There are gaps in the road

Chapter 119 Entering the Royal Manor

Chapter 119 Entering the Royal Manor

Although he had already decided to go to the Wild Dou Realm, Ye Chuxiao set off immediately without feeling overwhelmed.

Before you go, you still have to do enough preparations.

First of all, the work at hand must be arranged and explained. Although in terms of his current psychological status in Yuan Shen's office, he does not want to move his position as the head of the prison. However, if the daily management work is not done properly , that is dereliction of duty, being gossiped is a trivial matter, and damage to interests is a major matter.

As for the time capsule, don't use it too much, otherwise there will be risks.

Those prisoners whose sentences are not heavy need to be taken care of one by one in advance to maintain a good relationship.

Although these people can only be regarded as general acquaintances, they are still very useful for inquiring about some routine gossip or exchanging some specific practice experiences.

Of course, you can't count on them for the inside story and practice experience that are too advanced.

Prisoners are criminals not only because they committed crimes, but also because they are important...but not that important.

And these guys are very cunning, once the issues Ye Chuxiao mentioned with them involve some critical and sensitive points, they will talk about him without saying a word.

Secondly, he has to use the meritorious service at hand to exchange some hole cards in the warehouse of the six doors. If he can get some Wuzhu Daoyun, that would be the best of course.

This time it may be a little longer to leave, some acquaintances should have some explanations.

After knocking on the six doors of the Criminal Department, Ye Chuxiao got permission to enter the study of the god arrester Shi Huang.

In the study, Shi Huang was listening to a report from a gold medal catcher.

Ye Chuxiao stood quietly aside, as if she didn't exist.

About 10 minutes later, after finishing the report, the headhunter with particularly thick hands showed Ye Chuxiao an envious look, then pushed the door open and left the study.

After several incidents, Ye Chuxiao has become Shi Huang's most valued 'confidant'. Although he is still a candidate for the Gold Medal, his influence on the senior officials of the Ministry of Punishment cannot be underestimated.

Speaking of which, the future is boundless.


"You hozen? What's the matter?" Shi Huang relaxed his posture a little bit, and looked at Ye Chuxiao with mild expectation.

Shi Huang's extra-close attitude may have something to do with acting, but there is no doubt that it will make people more relaxed and comfortable.

Ye Chuxiao said with a smile: "There have been a lot of things happening recently. I feel that my cultivation is weaker, and I want to strengthen it."

Shi Huang nodded and said: "It is indeed a bit ordinary to enter the Wonderland for the first time. If you want to get the gold medal, you must at least have the cultivation level of Transformation Realm to be able to suppress others."

The implication is that Ye Chuxiao was directly promised a gold medal, just waiting for his cultivation to pass.

Ye Chuxiao has not been in Six Doors for a long time, but the things he does are all big things.

Shi Huang's promotion was beyond the standard, which is also what it should be.

"The Dragon King and the Dragon Queen have applied to go to the top of Mount Yao several times. The old man has also discussed with His Majesty. It is decided that after two days, the King of Zhao will invite them to stay at the Royal Manor on Mount Yao for a few days with a banquet. At this time, you will also act as an entertainer, so let's go together!"

After Shi Huang finished speaking, he was still worried that Ye Chuxiao didn't know the benefits, so he said more bluntly: "In the royal manor on the top of Yaoshan Mountain, there are Xueding Hot Spring, Wonderful Fairy Forest, Wanzhen Garden, Tianjiu Pond, Changchun Orchards and other secret places, if you can travel in them, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation."

Ye Chuxiao swallowed the words that came to her lips again.

Let's go to the Wild Fighting World!I'm not in such a hurry, it's not bad to go to the Royal Manor to enjoy it first.

So he changed the words on his lips and asked, "Is there any conclusion to the matter of Lu Shen's arrest?"

Shi Huang's expression became gloomy: "It took a lot of effort, but the eunuch's mouth is very hard, now we can only start with his identity, but it is very troublesome for the inner court!"

Shi Huang didn't intend to go into details, and Ye Chuxiao didn't pursue it either.

"What's your purpose here?" Shi Huang withdrew the topic.

Ye Chuxiao said: "That's right, I plan to improve my cultivation, I want to get meritorious service, and then go to the warehouse to exchange some cultivation resources."

Shi Huang nodded and said: "You go directly to Lao Qin, the general manager of the warehouse, and ask him to take you to No. A and No. [-] warehouses, and the warehouses below No. A and No. [-] store up the things that have been brought in recently. Although it is not bad, but It’s a little newer and more angry, the first and second warehouses were originally only open to gold medals and above, you are now a candidate for a gold medal, and you are barely qualified to see it.”

