Chapter 132 Three Tests
Mr. Nanshan looks like an ordinary little old man, except for his bright eyes, there is almost nothing memorable about him.

On the contrary, the two high-ranking members of the Wen family who were following him seemed extraordinary. Just by looking at their appearance, one could tell that they were extraordinary.

The two of them also looked majestic, and their eyes swept across the entire banquet hall, especially stopping a little longer on a few descendants of the Wen family's direct lineage, showing a look of expectation.

"My uncle and third uncle are following Mr. Nanshan. Be careful with my third uncle later." Wen Tingting whispered next to Ye Chuxiao.

Ye Chuxiao nodded slightly, expressing her understanding.

Big family!After all, some shitty things are indispensable.

The family is united as one, and everyone has the strength to work together. It is a family that is on the rise. The family has a very clear core, as well as a very complete goal and direction.

Once the core is unclear and the development falls into a bottleneck, internal fighting and internal friction will come as promised.

In the final analysis, it is still resources.

Although the Wen family is a big family, the good resources at the top are also limited.

Just like Wen Tingting can use the precious jade gourd to chase the aurora, this kind of treatment is by no means available to all Wen family children.

The other Wen family disciples who were not qualified to use the precious jade gourd would naturally be jealous of Wen Tingting in their hearts.

Mr. Nanshan looked around, coughed twice, and cleared his throat.

The entire banquet hall also fell silent.

"Twenty years ago, the old man was seriously injured and was exiled to the Wen family's mountain city. Thanks to the old man of the Wen family, he sheltered the old man in the mountain city, placed him on the Nanshan Mountain, and treated him like a distinguished guest. Even later, the old man has confirmed his cultivation No matter how hard it is to recover, he is just a ghost guarding the corpse, and Mrs. Wen's courtesy to this old man has not been diminished." Mr. Nanshan spoke clearly and sincerely.

"To this day, many old friends have withered, and many old enemies have been destroyed. On the contrary, it is me, a useless person, who has survived until now, and I am ashamed." Mr. Nanshan continued.

At this time, there was a spontaneous sound of comfort from the crowd.

Although Mr. Nanshan is self-deprecating, he is not just as "useless" as he said.

Although his cultivation is useless, his personal knowledge, accumulation, cognition, and thoughts are still extraordinary. In the past 20 years, he has not only written books in Wenjiashan City, but also made Wenjiashan City a bit more contextual. Well, many monks of the Wen family are also taught by Mr. Nanshan, and they are regarded as his registered disciples.

It can be said that the monks in Wenjiashan City can reach the scale they are today and occupy a place in the entire Huangdou world. It can be said that it is inseparable from Mr. Nanshan's teachings.

One of them made the monks in Wenjia Mountain City more than a third more prosperous.

If not, when Mr. Nanshan proposed to leave, how could the monks in Wenjiashan City make such a big commotion?

"The past grievances have dissipated over time. The old man has not returned to his hometown for many years. Now he only wishes to return to his hometown and bury this remnant body under the plane tree in his hometown."

As he spoke, Mr. Nanshan opened the two glazed boxes behind him.

Facing Wen Tingting's uncle Wen Liangyu on the right, he said, "Liangyu! These are my random thoughts and essays written by the old man for many years. After years of recording, they will be sorted out over a period of three years, and they will be combined into transcripts and delivered to you."

"If there are children of the next generation, it would be my honor to be patient enough to come and have a look."

As soon as Mr. Nanshan's words fell, many monks present who were not descendants of the Wen family showed disappointment.

They originally thought that Mr. Nanshan would take out the "Nanshanzhai Transcript" and select a suitable successor in public, and they still had a chance.

Ye Chuxiao felt that this was normal.

Otherwise, Mr. Nanshan has been blessed by the Wen family for many years, and before he left, he would instead hand over the experience he had compiled for many years to a stranger in a momentary mood. Although it is not ungrateful, it would seem a bit mean.

Wen Liangyu clasped his fists and said to Mr. Nanshan: "Sir, you are a great virtue, I will not forget it for generations in the Wen family."

Then he turned to the public and said: "I also know that Mr. left this record not only for my Wen family. Now that Mr. has entrusted his life's painstaking efforts, I have also set three exam questions here. If you pass all of them, you will be admitted." Borrow the transcript for three days."

As soon as this remark came out, Wen Liangyu immediately received another wave of praise.

Ye Chuxiao also had to sigh, this person would seize the opportunity to buy people's hearts.

Mr. Nanshan's transcript, if it is useful, it is of course very useful.

