of Eden."

Enoch nodded slightly.

The Garden of Eden created by God is a heaven of eternal happiness, where God gave everything to man, the earth, the sky, the air, water, flowers, trees, and everything, everything, everything, God gave man, but only God There is one thing not given to man, and that is freedom...

"I understand."

The simple and simple Adam understood what Eve wanted after Enoch gave the answer.

So he happily found Eve, and looked at the accompanying woman with sincere eyes, "Eve, let's leave the Garden of Eden."

He thought that Eve would be happy after he said what Eve wanted, but what Adam didn't expect was that Eve was shocked after hearing this sentence.


"Because you want to leave the Garden of Eden." Adam said naturally.

Although he didn't know what Eve was thinking, he knew that Eve would definitely want to go to that ugly but free world, otherwise Eve wouldn't have been confused for so long.

"I want to leave the Garden of Eden, but you, Adam, you don't want to leave the Garden of Eden, why do you want to leave the Garden of Eden with me?"

"Because of you."

"Me?" Eve looked at Adam blankly.

"Yes, you want to leave the Garden of Eden, so I want to leave the Garden of Eden with you." As he said, as if he was afraid that Eve would not take him with him, Adam added, "I will go wherever you go, we will not separate .”

Adam's innocent eyes were as bright as stars.

Eve looked at Adam blankly, and she felt something in Adam, something she didn't know the name of, something she couldn't explain clearly.

Warm liquid flowed out of Eve's jewel-like eyes, blurring her vision, "But Adam, do you know? The Garden of Eden is the paradise God gave us. Once we leave the paradise, we will have nothing, nothing to pick up. You can eat and drink enough fruit, there is no sweet stream, and there is no immortality, no disaster and no pain."

"So you still want to leave with me?"


Adam stretched out his hand and helped Eve wipe away the tears in her eyes. There was no impurity in those eyes that were as bright as stars.

It's beautiful here, it's not beautiful outside, but Eve, I just want to be with you, wherever you go, I'll go, I don't know why, but I know I can't live without you.

Eve looked at Adam and nodded vigorously, "Let's leave here and go to an unhappy world."

As the two original beings made up their minds that there was no need to call Prometheus, the two disappeared into the paradise of the gods.


"0:00 God created the Garden of Eden and gave all the good things to the father and mother of all living beings, so that the two original people could live happily in this carefree world."


"0.07 Satan's messenger tempted Eve."

"0.08 Eve fell, and Adam fell with him."

Outside the world, the book in God's hand spontaneously records everything that happened in this world, "Since then, the bet between God and monsters has officially begun."

But just when the phrase "From now on, the game between gods and monsters officially kicked off" emerged in the book, the god who was reading the book stretched out his hand to hide this sentence, so that this sentence could be revealed at a specific time. , a specific place, and when specific requirements are met, God then wrote on the blank space where this sentence appeared after hiding, "Since then, human beings were driven out of the Garden of Eden by the angry God, and in another , is also created by God, but is full of misfortune in the world, wandering, waiting for the day to return to the Garden of Eden."

After writing this sentence, God closed the book called Genesis, and threw the book into another, but not beautiful world created by God.

(End of this chapter)

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