There are gaps in the road

Chapter 151 Man is the mirror that reflects the universe

Chapter 151 Man is the mirror that reflects the universe

Duanmulin tilted her head, thought for a while, and then said seriously: "I don't know either! But Master Wen Rui is so famous, I think if you just ask around, you will know his work address!"

Ye Chuxiao smiled softly: "That's right!"

Inner assessment.

"It can effectively absorb and sort out external information that I don't know, but what I know is also limited, not omniscient or even universally known. Except under normal circumstances, only I can see her. She behaves like a person with her own independent knowledge. Strangers of life, cognition, and life."

"We need to continue to observe and collect more data."

The style of Cloud Out City is not only reflected in the architecture, but also in people's dressing style, eating style and other aspects, which are also very different from Canaan College.

In short, Canaan College is more modernized, while Yunchu is full of ancient charm, somewhat similar to the "ancient city" of the previous life, with a classical charm, but it is not behind. It just hides some modern tools in the In the antique.

It is not difficult to find out the work address of Master Wen Rui. He is a professor of Yunide College. Although he does not teach many classes, he will go to the college in the city center to teach at least two days a week.

Yunchu College in Yunchu City stands on the mountainside, with pavilions and pavilions shrouded in colorful clouds and mists, like a fairy palace amidst misty mist.

"Among them, the representative of the release faction is Canaan College. They study the deep diving device and show the gap in the soul through a special magic weapon connection. In this way, they can exercise their hobbies and achieve the purpose of turning hobbies into talents."

Without hesitation, Ye Chuxiao immediately dragged Duanmulin and followed the signpost to find auditorium No. [-].

Ye Chuxiao's heart moved, and he felt it occasionally, but it was still not systematic.

What if he breaks through to the artistic conception?
Then what kind of friend will be created because of refraction and distortion?

After raising the sound-proof formation in the office, Master Wen Rui said, "Fellow Daoist is probably not from our world!"

If it is really peaceful, there will be no need for the academy alliance, which is an alliance for stable interests.

"As for the monks of Huijing, after reaching a certain level of cultivation, they completely wrap themselves up, and in a sense actively cut off the interference of the universe on themselves. In the vast universe, they first restore themselves to a pure individual .”

"But Duanmulin said that his student ID card is not eligible to exchange for the temporary pass of Yunchu College, so Tianshui...isn't the alliance college of Canaan College?" Ye Chuxiao frowned slightly.

"Different from Xiong Maomao and Clown, Duanmulin is not an 'independent creation' for me, so she can learn information that I don't know, and has memories that I didn't give."

At this time, some students raised their hands and asked: "Professor! Why do we sometimes dream about things we are not familiar with or know when we are dreaming? If the mind and memory cognition present a mirror relationship, then what is related to the mind Dreams, shouldn’t they also obey the mirror theory?”

"For example, someone once discussed a certain topic by your side. You didn't care about it, and you didn't have a complete, direct, and clear memory, but in your dream, you may visualize that topic and evolve it into an experience. , even twisted to some extent, and become completely unfamiliar."

"There is this possibility. The thoughts of monks in Huijing can already initially interfere with reality, while the will of monks in Yijing can form their own domain and even rule out the existing laws of reality. This also symbolizes that they all have the ability to distort reality. Under the state of wisdom, we are only refracting part of the universe, but above the state of wisdom, there will also be part of our appearance in the mirror of the universe."

In Canaan, it seems that all hobbies are not shortcomings, but talents, which are the embodiment of a person's value.

Some lectures, which seem to be for everyone to listen to, can actually be regarded as a private teaching.

At this time, it is still impossible to determine whether there is really Tianshui Academy and Duanmulin got the information, or Duanmulin fabricated a Tianshui Academy.

Master Wen Rui said: "Yes! And there are quite a few. In order to solve the influence of hobbies, many different schools and theories have appeared in our world, and they are also the embryonic form of today's academy city."

"No wonder! Cultivation is not simply a matter of piling up resources and competing for talents. There are also many things that require experience, thinking and accumulation."

