There are gaps in the road

Chapter 123 The Seventh Emperor of the Northern Qin Dynasty

Chapter 123 The Seventeenth Emperor of the Northern Qin Dynasty

With a customized identity of [-] life points, you can customize any identity that does not exceed the world limit.

This looks like a bug in the ship of fortune. In fact, it has been described before. If there is not enough fate to suppress it, and the identity is too high-profile, it may only be felt for a moment.

For example, if you are customized as the commander-in-chief of a huge country, if you don't have enough lives, you will end up at the moment of crossing, and die suddenly on the spot due to various reasons and reasons.

Or if you customize the identity of the head or elder of a certain big faction, you will inevitably be in a desperate situation where you will lose all your skills and be hunted down by a large number of powerful enemies.

So don't even think about reaching the sky in one step.

Cultivators who are really qualified to hold these identities no longer need the bonuses of such identities in essence, so mature crossovers should do what they can and stop when they customize their identities.

All in all, if you don't have diamonds, don't do porcelain work, don't have strong enough cultivation, enough life, and enough treasures to suppress luck, don't easily challenge those difficult identities.

A very good identity is indeed very beneficial to the start, but also because it has to distort too many people's cognition, the backlash from this world is also particularly serious.

Theoretically speaking, with Ye Chuxiao's current strength and confidence, he shouldn't have chosen such a challenging identity as emperor.

However, because of Ye Chuqi, he was somewhat sure and had reasons to choose.

The Huangdou Realm has a vast territory. In terms of the area of ​​the whole realm, it is not inferior to Daheng at all. The only difference from Daheng is that the Huangdou Realm is divided into five rather powerful countries, and there are dozens of small countries. Survive in the cracks of these five great powers.

Beiqin is a small peninsula country near the extreme north. Its land area is not too big, but its shitty things are not too rare.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao was sitting quietly on a chair that could only be carved with dragons, staring blankly at the honorable clans lined up on both sides below, and listening to the envoy from the suzerain state Qiangchu read out the list of tributes for the coming year.

There was no imperial examination system in the Northern Qin Dynasty, and civil and military officials all relied on the recommendation of officials in the court. Therefore, in the Northern Qin Dynasty, when Guozuo was nearly 400 years old, the power of the clan's nobles had become entangled inside and outside the court, and it was obviously beyond control.

Domestic resources are limited, and they are unable to expand externally. These clan nobles who originally relied on Bei Qin to suck blood have already entered the stage of strangling and embezzling each other.

The battle within the court has been endless for more than ten years.

As for Ye Chuxiao's current incarnation, Li Zishan, the Northern Qin emperor, is the No. 17 emperor of Northern Qin who ascended to the throne this year.

That's right, this year, not the total.

"According to my younger brother Ye Chuqi, the Northern Qin Dynasty entered a period of extreme chaos and fighting for power before the country's subjugation. The two major factions headed by the Jiangyang Qu clan and the Nanshan Ming clan continued to grow in the fighting and mergers, and gradually dominated the court. Above the hall, it evolved into a tit-for-tat confrontation between two forces, which also led to the Northern Qin emperor who was almost ostracized as a puppet, always having frequent accidents. In just one year, 23 emperors were replaced , and finally in the second year, the dispute of splitting the country was triggered, and the small Northern Qin was split into two parts, the northern and southern parts, and then in the following year, it was swallowed up by the Chu State, and the Northern Qin Dynasty completely became history."

"When my little brother first came to the Wild Dou Realm, Bei Qin had already been reduced to the past, but it was because of Bei Qin's Li family's subjugated treasure that it caused a series of turmoil in the world, which made him pay attention to this small country that disappeared. And A treasure that was neglected or forgotten by the Northern Qin Li family was also revealed in that turmoil, which caused huge fights and disputes."

"And the reason why I chose the identity of the Emperor of Beiqin is to get close to the treasures of Beiqin with the maximum and most convenient identity, and take out the important treasure of Guanjian that will help me improve my cultivation." Recalling the reason for choosing the identity stop here.

Ye Chuxiao began to sort out the transmission memory of being 'Li Zishan'.

In his memory, he was a branch of the Northern Qin royal family Li's. Because of the change of sixteen emperors within a year, Northern Qin was already one of the few descendants of the main lineage clan. Fear it like a tiger.

Those with a little ability fled abroad one after another, and gave up their ancestral foundation long ago.

Therefore, the offshoot 'Li Zishan', who had no right to resist, was pushed onto the throne in such a muddled way.

He didn't even have a decent succession ceremony. He simply read it out in the court hall and was read out by the Minister of General Affairs. He became the No. 30 first emperor of the Northern Qin Dynasty, and the No. 17 emperor who ascended the throne this year.

