Chapter 141 Ridiculous
It seems that God is congratulating the Babylonians for completing the Tower of Babel and completing this magnificent feat of connecting the earth to the sky.

When the Tower of Babel was built.

Endless light came down from the sky, and these light blocks of different sizes and shapes fell to the ground like raindrops, and then were smashed into pieces like raindrops, disappearing into this world.

And above the sky that carried the sun, the moon, and hundreds of millions of stars, a huge door that radiated brilliant light appeared at some point.

The gate is pure white, simple, sacred, holy...

Occupying the entire sky, occupying all the field of vision.

At this moment, even if it is the stars in the sky and the vast sun, in front of this gate, it is like the decoration on the wall, not worth a glance.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, the door slowly opened, revealing a world emitting soft holy light.

In the world, the earth is endless green, with blossoming flowers and attracted butterflies dotted on the green, and tall trees everywhere are full of fruits that I don’t know what to call, each one is extremely plump and huge , at your fingertips.

"Garden of Eden……"

Countless people murmured.

We succeeded, the Tower of Babel really connected to the Garden of Eden, and even God celebrated the magnificent wonders we built and sent down visions.

Excitement, excitement, ecstasy, everyone's soul trembled, and a feeling that could not be described in words came to my heart.

"Come on."

Someone was the first to react, let out a roar, and then rushed into the Tower of Babel with all his strength, hands and feet, and climbed up crazily, climbing towards the Garden of Eden.

And his voice was like a horn when charging, and all the Babylonians climbed up crazy after hearing it.



God said that I would send a great flood to wipe out all the humans, beasts, insects, and birds in the air that I had created, and make the earth clean.

This is what God told Noah in revelation.

For this reason, Noah built a huge ark, put the plant seeds he collected together with the animal cubs into the ark, and prepared to drive the ark to leave the old world and enter the new world.

Therefore, it is time for the great flood to fall.

But why...

Noah opened his mouth wide in astonishment, looking at the white light in the sky, the Tower of Babel that appeared in reality, the soul climbing the Tower of Babel, and the open gate of the Garden of Eden at the top of the Tower of Babel, his body shook. .

It stands to reason that the Tower of Babel was successfully built, and God opened the Garden of Eden for it, allowing the descendants of sinners to wash away their sins and enter God’s Paradise... It stands to reason that he should be happy about such things.

But... but God gave him a revelation in a dream, telling him that God would destroy everything on the earth, so he tried to save Babylon, and spent hundreds of years building Noah's Ark after he failed to save it, just to preserve the old The seeds of the world go to the new world.

But the result, the result is like this?

Deep despair filled Noah's heart, and his jewel-like pupils continued to expand and expand uncontrollably. The world in front of him closed and turned black like a stage play at the curtain call, and he collapsed on the ground.


Seeing Noah's body leaning back, Shan quickly walked up to support his father, looking at the sky with complicated eyes.

If... If I hadn't listened to my father and hadn't come on this ship, would I be one of the Babylonians who ascended to the Garden of Eden?
Thinking of this, Shan couldn't help feeling resentment in his heart.

As the eldest son of Noah, he was instilled by his father since he was a child in the idea that human beings will be destroyed and a big ship should be built to survive the end of the world, so he started to help his father build a big ship when he was very young. After one o'clock, he was told that there was no end of the world, that everything was his father's paranoia, his madness.

But even so, Shem still chose to believe in his father, and together with his younger brothers helped his father build this big ship that was said to be able to survive the end.

But now...

If I didn't believe in my father back then, would I be among the people who ascended?

"This is……"

In the human tavern, the giant looked at the sky in astonishment, saw the Garden of Eden with the door open, and opened his mouth uncontrollably.

He had thought before that the new gods could not restrain their desire to protect human beings, so they stood up and fought with the gods, and staged a battle of gods in front of them.

I also thought that God would come to me and destroy him, the messenger of Satan.

After being reminded by the monster, he thought that God would send a great flood to wipe out all life on the ground, and then start again.