Because there are quite a lot of people sitting in the back row, and all kinds of textbooks are erected high, and then lying on the table to play various games and small instruments, and some are quietly chatting with communication symbols.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Chuxiao not only didn't feel relieved after unraveling his doubts, but felt even more troublesome.

"She is the product of my will, which was distorted and merged with the information from the outside world when it interfered with the outside world."

After taking a closer look, there was a hint of suddenness.

In the academy world, monks at the Hui level should not be underestimated either.

And it was obvious that quite a few of them were dragged by their counselors to attend lectures to collect their heads.

"Up to now, it is mainly divided into three schools: the release school, the Zhannian school, and the deviation school."

Could it be that the messages that Duanmulin knew were still transmitted by him?It's just that these messages were ignored by him?
"No! No! The Huijing monks focus on themselves. Even if they have distracting thoughts, they can completely restrain them. Past memories and experiences, if they have feelings, are all meticulous. It is impossible for me to know, but I don't recall the part .” Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

"In my mirror theory, the relationship between individual life and the universe is a mirror of each other. The universe is an extremely huge mirror, while individual life is a small mirror. We will never know the whole face of the universe. , so the world each of us sees has subtle deviations and differences."

Master Wen Rui's gaze on Ye Chuxiao became deeper.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuxiao immediately raised his hand.

Therefore, the student certificate of Canaan College will become a more effective pass.

In Ye Chuxiao's cognition, there is also no memory of Tianshui College.

Ye Chuxiao thought to himself: "That's right, but that's because you didn't know there was a Huangdou world."

"It sounds decent, maybe it's true."

"In the world of Desolation, not to mention Huijing in his twenties, even Yijing monks in their teens have appeared and existed in history."

"For us, hobbies are not only a gap in our soul, but also a window of our soul to the outside world. It is both strong and weak. The more advanced the cultivation, the more the window will be opened."

The two chatted all the way, exchanging some basic information, and then arrived at Master Wen Rui's office.

Master Wen Rui shook his head and said, "Of course not! Wisdom realm, artistic realm, and even the indeterminate realm beyond that are not within the scope of the theory I mentioned earlier."

The Huijing is still like this.

"Illusion is also a reflection of the soul, and it is a very important part of the mirror theory."

"The light emitted by the luminous body is not controlled by the luminous body. If these lights have their own thoughts in the process of refraction, will they also become new individual mirrors?" Ye Chuxiao once again ask questions.

There are not too many students sitting in the auditorium.

After asking a few students from Yunchu College, Ye Chuxiao learned that there happened to be an open class by Master Wen Rui today, and he could go to auditorium No. [-] to attend.

Knowing that the get out of class was over, Ye Chuxiao approached Master Wen Rui and said very politely: "Professor, I still have some questions, can I ask you for a private consultation?"

"Because it is emitting strong light outward, it becomes blurred in the mirror of the universe."

"A monk at this stage is more like a luminous body."

It wasn't until Duanmulin's appearance that Ye Chuxiao realized that a defect is a defect. Even if it has some advantages, the uncontrollable part of it still cannot be ignored.

Canaan is the most powerful academy in the academy world, and Yunide is a member of its academy alliance.

"If you have a chance, Dongjun, you must go and see it!" Duanmulin said playfully to Ye Chuxiao, then turned around and ran towards a large group of cranes in the square, as if she wanted to rush up Use video symbols to take pictures, record videos, and take group photos.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't have the chance to come in and visit, so I can only walk around outside." Duanmulin turned around and said to Ye Chuxiao with two snow-white slender arms behind her back.

"Isn't there a mature solution?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

"The question you asked in class earlier was very interesting."

Ye Chuxiao was not surprised to be recognized.

On the podium, Master Wen Rui was performing illusions casually, simulating various teaching models.

"If this is the case, then it's fine if it's controllable, but if it's uncontrollable, it's tantamount to revealing a huge flaw for myself. Once this 'friend' who can actually appear in reality is known and captured by my opponent , would be an unimaginable threat to me."

