There are gaps in the road

Chapter 161 Pluto walks on the earth, next to the sky

Chapter 161 Pluto walks on the earth, next to the sky
The artistic conception has been completed, and all the burdens of the past are not worth mentioning when I think about it now.

Jin Buyi and Ying Shu are still rivals, but when they return, who is stronger and who is weaker, who is the bait and who is the fisherman, needs to be said separately.

Quickly take back the domain, allowing the body to return to the rules of reality.

The realm of artistic conception monks can indeed fight against the rules of heaven, distort or even ignore the original laws.

But you need to pay the price and bear the pressure.

When tearing apart and fighting against the rules of heaven and earth, it is natural to bear the pressure and backlash from heaven and earth.

The bigger the field is stretched, the stronger this pressure and backlash will be.

If the domain is large enough to directly envelop the entire world, it is equivalent to a complete war with the world, and a struggle for the power and position of heaven in the world.

If you don't want to turn against Tiandao directly, it's better not to make some too drastic attempts.

If this is not the case, the domain can be opened permanently and become a self-contained body, then the life crisis in the Wild Dou Realm should come to an end at the level of artistic conception.

"You said that this thing was clearly made of the aurora from the extreme north. Why can't the people we send collect the aurora and not imitate it?" Gu Jin whispered to Zhou Jiusheng.

Afterwards, those rumors that their skills had been absorbed and vanished into dust reappeared one after another.

Ye Chuxiao asked Duanmulin to let them out, the original intention was to reverse the cognition and relieve the pressure.

Continue to develop like this, even if Ye Chuxiao breaks through the artistic conception and becomes stronger.

Ye Chuxiao wanted to have a glimpse of the Unfixed Realm, or even a higher realm than the Unfixed Realm.

But these newly promoted ghost cultivators want to build a city, wonders, myths, and religion for Duanmulin.

"Old Zhou! How many days do you have left?" A voice sounded, interrupting Zhou Jiusheng's contemplation at this moment.

They would be excellent allies, at least until they are powerful enough to replace Pluto.

He even became a leek because of this, and was severely harvested by profiteers who took the opportunity to make money.

"It's a waste. When they died, their souls dissipated very quickly. Duanmulin didn't even have time to collect their complete souls into the Aurora Hades, otherwise they could continue to use them." Ye Chuxiao didn't regret it for too long.

The items in the container will affect the value of the container itself.

About ten days after the siege of Ye Chuxiao and Ye Chuxiao, a total of [-] elderly Yijing monks including Pei Xiudou, the extremely powerful gun god, Du Xiao, the white-haired madman, and Lie Yangzhao ancient and modern, were reported to have died one after another.

What is ghost cultivation, monks who have a little knowledge of practice, will not be unaware.

Naturally, in this process, the relatives and friends who defected to these ghosts were also accepted, and became the original subjects of building cities, wonders, and establishing religions.

A few short sentences have actually exposed Ye Chuxiao's ambition.

The reputations of Duanmulin and Ye Chuxiao naturally took a 180-degree turn.

It's just because of the Aurora Hades to make up for it, it's all covered up, and it just affects the real cultivation qualifications to a certain extent.

"Is it cleaned up?"

"Okay! Stop pretending!"

"If this is the case, even if our strength has really recovered to that point... we can't act recklessly!" Gu Jin said.

Gujin said: "Then...if it's appropriate, transfer the amount for three days to me first. I still have some things to grasp in the past few days, so I don't worry about letting them go to those little dolls."

Ye Chuxiao nodded, this was already expected.

But after the old friend of the old sword god talked with him, he found that there was no flaw.

Duanmulin sucked out the soul of the last Huijing cultivator and sent it to the Underworld. She walked in front of Ye Chuxiao in a pure white body without any dust.

They convened the old ministry, mobilized materials from all parties, and began to build the city on top of a black mountain of bad soil.

"I do what you do the most, but I don't dare to say that you are." Gu Jin muttered.

And many artistic conception monks who might really become targets also have the intention of reporting to the group to keep warm.

After all, although he has the confidence and capital to fight more, if there are too many opponents, he will be exhausted if he tries hard.

The names of the Aurora Hades and the living Hades will soon spread throughout the world, and then become the last 'sanctuary' for all the monks whose lifespan is dying.

Naturally, it will be difficult for them to unite as one and seek trouble for Ye Chuxiao and the other two together.

Her particularity, and the particularity of Huangdoujie, made it possible for her to overtake on fast corners.