But he never imagined that God would open the gate of the Garden of Eden, welcome the people of Babylon, and give them the identity of the original people.

"What does it want to do?"

The giant asked the monster in astonishment.

First remind Noah that he wants to destroy everything on the ground, and then open the gate of the Garden of Eden... Even if this god is a god who does whatever he wants, this is too exaggerated.


Nothing more than this.

"You induced the Babylonians to build the Tower of Babel downward. When the Tower of Babel was built and climbed down, it was when they fell into hell. God reversed the Tower of Babel at a critical moment, and the Tower of Babel together with Hell together with the Garden of Eden."

"But for human beings, eternity is good. Is the Garden of Eden, where all wishes are fulfilled, really heaven and not hell?"

The reason why the original people think the Garden of Eden is beautiful is because the original people are ignorant and simple life forms. They don't understand what desire is, and they don't have endless desires. In their eyes, it is beautiful to wake up and have food and drink. , can be satisfied, but will human beings be satisfied when they wake up and have something to eat?

As a once-human monster, he knows better than the giants that human desires cannot be satisfied.

When a person has one dollar, he longs for two dollars, and when he has two dollars, he longs for three dollars... Human desires are like the belly of a monster, they can only be satisfied temporarily, but not forever.

And when even the Garden of Eden can't meet the desires of human beings, is the Garden of Eden really a paradise of eternal beauty instead of a hell of eternal torment?

"And, how do you know that it is God who told Noah, not the new God."

The monster said calmly.

new god...

The giant was thoughtful.


"Adam, I lost."

Somewhere in the world, the new god looked at Adam and said.

It bet with Adam.

It says that God will send a great flood to destroy the world, while Adam said that God will open the gate of the Garden of Eden, let humans enter, and then after satisfying all human desires, let the unsatisfied desires eat human beings themselves.

Even though God just opened the gate of the Garden of Eden now, even though the future is still unknown, God may change his mind one day... But if you lose, you lose. At the moment God opened the gate of the Garden of Eden and let the Babylonians collectively ascend, he It's already lost.

"I will do as I agreed with you, but Adam, do you really think that human beings can get rid of the pollution of gods and monsters and break free from the gambling game?"

New God asked.

In its original plan, it will come to the world as a saint, and then bear all the sins of human beings, and use the body of God to bear all the pollution on human beings, no matter whether the pollution comes from God or from monster.

But Adam told him another idea, and took what God would do with the Babylonians as a gamble.

In the end, Adam won.

"I do not know."

Adam shook his head and said softly.

"I don't know? I thought you had full confidence in your descendants, that's why you proposed this idea."

The New God glanced at him.

After finishing speaking, the new god opened his arms, his body exploded, and all the power and will turned into invisible light penetrated into the material world, penetrated into the spiritual world, and even penetrated into the past, present, future and the infinite world. Inside the timeline branch, everything is covered.

In the end, it changed into a huge barrier that exudes a hazy light.


"How is this going?"

The giant was stunned as he watched his body become transparent and began to disappear.

He could feel that he was being rejected by the world.

"The New God turned all his strength and will into a barrier, rejecting all external forces."

The idea of ​​a monster is also disappearing, but it doesn't care about that.

The fact that power cannot enter does not mean that other things cannot enter.

For example,


In the sky above the Garden of Eden, God is watching the human beings ascending from below wantonly fulfill their wishes in the Garden of Eden, watching their desires become bigger every time they are satisfied.

Suddenly, it felt that it was expelled from this time and space together with the Garden of Eden,
"It's really unexpected that the new god I created would actually do this."

"But that's okay, it's not something I expected, but it will make things more interesting."


"So, at the end of the story, the ancient Babylonian expert didn't tell Noah how to reproduce with only men and no women?"

I don't know how many years have passed on the earth.

After a child heard the story of Noah's Ark, he couldn't help asking the teacher who told him the story of "Noah's Ark".

(End of this chapter)

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