"Let me guess, you must have fallen into a hobby!"

Master Wen Rui said to Ye Chuxiao: "Fellow Daoist, you are welcome! You and I are in the same realm, but I am just a few years older. If there is anything I can help with, I will not refuse."

Because sitting in the front row was quite conspicuous, Master Wen Rui ordered Ye Chuxiao.

"Professor! Does what you said apply to all monks and all realms?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

This explanation made Ye Chuxiao subconsciously look at Duanmulin again.

Will that 'friend' really appear in the real world like a new life, to the point where neither oneself nor outsiders can judge whether it is true or not?

Master Wen Rui waved his hands and said, "You don't need to tell me what your hobbies are, this is a secret that everyone needs to hide."

With a smile on her face, Ye Chuxiao asked in a low voice: "I remember you are... a student of Tianshui College, where is Tianshui College?"

I don't care if the students don't listen carefully, or come in and out at will.

Perhaps Duanmulin's character design is more complicated than he thought.

Master Wen Rui's words were a bit convoluted, but Ye Chuxiao still fully understood what he meant.

"It's not!"

The academy world seems to be 'peaceful', but it is actually full of the law of the jungle.

"Of course, a more popular way of saying it is that the monks at the Huijing level and above are using their own will to gradually interfere with reality."

"This is Yunide Academy! It's so beautiful."

After Ye Chuxiao showed his Canaan College student certificate at the door, he was granted a temporary pass, allowing him to enter Yunide College for a visit.

"If this is the case, then Duanmulin's appearance is understandable."

Master Wen Rui saw that Ye Chuxiao no longer asked questions, so he continued to lecture normally.

Master Wen Rui obviously doesn't care about the benefits of all the students' lectures, he only needs to let the few students who are paying attention get something.

Ye Chuxiao felt deeply, and even held the same attitude for quite some time.

The attitude towards Ye Chuxiao is no longer that of a teacher, but more equal. It is obvious that Ye Chuxiao's actual cultivation has been judged.

Master Wen Rui said: "This student asked a good question. Our dreams are very magical existences. In terms of practice, once we enter the wonderful realm, there is very little possibility of dreaming, because our thoughts will be restrained, and distracting thoughts will disappear. It will be greatly reduced, but at the same time, we will also reduce the free perception of the outside world and transform it into a directional perception in the active sense.”

"It's an underwater city!" Duanmulin said with a smile.

Ye Chuxiao nodded slightly. Canaan Academy is indeed in this style.

Ye Chuxiao found a place near the podium without any effort, and sat down generously.

"Tianshui! It's in the sea!"

Of course, not every college has such a friendly atmosphere.

"What's more troublesome is that these 'friends' are, in a sense, a reflection of my soul. Others can use them to observe my preferences, mood, and some of my thoughts. .” Ye Chuxiao was depressed in her heart, but she didn’t show the slightest bit on her face.

This is already a realm level that many monks have been unable to reach for a hundred years or even hundreds of years.

"The basis of our illusions comes from our cognition and distorted cognition of reality. We cannot construct illusions beyond our cognition. The same is true of our hearts. What our hearts reflect is our past. To some extent, it has a mirror relationship with our memory, cognition, and thinking." The tiny illusion in the hands of Master Wen Rui is constantly changing, sometimes it is mountains, rivers, and sometimes it is the sun, moon and stars.

"In any case, unless a young man in his twenties is reincarnated, it is absolutely impossible for him to reach the Hui Realm so quickly." Master Wen Rui said.

"So, the dream of the unknown does not present the unknown in the true sense, but in our subjective sense, we don't know what we know."

What is uncontrollable is by no means talent.

It is a disease!
"What school is Yunchu Academy?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

Master Wen Rui said: "The deviation school! We advocate the deviation of hobbies, using preferences similar to the original hobbies, slowly drifting, and then showing it, which not only plays a role in mitigating, but also effectively shields malice. "

"But I have to say that this is also a negative way of dealing with it, not even as generous and natural as the release."

(End of this chapter)

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