As he spoke, he threw a token to Ye Chuxiao.

"Take my brand, and you can get a [-]% discount on the exchange price."

Ye Chuxiao took the token, feeling elated.

Lao Shi did this... well!

What she spends is the things of the public, and what she gives away is her own favor, buying people's hearts, so silky.

"That's so embarrassing!" Ye Chuxiao said after putting the token into his arms.

Shi Huang didn't seem to notice the inconsistency between Ye Chuxiao's words and deeds at all, so he took over the conversation naturally: "Your idea has greatly alleviated the financial crisis of Six Doors, and even has a part of the surplus, I will give you more convenience , and it should be."

After a few polite words with Boss Shi Huang, Ye Chuxiao left Boss Shi Huang's office contentedly.

On the way to the warehouse, Ye Chuxiao couldn't understand, so he turned to Yuan Shen.

Half an hour later, Ye Chuxiao walked out of Yuan Shen's private file room with a jade plaque counting one thousand meritorious deeds.

In Warehouse A and No. [-], Ye Chuxiao started the big purchase mode.

The materials piled up in this warehouse are all accumulated by the six doors over the years, not the 'fresh goods' received recently.

Compared with those fresh goods, the things here fully demonstrate the profound heritage of the six doors.

It may not be comparable to the royal secret library, or the armory of the Ministry of War, but it can be regarded as a first-class treasure house in the Daheng Dynasty.

There are many things worth redeeming.

After much entanglement and consideration, Ye Chuxiao still put her life as the top priority, and spent a lot of money to exchange for a pair of magic boots that solidified the high-level instant light technique.

This thing relies on collecting sunlight to store energy on a daily basis, and at critical moments, it can activate the instant light technique to travel with light. It is an excellent magic weapon for escaping and hurrying.

Of course, there is an upper limit to energy storage. At critical moments, you can use burning sun gems as energy to support the duration of the light.

So Ye Chuxiao also exchanged several precious Rising Sun Gems for emergencies.

In addition to the boots, Ye Chuxiao exchanged for a sigil of a prison-suppressing artifact, some useful props that help escape, kill, and trap enemies.

Until the meritorious service at hand is spent.

After leaving the warehouse satisfied, Ye Chuxiao went back to the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment, and went to chat with the retired old eunuch Feng Yu.

No matter what the old eunuch said, he was also a person close to the late emperor, and it might not be possible to get some clues from him.

It's a pity that the old eunuch is old and skilled, no matter how Ye Chuxiao steers the topic to the inner court, this old guy can handle it seamlessly.

At the end of the chat, the news that Ye Chuxiao wanted to inquire about did not come out in the slightest, but he sent a lot of unspeakable messages for nothing.

"Forget it! It's boring, you've always eaten more salt than I've ever eaten rice, it's too difficult to get a word from you." Ye Chuxiao let go of the chess pieces in his hand, stood up and patted his buttocks, Ready to leave.

"Is this impatient?"

"Young people, don't be so angry. Sometimes clichés are like boiled eagles. You have to find the right time, first probe out the needs of the other party, and then start from the needs."

"It doesn't matter if you lose, the important thing is to win once at a critical moment."

"If you win, you can come back."

"General! I still won this game...don't try to renege on your debt, kid." Feng Yu accurately pushed aside Ye Chuxiao's pieces scattered on the chessboard, and then pushed the pawn crossing the river forward.

This chess was taught by Ye Chuxiao to Feng Yu, but now this old guy is much better than Ye Chuxiao.

Ye Chuxiao curled her lips and said, "Okay! I'll arrange for you to dance with a few dancers tomorrow. You said you don't have that ability, so why are you only thinking about listening to music?"

Feng Yu said with a smile, "I! It's just this little hobby. I can meet such an interesting character as you in this dungeon, and it won't end in a bleak end."

He said with a serious expression: "So, boy! You have to be careful and tighten your skin, don't go before me, the old eunuch, otherwise someone else will be in charge, maybe I will have a peaceful life, and I will be gone."

"For the sake of my safe life, let me remind you a few more words, those prisoners, don't get too close, in prison, they are all yours, out of prison, they are someone else, what you said to them The more you have, the easier it will be for them to betray you, don't make demands on their moral qualities, how do you think they all got in here?"

Hearing this, Ye Chuxiao collected her mind, clasped her fists at Feng Yu, and agreed to his reminder.

To put it bluntly, it's not worth mentioning, but Ye Chuxiao hasn't fully adapted to the change of 'position'.

Before the Yunmengze Dragon Palace incident and the Lu Baimei incident, he was just an unimportant prison director and an unimportant six-door silver medal. His little "interests" were of great value to the prisoners in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. It doesn't matter.

