There are gaps in the road

Chapter 107 This Dragon is a Good Dog

Chapter 107 This Dragon is a Good Dog (Please Subscribe)

When it is silent, it is like a sudden fall.

There is no space, no time, no space.

In such silence, the noise and interference from the outside world seemed to have completely disappeared.

It's about facing your own heart.

Whether it is the sublime, innocent, kind, dark, sneaky, or vicious, all are 'I', and it is these positive and negative things that make up a complete 'I'.

When you are honest with yourself, you don't have to deny your baseness or your nobility.

There is no need to be ashamed of despicableness, and no need to ridicule nobility.

Everyone is like this, and a bloody executioner may not shed tears because of a touching love story.

Complexity is the essence of human nature, and the "I" played by everyone just chooses their own side to continue their life.

Even those who indulge themselves the most still wear a thin mask, unable to return to their truest state and unable to see their true 'self' clearly.

However, in this time of endless silence, the shackles of thought and morality, good and evil do not exist at this moment.

In such endless silence, Ye Chuxiao seemed to understand the meaning of "wonderful realm".

There is a saying in the Tao Te Ching: Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all wonders.

The mystery of it is not enough for those who have not experienced it personally.

However, even if it is a person who has personally experienced it, it is impossible to record all the feelings at this moment in words.

No matter how wonderful the pen is, it can only be described as [-]-[-]%.

And in this situation, at this moment, different people have different feelings.

In the time of death and life, in the realm of infinity, what some people see is the deepest fear in their hearts, while others see the desires in their hearts, or unfinished business, unfulfilled responsibilities, and so on.

The strong desire to survive will break through the barrier of infinity in an instant, bringing people back to life and escaping death, just like reviving the soul.

From the state of energy to the state of wonder, it is a rebirth and washing of the soul.

And only the rebirth of the soul can prolong the life of the soul, continue to ride the treasure ship of the body, continue to sail the bitter sea, and pursue the other shore.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao also sorted out why only after entering the energy state and pushing the energy state to an extremely high level can he try to enter the death gate and seek to break through the wonderful state.

Because, in such a state of inexhaustible soul that seems to be dead but not alive, the body may instinctively think that it is dead and start to shut down the functions of various organs.

Only when the powerful spiritual root is in harmony with the energy of the heaven and the earth, as a supplementary support, can the body survive in another state similar to that of a 'plant'.

Also in this process, it is also a deeper 'transformation' of the body by the spiritual root.

When you wake up after breaking through the level, your body will be more adaptable to the energy of the world, and you will be able to borrow and dispatch more energy from the world in an instant, allowing you to direct it more smoothly.

"The wonderful realm is also the dim realm, the chaos is undivided, the heaven and the earth are chaotic, the vastness is indistinct, and no one sees... the soul of a person is so small in the universe of the heavens. Wonderful realm, which seems to be the fourth realm, is actually still small and invisible in the world, and it is not worthy of any self-satisfaction or complacency." The realization fell on Ye Chuxiao's heart like a speck of dust.

Then the dust is just like a seed, blooming in the heart and soul.

When the flowers bloom, they see themselves and the so-called longevity.

The longevity of the world, the longevity of the world, unfolded in front of Ye Chuxiao's eyes at the same time.

"From today onwards, if my physical body is not damaged and has no progress, then my body and soul will unite, and I will have a yang life of 320 or 810 years. But if my body dies, my soul will live forever, and my life span will be [-] or [-] years, and I will be a yin life."

"In terms of Yangshou, I didn't have too many monks of the same realm beyond the ordinary level. It can be seen that it is still a realm limit. Even if I accumulate a lot, I can't break the upper limit in a large amount. But Yinshou has a long life of more than 800 years, which is an ordinary monk of the same realm. About three times of that, it can be said to be much higher.”

"This also means that if I really have the misfortune to run out of Yangshou, lose my body, and turn to the way of ghost cultivation, I will still have many more opportunities than ordinary ghost cultivation monks."

"Of course, there is nothing to be proud of. The soul and the body are united, and they carry the Dao together, which is the right way. Otherwise, no matter if you only cultivate the body or the soul, you will have no yin and no yang. .”

Thoughts are like streamers, flashing across the petals.

The translucent hazy white light shone on the petals.

To the end of the night!

The sun shines through the window, hitting Ye Chuxiao's face gently.

He lazily opened his eyes, and then stretched his body to relax his muscles and muscles as if he had taken a long sleep.

My whole body felt comfortable, as if I had relieved a heavy burden of tens of catties.

This feeling is ten or a hundred times more comfortable than Ye Chuxiao's previous life, where he had a formal massage worth more than 2000 yuan.

