Big octopus in the deep sea: I can evolve infinitely

Chapter 143 The Self in the Eyes of Monsters

Chapter 143 The Self in the Eyes of Monsters

"Another person peeping at the starry sky appeared."

In the infinitely vast dark void, a huge star with the color of rust floating on it slowly opened one eye, conveying a message.

"But it is estimated that it will be the same as before, captured and imprisoned by the so-called Human Pollution Protection Association, and then die of old age inside." On the stars, someone shook his head and said.

Since the New God turned his own will and power into a barrier, all outsiders can no longer enter, not only the body cannot enter, but even the will and thoughts cannot enter, and even seeing, they cannot see the world. No matter what method they use to look at it, they can only see a barrier emitting a faint light, and they have no way of knowing the situation inside the world.

Under such circumstances, even they have no good way to interfere with the inside of the world. They can only surround the outside world and show their existence to their heart's content. I hope that one day someone will be able to see the world outside the world out of curiosity. They, then, make a connection with them.

Although this possibility is very small, there are still a few people who have seen them on a time scale of hundreds or thousands of years.

However, it is a pity that as long as anyone sees them and establishes contact with them, that person will be taken away by an organization called 'Human Pollution Protection Association'. As for what this 'Human Pollution Protection Association' is and what is its role , they can only rely on guesswork.

"Don't worry, as long as human beings develop forward, they will set foot in the starry sky sooner or later, and by that time, everything will be fine...". "

The giant comforted the man of the stars and said.

Then he looked at the dark void where there was nothing, and thought deeply.

Letting them show their figure outside the world is the meaning of monsters, so the giant guessed that the monsters wanted to establish a connection with the people on the earth, and then broke through the barrier from inside the barrier, leading humans into darkness, winning the game, and then God who swallowed this world and created it.

But the human beings clearly established a connection in the previous few times, but the monster remained indifferent...

Isn't that what monsters mean?
It's a pity that the monster's metamorphosis seemed to be at a critical moment, and even that thought was withdrawn, so that he asked the monster several times, but the monster didn't make a sound.

And just when the giant was thinking about the monster's intentions.

On that distorted and alienated planet, the monster knew the giant's thoughts, but did not answer his perplexing thoughts.

In the giant's eyes, his intention is to use the figure of 'Death Sign' and 'Galia' to connect with the humans on the earth, and then use it to bypass the barrier.

But the giant didn't know his true intentions.

In the eyes of giants, to pollute human beings, they must first let humans see and perceive themselves, and then take the opportunity to establish a connection with the other party, release pollution, distort the other party's will, and then distort the other party's figure, turning the other party into himself dependents.

This has been true in the past.

However, after swallowing God, the monster has gradually understood the knowledge that the monster cannot understand. It began to transcend human imagination and logic. let me die.

In the eyes of the transformed monster, it doesn't need to be so troublesome to pollute human beings. It doesn't need to perceive and see itself, it just needs to let humans know its own name.

And it just so happens that the monster has a name in this world, Satan.

Among human beings, although few people worship and believe in the name of Satan, there are many people who know this name. After all, the story of the Garden of Eden is widely circulated in this world, and when talking about the Garden of Eden, it is inevitable to talk about Satan. Herald, the evil giant.

If monsters really wanted to pollute the humans in this world, they could have started to act long ago.

But the monster didn't do it, and one of the reasons why it didn't is that...


How far can a human being go?
Powerful human beings can break through their own limits, such as seeing their child being crushed by a car, pushing away the car made of steel with a mortal body, or seeing their child fall from a building, with a speed far exceeding [-] meters and [-] seconds Speed ​​to catch his own child, and in western myths and legends, human beings with the blood of gods flowing in their bodies can kill gods and demons, and under some coincidences, they can even deflate god kings.

However, the limit of these breakthroughs is already the limit of human beings.

In the eyes of monsters, human beings can burst out with enough power to push a thousand catties at a critical moment, but they cannot burst out with the power to push a continent. A hero with the blood of gods flowing in his body can deflate even a god king, but it is impossible to kill him. Death King.

Human beings have limits, which is why monsters are gradually abandoning their past and no longer being human.

But the appearance of Adam broke its cognition, and a human being actually made the new god willing to turn into a barrier to protect human beings.

Although the main reason for this is that before the new god was created, the idea of ​​loving the world was implanted by the gods. He is a god who loves mankind, and the incarnation barrier is not something difficult to accept for the new god.But even so, being able to do this was enough to make the monster look sideways.

What's more, Adam dared to find himself.

"And also saw through my situation..."

The monster groaned.

In the eyes of the giant, he has always had the upper hand in the game between monsters and gods. After all, whether it is the giant who seduces Eve or Cain, and makes the Babylonians build the Tower of Babel, everything goes surprisingly smoothly.

But from the monster's point of view, these so-called successes are nothing to be concerned about, they are all illusions.

Because in the final outcome, all the plans of the giant failed.

Failure is sin.

So in the heart of the monster, he has always been at a disadvantage.

This is another reason why it does not exert influence on humans in the name of Satan, and then pollute humans, and bypass the barrier.

In its intuition, even if it does that, even if the beginning of the action and the process of the action are very smooth, when the action comes to an end, it will inevitably fail when it is about to start to end and start to end.

Even, the reason why the story of the Garden of Eden spread widely, and why Satan’s name was firmly bound to the Garden of Eden, was probably created by God on purpose. Then at the last moment, it failed!

"Giving mankind a chance... is it to help mankind break free from the game between gods and monsters and leave this chessboard?"

The monster murmured.

When you are at a disadvantage, it may be a good choice to avoid the rhythm of God and change to another track.

It's just that you have to leave a little behind!
(End of this chapter)

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