Big octopus in the deep sea: I can evolve infinitely

Chapter 136 Cain: I'm Going to the Garden of Eden

Chapter 136 Cain: I'm Going to the Garden of Eden

The wise giant, the culprit who tricked Eve into falling from the Garden of Eden in this world directly bowed his head and said respectfully, "You're awake."

"I didn't wake up..."

The monster shook his head and told the giant.

It is still sleeping, still undergoing transformation, evolving to be stronger, but in its deep sleep, it was awakened by a malice.

That deep malice, I don't know where it came from, and I don't know why it would be malicious to itself, but that kind of malice made the monster feel threatened, so it differentiated an idea, came to this world to find that threat, and now , it finally found the source of the threat.

The new God who loves the world...

The monster's pupils were filled with ice-coldness.

Monsters and gods are both sources of pollution, the source of distorted and alienated souls, and they are the leaders who can make people unable to restrain their desire to worship just by approaching them.

And what is the most important thing for human beings?
Not matter, nor soul, but that free will.

Because of freedom, you can make a choice, whether you are going forward or back, whether you believe in God or not, or who to believe in, it is a manifestation of human free will, not like after being polluted by them. Besides, there is nothing else.

So when the god who loves the world is born, the first thing to be killed is the god and the monster.

The reason why the monster was awakened by malice is because God created a God who loves the world.

A new god who loves the world, so angered by the existence of gods and monsters!
"God who loves the world."

The wise giant frowned after hearing the monster's description, "God created a new god, isn't he afraid that the new god will kill it?"

"Because death is meaningless to it." The monster said flatly.

"Death is meaningless?" the wise giant asked the monster suspiciously, "How can it be meaningless? As you said, God lost omniscience and omnipotence at the moment he bet with you, and this creature created by God The new god that comes out is the same as it, infinitely close to omniscient and omnipotent god, since it is infinitely close to omniscient and omnipotent, then there should be a way to kill it completely."

"and then?"

The monster asked the giant lightly.


"Yes, what about after death? What about after killing the gods? What's the point in terms of gods?" The monster smiled softly before the giant could speak, "Prometheus, you haven't seen gods before. So you can't understand what God looks like, and you still look at God in the way you used to think. In your eyes, God is a life form with incomparably powerful and unimaginable power, which is powerful and unmatched by you. exist."

"However, Prometheus, the gods you know are all understandable gods, not so much gods, but more powerful beings, just like someone once said, all the gods that can be understood by humans And the life that can be summarized and described is actually not a god, but a powerful life."

"The real god is incomprehensible to human beings."

As he spoke, the monster sighed, "When humans think, God laughs."

"Actually, not only humans, but also when other giants, monsters, and gods use their own logic and thinking to manipulate and think about God, God will laugh."

at first,

The monster also doesn't understand the existence of God, just like it can't understand what a triangle-shaped square looks like. It's an omnipotent god. Until now, until he completely digested that god and began to complete his own transformation, he gradually understood Those things that lie outside human logic.

It understands the shape of a square that is a triangle, and also understands why death is meaningless to God, but although it understands it, it cannot describe it in front of the giant, let alone make the giant understand it, because it is not omniscient and omnipotent. omnipotent.

However, wait until I eat this god.

Maybe I can show him what others can't understand and make him understand.

Thinking of the monster, he looked at the giant and started talking about another thing.

"My gamble with God is to see who can get the faith of this world first."

Although it and God never discussed the contents of the game, the rules, and how to determine the winner, but there is no need, because these are already in his heart.

"Originally, this gamble will not start until I wake up, and I will not start until then. Destroy all the traps left by the gods, and then win the final victory all the way. This is the game set by the gods, and it is also what I will participate in. The gameplay, but now that the new gods have appeared, the gameplay will change."

"Prometheus, lead Cain into darkness."

The new God loves the world.

So will the new gods stop the world from voluntarily falling into darkness?

Free will is the self-control of human beings, acting with their own will and being responsible for their own actions.

Choose to fall into darkness.

It is also a manifestation of free will.

So, will you interfere with people's choices?
new god!


Prometheus said respectfully.


Except for Adam, the new god, and the god who has been spying on this world from outside the world, no one knows what Adam and the new god said, what kind of deal they made.