It was just the ultimate relaxation of the muscles, which led to the rest of the brain.

And this breakthrough is indeed the self-cognition and cleansing of the soul.

"Wait! What did I think of when I broke through last night?"

"Why don't I remember much?" Ye Chuxiao pushed open the window, staring at Jiang Kuo Yundi outside the window in a daze.

"Forget it! Don't think about it!" Rubbing his hands together, crystal clear energy flowers bloomed, opened and closed in Ye Chuxiao's palm.

Before entering the wonderland, the utilization of the energy of the heaven and the earth is blunt and old-fashioned.

Even with the blessing of the talent of 'Moulding Energy', it only makes the energy of heaven and earth more tame in his hands.

But now, Ye Chuxiao is injecting his thoughts into the energy of the world, making them spiritual.

"It's no wonder that sword intent, sword intent, spell intent, soul curse, and other abilities beyond ordinary imagination can only be displayed after reaching the Wonderful Realm."

"Only in the wonderful realm, can the monk's personal thoughts be carried by energy, instead of superficially and rigidly promoting the energy of the world, moving their position, or distorting their shape. Use a less labor-saving way to use more energy. A powerful and effective means of controlling the energy of the world, this is the difference between the wonderland and the energy realm, in actual effect. Prolonging life is only part of the characteristics of the wonderland." At this time, Ye Chuxiao's inspiration exploded, and he even had There are many sword moves, swordsmanship, spells, and formation methods, and I want to try to use them.

"you're awake!"

"Huh? You made a breakthrough!" Jin Sanniang passed by Ye Chuxiao's window, and the golden light from the river in the early morning hit her with a soft halo.

Ye Chuxiao, on the other hand, saw a thin layer of 'light waves' from Jin Sanniang's body, as if she was a signal tower, sending out strong spiritual signals all the time.

Then look out through the window.

Those passing silver and gold medals all have similar 'light waves' on their bodies, but the strength is different.

Some silver medals emit light waves that are far stronger than gold medals.

As for those bronze medals, they are basically dim and gloomy. In Ye Chuxiao's current field of vision, these people are like gray, without any spirituality, just like the background board that should be blurred in sight. A rigid NPC with a single line.

"It's interesting! This is seeing the Dharma with wonderful eyes. When you see the 'self' deep in your heart, you will start to see the world and all sentient beings."

"This is the practice of the Wonderland."

"When will you be able to accurately judge the color and meaning of the 'light' revealed by a person, and hide your own 'light', then your wonderful practice will be considered complete, It can be broken." Jin Sanniang said to Ye Chuxiao, and at the same time began to show.

In an instant, the originally thin layer of 'light waves' covering her body became intense and even intense.

They burned like raging flames, exuding two dazzling lights of gold and red.

At this moment, Jin Sanniang was so dazzling that Ye Chuxiao almost shed tears.

The light wave dimmed again, and Jin Sanniang almost gathered all the 'light', and it seemed ordinary again, not as good as a part of the silver medal.

It has been a few years since Jin Sanniang entered the realm of transformation, and now she is at the peak of the realm of transformation. Of course, her control over her own 'light wave' is at a subtle level.

The 'light waves' surrounding the body are also like more subtle and tiny tentacles.

They interfere, affect, and transform the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth all the time, saving and preparing for a certain moment of eruption.

"You just made a breakthrough, so I won't bother you. You can feel it... At noon at most, we will arrive at Yunmeng Daze!"

"Remember to get familiar with the realm first, and then upgrade some self-protection and self-defense methods first. The means of life-saving are always more important than the means of attack." After Jin Sanniang explained a few words, she waved her hands and turned to leave.

Ye Chuxiao sat by the window and began to gather energy with his fingers, drawing and playing with some basic spell patterns.

Trying to inject warm and excited emotions into the fire spell, the temperature of the basic fire spell is far higher than the original height.

If Ye Chuxiao injected cold and desperate emotions, the Fire Charm would have even changed its properties, so that it would appear cold and chilly, except for retaining some of the characteristics of fire.

"Sure enough, Wonderland is the beginning of overturning 'common sense'. Starting from Wonderland, those conventional so-called forces, qi, energy, and natural attributes that are impossible and unscientific will all be changed and distorted. Energy is the carrier, and the mind at the helm."

After playing for about an hour or two, Ye Chuxiao began to feel sleepy.

This is the result of mental and mental exhaustion.

"I can't stand it for less than two hours! I don't know how long other monks in the Wonderful Realm can last using mysterious methods." Ye Chuxiao has no reference for comparison, and whether his durability is average , leaving a question mark.