For the sake of the comfortable life in the prison, the prisoners don’t mind playing with Ye Chuxiao, teaching him some unimportant things in practice, and telling him some so-called court secrets... in fact, they are mixed with truth and falsehood , and it's not really secretive either.

At that time, Ye Chuxiao didn't need to take too much precautions against the prisoners because of his "weakness".

It is different now, especially in the Lu Baimei incident, Ye Chuxiao showed his considerable connections, he was able to call three Yijing monks to help him, and at the same time he was Lu Baimei's savior, and he was deeply valued by Shi Huang and Yuan Shen. Such a person, even in Shenjing City, can be regarded as outstanding.

His own position is low, but the ability of radiation influence makes people look sideways.

It was enough to make him a bargaining chip for the prisoners to make a 'trade'.

That is to say, the questions he asked the prisoners in the past, whether it is about spiritual practice or other aspects, may be sorted out and appear in front of the desks of some so-called big men, and be carefully analyzed and interpreted .

Thinking of this, Ye Chuxiao rang the alarm again.

He must be 'renewed', otherwise, if someone wants to harm him, from the information, many methods against him can be analyzed.

After getting out of Feng Yu's cell, Ye Chuxiao thought about it, but still didn't go down, and went to the fifth floor of the dungeon to see Ying Shu or Jin Buyi.

Now is not the time to meet them face to face.

There is too much difference in realm, no matter how careful you are, you may fall into the pit.

Two days later, Ye Chuxiao drove the carriage, and together with Shi Huang, sent the Dragon King and Dragon Queen to the Royal Manor on the top of Yaoshan Mountain.

So it is located on the top of the mountain. In fact, walking up from the two-thirds of the mountainside of Yaoshan Mountain is the range of the Royal Manor and the Royal Hunting Ground.

The manor and the hunting ground are connected, and they actually share the formation.

"Mr. Zhenhai publicly stated that you are not allowed to go up to the top of the mountain, so even if you enter the Royal Manor, you can't climb to the top of the mountain to search. You can only look for Yunmeng Ding under the top of the mountain."

"As for the part on the top of the mountain, Ye Chuxiao can do it for you. His realm is low, but his credit is enough, so he can apply to go to Xueding Hot Spring for a bath." On the carriage, Shi Huang explained to Erlong and Ye Chuxiao.

The Dragon King and Dragon Queen seemed a little worried at this time, and they were not happy to finally enter the Royal Manor.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

Dragon Empress Yuan Meng gritted her teeth and said, "Yunmengze sent back news that the tortoise chief who was in charge of guarding the Crystal Palace had rebelled, and that old tortoise... actually let the old eunuch go, and fled into the East Sea with him."

"Overseas aquariums don't deal with our inland aquariums. It's even more difficult to go to sea to capture the old eunuch."

Yuan Meng was resentful and puzzled while talking: "That old eunuch is narrow-minded, mean and ungrateful, and I don't know what that old turtle is trying to do to him, but he is still willing to save him."

Yuan Yan said calmly: "The matter has not yet been concluded, so don't judge rashly. The arrangements before our departure have been extremely appropriate. There is not only Chief Turtle who is in charge of guarding the Crystal Palace. General Xia He and General Huangdu are also guarding the Crystal Palace. And Mr. Qin Li, they have a blood feud with that Yuan Zhen, even if Director Gui rebelled, it would be absolutely impossible to take Lingxin from them."

For some reason, Ye Chuxiao was not surprised to hear the news that the old Dragon King had escaped.

That old guy has secrets, maybe finding the missing Yunmeng Dading can solve part of it.

On the way from the mountainside to the top of the mountain, the originally wide broad-leaved forest gradually turned into a coniferous forest.

Hardy plants grow on both sides of the road.

Looking up from a distance, in the depth of the clouds, it seems that the sparseness of the trees can still be seen.

Under the black stones and meadows.

However, there is no snow line yet, and the road seems to be long.

In the deep mountain forest, thick mist is lingering and rising, completely covering some buildings in the deep forest.

The carriage didn't stop. In order to avoid the second dragon, he deliberately chose a horse-drawn carriage with Qilin blood instead of a regular dragon horse.

Therefore, compared with the speed of the dragon horse, the speed of the Qilin horse-drawn carriage is still slower, but it is more stable.

The carriage traveled halfway up the mountain, and after handing in the invitation letter, it took about an hour or so to enter the formation, but it hadn't arrived at the manor at this time.

On the top of Yaoshan Mountain, there seems to be another small, deep and quiet world hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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