But after Adam met the new God, the brothers Cain and Abel never saw God in their dreams again.

The lost two prayed to God.

But no matter how much they prayed, God never appeared in their dreams again, as if the God they saw before was just accidental, and they even began to doubt whether they had ever seen God before.

But corresponding to the two brothers Cain and Abel, Eve recovered from her illness.

After seeing that her child was no longer seeing God, the former mother of all living beings finally let go of the worries in her heart, and her frail body became more agile.

She prepared sumptuous food for her child to celebrate her child getting rid of the pollution of God, so as not to become a doll who only knows to believe in God.

But in the eyes of the two young people, such behavior became what the mother did to celebrate her recovery.

Abel had no idea about this, but Cain had an idea in his heart, an idea that it would be good if his mother continued to be sick and get well, but soon Cain called this a treason, being raped by his father. The idea that he would be beaten to death if he knew it was restrained, because he also knew that such an idea was wrong.

"It's so pitiful. In your eyes, is this kind of food considered rich?"

The unspeakable secret thought in his mind was uttered, Cain turned around suddenly, and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a giant standing at his door, looking at him with a smile, " If Eve knew what was in her child's heart, I wonder if she would regret leaving the Garden of Eden, where there is no war, no dispute, no worries and sorrows, no need to worry about survival, and you can get what you want, and come to this place where you can be It can be called a world of hell.”

Cain panicked and lost his mind at first, but soon he was attracted by something in the giant's words, "Eden? What is that?"

"That's where your father and your mother used to live, and it's where you should have lived." Prometheus showed nostalgia on his face, "That's the paradise created by God, where gold, pearls, and onyx are scattered all over the ground. and gems."

"Various tall and beautiful trees grow out of the ground, and the ground is full of exotic flowers and plants, which are very beautiful; the fruits on the trees can be seen as well as food."

"Besides this, there is a river that flows in the garden and nourishes the earth. The river divides into four rivers around Eden: the first river is called Pishon, and it goes around all the land of Haphala; the second river, called Gihon, goes around Eden. the whole land of Cush; the third river is called Hiddekel, which flows by the side of Assyria; and the fourth river is the Euphrates."

"There, the original people don't worry about food, or even about anything, because in the Garden of Eden, the original people can achieve whatever they want, whatever they want."

"Can you have everything you want?"

As a child who was led by his father to shepherd sheep since he was a child, Cain was deeply attracted by the Garden of Eden described by the giant. Compared with the place he was in, the Garden of Eden was really too beautiful, just like heaven.


"Where is the Garden of Eden? I'm going." Cain asked excitedly.

But the giant didn't tell Cain where the Garden of Eden was, but looked at him with pity, "You can't go there."

"Why? Is the Garden of Eden far away or is the Garden of Eden on the high mountains and at the bottom of the sea?" Cain looked at the giant and said stubbornly, "Giant, tell me, no matter how difficult or dangerous the road to the Garden of Eden is , I'm going to the Garden of Eden. "

"The Garden of Eden is a paradise created by God, so only unacquainted primitive people can enter. Your parents used to be primitive people, so they can live in the Garden of Eden, but it is a pity that your parents finally chose to leave the Garden of Eden and betray God. Glory, fell from the sky to the earth, and fell from the original people to sinners, so they can no longer set foot in the Garden of Eden."

"As for you..."

The giant shook his head lightly, "The children of primitive people are primitive people, and the children of sinners are sinners. You are born guilty."


"You are not qualified to set foot in the Garden of Eden."


I am not qualified to set foot in the Garden of Eden...

Cain sat on the ground in a daze, his father's bright star-like eyes revealed endless loss.

The Garden of Eden is so beautiful, but he is not qualified to set foot in the Garden of Eden...

He just sat on the ground like this, dazed and stiff, he didn't even hear his younger brother Abel calling him to herd the sheep.

And such Cain soon alarmed Adam and Eve.

The two god-created fathers and mothers of all living things came to Cain hand in hand, and looked at him worriedly. Until this time, Cain made up his mind, "I'm going to find the Garden of Eden, no matter whether I have the right to enter, I'm going to find the Garden of Eden."

(End of this chapter)

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