But if you say it's can also say it's useless.

It is neither a peerless magic skill, nor any untold secret.

For the right man at the right time, it contains good advice, but for the wrong man, it is of little use to read it.

Wen Liangyu did not choose to put this transcript on the shelf for only a small number of people to observe, but made it public with conditions, which is to magnify the value of this transcript.

Of course, he didn't just do good deeds.

I'm afraid the mystery is still hidden in those three tests.

Sure enough, someone immediately asked: "May I ask the Grand Master City Envoy, what are these three tests?"

Wen Liangyu smiled and said: "Since it is Mr. Nanshan's painstaking effort, it cannot be seen by mediocrity, so the first test is to rely on one's own strength, start from this building, walk to the top floor, and the one who climbs to the top It is considered to have passed the first test."

"The viewing order in the future will be determined based on the time sequence in which the three tests are finally passed."

"Brother! It's better to make an appointment, otherwise there will always be people coming up the building, and it will be a trouble for us." Wen Tingting's third uncle Wen Liangjue said.

Wen Liangyu pondered for a moment, and then threw the question back to Wen Liangjue: "The third brother thinks, how should this time be limited?"

Wen Liangjue said: "That's a one-day period. If you don't reach the summit within a day, you can only wait for the next opportunity."

"As for when the test will be held next time, you might as well wait until I discuss it with the clan elders before making a decision."

With a few words, Wen Liangjue was about to pick Wen Liangyu's fruit.

Wen Liangyu drank this soup, but the initiative in the future will be held in Wen Liangjue's hands.

Mr. Nanshan stood aside, clearly aware of the hidden thoughts of the two brothers, but he didn't have any intention of interfering.

He has delivered the transcript, and he will not intervene in how to deal with it in the future.

Among the crowd, Ye Chuxiao asked Wen Tingting in a low voice: "Is there any particularity about going upstairs in this Wen's mansion?"

Wen Tingting said: "You should have heard of that rumor too, it's not wrong...The Wen family's mansion is indeed a divine weapon and a magical weapon that is in the process of being bred. I don’t feel it yet, but if you go up on foot, the more you go up, the more pressure you have to bear, and when you reach the tip of the gun, the pressure you bear is absolutely unbearable.”

"If you want to resist the pressure, you must either have extremely amazing willpower, or have a cultivation base that is as high as the sky, or you must show absolute surrender to the Wen family, without the slightest rebellious heart."

Speaking of this, Wen Tingting said with embarrassment: "I'm afraid I will let you go for nothing tonight, so don't try it lightly."

"The climbing process is not that simple. If you have a bad idea, there is a risk of being forcibly reversed."

Ye Chuxiao understood the Tibetan language in Wen Tingting's words.

What she meant was that if one's willpower is not firm during the process of climbing to the top of the Wen's mansion... or the Wen's building, one will be forcibly brainwashed by the building turned into a magic weapon and become a staunch supporter of the Wen's family.

Since Wen Liangyu took out the transcript as a bait, it is impossible for outsiders to peek into it so easily.

As for someone who can withstand the pressure and break through the first level, there is a second level and a third level.

If it is really someone who forcibly passed all three levels, then it is not impossible for the Wen family to have a good relationship with him.

What Wen Tingting said to Ye Chuxiao was obviously not an absolute secret.

Some monks who have stayed in Wenjiashan City for a long time also have some speculations about the tricks, and they can't help but show embarrassment.

Attaching to the Wen family to survive and completely surrendering to the Wen family are two absolutely different concepts.

It is worth thinking about whether it is worth the risk of losing "self" for a Nanshanzhai transcript.

"Of course, in order to avoid disappointing everyone, I decided to extract a part of the summary from the transcript and publish it here for you to watch." Wen Liangyu said at this moment.

Mr. Nanshan was a little surprised when he heard the words. Although he was still silent, he clearly had an expression of displeasure.

He spent half of his life in recruiting talents for the Wen family. Mr. Nanshan has no complaints.

After all, he has been under the protection of the Wen family for half his life, and has lived in the Wen family's mountain city for 20 years, but he has already regarded himself as a member of the Wen family.

But Wen Liangyu's method of deliberately laying bait to lure people into the trap is really low-level, and it looks ugly.

In the center of the banquet hall, on a large crystal screen, paragraphs of text were displayed.

Many people know it's bait, but they can't stand the temptation, and they have full confidence in themselves, so they look at it.

Seeing this, many people were immediately fascinated.

It has to be said that Mr. Nanshan is very special.

