There are gaps in the road

Chapter 155 Left foot on right foot, Wuhu takes off!

Chapter 155 Left foot on right foot, Wuhu takes off!

"You're dead!" Ye Chuxiao was so startled that Duanmulin, who was still a little dazed, crashed on the spot.

He didn't intend to tell Duanmulin the truth.

Compared to explaining to her that she was fictitious, but now he made it "real" to such a complicated issue, a simple sentence of "you are dead" may be more convenient and quicker.

"Ah!?" Duanmulin was still a little dazed, looked around, and squeezed her arm again, it hurt...but the pain was not the same as when she had a physical body.

"We were attacked by evil cultivators. We were accidentally affected, and the entire inn was destroyed. You died in the first wave of the battle. Judging by your state, you shouldn't have felt any pain before you died." Ye Chu Xiao comforted.

Duanmulin's eyes were dull, and listening to Ye Chuxiao's words, she felt that "painless death" was not something to be particularly pleased with.

"Fortunately, I still have a magic weapon to preserve the soul, so I gathered your soul together and temporarily placed it in this magic weapon." Ye Chuxiao explained a few more sentences, giving Duanmulin a relatively complete explanation.

Duanmulin was a little silly, but she didn't doubt Ye Chuxiao.

She was made up as a friend after all, not as an enemy.

The Wild Fighting Realm, the Land of Aurora.

"Although Duanmulin appears to be an adult ghost on the surface, she should actually be considered a newborn baby ghost, so you can choose a piece of 'Spiritual Ghost Art' for her. If you practice it to a high level, you can gather the pure yin body of spirit ghosts, Naturally, it has the ability to gather yin and preserve spirit." Ye Chuxiao selected the exercises for Duanmulin, and continued to sort out Duanmulin's files.

"The first is that I will find a way to find you some elixir that is beneficial to the soul, so that you can accumulate the soul and make the soul stronger, and then find a corpse that has just died, so that you can be reborn."

"If I have ten assistants like this, then in a few years... at most decades, I can push the secret art of climbing to hundreds of floors." Thinking of this, Ye Chuxiao, who has already tasted the beauty of climbing, Also can't help the heartbeat to speed up.

Including a large number of treasures taken out of the Beiqin treasury, even the extraordinary-looking sword, as well as dragon blood, dragon scales, dragon skins and other items seized from Qin Gongjia.

With Ye Chuxiao spending a lot of money to feed.

It's really convenient for Duanmulin to use the body to rebirth, and he studies it, isn't it convenient?
It's just that she is already a real life after all, so if you don't give her a choice and arrange it directly, you have to worry about her having a bad heart.

Under the illumination of the aurora, she seemed to be no longer a female ghost, but a goddess.

Then he analyzed it.

But Ye Chuxiao herself didn't really go out to find some ghost cultivation method.

"So, investing in Duanmulin is investing in myself."

After spending two months on the boat of fortune, Ye Chuxiao returned to the Wild Dou Realm again.

Those memory fragments of past powerhouses that melted and dissipated in the aurora were also shattered with the flow of the aurora, turned into unique nutrients, stuffed into Duanmulin's body, and turned into her cognition and even instinct.

"I'll let you out when you have the ability to protect yourself."

He has mastered the practice experience and memory of so many monks, it's just a ghost practice method, not to mention one article, he can get together eighty or ninety articles.

After speaking, Ye Chuxiao looked at Duanmulin with bright eyes, waiting to collect more experimental data.

"I'm not a rich man. I've found you a ghost cultivation method, and it's not easy to be reborn again." Ye Chuxiao gave another vaccination.

He can even share Duanmulin's spiritual insights every moment at the same time, clearly in his chest.

Duanmulin straightened her posture subconsciously, and listened carefully to what Ye Chuxiao said next.

Ye Chuxiao chuckled and scratched her head: "Don't say that, we are not friends!"

"Every bit of her practice will be copied to me without any mistakes, and I will accept it in its entirety. Even if it is a ghost cultivation insight, it is not useless to me. The so-called ghost cultivation is just after abandoning the body. As a physical body, it is gradually polished, purified, and strengthened, and a monk who has practiced to a level above the Wonderland has already stepped into the process of strengthening the soul. It is just that this process, in most cases, is through physical practice. Comprehend, and do it passively." Ye Chuxiao happily digested the seemingly insignificant sentiments, and had more expectations for Duanmulin's future.

