Chapter 164
The Shenbing Villa covers an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers. There are five active volcanoes in the villa, and all the important forging workshops are surrounded by these five active volcanoes.

With the five volcanoes as the connecting points, the underground palaces, mine tunnels, and arrays that gather energy from the heavens and the earth cover the surface and the underground.

Hundreds of thousands of miners and basic craftsmen are scattered throughout the villa like ants.

And the craftsmen who have the name of master craftsmen stand at the top, live in gorgeous palaces, have a large number of servants and disciples, and enjoy the most abundant material and spiritual supplies.

In Xianbao world, there is no concept of country.

Because of the particularity of the environment, the refiner has a very high status.

Every master craftsman is like a god, standing above hundreds of millions of sentient beings.

And the ruler of the Shenbing Villa is naturally the strongest craftsman in the villa, possessing the best treasure refining technology.

If one day, he is surpassed by other craftsmen in the villa, he will lose the position of owner.

In other worlds, the level of treasure refining does not represent actual combat ability, let alone the realm of practice, so no matter how good a craftsman is, he will only be respected, and it is difficult to grasp the core rights.

Of course, the world of fairy treasures is different. From the very beginning, the strength of refining equipment is linked to the actual realm and combat power.

Ordinary mortals, if they don't practice, then under the influence of the rules of heaven and earth, at most they have general physical fitness, which is weaker than people in other worlds.

But as long as one starts to practice, although one has the ability to cast spells or martial arts, the body will quickly weaken, which can only be compensated by adding equipment.

And the magic weapon that can be integrated with the physical body and even help practice is not available to everyone.

Therefore, more ordinary monks use full armor that covers the whole body like an iron bucket. This full armor is divided into rough and hardcover due to the difference in the fineness of the forging and the preciousness of the materials used.

If you can't cross the class, you can get the blessing of real magic weapon to protect your fragile body.

Then when the full armor covers the body, it may have to be covered in a thick carapace for a lifetime.

Gender, ugliness, and beauty all seem to have become unimportant things.

Feeling the unique rules of the world in this world, Ye Chuxiao is determined to never practice in this world.

"Although he is the third young master of the Shenbing Villa, it is not easy to invite a master craftsman to build a Shenbing."

"Because the forging of any magical weapon requires a lot of hard work and energy of the craftsman. Moreover, in terms of character design, I should also be a craftsman, and I am a fifth-level craftsman. Master, if you have good materials, you should keep them in your hands and use them, and make a breakthrough in the direction of a master craftsman."

Thinking of Ye Chuxiao here, he suddenly laughed at himself.

He was also dizzy, and his mentality hadn't changed yet.

The purpose of customizing the identity is to find a good entry point.

In fact, he is now a monk of artistic conception, standing close to the apex of a monk in the world.

Isn't it okay to explain your identity openly and find cooperation with the owner of Shenbing Villa?
Five active volcanoes, with billowing smoke and scorching breath, exaggerate everything all the time, and the smell of sulfur in the air makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

On the tallest and largest active volcano stands the glorious Copper Temple.

Outside the copper hall, in the huge formation, there are locked three-headed dragons, which are spitting out fiery dragon fire.

The billowing sky thunder fell along the lightning-guiding array, turning into thunder fire and burning in the thunder pond.

Earth fire, thunder fire, and dragon fire, three different flames, merged into the furnace separately, and wearing a crimson armor, wearing a horn helmet, a giant with a height of several tens of feet was holding a giant hammer, aiming at the tall On the forging furnace, the sword that was being formed was beaten fiercely.

There are different schools of refining techniques.

Some respect the ancient method of forging, as you can see.

There are also some new methods of refining weapons, which manipulate powerful flames between the palms of the hands, and then smelt the materials, kneading the shape of the tool like a clay figurine, and then injecting spirit patterns, arrays, etc., to make the refining tool full of tricks , as delicate as embroidery.

The former and the latter, it is difficult to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages, it can only be said that each has its own strengths.

Weapons and magic weapons forged by ancient methods have more simple functions, but are more spiritual.

However, with the new refining method, the magic weapon created has more functions and is more exquisite, but the initial spirituality is slightly lacking.

That tall giant was not a natural alien, but Nangong Juhong, the owner of Shenbing Villa.

In the fairy treasure world, one of the representative figures of ancient art refining.

Accompanied by that sledgehammer, it clanged down like a violent storm.

The sputtering flames and cracking thunder also spread in all directions, as if the god of thunder and the god of fire in the heavenly world were fighting.