If there were no accidents, he would lose his life within a month due to a sudden infection of a malignant disease or accidentally falling into the water.

"There is no memory clue about the secret treasure house of the Northern Qin imperial family... This is also normal."

"My throne is not inherited normally, and it is reasonable for me to cut off the clues about the secret treasure house of the Beiqin imperial family."

"However, there are still some old Zong clans of the Li family in Northern Qin. They may know the whereabouts of the treasure house and how to open it."

"What I have to do is to secure the throne for the time being, and then in the name of the emperor, ask them to reveal the location of the treasure house. This is where you play the game of dynasties fighting for hegemony." Ye Chuxiao's train of thought was very clear, he came here for the Beiqin treasury, more precisely, for the treasure in the Beiqin treasury.

To turn the tide for Northern Qin?
This is really impossible!

There is no one available inside or outside the court, and the Northern Qin emperor has no real power in the court and the field.

No matter how you look at it, it's a dead end.

Seeing the emissary of Qiang Chu with his toes high and high at the bottom of the steps, Ye Chuxiao felt that this was a good medicine for 'drinking poison to quench thirst'.

Therefore, in the middle of the emissary's announcement of the "tribute" for the coming year, Ye Chuxiao violated the "rules" set by the Minister of General Affairs, and said: "My envoy! Xiao Wang has long been yearning for the customs and culture of Qiang Chu, Helplessly living in a remote and bitterly cold place, even if you try your best to imagine, it is difficult to use your imagination to conceive the scene of the prosperous capital of Chu State. If it is possible, why not go to the palace and have a detailed talk with Xiao Wang, so as to relieve Xiao Wang's lovesickness suffering."

Before the envoy of Chu State heard the words, Ming Da, the Minister of General Affairs, had already sternly reprimanded him: "Your Majesty! When the envoy is reading the emperor's will, you must not interrupt it, otherwise you will be blamed by the State of Shang. How can your Majesty take it? "

The tone of these words did not seem to be speaking to the emperor, but instead seemed to be reprimanding the servants.

The Ming clan of Nanshan and the Qu clan of Jiangyang had grown up for many years, and they had already emptied the royal family of the Li clan, the real masters of the Northern Qin Dynasty.

In their eyes, although the Li royal family is not really like a slave, it is only a tool for them to rule and hollow out this country.

When dealing with tools, few people deliberately retain respect.

Even in Ye Chuqi's description of part of the future of the Huangdou world, the initial battle over the treasures of the Li family was not the descendants of the Li family, but the remnants of the Ming and Qu families.

One of them established a killer organization, and the other pretended to be a descendant of the Li family, weaving lies and vying for the whereabouts of the treasure.

In the end, because of mutual conflicts, the matter was exposed and expanded, attracting many sects and masters from all corners of the world to participate, and this became a hot topic for a while, which was remembered by Ye Chuqi.

"You don't have to be the chief executive of Ming Dynasty. It's not unusual for the emperor of your country to yearn for my great Chu Shengjing. I have a few days to linger on this trip, so I can take time to enter the palace and explain it to the emperor of your country. It's all right." Chu Chu The national envoy said in a reserved and haughty manner.

He would not have agreed to Ye Chuxiao's 'request', but it was Mingda's reprimand and rebuttal to Ye Chuxiao that had the opposite effect.

Mingda had a high position in Northern Qin, so he obviously didn't notice the pride and conceit of this envoy from the state of Chu, but he gave him a big push to help Ye Chuxiao achieve his goal.

"The envoy doesn't need to be so accommodating. If he... the king wants to know about the great Chu Shengjing, there are businessmen who have been to Shengjing to explain the prosperity of Shengjing to the king." Ming Da still wanted to stop him.

Although he has not yet realized why this envoy of the Chu State agreed to Ye Chuxiao's request, he knew that Ye Chuxiao could not be allowed to approach the envoy of the Chu State, otherwise it would be inevitable for him to control the monarch, control the court, and attack the Qu family. The plan produces variables.

Of course, if the envoy of Chu State insisted, he would not resist too much.

Compared with offending the envoy of Chu State, a mere 'emperor' is not taken seriously by him.

If you are not obedient, just replace it with another one.

Seeing Mingda's tough attitude, the envoy of Chu State hesitated somewhat.

After all, he is just an envoy. Even if he is proud of being an envoy of a powerful country, he should be more cautious in another country at this time.

"Emissary, Brother Wang left in a hurry, but left behind some antiques from the Shang Kingdom, which Xiao Wang couldn't understand, and I would like to ask the envoy to help distinguish and identify them." Ye Chuxiao commented.

What he might offer now is only a little furniture left by the previous emperor.

He couldn't take these things out, let alone sell them in the market, so they might as well use them to lure the envoy of the Chu Kingdom.