When the sun was rising, the official ship of Liufanmen had sailed out of the main stream of Langya River and entered a tributary named 'Jin Shui'.

After sailing along the tributary for about half an hour, entering from Huizhou, we arrived at Yunmeng Daze.

Yunmeng Daze has a radius of nearly ten thousand li, but it is not all lakes, but a large area of ​​low-lying wetlands formed by connecting large areas of lakes, islands, swamps, aquatic forests, mountains, etc.

Among them, there are many rivers and rivers that meet with it.

It can be called the hub of the world's water veins.

Yunmeng Daze stretches for thousands of miles and connects the land of seven states at the same time.

And in Yunmengze, there are also large and small islands, forests, and barren mountains hiding a large number of monsters and ghosts, as well as barbarians.

They don't respect kings, they don't know that there is a Daheng court, and they may not even give face to the Dragon King of Yunmeng Daze.

It's just that they live in peace with each other, and the well water does not violate the river water.

Of course, the Dragon King of Yunmeng Daze is also equivalent to the leader of the world's rivers and rivers. At least in name, he is still in charge of the thousands of miles of Yunmeng Daze, and he can also be called the "lord of demons".

The official ships of the six gates can no longer drive straight in when they are near Yunmeng Daze.

But you have to wait for Mizusawa Dragon Lord here to give you a customs clearance token before you can continue to enter.

Ordinary fishermen can naturally enter at will, but after entering Yunmeng Daze, whether they live or die, whether they return with a full load, or whether the boat capsizes and everyone dies, it all depends on luck and ability.

Even if the headhunters of the Six Doors came to Yunmeng Daze with the old Dragon King in the name of "voluntary", it still has a certain official nature... It is useless to quibble.

Therefore, permission is still required to enter.

General Xie, who was half-cooked and still exuding a delicious smell, walked out of the cabin with the support of the mussel essence, looked at the sparkling light in the distance, the mountains stretching above the water waves, and the dotted islands, he couldn't help showing a look of excitement .

Although Yaoshan is good, it is not my hometown.

Although the hometown has been changed, it is the place where dreams return.

"Where's the old Dragon King?" Jin Buyi stood at the bow of the boat, raised his hand and shot out a golden light, and what was carried in the golden light was the post of his 'visit'.

Although his butt was already crooked due to greed, at least he was impartial and only solving problems, so he still had to show it.

If you rush in without inviting yourself, you can't justify it.

It is tantamount to provoking and declaring war.

"He said he has a headache, and he is hiding in the cabin." Behind Jin Buyi, a Jin Zhang headhunter said helplessly.

Jin Buyi's face darkened: "Trash!"

This kind of outspokenness caused General Xie and Bang Jing who were also standing on the deck to hesitate to speak, and their expressions changed for a while, as if they wanted to turn their backs and were afraid of bad things.

Although the master humiliated his ministers to death, but his master did not live up to it, it was difficult for the subordinates to be hardened.

General Xie and Bang Jing knew that without the support of the group of head catchers from the Six Doors, it would be unreliable to return to Yunmeng Daze this time... It would be unreliable to count on the old Dragon King who did not live up to expectations.

"Go! Pull him out, this trip to Yunmeng Daze, he is not here as the main character, our name is wrong, our words are not right, is it true that we will go back home after eating river seafood?" Jin Buyi said with his brows furrowed.

Not long after, the two gold medal hunters came out of the cabin and stood on the deck holding the old dragon king together.

The short stature of the old Dragon King looked at the infinitely turbulent Yunmeng Daze, showing nostalgic and excited expressions.

But with the bursting of dark clouds, lightning and thunder, his nostalgic expression completely changed to resentment... and even a trace of fear.

The figure of the white dragon looms in the clouds.

A white dragon over a hundred feet long, with white scales and black mane, and a pair of dragon horns on its head, like buffalo horns, flew down from midair.

Afterwards, in the water waves, a long water smoke gushed out.

Inside the shisha, there are a large number of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, setting up their formations, beating the drums, beating the gongs, and listing the support, as if welcoming the arrival of a group of six-door hunters.

"Hey! This is showing off your majesty!" Zhao Sibai said in a low voice, standing aside.

"Shut up! Don't talk too much at this time!" Jin Sanniang said.

Then he added: "I will stand at the front for a while, Lao Zhao is in charge of the second, Cui Yu and Xiao Ye are in charge of forming the formation and spreading talismans, and are always ready for emergencies."

The four of them stood in a tacit understanding and were vigilant about their surroundings.

Of course, Ye Chuxiao didn't explain that there was no dead air spreading around at this time, so it could be seen that although the two armies seemed to be confronting each other, in fact they couldn't fight at all.

