Big octopus in the deep sea: I can evolve infinitely

Chapter 73 The Expanded Atlanteans and the Created Humans

Chapter 73 The Expanded Atlanteans and the Created Humans
With the promise of the master of the sea, the infected Norse people, no, they should be called Atlanteans now. These Atlanteans began their preparations for the conquest of the sea. Some Atlanteans found The top predators in the sea, some great white shark cubs that are still developing and have not yet fully grown up, and these great white shark cubs will not be polite when they see food delivered to their door, so they bite directly go up.

The Atlanteans who were bitten did not dodge, but just took out their arms to block the bloody mouth of these great white shark cubs.

Seeing this scene, there was a trace of disdain in the eyes of these great white shark cubs. They didn't even think of great white shark cubs as great white sharks?
They bite down.

The sharp teeth directly pierced the skin of every Atlantean in front of them, piercing into the flesh, the scarlet blood diffused under the action of the sea, and these great white shark cubs The moment they popped up, their eyes turned red. They sucked blood crazily, devoured the blood, and then scales appeared on their bodies. Brothers still want brothers.

——They will also bite their brothers when they compete for food, but if it is these people, they feel that they should share the food with these people.

When they thought each other was pleasing to the eye, these Atlanteans who they regarded as closer than their own brothers turned over and rode on them.


These great white shark pups are angry, but the anger comes and goes faster.

It doesn't seem like a big deal for me to let these brothers who are closer than my own brothers ride.

Driven by this understanding, they stopped their crazy thoughts and took the initiative to stabilize their bodies so that they could ride more steadily.

And the Atlantean who succeeded in becoming a shark rider rode his own great white shark and returned with a rewarding experience.

at the same time,

Another part of the Atlanteans made a large ship that could sail in the sea, and then they drove the large ship to catch fish everywhere.

Whether it is sea snakes, sharks, whales or other fish, as long as they are ferocious fish, they are all within their fishing range.

After catching these ferocious fish, they did not eat them, but brought them back to their base camp, a huge submarine mountain range.

Here, these Atlanteans held a grand sacrifice, praying for the gift of God, and God did not reject them, strands of scarlet light fell from the dark, and injected into the bodies of all the ferocious fish .


These fish have changed.

The lower body of some of them still looks like a fish, but the upper body is alienated into a human appearance, smooth body, delicate hands, gentle female features, flowing blond long hair, and a fine, sharp mouth, like a miniature version. Jaws-like teeth.

Others have human hands and feet growing out of the body of the fish, which looks like a fish but not a fish, like a human but not human, which is extremely weird.

Some are similar to weird creatures whose lower body is fish and upper body is human, the difference is that its lower body is snake, upper body is human female, and it also has six arms.

In addition, there are shark-men with shark heads and turtle-men with turtle shells...

With the addition of these strange fishes, the population of Atlanteans increased several times, but this was just the beginning, not the end... They kept repeating their previous actions, and as time went by, The population of Atlanteans began to grow exponentially.

In order to accommodate these new populations, Atlantis built a huge city with the huge undersea mountain as the core, and named this magnificent city Kitri City, and then surrounded this huge city. City, they built dozens of smaller cities to defend the city of Kitezh.

After completing these preparations, the Atlanteans began their expedition to the sea.

Countless weird fish and shark knights formed a mighty army. Wherever they passed, all top predators surrendered, and all fish became their dishes. For this one Judging from the huge army, there is nothing that can stop them except gods. They are invincible and invincible.

Under the establishment of this huge army, the entire sea was artificially divided into huge sea areas, and each sea area has an entire army of small trumpets responsible for patrolling, maintaining, stocking and arresting.

And all their actions are under the watchful eyes of Poseidon, the owner of the sea god.

The owner of the sea looked at these, and his eyes became more and more joyful,
"My servant, grow up and grow strong, and then you will become a sharp sword in my hand, stabbing at my enemies!"


Just as the Atlanteans began to rise in the sea, the gods on the land also began to revive the world that had been battered by war.