Accompanied by the surrounding circles of the aurora, Duanmulin became extremely holy and holy.

It's more difficult not to act, how can Duanmulin remember him well?

Until they parted ways completely.

Otherwise, even if it is unfolded, you will worry that you will not be able to control it.

From this point of view, the actual function of Ye Chuxiao pinching out the soul core for Duanmulin is almost the same as planting the heart pill, and it is even more in-depth and thorough.

That is to say, there is no exclusive relationship between him and Duanmulin, and any perception and feeling of Duanmulin can be accepted by Ye Chuxiao without wear and tear.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao didn't know that for Huangdoujie, Duanmulin was the first ghost that truly existed.

Moreover, after Duanmulin obtained two talents, Ye Chuxiao had a new idea.

But it's not just that, Duanmulin's source is Ye Chuxiao.

Then he comforted: "Don't think too much, you are in the adaptation period now, when your soul is more cohesive, those vague memories will become clear again."

After exchanging a large number of life values, Ye Chuxiao first swept away all the substances that were beneficial to ghost cultivation in the market.

"In this way, you rest first, and I will find a way."

After two days of delay, Ye Chuxiao let go of Binglian with a tired face, and passed on the magic method of spirit ghost to Duanmulin.

The essential purpose of the enchantress Yingshu transferring Xindan is to let the cauldron that bears Xindan replace her to practice, comprehend, and trigger the connection with the world.

"Or I should invest more in her. Once she condenses the ghost body, she can also practice the secret art of climbing stairs. The secret art of climbing stairs explained from the perspective of ghost cultivation must be a huge supplement to me. My story of climbing stairs The number will also rise rapidly again, the most important thing is that Duanmulin is her own person, she doesn't need to kill the chicken to get the eggs, she can always raise them, and then help to climb the stairs all the time."

"what is this?"

Of course, now Duanmulin is already an independent individual, assuming that her trust and affection for Ye Chuxiao is [-] points at birth, but if Ye Chuxiao has done too many things that hurt her and let her know, then this One hundred points of trust and favor will continue to decline.

Duanmulin looked at the tired Ye Chuxiao, didn't say much, but deeply imprinted his appearance in her heart.

He felt that he could actually share Duanmulin's feelings during cultivation, and see the mystery of cultivation from Duanmulin's perspective.

Next, Ye Chuxiao disposed of all the items he didn't need in the hall trading field of the boat of fortune.

As for using the heart elixir fragments as the soul core, whether Duanmulin will be affected by the use of the heart elixir, Ye Chuxiao has no relevant experimental evidence for the time being.

If this idea can be fully implemented, then his personal strength, even influence, will rapidly expand and improve.

In this world, practice is very fast.

This kind of efficiency is far from being possessed between a demon girl like Ying Shu and the cauldron.

Moreover, when she absorbed the Aurora cultivation, she gradually mastered the two talents of ghost cultivation with great potential, controlling ghosts and annihilating living souls.

"Oh! Thank you so much! If it weren't for you, I might really be dead..."

"This method of ghost cultivation should be top grade. If you practice steadily, you will be able to condense a strong ghost body as soon as possible."

It's so addicting.

It's just that Duanmulin is somewhat similar to Yingshu now, so she should also be involved in Xindan's game.

Ye Chuxiao also tried to create new 'friends' like Duanmulin.

With the help of Ye Chuxiao, Duanmulin, who had reached the third realm of ghost cultivation, was sitting cross-legged on the ice lotus, wantonly absorbing the mighty and abundant aurora around her.

In this way, one perception becomes multiple perceptions, and the originally small cross-border probability becomes a greater probability.

This is not only the remaining connection between himself and Duanmulin, but also the unique sharing between the Xindan network.

For Ye Chuxiao, it may not be a bad thing.

When Duanmulin started to practice, Aurora was affected, like colorful ribbons, wrapped around Duanmulin, and was slowly absorbed by it.

After finishing speaking, Ye Chuxiao paused for a moment, and then continued: "Secondly, I will find a way to find a method of ghost cultivation and teach it to you, so you might as well switch to ghost cultivation."

He could feel this feeling of rapid progress every minute and every second.

Her appearance and existence made up for the shortcomings of the Huangdou world, and at the same time, she was greatly rejected and favored by the rules of this world.

From the current point of view, Duanmulin, as a special man-made soul, is very adaptable to existence.

Ye Chuxiao actually thought so too.