He used to be one of the rare great monks in the world, his cultivation had reached the state of mind, and he was almost about to step into the legendary indeterminate realm, but later he was seriously injured and his cultivation gradually lost.

With the support of Wenjia Mountain City, in order to solve his own cultivation problems, he read a lot of cultivation classics.

In this way, many perceptions converged in his heart and transformed into thoughts and words. His unique perspective and way of looking at practice are worthy of reference for many monks.

Ye Chuxiao was also reading those summaries.

These summary texts, combined with the experiences of many past strong men he saw in the Aurora Realm, are coherent and have a new feeling.

The comparison between the two is like the difference between watching a movie and reading a novel.

The former is more intuitive, but there is relatively little that really involves the heart and thinking, and the space left for the viewer to conceive is narrower, and what is given is more direct and thorough.

The latter, however, leaves a lot of blank space through written records, and this blank part is more suitable for viewers to fill in their own things.

It is equivalent to that the transcript only gives a framework of thought, and what is specifically inserted in it is actually the accumulation of the observers.

Undoubtedly, it is more helpful to help the monks break through from the realm of transformation to the realm of wisdom.

"Nanshanzhai transcript, the whole transcript, I must read it!"

"It can save me a lot of time. If I read the whole book, I may only need another year... at most two years to break through to the Hui Realm, and the rest of the time will allow me to Take a sprint and try to break through the artistic conception.”

"In this way, it has a very strong supplement to my follow-up overall plan."

"Once I have artistic conception level cultivation when I return to Daheng, it means that I will finally stand on the same competitive line as Jin Buyi and Ying Shu, and I will no longer be the weaker side, who may be easily eaten at any time. Drop." Ye Chuxiao was full of desire.

But at this moment, Ye Chuxiao also had a crazier thought in his heart.

The Nanshanzhai transcript is dead.

Mr. Nanshan...he is alive!

If you give him a dao rhyme...

Ye Chuxiao interrupted his evil thought.

"Why do I have such thoughts?"

"Of course I'm not a gentleman who is obsessed with morals and cleanliness, but I'm also not such a despicable person who has no integrity for profit."

"But the impulse from before was never fake... It seems that Xindan still has an influence on me. It still invisibly amplifies my desires and magnifies my evil thoughts." Ye Chuxiao is very sure that he is not Not throwing the pot away.

Before being parasitized by Xin Dan, he would not even have such evil thoughts under the same situation.

"In any case, first strive for the Nanshanzhai transcript." Ye Chuxiao did not blindly kill the thoughts, but used other stronger thoughts to isolate and ignore those evil thoughts.

The power of Xindan is equivalent to placing part of another person's heart in one's own body.

Simply cutting off certain thoughts will have the opposite effect.

Those thoughts that were cut off will actually integrate into one's heart and become a part of oneself.

This kind of subtle influence is what makes Xin Dan terrible.

"Excuse me, Grand Master! What are the remaining two tests?" Ye Chuxiao, who was on the scene, asked the question.

Wen Liangyu said: "The second test is in the hands of me or the third brother, and it has been supported ten times back and forth."

"This is also to ensure that you have the ability to protect the content of the transcripts you have seen. Otherwise, if you read the transcripts today, you will be approached by people with malicious intentions tomorrow. This is my fault."

This sounds nice, but it's actually setting limits.

Even if someone wants to sell himself to the Wen family as a dog, the Wen family still needs to see if he is qualified!

Not everyone is qualified to be a dog for the Wen family.

"As for the third test... I decided to leave it to Mr. Nanshan. In a sense, anyone who is difficult to read the transcript can be regarded as Mr. Nanshan's disciple."

"Mr. Nanshan takes it for granted, he wants to test the viewers."

"Of course, it's only for this time. In the future, Mr. Nanshan will return to his hometown to live in seclusion. I'm afraid it's time for another test for this third test."

With a few words from Wen Liangyu, Mr. Nanshan, who had been staying out of the matter, was circled back.

It also made Wen Liangjue's previous arrangement of "picking fruit" largely resolved.

Being personally 'tested' by Mr. Nanshan is not so much a test as a benefit.

With Mr. Nanshan's personal guidance, and then reading the transcript, the effect is definitely different than reading it spontaneously.

Ambitious and thoughtful monks will never miss this rare opportunity.

Instead of waiting for the next time.

 Originally I wanted to write a little more, but forgive the waste paper this time is really empty!
  Raise it again!

  When your health is better, increase the amount of updates!

  thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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