As for masturbation with force, let alone Ye Chuxiao does not have this level of force, even if he had... it would run counter to his original plan.

Although Beiqin is only a small country in the Huangdou world, due to the special nature of the Huangdou world, there is no shortage of strong people in Beiqin.

The Patriarchs of the Ming and Qu families are both Yijing monks on the bright side.

The Yijing monks of the Northern Qin royal family had long since died, and there was no top-level monks to support them for many years, which was also one of the reasons for the decline of the Li royal family.

"Since this is the case, the envoy will be disrespectful!" said the envoy of Chu State.

He did not resist the temptation.

In the state of Chu, he was just a fifth-rank official of the Ministry of Rites. If he could make a fortune in Northern Qin, it would be very useful for him to clear up the relationship after returning to the state of Chu.

Staring at Ye Chuxiao viciously, Mingda could not wait to come forward immediately and break Ye Chuxiao's neck.

However, looking at the envoy from Chu State again, Ming Da finally restrained his malice temporarily.

But when he looked at Ye Chuxiao again, he was clearly looking at a dead person.

Once such a thing as killing the lord and the emperor starts, the psychological barrier will be broken, and there will be no pressure to do it again.

After the Chu envoy finished reading out the list of tributes, Ye Chuxiao led him back to the Northern Qin Palace.

The Beiqin Imperial Palace is not considered luxurious. In Ye Chuxiao's opinion, it is several grades worse than Daheng's Royal Manor.

The maids in the palace are all over [-] years old and ordinary-looking women. As for eunuchs, there are no such things!

Having learned from the 'lessons learned' from neighboring countries, the noble clans of Northern Qin did not allow eunuchs, a special group that naturally maintained imperial power, to continue to appear in the palace, helping the Northern Qin royal family to get out of the predicament.

So as early as many years ago, the eunuchs in the palace were all released, and no eunuchs were added after that.

As for some heavy work in the palace, they are all handled by strong women.

Without taking a soft sedan chair, Ye Chuxiao led the envoys from the Kingdom of Chu and trotted all the way into the harem bedroom.

In the bedroom, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and military utensils from all over the world were brought out by Ye Chuxiao without hesitation, and piled up in front of the envoy of Chu State.

Seeing Ye Chuxiao's 'generosity', the Chu State envoy was also surprised.

As soon as he turned his head, he knew that Ye Chuxiao was probably playing with him.

Therefore, the envoy of the Chu State unceremoniously stuffed these antique calligraphy and paintings into the storage bag, and said: "The national laws of the Chu State have regulations, and there is no order from the emperor. Envoys who are envoys to other countries are not allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries at will. King Qin... I understand your current situation, but I can't do anything about it."

Ye Chuxiao calmly asked: "Dare to ask the envoy, what kind of achievements are you talking about in expanding your country's territory?"

The envoy of the State of Chu said: "If you expand the land for five thousand miles, you can be named a prince, for three thousand miles, you can be named a lieutenant, and for one thousand miles, you can be named a general."

Ye Chuxiao said: "Then I don't know, can I help the envoy in my land of Qin to seek the position of Duke of a country?"

The envoy of Chu State was shocked. What is the young Qin King in front of him going to do?
"If the envoy is willing to help me control the real power of the state of Qin, I am willing to draw a map of the country and present it to the emperor. I will no longer be called emperor in the future, but I will ask myself to be a minister and guard Beihai for Chu from generation to generation." Ye Chuxiao said.

In fact, Ye Chuxiao doesn't even want Qin, he just wants to get the location of the treasure house and how to open it.

However, when negotiating conditions, of course, it is necessary to negotiate at a high level first, and then slowly pull.

If the conditions are set too low at the beginning, then the other party may not even pay the price at all, and only want a white girl ticket.

The envoy of Chu State showed a very surprised expression on his face, he looked at Ye Chuxiao seriously and said, "King Qin knows, what are you talking about at this moment?"

"Of course it is clear that the Li family has lost the Qin Dynasty. It is not my fault. The Ming and Qu families have betrayed the master for many years, and their wolfish ambitions have already been clearly revealed."

"Seventeen Kings of Qin within a year, how can there be such an absurd thing in this world? If I don't break the boat, maybe tomorrow, maybe today... it will already be my death date." Ye Chuxiao said solemnly.

The envoy of Chu State heard the words and began to consider carefully.

The more you think about it, the more excited you become.

Although it was not easy for Chu to destroy Northern Qin, it was not difficult either.

It was not the mere Northern Qin that prevented Chu from moving forward, but the many small border countries that were attached to Chu.

If the state of Chu can get the official letter of return from the emperor of Qin, it will be a famous teacher.

If he manages well in it, the position of the Duke of the state is of course a luxury, but it may not be difficult to get a lieutenant...?
(End of this chapter)

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