Although this metaphor is not appropriate enough, it is already barely applicable.

Zhou Jiusheng looked puzzled, expressing what are you talking about?The attitude that you even did such a thing.

Pluto and Heavenly Knife are like a stinking ditch.

"You still have to pay attention to your own practice. Even if it's your personal practice, compared with the feedback you get from Aurora Hades, it's like a drop in the bucket. Don't forget to continue to accumulate."

The monks who were gearing up to kill Pluto and the Heavenly Sword were now restless and had more ideas.

Zhou Jiusheng said seriously: "Shut up! Don't talk nonsense anymore, if you open your mouth indiscriminately again, I will report to Hades and tell you frankly about your wrongdoing."

As for those big countries with vast territory and strong national power like Qiangchu, they also began to deliberately investigate the movements of Ye Chuxiao and the two of them, and mobilized a large number of people to prepare to surround and kill them. Heap them to death.

Then through the mouths of these people, the truth was gradually revealed.

Although it can be said to start from scratch, the past cultivation base, except for memory and strong willpower, has not been retained, but these strong people who have been popular in an era have grown at a very fast speed on the road of ghost cultivation. It's amazing.

This is also the result of Ye Chuxiao spending a lot of resources on feeding and Aurora's unlimited watering.

Duanmulin is an excellent opportunity.

So two or three months later, although they no longer act.

As a ghost cultivator, Duanmulin's actual realm is actually between the wonderful realm and the transformation realm.

Ye Chuxiao waved his hand: "Continue! I will find you some more old artistic conception supplements to stabilize your state."

The most noisy thing is that Pluto and Heavenly Knife have jointly practiced an evil spell that can forcibly absorb cultivation bases. It is precisely because of this that they hunt and kill those old Yijing monks crazily, and they are powerful, even if they are Many artistic conception monks encircle and block the attack, and they will not take advantage of it at all, and will be killed instead.

But in the Jianghu, there are more and more legends about them.

And the reputation of Duanmu, the king of the underworld, and the reputation of Xiao Ye, the sky knife, has completely caused a sensation in the entire Huangdou world, and has become the object of everyone's fear.

"Or... Pluto itself can produce aurora, but the aurora of Pluto is not the same as the aurora of the extreme north." Zhou Jiucheng said in a low voice.

"Many natural treasures that could break into the land of aurora were borrowed by you first." Gu Jin said angrily.

"At that time, it will be considered completely stable."

As for the sentence that Yan Po relayed, Tang Sutong left behind the explanation about Unfixed Realm, Ye Chuxiao has no clue yet.

If one can switch to ghost cultivation, it will undoubtedly be an excellent way out for those monks whose lifespan will be empty and there is only hope left.

The two were friends before their lives.

For a time, people panic.

Three artistic conception monks died one after another, among which Huang Zhentu also provided Ye Chuxiao with a Taoist rhyme that had already been used, allowing Ye Chuxiao to successfully inherit his accumulation of arrays and paintings, which can be described as a very qualified master gift bag.

And they all have noses and eyes.

Ye Chuxiao and Duanmulin began to hide and stopped moving.

This momentum is getting stronger and stronger. Obviously, it is not only spontaneously from the people, but also guided by caring people, trying to use this method of stigmatization and insult to provoke the two of them.

Among the talents shared by Ye Chuxiao and Duanmulin, controlling ghosts is one of them.

"I've found out everything, and you're the one to start this matter first."

They obviously didn't know that their conversation had been monitored by Ye Chuxiao and the other two.

At first, people who knew this old sword god thought it was a mistake.

Although these former artistic conception monks all have a heart to replace Hades.

A small number of elites just stand out from the group, and they can never replace the real group.

"It should be that Pluto has a special refining and transformation technique."

The transformation started when someone saw the old sword god Zhou Jiucheng again.

"There's still half a month left, what's the matter? Do you need me to give you some?" Zhou Jiusheng turned around and asked Gu Jin who flew over rubbing his hands.

Duanmulin said: "There are still some ups and downs. Sometimes I am strong, but sometimes I am relatively weak. My strength has been combined with the Aurora Hades. The strength of the Hades means that I am strong. Instead, it is my own practice. It seems that it is no longer important, and although the progress is not bad, it is far from the power borrowed from the Aurora Hades."

It turned out that these 'dead' old monks all turned into ghost cultivators with the help of Pluto.

At this time, the two of them seemed to have become public enemies of the world.

