There are gaps in the road

Chapter 136 Pass 3 level

Although Ye Chuxiao won the first pass, but in the second pass, he was the third monk to pass the ten-stroke test.

When he and Wen Liangjue had a thrilling fight, Wen Liangyu had already passed the two people's assessment.

Therefore, Ye Chuxiao was also the third person to enter the reception room where Mr. Nanshan lived.

Simply, the meeting between the first two people and Mr. Nanshan went very quickly, and Ye Chuxiao was not kept waiting for a long time.

Obviously, they did not get the approval of Mr. Nanshan... Of course, they were not deliberately embarrassed, they were just going through the motions.

At most, Mr. Nanshan said something to encourage them.

This can be seen from the happy expressions on the faces of the two monks when they walked out.

It was Ye Chuxiao's turn to enter the reception room to talk with Mr. Nanshan, even with Ye Chuxiao's big heart now, he was a little nervous.

This third level seems to be the easiest.

In fact, it is the most difficult for him.

If you can't pass the test, it is tantamount to wasting all previous efforts.

No matter how difficult the first two levels seem to be, they are all obvious difficulties, and they can be overcome if there are rules.

Only this last hurdle, whether to pass or not, is a matter of Mr. Nanshan's words, which is too idealistic. Before pushing the door and entering, Ye Chuxiao wrote a lot of drafts, but still has no absolute certainty.

In the reception room, Mr. Nanshan is drinking tea.

On the small stove burning fruit charcoal, the kettle was emitting white smoke.

The old man sat cross-legged behind the white smoke, his face was so hazy that he couldn't see clearly the joys and sorrows.

When Ye Chuxiao opened the door and came in, he didn't show much expression. He neither disliked Ye Chuxiao nor liked him at all.

Seniors like to support capable and potential juniors. Most of the time it is a kind of fairy tale fantasy about social relations. In reality, seniors who do not secretly suppress or make things difficult for juniors can already be regarded as noble and pure.

Of course, there are also seniors who support the juniors, but there are many other relationship entanglements, and it's not pure.

"Mr. Nanshan!" Ye Chuxiao greeted him with cupped fists.

"You don't need to say, I won't allow you to pass this test!" Mr. Nanshan said with his mouth open.

Ye Chuxiao was not surprised by this blow.

Mr. Nanshan certainly has an independent personality, but what kind of friendship does he have with Ye Chuxiao?What kind of friendship with the Wen family?Is it worth it for a young monk who doesn't know his origin and has nothing to do with him to have a quarrel with the Wen family who has been friends for many years?
Even if it's just a possibility, it's not necessary.

"So Mr. Nanshan is more optimistic about Wen Liangjue?"

"Can I think so?" Ye Chuxiao was not polite, and his words were threats.

In a short period of time, Ye Chuxiao thought to himself that he didn't have such a talent for speaking out, wanting to gain more friendship and favor than Wen's family.

It's still a real trick, and it's more realistic to come.

Mr. Nanshan took a breath, blowing away the mist in front of his eyes, revealing a clear face: "I am already the one who is leaving, and your little tricks will not be effective. Wen Liangyu will not leave because of this." A little thing, it's not good for me."

"Sir and Wen's entanglement is too deep, I'm afraid it's not easy to leave like this!" Ye Chuxiao seemed to jump to another topic, but if he thought about it carefully, he was actually talking about the same thing.

Mr. Nanshan said: "That's why you can't pass my test."

"But it doesn't matter. Why don't you work a little harder, Mr. Nanshan, and take advantage of this time to read to me the contents of Nanshan Zhai's transcript? This way I get a benefit, and you have an explanation, sir. This is also a win-win situation. "Ye Chuxiao proposed a solution, a thick-skinned group.

Mr. Nanshan was also amazed by Ye Chuxiao's thick skin, adjusted his sitting posture, and then relieved the consternation in his heart: "It's too long, not enough time."

Tactfully refused.

"It's not long, you speak faster, I can hear you clearly." Ye Chuxiao said.

Mr. Nanshan looked at Ye Chuxiao speechlessly, apparently he had never seen such a brazen person.

Just about to refuse more firmly and decisively, at the same time, he rang the bell for substitution.

Ye Chuxiao continued to speak, "I'm just proposing a solution."

"Sir, you don't want to hear it again, do I have a bargaining chip to convince you?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

Mr. Nanshan was taken aback for a moment, perhaps because Ye Chuxiao's thick skin made a deep impression on him.

At this moment, he still wanted to hear what Ye Chuxiao could say, so he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please.

The bell in his hand was also placed back on the table.

I just glanced at the timer hanging on the wall and pinpointed the time.

Once a certain time limit is exceeded, Ye Chuxiao must be kicked out no matter what.