The first to do it was Chione, the goddess representing snow and winter, who poured down a torrent of snow, freezing the entire earth, causing the earth to enter the Ice Age in an instant, and the ruthless cold extinguished the burning flames and rising flames on the earth. The poisonous smoke, even the flooding rivers stagnated in the ice, and all the wounds on the earth had a chance to breathe in the ice.

Then, the ice receded, and the remaining glaciers turned into trickling streams, which fell into the earth and nourished all things. Tarot, the goddess of spring, took the opportunity to sow countless seeds, and then Oxo, the goddess of summer, made these seeds grow. , Finally, Karpo, the goddess of autumn, lowered the power of 'result', so that these seeds began to bear fruit.

The earth began to be full of life.

The world full of vitality made the new gods feel happy. They held a grand banquet on the holy mountain of Olympus, celebrating the new life of the world with a full load of meat and wine, and at the banquet celebrated by the gods, The younger brother of Prometheus, Epimetheus, the god of belated awareness, noticed that his brother was not here, so he asked the gods curiously, "Where is my brother Prometheus? Why didn't he come?"

"Who knows, maybe he's going to take care of those humans again. Since the creation of humans, Prometheus has been like the parents and teachers of humans, taking care of their daily life while imparting all kinds of knowledge to them... I This is the first time I know that our wise man Prometheus has such great patience."

It was Chione who spoke.

And the reason why He knows these things so clearly is because when He was snowing heavily and freezing the world, Prometheus found Him, hoping that He would not freeze the areas where humans lived, because weak humans Can't stand that low temperature.

For him, it has nothing to do with him whether humans can endure the severe cold. He doesn't care about humans, but he can't ignore Prometheus' request, so he agrees not to freeze the areas where humans live.

But just like a beautiful flower was bitten by a bug, and there were white spots on the dark red wine, an area of ​​extremely high temperature appeared on the completely frozen land, which made this goddess with obsessive-compulsive disorder think No matter how awkward it was, he wished he could freeze that place in one go.

It’s just because he has promised Prometheus, and he can’t go back on his word, but the more he looks at the frozen land, the more awkward and angry he feels, so he transfers his anger to humans, and he doesn’t have good senses for humans .

Humanity?Has the human being prophesied by Prometheus already appeared?

Zeus heard Chione's voice and began to think. During this time, he has been thinking about how to break the curse of his father Cronus, how to prevent his youngest son from overthrowing himself, and has no influence on other things in the sky and the earth. Caring, so I didn't notice that human beings were born.

But soon, he didn't care.

Human beings are just small ants, even if it is predicted that human beings will multiply and live on the earth, and will spread all over the earth, he doesn't care.

for him,
Curse and prophecy are the things that need to be solved most at present.

But how to solve it?
It is definitely not possible to eat the child like a father, because he has already failed once, and there is no need for him to learn from the loser.

Zeus pondered again.

While Zeus was meditating, the conversation of the gods continued without being interrupted by Zeus's mood change.

"Human? What's that?"

"I heard Poseidon say that it seems that Prometheus created the creature according to the image of the new god in the prophecy. It has a short lifespan but reproduces rapidly. In the future, they will multiply and thrive on the earth, with footprints all over the mountains and seas. And profess your surrender to God."

"Using our appearance as a template? It's time to take a good look at it. Maybe you can choose some handsome men from among humans to be bartenders."

"Don't look at it, because I've seen it before. These humans are all dark-skinned and have rough faces. They are completely unsuitable to be our bartenders."

"Is that so..."


The voices of the gods reached Zeus' ears, and he keenly caught a word.

Short-lived but reproduces rapidly.

Breeding rapidly...

Zeus murmured and repeated this sentence, his blue eyes lit up, and he reproduced rapidly, yes, it was the youngest child who overthrew me, but what if, what if I keep giving birth?Was the youngest child always in the future, and was the curse of Cronus never to come?

Thinking of this, Zeus felt that he had the answer to the question that had been bothering him all this time. For the first time, he had a good impression of this frail life like human beings.

He looked at the gods and laughed, "Since the prophesied humans have already appeared, why don't we go down and see these humans created by Prometheus, who will become the masters of the earth in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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