But before they had this strength, they all knew how to restrain themselves. Instead, they were all introverted like a competition, and the main thing was their loyalty to Pluto.

Anyone who has garbage can dump it in.

Zhou Jiucheng, who was the first to turn into a ghost cultivator, has even reached the sixth level of ghost cultivator, and it seems that he is not far away from regaining his peak power.

Gu Jin didn't panic at all, just sneered.

With the breakthrough artistic conception of his cultivation base, the pace between him and Duanmulin will be much faster.

"Aurora Netherworld is your upper limit, and your own independent practice guarantees the lower limit." Ye Chuxiao exhorted.

At this stage, it is impossible to continue the accumulation of primitive killings.

"Okay, I remember!"

How notorious they were originally, how famous they are now.

"You've said it many times, so you don't need to repeat it."

"How do you feel now?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

There's been a lot of speculation about them.

Based on her ghost body, combined with ice lotus to form the aurora underworld, she imprisoned a large number of souls of artistic conception and wisdom. Fluctuating state, not stable.

After the truth spread, the entire Huangdou world was completely shocked.

"Just pretend!"

The emperors of various countries also expressed their favor to them one after another, sending out invitations, trying to test their words.

The previous two projects were abandoned because of their small scale and inferior materials.

But it feels too simple.

Gu Jin took it carefully, and then directly stuck one of them on his forehead, and then absorbed it into his body.

In Hades City, which was under construction, Zhou Jiusheng stood on the pitch-black city wall with his hands behind his back.

In front of a huge group, they are even weak and small like ants.

With the help of the power of heaven's backlash, Ye Chuxiao's domain can be dragged down.

Those Yijing monks who had the artifacts as their hole cards no longer watched from the other side, but took the initiative to search for the whereabouts of Ye Chuxiao and Ye Chuxiao with the artifacts, intending to kill them with the power of the artifacts.

From this, it also made Ye Chuxiao think whether the Unfixed Realm is such a realm that expands the realm and pulls with the rules of heaven.

It is also difficult to resist the pressure.

The broad city wall stacked up with pure yin obsidian has actually been demolished and rebuilt for the third time.

Those little monks who were weak and not worth mentioning at all didn't notice that they were not the target at all, and they were all terrified, for fear of being poisoned by Hades and the Heavenly Sword.

Although there is no precedent for ghost cultivation in the Huangdou world, it does not mean that they do not know the concept of ghost cultivation.

They want to build a Pluto city in this poor land, as the residence of Pluto Duanmulin, who walks in the world.

Regarding Zhou Jiusheng's "dead" old artistic conceptions, after learning the "truth", people changed their mentality, from the original sympathy and fear to jealousy and expectation.

Zhou Jiusheng took out three special coins that were the size of coins but shining with aurora from his pocket and handed them to Gu Jin.

Or, after he returns to Daheng and wins the battle for heart pills, the mysterious door of infinity will unfold in front of him.

As a semi-fictional life, she also has some inherent shortcomings.

"When there are enough artistic conception monks as support to become the fulcrum to support Aurora Hades, it will be the time when Aurora Hades is completely open to the public."

Not to mention anything else, those enemies who besieged him only needed to fight with him to consume the domain like a wheel battle.

They all look like fanatical believers.

After the reunion in Aurora Hades, they naturally colluded together.

No matter how troublesome the defects of the Wild Fighting World are, it is not a world completely separated from the outside world.

He never stops there, so he gathers some Yijing monks to be coders, to practice for him, and to move bricks for him.

After all, Duanmulin's practice time is relatively short, and her own insights from the heart are not too much.

Some blood debts that did not belong to them were also placed on their heads for no reason.

Duanmulin smiled brightly, surpassing countless flowers.

"No matter how strong the artistic conception is, it is still a minority. From now on, in the Wild Dou Realm, there will be an infinite number of billions of creatures in the future, which will be the vast majority. If you can include the souls of ordinary people into the Aurora Hades, then you Sooner or later, this world will be swallowed up, not only the Pluto who walks the earth, but also the mighty Pluto who is infinitely brilliant and reflects the heavens."

These ghost cultivators who were subdued by Duanmulin into the Aurora Netherworld were actually completely under his control.

Their current 'freedom' is the result of Ye Chuxiao deliberately telling Duanmulin to indulge.

Having no freedom at all and thinking of having freedom are two completely different management states.

And the subsequent follow-up will also be very different.

(End of this chapter)

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