"From your point of view, I don't know that there is a strange substance in this world. It can endow people with extraordinary talents, and at the same time, it can take people across time and space to a wider world. It is the one that escapes. It is an opportunity for the creation of all things and phenomena, and it is a ray of heaven that the Taoist ancestor pried open for the living beings in pity for all living beings."

"Out of this world, all restrictions may be crushed, and all impossibilities may become possible."

"Are you old enough to retire and wait to die? I don't think so. You clearly have a lot to do. Unlimited rivers and mountains and infinite scenery are still waiting for you to see and appreciate." Ye Chuxiao waved his hand and said, looking impassioned.

After pouring down a mouthful of hot chicken soup, the dead would have to jump up for comparison.

When Ye Chuxiao said the first sentence, Mr. Nanshan's color had already changed.

Looking at Ye Chuxiao again, there was a bit of eagerness in his eyes.

He doesn't care if it's chicken soup or not.

What he cares about is the meaning hidden in Ye Chuxiao's words.

"You're talking about Dao Yun?" Mr. Nanshan's mouth and beard trembled slightly, appearing extremely excited.

It's not that he is not calm, but that Dao Yun is even rarer and more precious in the Huangdou world.

In other worlds, Dao Yun is of course an extremely, extremely precious resource, and the reason does not need to be repeated.

In the world of Huangdou, Dao Yun also has another attribute, which is itself, which symbolizes 'span' and the hope of life.

Those old and weak monks, if they have the Dao Yun and the method of using the Dao Yun to go to the ship of good fortune, they may enter other worlds. If they are lucky enough to practice, they can greatly extend their lifespan, but it is a world with other defects , can comprehensively get rid of the practice defects of Huangdoujie, and obtain a certain degree of life extension.

Because of this, Wuzhu's dao rhyme is the most important resource for anyone and any force in the Huangdou world to hold on to and never let it out.

For a family as large as the Wen family, has it collected any unowned Dao rhymes for hundreds of years?
Of course there are, but they are also reluctant to give it to Mr. Nanshan, giving him a hope to go to other worlds to find his cultivation base.

For the Wen family, this investment is not worthwhile.

As for Mr. Nanshan, have you ever counted on the Wen family to provide him with Dao Yun in all these years, so that you can do your best to help the Wen family develop?

There are also some who want to come.

It's just that at this age, he is about to step into the coffin, and there is still no hope in sight.

That's why I chose to retire and return to my hometown.

Isn't this the last test?

Otherwise, if he was still alive, why did he leave a written record instead of his own words and deeds?
Is it more powerful to pass on experience and ideas, or is it more powerful than a book that is difficult to adapt?

Ye Chuxiao also keenly sensed some of the contradictions, and then formulated a persuasion strategy against Mr. Nanshan.

Of course, there is also the possibility that Mr. Nanshan is loyal to the Wen family, so Ye Chuxiao's efforts are in vain, and because of this, he exposed the message that he has the charm of Wuzhu Daoyun.

This was also the reason why Ye Chuxiao was nervous before pushing the door open.

But looking at Mr. Nanshan's attitude at this time, it is obvious that Ye Chuxiao is worrying too much.

"That's right, it's Dao Yun." Ye Chuxiao nodded calmly and said.

Mr. Nanshan said eagerly: "If you have a Dao rhyme, then give it to me. As long as you have one... I will tell you all the contents of the transcript, and I can also dictate to you the content that has not been recorded in the transcript. .”

Ye Chuxiao originally thought that this deal would cost two Daoyun.

I didn't think about it, but I didn't need it.

It seems that Mr. Nanshan is also a person of good fortune, who once spontaneously won the favor of a ray of Taoism.

It's just that there is no way to get the second dao rhyme as a ticket to go to other worlds, so naturally he can't digest the dao rhyme and get more dao rhyme.

Just like the original Yueting Mountain.

A little bit of luck, but not much.

"The deal is concluded!" Ye Chuxiao took out a dao rhyme, not worried about Mr. Nanshan reneging on his promise, and handed it over.

Mr. Nanshan hastily took out a jade bottle from his bosom, sprinkled the precious elixir on the table mercilessly, and carefully placed the wisp of dao rhyme into it.

Then he stuffed it into his arms and patted his chest lightly with his hands.

The whole person seemed to be running a [-]-meter race, holding the table with his hands, his fingertips trembling slightly.

"This third level, I count you as passing."

"After tonight, you will secretly go to the Xiaonanshan Plum Garden where I live, and I will tell you all the key points, as well as my thoughts and thinking structure when I wrote the notes. If you have any doubts, you can also Ask me questions, the old man... knows everything!" Mr. Nanshan said firmly.