The giant in crimson armor waved thunder and fire above the clouds, and the picture was extremely shocking.

Judging by Ye Chuxiao's eyesight, the hammering method used by Nangong Juhong to forge the sword can not only be used for refining weapons, but also extremely powerful for beheading enemies and killing people.

Every time the hammer comes down, it carries the power of thunder and fire, and it is majestic and oppressive, forcing the opponent to fight head-on.

"Even if it's me, I don't want to get too close to him in a fierce battle. It is more likely to use kite-flying tactics to kill his fighting spirit first, consume his energy, and then seize the opening and kill him with one blow." .” Ye Chuxiao analyzed instinctively while simulating tactics in his mind.

As the last hammer fell, the giant held a giant blade, and raised the sword that was still burning in the thunder and fire high above his head.

Above the clouds, two ice dragons exhaled cold breaths under the control of the dragon knights.

In the icy cold breath, the scorching heat on the sword cooled down rapidly.

And a large number of spirit patterns drawn based on the blood of spirit beasts were also blown by the wind, falling on the sword body, and imprinted in it.

The sword began to emit an extremely strong aura.

Ye Chuxiao felt that on this huge sword, there was an extremely large but extremely chaotic spirituality, which was rapidly condensing and being born.

If all the next steps go well, this will be a very qualified artifact embryo.

However, it is obvious that even if it is a master craftsman, it is not that simple to create an artifact embryo.

The moment the embryo was formed, an evil wind suddenly flew over the sky.

Although a large number of craftsmen use magic weapons to block them.

There is still an evil spirit injected into the sword.

The sword let out a mournful cry, and the originally full spirituality was immediately cut off by [-]%, falling from the original rank.

At this time, although it is still a superior spiritual weapon, it is already quite a distance away from the divine weapon.

Looking at the 'mediocre' sword in his hand, the giant seemed to sigh.

Then the figure that was originally tens of feet shrank rapidly.

All the thunder and fire around him also converged into the crimson armor.

Only then did Ye Chuxiao realize that the treasured armor on the giant's body was impressively at the level of a divine weapon.

And the sledgehammer in his hand should also be an artifact.

Putting the treasure armor and the sledgehammer into the body, the giant who looked majestic before turned out to be a thin middle-aged man, and even gave people a sense of emaciation.

Dressed in a snow-white robe, it would be more believable to say that he is an old scholar who has studied hard for many years.

Holding the sword that had also shrunk in size with a little difficulty, the thin middle-aged man handed it to an old man in black: "It's a pity! The weirdness that comes from the Nine Winds, after all, I haven't completely avoided it."

"However, after all, it has entered the first level of the artifact embryo, and its potential is still greater than that of ordinary spiritual weapons. You are good at cultivating it. Maybe after a hundred years, it may not be able to regain its previous glory."

Although it seemed to be messed up, the old man in black didn't feel angry at all, but said with an apologetic smile on his face: "Thanks to the owner! This sword is already a divine tool, and it all depends on the owner's spare no effort. How can I be dissatisfied when I am under cultivation? "

After saying that, he took the sword with a smile on his face, held it in his hand and kept rubbing it, obviously he loved it very much.

"With this Juque sword, you can fuse the Juque sword bone, and your cultivation will go a step further. It's just around the corner. Congratulations!" Some people gathered around and said congratulations to the old man in black.

The old man also replied politely one by one.

Seeing that he doesn't look lost at all, he doesn't look like a disguise at all. It can be seen that it is relatively common to forge an artifact embryo for a short period of time, and then fall down due to some accidental disaster.

Perhaps it is not common to forge artifact embryos, even if it is short-lived....

Ye Chuxiao didn't understand at first, but then adjusted.

He is still measuring according to the rules of the Huangdou world.

In the Huangdou world, the monks of the artistic conception can only live for a mere hundred years, so everything that the monks are equipped with is accelerated to form and burn in a very short period of time, and then they are all included in the smoke and disappear.

This is true for powerful monks, and so are the artifacts cultivated and used by monks.

It is precisely because of this "acceleration" that Ye Chuxiao had the illusion that the divine weapon was "just that". Although he didn't have a divine weapon, he just felt that due to time constraints, he didn't have time to cultivate it.

On the contrary, it ignored that the artifact itself was extremely difficult to come by.

Apart from the Desolate Doujie, in any other practice world, the gestation and generation of divine artifacts requires a lot of time to accumulate and accumulate.

It is often measured in centuries or millennia.

It is a great surprise for the monks in the Immortal Treasure Realm that a high-quality spiritual weapon may turn into a divine weapon embryo within a hundred years.