The heads of the six doors on the deck and in the cabin were all on guard.

The middle-aged man that Bailong turned into was already stepping on the water waves, standing at the level of the deck, where he and Jin Buyi were facing each other.

Compared with the wretched and crude image of the old Dragon King, the human form of Dragon King Yuanjiao is obviously much more attractive.

Although he is not very handsome, but he is tall and burly, with a dignified appearance and full of majesty. At a glance, he is a great man.

The reason why the transformation states of the two brothers are so different is of course not that the previous Dragon King Yunmengze wore a cuckold on his head.

All monsters and spirits transforming into form and cultivating a human body are all related to their state when they sympathize with heaven and earth in an instant.

If the mind is impetuous, the thoughts are messy, and there are many sneakiness and evil spirits during the transformation, then all kinds of mental states will be reflected in the state of the human body after the transformation, which can be regarded as arising from the heart.

This is why many vixen and grass spirits who have just entered the practice will try their best to select some scholars from ordinary people to teach lessons and learn etiquette, because this will help them transform into a good body in the future.

As for those monsters who don't care about the quality of their skins, they won't do anything superfluous.

Similarly, the appearance of the transformed form is a 'skin sac', and its internal and external structure is almost the same as that of a human being. The transformed monster has two forms.

And some are just little demons who are proficient in illusion. The handsome men and beautiful women they transform are all fake, and their actual physical bodies are still monsters.

The simplest conclusion is that a transformed monster can marry an ordinary person...and have children. If it does not show its original shape, it is no different from an ordinary person.

There are no incarnations, just monsters transformed by illusions. When they combine with mortals, even if they are not malicious, they will poison mortals and affect their survival and health. There is also reproductive isolation, and they will not bear fruit.

When you are happy, looking at all kinds of beauties, and accidentally touching tails, tentacles, scales, etc., that is basic practice.

"Thank you Jinshen for bringing my unsatisfactory elder brother back to Yunmeng Daze, and I invite you to drink and have a feast inside, but please hang around for a few more days, so that Xiao Wang can show his friendship as a landlord!" Dragon King Yuanzhang said. Said, the attitude is sincere and sincere, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"To be honest, this Dragon King is much more presentable. If I were the Shui Clan of Yunmengze... I would also hang out with such a Dragon King." Zhao Sibai muttered.

Jin Sanniang glanced at him, and Zhao Sibai immediately stopped talking.

Ye Chuxiao is looking at the 'light wave' of Dragon King Yuanjiao at the moment.

Suddenly, the traces of 'light waves' emerging from his body are purple, blue, and white. It's hard to judge intuitively what they represent.

The 'waves of light' emanating from the monks above Wonderful Realm are not determined by personal attributes.

It is not to say that those bright, eye-catching or bright light waves represent a good emotional state, and those dull and gray light waves represent a bad mood.

Just like the red light wave can be a sign of enthusiasm and excitement, or it can be a symbol of cruelty and blood, and the black light wave can be dark and cunning, or it can be quiet and calm. It still requires specific questions and specific analysis.

All the monks above the transformation level can restrain all the 'light waves', but the vast majority of monks will not do this.

Because these 'light waves' are their tentacles, they are their levers to perceive and leverage the outside world, and if they are put away, it is tantamount to cutting off their arms.

There are probably not many people, in order to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, they should cut off their own hands and feet first!
"Yuanjiao Dragon King is being polite!"

"I'll come to bother you, and please don't dislike the Dragon King of Yuanjiao." Jin Buyi said.

At this time, the light waves presented by Jin Buyu are simple red and black.

Ye Chuxiao still couldn't judge his true state and mentality based on this, so he could only make certain inferences based on the existing information.

The sound of gongs and drums is very lively.

The Yuanyu Dragon King led a group of aquariums to lead the way.

The official boat with six doors was wrapped in the aquarium brigade. Looking at it as a whole at this time, it was just a huge mass of water vapor, spreading and stretching on the lake.

At the same time, the waves of the water spread out to both sides.

Between the sky and the lake, there seems to be a space in the gap, and more secrets are in the gap between the sky and the lake.

The old Dragon King looked around viciously, as if he was looking at the hidden formation nodes in Yunmeng Daze. Compared with the past, there were no major changes.

After discovering that several originally important nodes had been abandoned and vacant, he showed a discouraged look, and his mood was a little lower, but he seemed to think of something, and he soon cheered up again.

Through the gap between the sky and the lake.

The troops of the brigade entered the secret realm.

The surrounding landscape suddenly became luxurious and magnificent.

Flowing in the sky, like a long river, rainbows alternately pass across the blue sky.