Ye Chuxiao was taken aback, and said in surprise: "Well, there's no need for that! I'll just go and find you secretly later on. Isn't it just a formality to pass or fail the third level?"

Mr. Nanshan said: "This is not only a form, but also a reputation and dignity."

"You surpassed two levels, but I blocked you in the third level. It is still the prestige of the Wen family, but you are here."

"Only when you pass the third level in the impossibility and take the record from Wen's family in person, is your prestige and your reputation fulfilled."

Hearing this, Ye Chuxiao knew Mr. Nanshan's intentions.

At the same time, I also feel that although Mr. Nanshan is grateful for the protection of the Wen family, he has also accumulated a lot of disappointment.

From the Wen family's point of view, there is no need to 'waste' a precious Wuzhu Dao rhyme for a retainer.

But as far as Mr. Nanshan is concerned, how is it that the Wen family cut off their future and hope with their own hands?
"Okay! If that's the case, then I won't refuse!" Ye Chuxiao agreed decisively.

Although in reality, obtaining the transcript from the Wen family would not be of any real benefit to him.

But just thinking about Wen Liangjue and Wen Liangyu's expressions of having to fulfill the agreement with their stinky faces is already enough to make people happy, what other added value is needed?
And after this incident, Ye Chuxiao also became famous by stepping on the Wen family.

For Ye Chuxiao, this has more long-term benefits.

For example... there will be more monks who will challenge Ye Chuxiao because of this.

And because of this, he can get in touch with more people, learn more monk methods, sum up more wisdom from the battle, and enter the realm of wisdom faster.

At this time, the time has just expired about 10 minutes.

Ye Chuxiao pushed the door and left the reception room.

Outside the reception room, Wen Tingting looked at Ye Chuxiao, and even thought of words to comfort her.

Wen Liangjue, who was in the arena and was still 'assessing' a monk, also subconsciously turned his head and looked at Ye Chuxiao, waiting for him to make a fool of himself.

A lot of eyes focused on Ye Chuxiao's body, somewhat gloating about his misfortune.

No matter how good you are, so what?Don't you want to suffer from Mr. Nanshan?

This is probably the voice of most people.

And Wen Shuya, the girl in the red skirt, even acted as a substitute, speaking out the feelings of many people.

"It seems that there is no pass!"

"Mr. Nanshan still has the ability to distinguish, and knows which people are not worth cultivating."

"It's just a white-eyed wolf. No matter how fat you feed it, it will only eat the owner. I still prefer dogs. They are obedient enough. Even if I want their lives, they will only stretch their necks to make it easier for me to attack." Wen Wen Shu Ya said with a slightly rampant smile.

Wen Tingting was about to retort, but was stopped by Ye Chuxiao.

Then Ye Chuxiao said: "I'm afraid I'll disappoint you all, Mr. Nanshan let me pass this level by luck."

"That is to say, after the next three tests have passed, according to the agreement, after six days, this record will be borrowed by me for three days."

When this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked.

Wen Liangjue was even more distracted because of this, and was accidentally hit on the face by the monk who was fighting with him, making a crisp 'snap' sound.

Although the strength was not enough to really break through the defense, the coincidence of Ye Chuxiao's two words and the slap made him break through.

The monk who accidentally hit Wen Liangjue also stood still, feeling terrified and trembling all over.

Seeing that his psychological quality was so poor, Wen Liangjue was even more annoyed. He threw him out of the ring with one sleeve, and said angrily: "Useless trash! It was a waste of your father's training. If you want to pass the test, go back and practice hard for 100 years." Bar!"

The cultivator who was thrown out of the ring covered his face and ran away in a panic.

But at this moment, no one thought he was a clown.

The real clown is furious in the arena!

"Be careful, my third uncle is not very generous!" Wen Tingting leaned against Ye Chuxiao and whispered using sound transmission.

"Don't worry, I don't have much tolerance!" Ye Chuxiao told Wen Tingting in this way.

Wen Tingting nodded, and then she realized that she turned her head suddenly and looked at Ye Chuxiao in confusion: "Huh?"

"It's okay! I'm staying in Wenjia Mountain City and leaving the city. He can't disregard his face and bring troops to block me!" Ye Chuxiao didn't say this with sound transmission.

"Hahaha! Shaoxia Xiao was joking, I promise, as long as you abide by the rules in my Wenjiashan City, no one will trouble you." Wen Liangyu appeared at this time, and it was very appropriate to step on Wen Liangjue's foot, for him The conclusion of the embarrassment was settled.

It can be seen from this that this is also a narrow-minded and short-sighted person. If Wen Liangyu is the master in the future, Wenjiashan City may also decline.

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