Expecting more is unrealistic.

Of course, if the Huangdou world is reversed, is it more suitable for creating artifacts than the fairy treasure world?
This is a matter of opinion!
Ninety-nine percent of the artifacts in the Wild Dou Realm are exclusive artifacts, and they will immediately lose their status if they leave the original owner.

A small number of universal artifacts are also guarded by great forces.

Ye Chuxiao doesn't have the ability to snatch it now.

In contrast, the Shenbing Villa has eight artifacts to suppress it on the surface.

There should be reservations secretly.

What's more, how many there are and how many have been born in total are not the same thing at all.

Throughout the ages, there are by no means only eight master craftsmen in Shenbing Villa.

And every master craftsman will never only create one artifact.

"In general, it seems to be the right time!" Ye Chuxiao made an inductive judgment.

Thinking about it, Ye Chuxiao swaggered towards the thin middle-aged man.

Seeing the familiar face in this 'memory', Ye Chuxiao cupped her fists and said, "Master Nangong!"

Nangong Juhong looked at Ye Chuxiao with a slightly dazed expression.

Then he covered his chest and coughed a few times forcefully.

Then he waved to Ye Chuxiao with some weakness: "Come with me!"

At the foot of Nangong Juhong, an auspicious cloud suddenly appeared.

The auspicious clouds are filled with colorful colors and fragrant fragrance.

This faint fragrance is comfortable and seems to have the effect of soothing the spirit, helping recovery and gathering vitality.

Ye Chuxiao followed and stood on the auspicious cloud. After realizing the benefits of this item, he also thought about it. Maybe he should get a similar one?
The auspicious clouds flew up and rose into the sky.

Above the clouds, the spreading sea of ​​clouds fluctuates, and the volcano below is erupting hot magma all the time. Black clouds and white clouds overlap in mid-air, cutting out the boundary of chaos.

"From outside?" Nangong Juhong asked.

Ye Chuxiao was a little surprised by Nangong Juhong's indifference.

After all, not every monk whose memory has been tampered with and added as 'family' can face those traversers calmly.

Some will have more violent reactions.

"Why am I not surprised?"

Nangong Juhong smiled lightly, looking elegant: "If you once had seventeen young sons, eight young daughters, and many uncles, uncles, nephews, and nephews, you will also become used to it."

Ye Chuxiao understood the words instantly, and showed a look that wanted to laugh, but was trying to restrain herself.

He is not the only one who needs magic weapons.

It is by no means a small number of external monks who want to find the Immortal Treasure Realm among the heavens and ten thousand realms, and then customize their identities, and fall into the Nangong family.

"You are also asking for divine soldiers!"

"Then follow the rules. If you choose me as the master caster, you have to queue up."

"You are now ranked 170th and third. Every time you come up with a casting material that I am satisfied with, you can move up one place, but you can only be ranked No. 11 at most."

"The casting time for the top ten has already been determined, and everyone has been invited, which cannot be changed." Nangong Juhong said with a business-like attitude.

This even made Ye Chuxiao feel regretful, as if he blew himself up too early.

Just thinking about it again, Nangong Juhong has been through many tests, I am afraid that he has some unique methods on how to judge the real relatives, even if he does not blow himself up, he is just calling Nangong Juhong a few times "Dad" for nothing, Losing face and losing face doesn't do any good.

"May I ask, are you sure about casting the artifact?"

"How long does it take to create a fully formed artifact?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

Jumping out of the 'annoyance' of needing to queue up, Ye Chuxiao regained control of the rhythm of the topic.

Nangong Juhong said: "How sure you are depends on your sincerity!"

"As for the fully formed artifact... I suggest that you use the embryo to accumulate it yourself. It will take two or three hundred years at most to complete the cultivation. The Shenbing Villa's Xibing Pool and Soul Condensation Platform have been queued for more than 300 years. , You don’t even have a place in the queue if you want to.”

"It's been so long? Then I might as well just use the Forging Platform on the Ship of Creation!" Ye Chuxiao said with emotion.

Nangong Juhong's eyes lit up, and his attitude softened instantly.

"It seems that there is no lack of wealth!"

"Do you have Dao Yun in stock?"

"Give me five dao rhymes, and I'll let you rank among the top five!"

Ye Chuxiao took out the Yuanyang Baodao: "Stop talking nonsense, I will give you ten wisps of Daoyun, I will rank first, and I will upgrade this sword of mine to the level of a divine weapon within one year at most."

(End of this chapter)

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