Although Ye Chuxiao's state has not improved, but his personal fighting thinking, fighting style, fighting habits, etc. are being further integrated and improved, and at the same time, the strength of his soul is also passively and rapidly increasing.

Of course, the first condition for implementing this idea is that Ye Chuxiao's hard power and Duanmu Lin's hard power must both increase.

Gift and calamity, originally complement each other and come with each other.

In the ice lotus, the aurora filled the air.

But unfortunately, the more deliberate the creation, the harder it is for new 'friends' to appear.

Left and right are just a matter of spending two sentences, and there is no delay.

"The intuition is sharp, and there is a certain connection with the causal memory of the completely fictional friend before." Ye Chuxiao made a note in his mind.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao was regarded as the backbone and life-saving straw. Ye Chuxiao said it was the key point, so of course she had to listen carefully.

No signs of dissipation.

While cultivating Duanmulin.

Duanmulin, as the first real soul he created, has too many places worth studying and digging.

These two talents were naturally reproduced on Ye Chuxiao's body. Not only did he have the same abilities as Duanmulin, but with the blessing of his realm, these two abilities became even more terrifying and tyrannical.

Ye Chuxiao was also feeling Duanmulin's feelings.

As for the fabricated Xiong Maomao and the clown, they lacked 'independence' and couldn't integrate with the blank soul that Ye Chuxiao took out, let alone insert the soul core.

Ye Chuxiao said: "I know what you mean, let's not mention this for now, how do you feel now?"

Duanmulin nodded fiercely: "Okay! Please, Dongjun! I will definitely repay you."

Just like a person's ascension, it is the coexistence of pain and gain.

"However, the risk is unknown, because you were not a monk of Wonderful Realm before you were alive, and you did not obtain the many conveniences of a monk in Wonderful Realm above the soul. With your realm, even the most basic borrowing of rebirth, there are unfathomable places .”

The trust in Ye Chuxiao is innate.

It seems that this hobby has mostly gotten out of control and is no longer under Ye Chuxiao's complete control.

"Because you were not a cultivator of Wonderful Realm before, your soul body is not considered strong. I have used some hands and feet to reunite your soul, but it is not without flaws. You'd better check yourself first."

"Then... I'll go find it for you!"

Under the guidance of Ye Chuxiao's words, Duanmulin really said: "Just... turn to ghost cultivator! It's not a big problem. I heard that ghost cultivator can completely condense the entity when it reaches the fourth level, and then it will be with you It's no different from ordinary people."

"By the way! Say something useful, you now have two choices."

Duanmulin's practice in the ice lotus can be described as a thousand miles a day.

"Is this kind of sharing and experience the remaining fetters after the cutting, or the unique connection formed by the Xindan network?" Ye Chuxiao was slightly taken aback.

Later, a batch was exchanged directly on the Ship of Creation.

At the same time, Ye Chuxiao also felt a sense of wonder.

After speaking, Duanmulin herself smiled embarrassedly, and hugged her chest with a little confidence.

Duanmulin closed her eyes and meditated for a moment, then said: "I... feel very strange, I still have the memories of the past, but most of them are blurred, I can't even remember the faces of my mother and brother, but I have the same The memory after you met is very clear, and I don’t know if it’s an illusion, I feel like I’m in this state... It’s like I’m more free, like I’ve broken free from something.”

Then he began to recite the formula with his eyes closed, and after he calmed down, he began to try to practice.

It can even be used as a special hole card.

Speaking of this, Duanmulin was taken aback for another moment, and added: "I'm talking about the kind that is completely dead, without even consciousness."

After finishing speaking, temporarily closed the passage for Binglian to be visible to the outside world, allowing Duanmulin to sink into Binglian's aurora to rest.

It's just that although he has the method, he can't give it immediately and directly.

As a 'just dead' kid, her hesitation and helplessness need no further words.

The same goes for the ascension, the wholeness, of the world.

In the past, even if there were ghost cultivators who arrived in the world of Desolation, they would be annihilated by the unique rules of the world of Desolation, turned into the aurora, and become a reserve of information without thinking or thinking.

Only Duanmulin, who absorbed the aurora early, and has a very special form of existence, which is either real or virtual, neither real nor fake, tied to the living, but also a ghost body, took advantage of the loophole and broke through the wilderness. The ghost cultivator of the Doujie got this rare fate through the ages.

And Ye Chuxiao, like a pendant hugging her thigh, enjoyed the accumulation and benefits of the Huangdou world through the ages with Duanmulin.

(End of this chapter)

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