Palaces built of white jade are scattered among lakes, hills, forests, and swamps, and are connected by rainbows.

Huge pearl oysters were lined up on both sides of the avenue, and they opened their pink and white shells one after another, revealing the huge pearls inside.

These pearls can condense the energy of the world and transform it into a thin spiritual mist. After the spiritual mist gathers a lot, it forms a milky white spiritual spring purely made of spiritual pulp on both sides of the road.

Some bronze and silver medal hunters looked at these spiritual springs with expressions of greed and longing.

Not everyone is Ye Chuxiao, and with a sweep of the spiritual roots of the sacred tree, there is no lack of infusion of heaven and earth energy at all.

For most monks, it is not easy to cultivate their spiritual roots well, satisfy the basic "evolution" of the body, and reach the threshold of the Wonderland.

It needs to consume a lot of resources to refine and practice.

This is also a relatively long process.

Spiritual substances such as spiritual pulp can effectively shorten this process.

On both sides of this road, where there is only spiritual liquid flowing... it is clearly golden wealth.

Cultivators who are in the stage of physical transformation and accumulation can't help but want to possess it after seeing it.

Even monks who have already completed their transformation, don't they want to obtain these 'wealths'?
"Sure enough, it's Mo Dao Dragon King Wubao. Such a spiritual thing is just sprinkled on the side of the road like this, as if it can be taken at will."

"In such an environment, even a stupid pig should become a refined demon after a long time and achieve something." The headhunters were discussing in low voices, and unconsciously, they were very excited about this trip to Yunmeng Daze. I felt less apprehensive and more hopeful.

"Where's the Crystal Palace on Longtou Peak?"

"Why don't you see the Crystal Palace on Longtou Peak?"

"That is the palace that I have collected five different natural crystals with different innate attributes from heaven and earth, and built the palace with painstaking efforts for decades. Standing on the Dragon Head Peak, it is irrigated by the purest essence between heaven and earth day and night. It is as dreamlike as it is... She's also my all-time favorite."

"Why is the Crystal Palace missing?" The old Dragon King looked at a towering and towering mountain that almost stood proudly in the entire secret realm, and asked Dragon King Yuanjiao.

This seemed to be the first time after he returned to this secret realm, he dared to face up to his younger brother and questioned him at the same time.

Those old men who came back with the old Dragon King were all at a loss when they heard the words.

They thought that their master would say something more appropriate.

Even if it is insulting Yuan Yao, it is better than asking where his Crystal Palace is.

Yuan Yan heard the words: "Longtou Peak is an important node in the secret realm, it has already been blocked, and the Crystal Palace has also moved to it."

The old Dragon King was taken aback for a moment, and then he said angrily: "Only at midnight, when the sky is full of stars on the Longtou Peak and reflected on the dome of the Crystal Palace, is the most beautiful...and also the one that suits her best, you Fen Qin Zhuhe, a guy who doesn't know how to style, actually ruined it, it's shameful!"

Yuan Yan smiled disdainfully, not even wanting to argue with the old dragon.

After saying a few words, the old dragon seemed to dispel some of his fear of his younger brother, and asked again: "What about her? Why didn't you come out to see me?"

"Could it be imprisoned by you?"

Yuan Yan said: "She just doesn't want to see you, she still feels indebted to you after all."

Hearing the words, the old Dragon King smiled happily for the first time after returning to Yunmengze: "Sure enough! She has me in her heart, Yuan just used despicable means to take away my throne and queen. I take everything back, naturally..."

Yuan Yan glanced over, and the hostility in his eyes flashed away.

The old Dragon King's subsequent words were stuck in his throat, and he did not utter them after all.

"Trash!" Ye Chuxiao looked at the old dragon king who was not up to snuff at all, and he could see that the light waves emanating from the old dragon king were pure green.

Ye Chuxiao was sure that this must be the color of cowardice.

"The Dragon King is so unbearable, Jin Buyi wants to help the old Dragon King restore, is he planning to drag the old Dragon King into his hands as a puppet?" Ye Chuxiao thought suddenly.

Then suddenly it seemed possible.

Jin Buyi is influenced by Xindan, and his emotions and desires are much more vigorous than ordinary people. He can't help but want to control Yunmengze Dragon King, and it is very reasonable to control this place.

"I just don't know what the attitude of the Dragon King Yuanyan is now."

"If he is not brainless, he should know that at this moment, he is simply leading a wolf into the house!"

"What trump card does he have waiting for Jin Buyi to let Jin Buyi back out despite the difficulties, leaving behind the old Dragon King and the Yunmeng Dingding in his hand?" Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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